Executive Board will be asked to:
· Agree that existing SEN 16+ SEN transport eligibility be retained for the next academic year (2015/16).
· Agree that the findings in this report and the outcome of stage 2 of the consultation be incorporated into the terms of reference for a proposed city-wide transport review.
· Agree the illustrations of contribution levels be used as the basis of a new consultation during 2015/16 with a view to finalising the policy revision in 2016/17.
· Agree to the extension of policy eligibility for mainstream school transport in relation to non-nearest schools and closest Leeds school.
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/04/2015
Decision due: 21 Oct 2015 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of Children's Services
Department: Children's Services
Contact: John Bradshaw, Contracts Manager 0113 2475268 Email: john.bradshaw@leeds.gov.uk.
Consultation process
Pause to public consultation previously planned 23/2/15 to 5/4/15.
All Leeds Residents and all stakeholders
Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Children & Families