Approval to the principle of developing a Bike Share scheme for Leeds and to commence the procurement is to be sought with the intent to report back to Executive Board for further decision following completion of the procurement.
Decision type: Key Decision
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/03/2019
Decision due: 17 Apr 2019 by Executive Board
Lead director: Director of City Development
Department: City Development
Contact: Andrew Hall, Acting Head of Transportation Services 0113 393 7589 Email:
Consultation process
Establishing a public bike hire scheme in the city is a key Action identified in the Cycling Starts Here Strategy. The CSH Strategy went through a full public consultation in 2016.
A procurement requirement will be for the appointed operator to work with the Council to consult and shape roll out of a scheme following further reporting to Executive Board in due course.
Consultees will include as a minimum:
Elected Members.
WYCA and local authorities.
Emergency services
Education sector
Health sector
Bike Share sector
Business sector
Community sector
Further consultation plans will be developed during the procurement and in preparation for final Executive Board decision
Portfolio Holder: Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning