Issue details

Design & Cost Report for Release of Capital for Adaptations to Private Homes 2019/20

Decision is required for the release of £470k capital to provide minor adaptations in private homes for older people and disabled adults and children.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/02/2019

Decision due: April 2019 by Director of Adults and Health

Lead director: Director of Adults and Health

Department: Adult and Health

Contact: Liz Ward, Head of Service, Access & Inclusion 0113 7383311.

Consultation process

The service user group who provide a consultation for Assistive Technology services will be consulted.

The assessors who make recommendations for the adaptations to private property delivered through this capital budget will be consulted The assessors who make recommendations for the adaptations to private property delivered through this capital budget will be consulted


The Equipment and Telecare Service User Group

Leeds City Council Adults and Health Assessment and Care Management staff.

Leeds City Council Children’s Services staff.
