Issue details

European Structural and Investment Funds Programme 2014-2020 (ESIF) - Approval of the Enhanced Local Flexibility for the Unemployed Programme

Authorise the Council to go into a formal contract with DWP as part of the Enhanced Local Flexibilities for the Unemployed Programme and enter into a Service Level Agreement with Bradford Council and Blue Apple Training acting as programme delivery partners.


Approve total expenditure of up to £5.56m by the Council, inclusive of £2.78m maximum match funding to deliver the Enhanced Local Flexibilities for the Unemployed Programme over the next three years and six months 2019-2022.

Decision type: Key Decision

Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/03/2019

Decision due: 17 Apr 2019 by Executive Board

Lead director: Director of City Development

Department: City Development

Contact: Martyn Long, Head of Employment and Skills 07712 214341 Email:

Consultation process

Briefings with relevant Executive Members


User feedback, surveys and local intelligence has been used to inform the delivery model in the development of this competitive bid.


Relevant Executive Members


User Feedback

Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment


Agenda items


  • The report to be issued to the decision maker with the agenda for the meeting