Issue details

Call off from the Kitchen, Bathroom and Rewires framework for 2019/20 Housing Planned Works

Authority is requested to undertake a call off from the Council’s Kitchens Bathrooms and Rewires framework, in order for contractors to undertake the 2019/20 Housing Planned Works (year 2).

The framework has a total value of approximately £7.2 million per annum. Leeds Building Services as internal service provider will manage the works as well as undertaking some works in house.

The Kitchens Bathrooms and Rewires framework was initially procured in 2017, containing three contractors. The three contractors are used for works that are not able to be delivered by Leeds Building Services.

All three contractors are expected to receive works each year in line with the contract approach, the annual work will be divided between contractors on a 30/30/40 split as set out in the framework's selection procedure (Mears £2.2m, Kier £2.2m, ENGIE £2.8m)

The call off and selection of contractors will enable the delivery of planned Kitchens Bathrooms and Rewires under the Housing Capital Programme for 2019/20, funded by the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/02/2019

Decision due: Not before 9th Mar 2019 by Director of Resources

Lead director: Director of Resources

Department: Resources and Housing

Contact: Neil Diamond, Investment Strategy Manager 0113 3781362 Email:

Consultation process

Procurement, legal and finance colleagues will be consulted on the call-off.
