Issue details

Call off from Cirrus Materials Framework - Managed Store for Leeds Building Services - Non-housing materials.

Request to call off from the Cirrus Materials Framework to award a contract for a Managed Store to supply materials for primarily ‘non-housing’ works.

The estimated value of the contract will be for £3.5m per annum.  This contract will run for 12 months with 2 x 6 month extension options at the sole discretion of the Council. 

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/02/2018

Decision due: Not before 13th Mar 2018 by Director of Resources

Department: Resources and Housing

Contact: Nicky Malthouse 07891 276325 Email:

Consultation process

Procurement, legal and finance colleagues will be consulted on the call-off.



  • Managed Store for Leeds Building Services