To set out the work undertaken on the further review of charges approved by Executive Board in July 2011 and request Executive Board to approve proposals that will be subject to public consultation
Decision type: Key Decision
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Decision due: 18 Jul 2012 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of Adult Social Services
Department: Adult Social Services
Contact: Ann Hill, Head of Finance (Adult Social Care) Email:
Consultation process
A three-month public consultation period will take place on the proposals before Executive Board is asked to approve any changes. The consultation will involve service users and carers, service user and carer led groups and forums, VCFS organisations, partner organisations, staff and elected members. Consultation methods will be tailored to the stakeholder groups and will include briefing documents, the opportunity to respond in writing or electronically via Talking Point, and group discussions. Elected members are involved in developing the proposals for consultation through a cross party Members Advisory Board
Portfolio Holder: Portfolio: Adult Social Care