Issue details

To undertake a competitive grants allocation process for the delivery of targeted short breaks for disabled children and young people for a period of twelve months from 01/04/19 to 31/03/20

Approval to undertake a competitive grants award process for the delivery of targeted short breaks for children with SEND. This is a key decision as the total expenditure will be up to £560k.  The grant process is currently undertaken annually and current projects include weekend residential breaks, youth clubs, play schemes (school holiday and weekend) and dance groups.  These short breaks are designed to both enable disabled children and young people to take part in fun activities that support their development and give parents and carers a valuable break from caring responsibilities.

These services are part of a commissioning review but a further grants round for 2019/20 is required to enable this to be implemented.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/09/2018

Decision due: Not before 11th Oct 2018 by Director of Children and Families

Lead director: Director of Children and Families

Department: Children and Families

Contact: Luke Myers, Contracts manager 0113 3785424 Email:

Consultation process

Children and Families Social Work Service, PPPU & children and young people
