For Executive Board to give the authority to spend £2,170,963 funded by the Community Capacity Grant (Department of Health) for the development of a building in which the Council, with partners, will locate a range of assistive technology services for disabled adults, older people and children.
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/03/2013
Decision due: 24 Apr 2013 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of Adult Social Services
Department: Adult Social Services
Contact: Liz Ward, Head of Service, Access & Inclusion Email:
Consultation process
· Consultation ongoing since February 2012.
· Consultation with a range of stakeholders including users, carers, representatives from community and equality groups, health and social care professionals, voluntary sector organisations, independent sector organisations and Elected Members.
· 130 people have visited the proposed site and a stakeholder event for adults and older people has been held. Questionnaire completed by service users, staff survey. An additional event planned for children and families.
Portfolio Holder: Adult Social Care.