Issue details

Construction of three new bespoke 'social emotional & mental health' schools in East, South & North Leeds

To approve the following elements associated with the SEMH Programme:

·  Funding of the expenditure of all design fees & survey costs up to the financial close/design freeze milestone, costs to be confirmed in the final version of the report.

·  Delegation of the approval of design and cost reports for the new SEMH schools to the Director of Children’s Services in conjunction with the Basic Need Programme Board and in consultation with the appropriate Executive Member.

·  Approve a package of essential ‘early works’ and off-site Highways work at the East and South developments, costs to be confirmed in the final version of the report.

·  Approve the ring fencing of any capital receipts generated from the sale of three existing properties currently in use as BESD/PRU facilities, in order to provide funding towards the SEMH Programme, which has been supported by Asset Management Board.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Killingbeck and Seacroft; Middleton Park; Weetwood;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/06/2016

Decision due: 27 Jul 2016 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of Children's Services

Department: Children's Services

Contact: Christopher Gosling, Estate Management - Development Officer 0113 3951403 Email:

Consultation process

The decision requested within this report follows the Executive Board decision taken in November 2015 relating to the holistic SEMH programme and the realignment of Leeds’ behavioural continuum. Extensive consultation has taken place upon the principals of the transition from BESD provision to SEMH. This report relates purely to the construction process required as a consequence of the outcome of previous consultation. Extensive consultation has taken place has taken place on the principals of the construction programme. Executive members and local ward members have been briefed throughout the design development process. Regular bulletins have been issued to staff and carers during design development, with sessions held with staff on the new building proposals. Local residents are to be consulted on all three schemes prior to planning applications being submitted.


Leader of Council and Executive Member for Economy and Culture

Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Children and Families

Killingbeck & Seacroft Ward Members

Middleton Park Ward Members

Weetwood Ward Members

Leeds City Council Planning Department

Leeds City Council Highways Department

Leeds City Council Asset Management Department

Leeds City Council Parks & Countryside

Staff at the existing BESD schools

Local residents in the affected wards

Local community groups via the South Leeds Youth Hub

Wellspring Academy Trust

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Children & Families


Agenda items


  • Report to be provided with the agenda for the meeting