Issue details

District Heating: Phase 2 Extension to the City Centre

To approve the Phase 2 extension of the Leeds PIPES district heating network to the city centre, using a mix of internal and external funding.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Little London and Woodhouse;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2019

Decision due: 17 Apr 2019 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of Resources

Department: Resources and Housing

Contact: George Munson, Energy and Climate Change Manager 0113 378577 Email:

Consultation process

The proposed extension is already included within a current contract with Vital Energi so procurement is not required.  Consultation took place during the original tender exercise, so we are recommending light touch consultation with Members, technical teams within the council, key external stakeholders and potential customers.


Portfolio holders for Resources and Sustainability; Resources and Sustainability; Communities

Highways (network management)

LPTIP Corridors and Gateways team (coordinating work on the Headrow)


Potential customers (existing buildings and key development sites)

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Resources and Sustainability


Agenda items


  • District Heating: Phase 2 Extension to the City Centre