Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Friday, 14th February, 2014 1.00 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Council and Executive Support Team 

No. Item


Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public pdf icon PDF 46 KB

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-


RESOLVED –  That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt  on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.





RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information so designated as follows:-


(a)  Appendix 1 to the report entitled, ‘Holbeck Urban Village Disposal of the Engine House’ referred to at Minute No. 180 is designated as exempt in accordance with paragraph 10.4(3) of Schedule 12A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). It is considered that the public interest in maintaining the content of the appendix as exempt outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Appendix 1 is exempt, as disclosing the amount of grant available may affect the Council’s ability to secure the best financial outcome through the competition.


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


With the agreement of the Chair, a late item of business was admitted to the agenda entitled, ‘Leeds Core Strategy: Inspector’s Main Modifications’.  This report had been submitted as a late item of business, as the report could not be included within the agenda due to the timescales by which the modifications from the inspector were received.  However, it was deemed appropriate that Board Members were provided with an update on the Core Strategy, in particular the recent correspondence received from the Core Strategy Inspector, at the earliest opportunity, prior to a further report being submitted to the 5th March 2014 Board meeting which would consider the implications of the Main Modifications in more detail. (Minute No. 181 refers).


In addition, an updated version of Appendix 1 (Data Annex document) to agenda item 18, entitled, ‘Annual Standards Report: Early Years Foundation Stage, Primary and Secondary Schools Provision’ had been circulated to Board Members for their consideration. (Minute No. 186 refers).



Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.



There were no Disclosable Pecuniary Interests declared to the meeting, however:-


In relation to the agenda item entitled, ‘Design and Cost Report for Robin Hood Primary School: Basic Need Expansion Works’, Councillor Mulherin drew the Board’s attention to her position as the Chair of Governors at Robin Hood Primary School (Minute No. 183 refers).


Also, in relation to the agenda item entitled, ‘Outcome of Consultation on Proposals to Increase Primary Provision in Farsley’ Councillor A Carter drew the Board’s attention to his position on the Board of Governors at Calverley Church of England Primary School (Minute No. 184 refers).



Minutes pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd January 2014


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22nd January 2014 be approved as a correct record.



Financial Health Monitoring 2013/2014 - Month 9 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive on the Council’s projected financial position for 2013/14 after nine months of the financial year


The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report on the Council’s projected financial position for 2013/2014 after nine months of the financial year.


The Chair thanked all officers concerned for their continued efforts which had led to the current financial position, after 9 months of the financial year.


RESOLVED – That the projected financial position of the authority after nine months of the financial year be noted.



Revenue Budget Proposals and Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 478 KB

(a)  Leeds City Council Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2014/2015

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive on the proposals for the City Council’s Revenue Budget for 2014/15 and the Leeds element of the Council Tax to be levied in 2014/2015.



(b)  Capital Programme Update 2014-2017

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive on the Capital Programme for the period 2014-2017.



(c)  Treasury Management Strategy 2014/2015

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive on the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy for 2014/2015.




Additional documents:


(A) Leeds City Council Revenue Budget and Council Tax 2014/2015

Further to Minute No. 137, 18th December 2013, the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report regarding the proposals for the City Council’s Revenue Budget for 2014/2015 together with the Leeds element of the Council Tax to be levied in 2014/2015.


The Board noted the proposal to increase Leeds’ element of the Council Tax for 2014/15 by 1.99%, and discussed the range of significant factors which had been taken into consideration when forming this proposal.


The Board paid tribute to all officers concerned for the work which they had undertaken and the support that they had provided to Members throughout the budget setting process to date.



(a)   That Council be recommended to approve the Revenue Budget for 2014/2015 totalling £565.777m, as detailed and explained within the submitted report and accompanying papers, with a 1.99% increase in the Leeds’ element of the Council Tax for 2014/2015.


(b)   That Council be recommended to approve grants totalling £109,000, to be allocated to Parishes, as detailed within paragraph 6.15.4 of the submitted report.


(c)   That Council be recommended to approve an amendment to the Council Tax scheme as detailed within paragraph 3.14 of the submitted report, which is to be adopted as the empty property scheme.


(d)   That in respect of the Housing Revenue Account, Council be recommended to: -

(i) approve the budget with an average rent increase figure of 5.9%;

(ii) increase the charge for garage rents to £7.18 per week (based upon 52 rent weeks);

(iii) increase service charges in line with rents (5.9%).


(e)   That Council be recommended to approve that the delegated limits for Revenue virements are amended to allow Executive Board to approve virements up to a maximum of £5,000,000.


(f)   That it be agreed that the line of eligibility for adult community care services remains unchanged for 2014/2015.


(g)   That approval be given to the awarding of Retail Relief to all businesses which meet the criteria as set out within Appendix 1 to the submitted report, subject to the provisions of State Aid.


(B) Capital Programme Update 2014-2017

The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report setting out the proposed Capital Programme for the period 2014-2017, which included details of forecast resources for that period. In addition, the report also provided a review of 2013/2014 scheme spend.



(a)   That the following be recommended to Council:-

(i) That the capital programme, as presented in Appendix H to the submitted report, be approved;

(ii) That the proposed Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) policies for 2014/2015 as set out within paragraph 3.6 and explained in Appendix F of the submitted report, be approved.


(b)   That approval be given to the list of land and property sites as shown within Appendix C to the submitted report, being disposed of in order to generate capital receipts for use in accordance with the MRP policy.


(c)   That approval be given to the receipts received  ...  view the full minutes text for item 175.



Creation of a Social Enterprise to deliver the Learning Disability Community Support Service pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services setting out proposals for the potential development of a social enterprise in the form of a staff-led public service mutual to deliver the Learning Disability Community Support Service.  The report seeks approval to undertake formal consultation with staff and engagement with a range of stakeholders on the submitted proposals.

Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report setting out proposals for the potential development of a social enterprise in the form of a staff-led public service mutual to deliver the Learning Disability Community Support Service. The report sought approval to undertake formal consultation with staff and engagement with a range of stakeholders on the submitted proposals.


The Board thanked all officers who had been involved in the development of this initiative to date and provided unanimous support for the proposals.



(a)  That the progress made to date in relation to the development of a social enterprise for the Learning Disability Community Support Service, including the production of an Integrated Business Plan; an executive summary of which is attached to the submitted report at Appendix 1, be noted.


(b)  That approval be given to enable formal consultation to be undertaken with staff regarding the proposal to establish a social enterprise and, subject to a positive staff response, approval be given to establish transitional arrangements, as detailed at resolutions (c), (d) and (e) below.


(c)  That full engagement with a wide group of stakeholders including Elected Members, customers and family carers be authorised.


(d)  That the setting up of a Shadow Board to oversee the development of the social enterprise be authorised, which will include membership from the Council.


(e)  That the preparation of a detailed service specification and the negotiation of a contract for services for a period of 5 years, which achieves the balance of benefits and risks for both the Council and the social enterprise, as identified within the submitted report, be authorised.


(f)  That it be noted that (subject to a positive staff response through the consultation process) a further report will be brought to Executive Board, during the transitional arrangements, which will request approval to launch the social enterprise.


(g)  That the next steps be approved as follows:-

·  March – May 2014: Formal consultation on the proposal

·  June 2014: Establishment of shadow arrangements

·  December 2014: Report to Executive Board requesting approval to launch the social enterprise

·  Early 2015: Launch of social enterprise


(h)  That it be noted that the Head of Service for the Learning Disability Community Support Service is the lead officer for this project.



Response to Deputation - "20's Plenty for Us" Campaign pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and the Director of Public Health setting out the departmental response to the Deputation made to full Council on 13th November 2013 by the “20’s Plenty for Us” campaign group.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development and the Director of Public Health submitted a joint report setting out the Council’s response to the deputation presented to the Council meeting of the 13th November 2013 by the “20’s Plenty for Us” campaign group.


Members welcomed the approach being taken by the Council in respect of this issue and specifically supported the matter being referred to Scrutiny Board (Sustainable Economy and Culture) for further consideration. In addition, the Board welcomed the range of benefits being realised as a result of the initiative, with specific reference being made to the promotion of more active and healthy local modes of travel.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, together with the success of the current programmes in the context of the overall road safety record for Leeds, be noted.


(b)  That the continuation of the targeted approach to the progressive roll out of 20 mph speed limits in the city be endorsed, with a view to extending the opportunity to all residential areas as resources permit.


(c)  That approval be given to work being undertaken with partners both from within and outside of the Council (such as the ‘20’s Plenty for Us’ group and Public Health services) on the promotion of the 20mph speed limits, with a view to maximising all related benefits by securing the greatest possible public support and compliance. In addition, approval also be given to explore new avenues in order to obtain funding for the introduction of schemes, publicity and marketing.


(d)  That the ‘20’s Plenty for Us’ campaign group’s work in raising the profile of this issue be acknowledged, together with the group’s request that this matter be scrutinised, and as such, this issue be referred to the Scrutiny Board (Sustainable Economy and Culture) for consideration.


(e)  That it be noted that the Head of Transport Planning will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.


Bridgewater Place pdf icon PDF 166 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which seeks approval to accept the revised Leeds City Council protocol on actions to be taken when high winds are forecast in relation to Bridgewater Place in light of the Assistant Coroner’s recommendation to the Council. In addition, the report seeks approval to the basis of a response to the Assistant Coroner.


Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 124 (6th November 2013), the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to accept the revised Leeds City Council protocol on actions to be taken when high winds were forecast in relation to Bridgewater Place in light of the Assistant Coroner’s recommendation to the Council. In addition, the report also sought approval to the basis of a response to the Assistant Coroner.


Members noted the details within the submitted report in respect of the expert advice which had been received in 2001 and 2008 respectively regarding the development’s impact upon existing wind conditions.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, officers informed the Board that the responsibility for maintenance of the remedial works proposed was yet to be determined.  


In conclusion, on behalf of the Council, the Board offered its deepest condolences to the family of the late Dr Slaney, and it was emphasised that the Council was working extremely hard to ensure that the Assistant Coroner’s recommendations to the Local Authority were being adhered to. In addition, it was noted that the Council had been encouraged by the approach which was being taken by the building’s owners with regard to the actions required to ameliorate the wind effect caused by Bridgewater Place.  



(a)  That the Assistant Coroner’s recommendation from the Inquest which concluded on 3rd December 2013 be noted; and that the decision as to what action should be taken in response to the concern that a future death may occur remains solely that of the Council, also be noted.


(b)  That it be noted that the Council is subject to both statutory and practical constraints in the exercise of its highway management functions and in actions that it can in fact take to improve conditions for pedestrians accessing this area.


(c)  That the proposed revisions to Leeds City Council’s High Winds Protocol in relation to Bridgewater Place, as detailed within section 3.15 of the submitted report, be approved.


(d)  That Appendix A to the submitted report be approved as the basis of a response to the Assistant Coroner to be returned by 7th March 2014.


(e)  That the Director of City Development and the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) be delegated the necessary authority to amend the High Winds Protocol in consultation with the Executive Member for Development and the Economy should circumstances and experiences on site deem it necessary, and to also expedite the work to provide pedestrian shelters and the appropriate Traffic Regulation Order(s) in order to facilitate the recommendations as contained within the submitted report and within existing financial approvals.


(f)   That the following be noted:-

(i) that the revised protocol will be implemented when approval is granted by the Executive Board;

(ii) that this decision will take immediate effect;

(iii) that the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) will be responsible for implementing the protocol in consultation with the Peace and Emergency Planning Unit (PEPU) and the Police;

(iv) that the installation of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 178.


Progress in Delivering Housing on Council Brownfield Land pdf icon PDF 255 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and the Director of Environment and Housing providing an update on the Council’s activities to deliver new housing on previously developed land in its ownership, as a contribution towards the delivery of the Best City ambition for Leeds.  In addition, the report includes a progress update on the first year of the Brownfield Land Programme and sets out proposals for how the next phases of this work could be taken forward.  The report also sets out the opportunity for the city to access significant funding to support affordable housing delivery.



Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 153, 9th January 2013, the Director of City Development and the Director of Environment and Housing submitted a joint report providing an update on the Council’s activities to deliver new housing on previously developed land in its ownership, as a contribution towards the delivery of the Best City ambition for Leeds. In addition, the report included a progress update on the first year of the Brownfield Land Programme and set out proposals for how the next phases of this work could be taken forward. Finally, the report presented the opportunity for the city to access significant funding to support affordable housing delivery.


Responding to Members’ comments and concerns, the Council’s commitment to the release and prioritisation of brownfield sites over greenfield sites was emphasised. Furthermore, the Board received an update on the actions being taken to encourage the development of those brownfield sites within the Council’s ownership which were located throughout the city, so that the nature of such developments met the specific need of the local community. Members noted that such actions included proactive discussions with developers, whilst the Board considered what further actions could be taken to ensure that the development of those brownfield sites was successfully achieved.



(a)  That the progress made to date in bringing the Council’s brownfield land forward for development through the Housing Investment Land Strategy be noted, together with the progress made on the first phase of due diligence and disposals process under the Brownfield Land Programme, as set out within paragraphs 3.8 – 3.19 of the submitted report.


(b)  That the proposed packaging and phasing of disposals under the

Brownfield Land Programme over the remainder of 2013/14 and 2014/15, to be taken forward by the Chief Asset Management & Regeneration Officer, as set out in paragraphs 3.21 – 3.26 of the submitted report, be supported.


(c)   That approval be given for the Chief Asset Management and Regeneration Officer, on behalf of the Director of Environment and Housing, to further develop the Council Housing Growth Programme in order to include a proposal for a package of investment through that would enable the development of exemplar energy efficient housing, alongside the potential for differential rent levels, as set out within paragraphs 3.27 – 3.29 of the submitted report, and that a further report on this subject be submitted to a future meeting of Executive Board.


(d)   That the Chief Asset Management and Regeneration Officer be requested to report back to the March 2014 meeting of Executive Board with details of sites proposed for allocation to the 2015-18 Affordable Housing Programme for the purposes of maximising grant and investment to the city, as set out within paragraphs 3.30 – 3.36 of the submitted report.


(e)   That support be given to the proposal that the Chief Asset Management & Regeneration Officer uses the Homes & Communities Agency’s Development Partner Panel to procure a small number of developer interests to work with the Council from 2014/15 in delivering the Brownfield Land Programme, as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 179.


Holbeck Urban Village: Disposal of the Engine House pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking approval to the disposal, and the method of disposal, of the Engine House in order to kick-start regeneration efforts in Holbeck Urban Village (HUV).



Please Note: Appendix 1 of the report is designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).



Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to the disposal, and the method of disposal, of the Engine House in order to kick-start regeneration efforts in Holbeck Urban Village (HUV).


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report, and highlighted that some residential accommodation on the site would also be welcomed.


Following consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report, designated as

exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)   That the Director of City Development progresses the disposal of the

Engine House site for the selection of a preferred bidder through a procurement exercise, working in partnership with the HCA, as per the principles set out within paragraph 3.15 of the submitted report and in line with the indicative timescales outlined within paragraph 3.17.


(b)   That it be noted that the Engine House is held for planning purposes under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, and that the legal implications, as set out in section 4.5 of the submitted report also be noted.


(c)   That delegated authority be provided to the Director of City Development, with the concurrence of the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Member for Development and the Economy, in order to enter into a development agreement and grant agreement with the preferred bidder, for up to the maximum sum as stated within exempt Appendix 1 to the submitted report.


(d)   That it be noted that the Chief Asset Management and Regeneration Officer will be responsible for the implementation of the actions detailed above.




Leeds Core Strategy: Inspector's Main Modifications pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the progress made in respect of the Core Strategy, with particular reference to recent correspondence received from the Core Strategy Inspector. In addition, the report considers proposed the next steps, in light of the correspondence received.


(Report to follow)


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the progress made in respect of the Core Strategy, with particular reference to recent correspondence received from the Core Strategy Inspector. In addition, the report considered the proposed the next steps, in light of the correspondence received.


Members welcomed the endorsements which had been received from the Inspector on a range of issues. However, the Board was informed that the Inspector required one change in respect of the Council’s proposal regarding a ‘stepping up’ of the housing requirement, and it was noted that further details on this matter were scheduled to be submitted to the Board in March.


The Board highlighted the importance for Leeds to establish a Core Strategy and discussed the ambitious nature of the 70,000 net dwelling target. In addition, the Board considered the role of the Council with regard to its relationships with the developer community.


With regard to the issue of the 5 year housing land supply, Members noted the challenges and complexities associated with this process, however the importance of a robust 5 year housing land supply was highlighted. Members also noted that experience on such matters would continue to be shared between other Local Authorities in respect of the housing supply process and it was highlighted that Leeds needed to work with Core Cities on such matters.


In conclusion, the Board paid tribute to those officers within City Development for the significant work which had been undertaken to date in progressing the Leeds Core Strategy to its current position.


RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report be noted, together with the intention that a further report will be submitted to the 5th March 2014 meeting of the Board.



Updated Statement of Purpose for the Private Fostering Service of Leeds City Council pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services presenting the updated Statement of Purpose for the Private Fostering Service of Leeds City Council for the purposes of approval.

Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report presenting the updated Statement of Purpose for the Private Fostering Service of Leeds City Council for the purposes of approval.


RESOLVED – That the Statement of Purpose for the Private Fostering service for Leeds City Council be approved.



Design and Cost Report for Robin Hood Primary School - Basic Need Expansion Works pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services providing information on the proposed Basic Need expansion at Robin Hood Primary School in order to enable the admission limit to increase from 45 to 60 pupils. In addition, the report seeks authority to incur capital expenditure of £1,109,841 to undertake the aforementioned works.



Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing information on the proposed Basic Need expansion at Robin Hood Primary School in order to enable the admission limit to increase from 45 to 60 pupils. In addition, the report sought authority to incur capital expenditure of £1,109,841 to undertake the aforementioned works.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the report, with specific reference being made to the high accessibility levels which featured within the design.



(a)  That expenditure of £1,109,841 be authorised from capital scheme number 16585/ROB/000 and that approval be given in respect of ‘authority to tender’, in order to enable the construction of additional accommodation at Robin Hood Primary School.


(b)  That the programme dates, as identified in section 4.1.2 of the submitted report in relation to the implementation of this decision, be noted.


(c)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for the implementation of such matters is the Director of Children’s Services.


Outcome of consultation on proposals to increase primary provision in Farsley pdf icon PDF 232 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services providing details of a linked proposal brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places. This report seeks permission to publish a statutory notice in relation to the expansion of Farsley Westroyd Infant School and Farsley Springbank Junior School.



Further to Minute No. 54, 17th July 2013, the Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing details of a linked proposal brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places. Specifically, the report sought permission to publish a statutory notice in relation to the expansion of Farsley Westroyd Infant School and Farsley Springbank Junior School.


A Member raised some specific concerns in respect of the proposals, highlighting the view that such matters needed to be addressed at the earliest opportunity. 



(a)  That approval be given to the publication of a statutory notice to:

·  expand Farsley Westroyd Infant School from a capacity of 180 pupils to 210 pupils and raise the upper age limit from 7 to 11 with effect from September 2015; and

·  expand Farsley Springbank Junior School from a capacity of 240 pupils to 420 pupils and change the lower age limit from 7 to 4 with effect from September 2015.


(b)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for implementation of such matters is the Capacity, Planning and Sufficiency Lead.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)




Design and Cost Report for Lane End Primary School Basic Need Project pdf icon PDF 210 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Childrens Services providing information regarding the Basic Need scheme to construct the new Lane End Primary School. In addition, the report seeks authority to incur capital expenditure of £7,205,100 in order to undertake the works required to provide accommodation to support a new 2FE primary school with 26 place nursery and associated external facilities.


Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing information regarding the Basic Need scheme to construct the new Lane End Primary School. Specifically, the report sought authority to incur capital expenditure of £7,205,100 in order to undertake the works required to provide accommodation to support a new 2FE primary school with 26 place nursery and associated external facilities.



(a)  That expenditure of £7,205,100 be authorised from capital scheme number 16585/SLE/000 in order to enable the construction of the new Lane End Primary School.


(b)  That the programme dates identified within section 4.0 of the submitted report in relation to the implementation of the related decisions, be noted. It also be noted that the final delivery date for total completion of the scheme is September 2015.


(c)  That it be noted that the Director of Children’s Services is responsible for implementation of such matters.



Annual Standards Report: Early Years Foundation Stage, Primary and Secondary Schools provision pdf icon PDF 312 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services summarising the achievement of learnersat all KeyStagesin2013 andthe goodprogress in earlyyearsfoundation stage andprimaryand secondaryeducation in Leeds.  In addition, the reportalsooutlinestheaction takenbythe Council to fulfill its responsibilitiesto support,monitor, challenge andinterveneas necessary.


Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report summarising the achievement of learners at all Key Stages in 2013 and highlighting the good progress made in early years foundation stage and primary and secondary education in Leeds. In addition, the report also outlined the action taken by the Council to fulfill its responsibilities to support, monitor, challenge and intervene as necessary.


An updated version of Appendix 1 (Data Annex document) to the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members for their consideration.


As part of the introduction to the report, the Executive Member for Children’s Services paid tribute to all of the young people and staff throughout Leeds who had contributed towards the excellent results which had been achieved in 2013.


In considering the ‘Narrowing the Gap’ initiative, and noting the major challenge which needed to be addressed in respect of the attainment gap between the lowest achievers and the average at the Early Years Foundation Stage, the Executive Member for Children’s Services undertook that a report considering such issues and the actions being taken to address them would be submitted to a future meeting of the Board. Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with clarification regarding Leeds’ comparative performance in respect of attainment levels at Early Years Foundation Stage.


Members noted and welcomed the considerable success which had been achieved in improving the outcomes of children who were ‘Looked After’. In addition, Members were advised of the actions which were being taken to ensure that schools were utilising the ‘Pupil Premium’ to the maximum effect.


The Board received details of the actions being taken within the field of Public Health to help provide young people with the best possible environment for learning. Furthermore, Members received an update on the business community’s appetite to become further involved in initiatives to assist with young people’s learning and skills development, and noted that work with the business community would continue on such matters.



(a)  That the Board endorse and support the following:-

·  The progress that has been made at all key stages and the areas that need further improvement;

·  The future provision of support, challenge and intervention in Leeds to ensure that progress continues to be made;

·  The further development and changes of the Leeds Education Challenge programme in progressing the matter of securing improvement;

·  That the recommendations from the Scrutiny Board (Children and Families) review in respect of English and mathematics are implemented.


(b)  That a report regarding the challenge which existed in respect of the attainment gap between the lowest achievers and the average at the Early Years Foundation Stage, the actions which were currently being taken and further actions which could be taken to address such issues, be submitted to a future meeting of the Board.



Response to Changes in School Organisation Legislation pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services informing the Board of some changes made to legislation affecting School Organisation proposals which came into effect on 28th January 2014. In addition, the report seeks permission to amend local practices relating to these changes.


Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing details of some changes made to legislation affecting School Organisation proposals which came into effect on 28th January 2014. In addition, the report sought permission to amend local practices relating to such changes.


Members considered both the positive and negative implications arising from the recent legislative changes.


RESOLVED – That the following changes be approved in respect of local practices:-

·  Permission will no longer be sought for consultation on school organisation changes, where no statutory consultation is required, but permission will continue to be requested before publication of a statutory notice.

·  Permission will be sought of Executive Board to approve any expansion of a school brought forward by a governing body that requires the local authority to provide capital funding.




Rugby World Cup 2015 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the city’s host status for the 2015 Rugby World Cup, and which seeks approval to develop delivery plans that will maximise the benefits for the city.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the city’s host status for the 2015 Rugby World Cup, and which sought approval to develop delivery plans which aimed to maximise the benefits for the city.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member for Leisure and Skills emphasised the exciting opportunities which being a host city for the Rugby World Cup 2015 presented for Leeds.



(a)  That it be noted that Leeds has been successful in becoming a host city for the Rugby World Cup 2015. The potential benefits that hosting the tournament will bring to the city, together with the requirements of the Council as a host local authority, also be noted.


(b)  That approval be given for the Chief Culture and Sport Officer to develop delivery plans for the city’s hosting of the Rugby World Cup 2015 and approval also be given for the Chief Culture and Sport Officer to submit associated proposals, with the concurrence of the Executive Member for Leisure and Skills, to England Rugby 2015 by January 2015.



18-24 Young Talent: Head Start Programme in Leeds pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking authority to spend up to £1,224,885 external funding to deliver the 18-24 Young Talent: Head Start programme in Leeds.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought authority to spend up to £1,224,885 of external funding to deliver the 18-24 Young Talent: Head Start programme in Leeds.


The Board noted and welcomed the involvement of local businesses in the initiative. Responding to a Member’s enquiry, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with further detail on the geographical spread of the companies involved in the initiative, the respective size of the companies and the fields in which they operated.



(a)  That approval be given to the expenditure of up to £1,224,885, which has been allocated to Leeds, on the activities as set out within the submitted report.


(b)  That the following be noted:-

·  the stages required to implement the decision, as outlined within paragraph 3 and Appendix 1of the submitted report;

·  the proposed timescales for implementation, as outlined within paragraph 10.1 of the submitted report; and

·  that the Head of Projects and Programmes will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.








(Scrutiny Support will notify Directors of any items called in by 12.00noon on Wednesday, 26th February 2014)