To report on the outcome of the consultation on charges for non residential services (home care, supported living, day care, transport, direct payments, care ring and telecare) and request Executive Board to approve changes to the charging and contributions policy framework and to service user contributions.
Decision type: Key Decision
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/12/2012
Decision due: 24 Apr 2013 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of Adult Social Services
Department: Adult Social Services
Contact: Ann Hill, Head of Finance (Adult Social Care) Email:
Consultation process
A three-month public consultation period has taken place on the proposals involving service users and carers, service user and care led groups and forums, VCFS organisations, partner organisations, staff and elected members. Elected members have been involved in developing the proposals through a cross party Members Advisory Board
Portfolio Holder: Portfolio: Adult Social Care