Approval to inject monies into the capital programme and authority to spend this money on the refurbishment of Harry Booth House to provide a joint Intermediate Care facility in partnership with Leeds Community Healthcare Trust. (NHS Leeds contribution to the scheme of £585,000 already injected)
Decision type: Key Decision
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Beeston and Holbeck;
Decision due: 20 Jun 2012 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of Adult Social Services
Department: Adult Social Services
Contact: Michele Tynan Email: Email:
Consultation process
Consultation on the change of use for Harry Booth House was undertaken as part of the Better Lives for Older People residential and day care consultation between May and August 2011. The proposal was agreed by the Executive Board in September 2011. The consultation included a full Equalities Impact Assessment of the proposals that formed a part of the Executive Board Report
Portfolio Holder: Portfolio: Adult Health and Social Care