Consider and comment on the draft review of governance arrangements, which concludes that for West Yorkshire, integrated Transport Authority should be abolished and a Combined Authority created. Consider and comment on a draft Scheme for the establishment of a Combined Authority for West Yorkshire. Authorise a partner and stakeholder consultation exercise to seek views on the provisional proposals contained in the draft Scheme for the Combined Authority. Receive a report by June 2013 advising members of the outcome of the consultation, having regard to responses received, proposing a final review and draft scheme for a Combined Authority, for endorsement by members and recommendation to Council to approve for submission to the Secretary of State in July 2013.
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/03/2013
Decision due: 24 Apr 2013 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of City Development
Department: City Development
Contact: Email:
Consultation process
Consultation has taken place already with Executive Board members. Following the decision, further consultation will take place more widely on the Draft Governance Scheme.
Portfolio Holder: Development and the Economy