Outside body

Reserve Forces and Cadets Association for Yorkshire and Humberside


The Reserve Forces and Cadets Association (RFCA) in Yorkshire & The Humber is an independent, community-based organisation with the responsibility of advising and assisting the Defence Council on issues concerning tri-service reservists and cadets in the region.


The RFCA has a wide remit and day-to-day responsibilities can range from providing support to reservists’ employers, managing and maintaining our reserve and cadet sites in the region, recruiting adult cadet instructors and liaising with a wide range of local communities, MPs and councils.

Contact information

Miss T Mitchell

Reserve Forces and Cadets Assoc for Yorkshire and
20 St George's Place
YO24 1DS

Website: http://www.rfca-yorkshire.org.uk

Moderngov is not responsible for the content of any external link

Email: yh-commsao@rfca.mod.uk

Our representatives