Issue details

School funding 2019/20 - local funding formula and transfer between funding blocks of the Dedicated Schools Grant

To make decisions on the local funding formula for schools for 2019/20 and the transfer of funding from the Central Schools Services Block to the High Needs Block of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). The council is responsible for deciding on a local schools funding formula for 2019/20, in order to distribute the Schools Block funding of the DSG to all maintained schools and academies.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/01/2019

Decision due: Not before 1st Feb 2019 by Director of Children and Families

Lead director: Director of Children and Families

Department: Children and Families

Contact: Louise Hornsey, Principal Finance Officer 0113 3788689 Email:

Consultation process

A consultation has been carried out with all mainstream schools and academies during October 2018, in line with the requirements of the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Detailed information about the local funding formula options and the transfer between the DSG funding blocks was provided to all schools and a briefing session was held. Schools were asked to vote on the proposals and Leeds Schools Forum has subsequently also been consulted and asked to vote.


All Leeds maintained schools and academies

Leeds Schools Forum

Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment

Portfolio Holder: The Executive Member for Learning, Skills & Employment
