Decision details

Authority to procure a contractor for the Leeds integrated drug and alcohol service

Reference: D55671

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Brief Description

Seeking authority to procure new contractual arrangements for the Leeds integrated drug and alcohol service

Impact On Wards


Financial and procurement implications

The duration of the new contract will be for a maximum of 10 years.  This will enable Leeds to meet the new 10 year national drug strategy, support the recommendations of the Dame Carol Black review, provide surety and consistency of service to clients and support workforce recruitment, development and retention.  
The value of the new contract will be in the region of
£193 million and is dependent on the amount of external investment secured and the scope of the new integrated drug and alcohol service.  The funding will be a mixture of public health grant that Leeds City Council receives combined with non-recurrent grant funding from OHID to deliver the 10 year strategy.  




The Director of Public Health has:-


Approved a contract variation to the Community Drug and Alcohol Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Service (DN210921) (Forward Leeds) provided by Humankind Charity to bring forward the contract end date to 31st March 2023.

Granted authority to procure an ‘Integrated Community Drug and Alcohol Service’ utilising the provision under Regulation 32 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 - negotiated procedure without prior publication of a notice and to directly award a contract to Humankind from 1 April 2023.


Approved a contract length period of 5 years for the maximum value of £87,917,027 (with the option to extend for a period of up to 60 months in any combination) with a maximum 10-year budget of £176,287,103.


Granted approval to evaluate the tender based on a 100% quality under Contract Procedure Rule 15.2 (b) on the grounds that it is a set budget confirmed with Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), which the Council is seeking to obtain the best quality service available.

Noted – the responsibility for implementation of these decisions is with Public Health, the Adults and Health Integrated Commissioning Team, Human Resources and Procurement and Commercial Services.

Reason Key: Financial Impact>£500K;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Executive Member Briefing.


Executive Member for Public Health and Active Lifestyles.

Contact: Kate Daly, Commissioning and Contracts Officer 0113 3786027 Email:

Publication date: 29/09/2022

Date of decision: 07/10/2022

Effective from: 15/10/2022

Accompanying Documents: