Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Council and Executive Support Team
No. | Item |
Chair of the Meeting Minutes: Under the terms of Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 2.1, in the absence of the Leader, Councillor Wakefield, who had submitted his apologies for absence from the meeting, Councillor Blake, as Deputy Leader, presided as Chair of the Board for the duration of the meeting. |
Substitute Member Minutes: Under the terms of Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 2.3, Councillor J Procter was invited to attend the meeting on behalf of Councillor A Carter, who had submitted his apologies for absence from the meeting. |
Chair's Opening Remarks Minutes: The Chair welcomed Councillor Mulherin to her first meeting of Executive Board, following her recent appointment to the position of Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing. |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.
Minutes: RESOLVED – That the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information so designated as follows:-
(a) Appendix 2(b) to the report referred to in Minute No. 9 under the terms of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3) and on the grounds that it contains commercially sensitive information on the City Council’s approach towards procurement issues, affordability position and commercially sensitive pricing, together with information about the commercial risk position of Veolia. The benefit of keeping this information exempt is considered greater than that of allowing public access to the information.
In addition, Appendix 3 to the report referred to in the same minute, under the terms of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3) and on the grounds that it contains commercially sensitive information detailing the value of City Council owned property, the disclosure of which may prejudice future property development and disposals. The benefit of keeping this information exempt is considered greater than that of allowing public access to the information.
(b) Appendices 2 and 3 to the report referred to in Minute No. 27 under the terms of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3) and on the grounds that they contain financial and business information of providers in the city and information on the negotiating position of the council in agreeing a fee structure with the independent sector providers. In applying this exemption, the council has considered the public interest test, as the information can only be withheld if the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. The council acknowledges that there is a public interest in the fee structure for residential care however, we consider that the public interest in disclosing the information in the Appendices is outweighed by the public interest in maintaining the exemption. It is in the public interest that the council is able to negotiate residential and nursing fees which represent best value for money and in order to do this, the council must be able to share information confidentially with providers, who all operate in a commercially competitive market. By releasing the information within appendices 2 and 3, it could prejudice the council’s negotiation position on fees, on this occasion and in the future, and harm the council’s ability to achieve best value for money.
(c) Appendix 1 to the report referred to in Minute No. 28 under the terms of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3) and on the grounds that it is considered that the public interest in maintaining this information as exempt outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, as disclosure may prejudice the outcome of the procurement process and the cost of developing the facility. For this reason, ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) Minutes: There were no late items as such, however, it was noted that Executive Board members had been provided with copies of an addendum to agenda item 7, ‘Waste Solution for Leeds – Residual Waste Treatment PFI Project: Final Business Case and Contract Award’ for their consideration (Minute No. 9 referred). |
Declaration of Interests To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct Minutes: Councillor J Procter declared a personal interest in the agenda item entitled, ‘Waste Solution for Leeds – Residual Waste Treatment PFI Project: Final Business Case and Contract Award’, due to being a member of Plans Panel (East) (Minute No. 9 referred).
Councillor Golton declared a personal interest in the agenda item entitled, ‘Deputation to Council: Leeds and District Gardeners’ Federation regarding Allotment Provision in Leeds’, due to being Vice President of Leeds and District Gardeners’ Federation (Minute No. 8 referred).
Councillor Ogilvie declared a personal interest in the agenda item entitled, ‘Tenancy Strategy 2013-15 and Lettings Policy Review’, due to being a member of the Inner South ALMO Area Panel (Minute No. 13 referred).
Councillor R Lewis declared a personal interest in the agenda item entitled, ‘Tenancy Strategy 2013-15 and Lettings Policy Review’, due to being a member of the Outer West ALMO Area Panel (Minute No. 13 referred).
Councillor Yeadon declared a personal interest in the agenda item entitled, ‘Public Health in Leeds City Council’ due to being a member of Leeds Partnership NHS Trust Board (Minute No. 25 referred).
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2012. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2012 be approved as a correct record. |
To consider the report of the Director of City Development responding to the deputation by the Leeds and District Gardeners’ Federation presented to Council on 28th March 2012 regarding allotment provision in Leeds. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report responding to the deputation presented by the Leeds and District Gardeners’ Federation to Council on 28th March 2012 regarding allotment provision in Leeds.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member for the Environment provided the Board with an update in respect of the latest position regarding the Victoria Pit Allotment and the Reservoir Allotment.
Members noted the considerable amount of work which had been undertaken in respect of the matters detailed within the report and comments were made welcoming the community proposal that allotments were put forward as ‘Assets of Community Value’.
RESOLVED - (a) That the response to the deputation from the Leeds and District Gardeners’ Federation, with regard to allotment provision in Leeds, be noted.
(b) That support be given to the community proposal to put forward allotments as ‘Assets of Community Value’.
To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing an update on the progress of the Residual Waste Treatment PFI project since the last Executive Board update at the Final Tender Stage in November 2011. In addition the report requests approval to submit the Final Business Case to the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), explains progress to date, and also outlines the work required to progress to financial close of the Project including the award of the contract to Veolia.
Appendices 2 and 3 to this report are designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 122, 2nd November 2011, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing an update on the progress of the Residual Waste Treatment PFI project. In addition, the report sought approval to submit the Final Business Case (FBC) to the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), detailed the progress made to date and also outlined the work which was required to progress to the financial close stage of the Project, including the award of the contract to Veolia.
Copies of an addendum to the submitted report, which added a further recommendation to it had been circulated to Board Members prior to the meeting for their consideration.
The submitted report noted that the current draft of the FBC was designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3) and was available for Executive Board Members’ consideration.
Following consideration of Appendices 2b and 3 to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report be noted.
(b) That the submission of the Final Business Case (FBC) to the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) be approved.
(c) That the submission to Defra of the submitted report, together with the minutes of the 20th June 2012 Executive Board meeting, be approved.
(d) That the financial implications for the City Council, as set out within appendix 2(a) and the exempt appendix 2(b) of the submitted report be noted, and that approval be given to the expenditure, as set out within appendix 2(a) and exempt appendix 2(b), provided that the total estimated Unitary Charge for the Contract at the date of Financial Close is less than £502,000,000, as set out within paragraph 3.6 of appendix 2(a) of the submitted report.
(e) That the arrangements detailed at section 5.5 of the submitted report be confirmed, and (for the avoidance of doubt) authority be given to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods (or delegate) to exercise the delegated powers, as set out at Part 3 Section 3E of the Constitution regarding PPP/PFI and other Major Property and Infrastructure Related projects, in relation to this Project.
(f) That the process of achieving financial close, as set out within the submitted report, be approved, including the award of the contract to Veolia ES (Leeds) Limited, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Veolia ES Aurora Ltd., and:-
(i) That it be noted and confirmed that the conditions of the General Disposal Consent are satisfied at the date of this report.
(ii) That the disposal of the site at an undervalue in excess of £100,000 be approved.
(iii) That the Director of City Development (or an officer with appropriate delegated powers) be authorised to take all action required to conclude the disposal of the site, including carrying out the actions described at ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods setting out the response of Safer Leeds to the deputation by the Active Communities Against Trafficking (ACT) group which was presented to full Council on 28th March 2012. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report responding to the deputation presented to Council on 28th March 2012 by the Active Communities Against Trafficking (ACT) group regarding the role of communities and Local Authorities in stopping Human Trafficking.
The Board provided its unanimous support with regard to the actions detailed within the submitted report which were aimed at tackling the problem of human trafficking.
RESOLVED – (a) That the initiative to raise awareness and take action against trafficking be supported.
(b) That a letter be written to Dalia Hawley to support the campaign and raise with other Councils.
(c) That, building on the many positive arrangements already in place, the commitment of Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police be affirmed with regard to tackling the issue of trafficking people.
(d) That officers continue to review opportunities to develop and deliver work to address trafficking.
(e) That consideration be given to possible venues for holding an awareness event in Leeds.
To consider the response of the Director of Environment & Neighbourhoods to the Scrutiny Board, Safer & Stronger Communities, inquiry report into the Private Rented Sector
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report responding to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Board (Safer and Stronger Communities), arising from the Scrutiny Board’s inquiry into the Private Rented Sector.
Councillor Anderson, as Chair of the Scrutiny Board (Safer and Stronger Communities) attended the meeting and introduced the key issues arising from the Scrutiny Board’s Inquiry into Private Rented Sector Housing.
Members welcomed the comprehensive and timely piece of work which had been undertaken by the Scrutiny Board on this issue, and responding to Members’ enquiries, it was confirmed that a report would be submitted to the Board in due course providing further details on the approach being taken with regard to Recommendation 1 of the Scrutiny Inquiry report, and highlighting any resource implications arising from it.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Inquiry report of the Scrutiny Board (Safer and Stronger Communities) into the private rented sector be accepted.
(b) That the need to identify resources in order to fully implement recommendation 1 of the Scrutiny Board (Safer and Stronger Communities) be noted.
Transfer of cleared sites in Cross Green to Chevin Housing Association PDF 74 KB To consider the report of the Director of Environment & Neighbourhoods seeking approval to transfer a cleared site in Cross Green to the Chevin Housing Association. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which sought approval to transfer 2 cleared sites in Cross Green to Chevin Housing Association at nil consideration, in order that the development of a new Affordable Housing Scheme could take place.
Responding to an enquiry, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with further details in respect of the specific background information and business case relating to the 2 sites involved, whilst officers also undertook to ensure that in future, similar reports would contain such information for Board Members’ consideration, as a matter of course.
RESOLVED – That the transfer of the cleared sites in Cross Green to Chevin Housing Association at nil consideration, as marked upon the appendix to the submitted report, be approved.
Tenancy Strategy 2013-2015 and Lettings Policy Review PDF 100 KB To consider the report of the Director of Environments and Neighbourhoods on the draft Tenancy Strategy 2013-15 and changes that will be required to the Council’s Letting Policy in response to the Localism Act Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Environments and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing an update on the Council’s legal duty to publish a Tenancy Strategy, the draft Tenancy Strategy which had been prepared for the purposes of consultation, the changes that would be required to the Council’s lettings policy in response to the Localism Act and publication of the Code of Guidance on the Allocation of Accommodation, together with the proposed timetable and process for consultation and implementation.
RESOLVED – (a) That the draft Tenancy Strategy be consulted upon with key stakeholders.
(b) That the final versions of the Tenancy Strategy and lettings policy are prepared for consideration by Executive Board in November 2012, taking into account the outcome of the consultation exercise.
(c) That approval be given to the revised wording of the lettings policy, as outlined within section 3.8.10 of the submitted report.
To consider the report of Housing Partnerships outlining the changes made to Housing Benefit and proposed actions the Council and its’ partners could take to mitigate the impact of the changes. Minutes: A report was submitted on behalf of Housing Partnerships which outlined the changes being made to Housing Benefit provision and proposed actions which the Council and it’s partners could take in order to mitigate the adverse impact of the introduction of the Social Sector Size Criteria (SSSC).
By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services provided some specific details regarding the key implications arising from the introduction of the SSSC. Members then acknowledged the work which had previously been undertaken by the Council to address the issue of under-occupation and discussed the potential impact of the new criteria upon those vulnerable groups within the community, including the over-60s and children and young people, and considered the possible actions which could be taken to try and mitigate such impact.
In conclusion, it was agreed that further to the recommendations within the submitted report, correspondence be forwarded to the relevant Government Minsters and Leeds MPs, highlighting the Council’s concerns regarding the introduction of Housing Benefit Size Criteria, with the correspondence being sent on behalf of all Political Groups within the Council, subject to the content being agreed by all Group Leaders.
RESOLVED – (a) That the success of the under occupation incentive scheme in releasing over 400 houses since it was introduced in 2008 be noted.
(b) That the Council’s under occupation incentive scheme be temporarily suspended with immediate effect pending a full review, and that the 2012/13 budget identified from the Housing Revenue Account for the under occupation incentive scheme be allocated to meet the Council’s commitment to tenants who have already been accepted onto the under occupation incentive scheme, provided they move by 31st March 2013.
(c) That the Council undertake a full review of the support and incentives that can be offered to under occupying tenants, and following the monitoring of the impact of the SSSC between April and October 2013, a revised scheme proposal be presented to Executive Board in December 2013.
(d) That correspondence be forwarded to the relevant Government Minsters and Leeds MPs, highlighting the Council’s concerns regarding the introduction of Housing Benefit Size Criteria, with the correspondence being sent on behalf of all Political Groups within the Council, subject to the content being agreed by all Group Leaders.
Neighbourhood Planning - Management, Support and Protocol Arrangements PDF 136 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development regarding the governance arrangements proposed in respect of the Neighbourhood Planning initiative.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report providing a general overview and update on the neighbourhood planning process, setting out the requirements and implications for the Council of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and proposing governance and protocol arrangements for neighbourhood planning generally, with specific reference to the preparation of neighbourhood plans. In addition, the report outlined the roles and responsibilities for the Council and local communities at the different stages of the neighbourhood planning process, detailed progress on neighbourhood planning in Leeds, highlighting both the opportunities and the challenges of the new process, presented the contents of the draft neighbourhood planning guidance for approval and outlined how neighbourhood planning could assist the Council with regeneration and service delivery.
The Board considered the range of approaches being taken by communities across Leeds in respect of Neighbourhood Plans. In response to Members’ enquiries, officers highlighted the actions which were being taken to ensure that the Council took a proactive approach towards the Neighbourhood Planning agenda, with specific details being provided regarding the allocation of staffing resource. Members noted the involvement of Area Committees in the development of the process.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, which came into force on 6th April be noted and that a progress report be submitted to Executive Board in 6 months on how neighbourhood planning is working in Leeds.
(b) That the Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Note, as attached as Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved, and that the necessary authority be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer to make any further amendments/formatting.
(c) That the governance and protocol arrangements, as set out within the submitted report be approved.
(d) That it be noted that a presentation will be made to Area Committee Chairs outlining the important role that they will have in the neighbourhood planning process.
(e) That the establishment of a corporate neighbourhood planning steering group be agreed, which will ensure that the support and advice for neighbourhood planning is linked to regeneration, service delivery and the localism agenda generally (paragraph 3.8 of the submitted report specifically refers).
(f) That it be noted that a citywide neighbourhood planning event(s) will launch the neighbourhood planning guidance note, which will aim to provide support and raise awareness for local Members, local communities and other stakeholders.
Design and Cost Report for Passenger Transport Replacement Vehicles PDF 69 KB To consider the report of the Head of Passenger Transport seeking approval for the purchase of twelve new minibuses for Passenger Transport and authority to incur the relevant expenditure Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report which sought approval to a proposal to purchase twelve new minibuses for Passenger Transport, whilst also seeking authority to incur the related expenditure.
RESOLVED – That the purchase of twelve wheelchair accessible vehicles be approved, to replace twelve vehicles which were originally due for replacement in January 2011, and that authority be given to incur expenditure of £575,000.
To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services providing a response to the deputation presented on behalf of Leeds University Union to full Council on 28th March 2012 entitled “Widening Participation”.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing a response to the deputation entitled “Widening Participation” presented to Council on the 28th March 2012 on behalf of Leeds University Union.
Members highlighted the importance of addressing any misconceptions that young people and their families had in respect of the financial arrangements, as such misconceptions could lead to individuals being discouraged from entering higher education.
Further to the recommendations within the submitted report, it was agreed that the Chief Executive write to the universities within Leeds on the actions they are continuing to take to encourage young people from all socio-economic backgrounds to enter into higher education.
RESOLVED – (a) That an ongoing dialogue between officers and the universities be supported, in particular through further research into the impact upon Leeds’ existing students and younger learners (with the potential to enter higher education) and the completion and success rate of those students enrolled on courses.
(b) That the range of developments and initiatives to support progression to higher education already put in place be noted.
(c) That the Board’s support be given to the ‘Leeds Education Challenge’ and the ‘Higher Education Access: Rewarding Transforming (HEART)’ structures, as the most appropriate vehicles to ensure a co-ordinated approach towards supporting the progression of young people to higher education.
(d) That support be given to considering this issue as part the work around the Child Friendly City priority to: address the barriers that prevent children and young people from engaging in and enjoying learning.
(e) That the Chief Executive write to the universities within Leeds on the actions they are continuing to take to encourage young people from all socio-economic backgrounds to enter into higher education.
Design and Cost Report - Blenheim Primary School Additional Accommodation PDF 88 KB To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services seeking approval to proceed with works to provide additional accommodation at Blenheim Primary school
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report which sought approval to proceed with works which would provide additional accommodation at Blenheim Primary School. In addition, the report sought the necessary authority to incur expenditure of £643,984 on phase 2 of the scheme.
RESOLVED – (a) That the additional accommodation works at Blenheim Primary School, at an estimated total cost of £643,984, be approved.
(b) That expenditure of £643,984 from capital scheme number 15822\BLE\000 be authorised.
Annual Adoption Agency Report PDF 146 KB To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services providing details of the work undertaken by Leeds City Council adoption service from April 2011 to March 2012 inclusive. Specifically, the report focuses upon the activity of the service in relation to its compliance with the national minimum standards; the implementation and progression of children’s care plans; the service offered to those seeking to adopt and the services offered to those affected by adoption through the provision of adoption support.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing details of the work undertaken by Leeds City Council adoption service from April 2011 to March 2012 inclusive. Specifically, the report focussed upon the activity of the service in relation to its compliance with the national minimum standards; the implementation and progression of children’s care plans; the service offered to those seeking to adopt and the services offered to those affected by adoption through the provision of adoption support.
A copy of the Adoption Service’s Statement of Purpose, dated May 2012, was appended to the submitted report for Members’ consideration.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report be noted and that the Board continues to provide its support towards the work of the Adoption Team, ensuring that our adopted children receive the best possible support.
Fostering Service Annual Report PDF 109 KB To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services informing the Board on the work undertaken by the fostering service between April 2011 and March 2012. The report provides information on the work of the service; its compliance with the national minimum standards; the implementation and progression of children’s care plans; the service offered to foster carers and outcomes for children. In addition, the report provides an update on the activity in relation to the recruitment and retention of foster carers, fostering panel activity and developments within the service, whilst highlighting national developments in fostering practice and providing information on the profile of children in care in Leeds.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report informing of the work undertaken by the fostering service between April 2011 and March 2012. The report provided details of the work of the service, its compliance with the national minimum standards, the implementation and progression of children’s care plans, the service offered to foster carers and outcomes for children. In addition, the report provided an update on the activity in relation to the recruitment and retention of foster carers, fostering panel activity and developments within the service, whilst highlighting national developments in fostering practice and providing information on the profile of children in care in Leeds.
A copy of the Fostering Service’s Statement of Purpose, dated May 2012, was appended to the submitted report for Members’ consideration.
Members emphasised the vital role played by foster carers and the need to continue to focus upon the recruitment of new carers across the city.
Responding to Members’ enquiries, reassurance was provided that work was commencing via Scrutiny Board (Children’s Services) into the services provided by private and independent foster homes throughout Leeds, and the need for the authority to be notified as a matter of course about the existence of such homes.
In addition, the Board received details on the actions being taken in relation to the recruitment of foster carers in Leeds, with specific information provided on the work being undertaken around the impact of the changes to benefit provision upon foster carers, and more generally, the financial incentives provided to them.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report be noted, and that the Board continues to provide its support towards the work of the fostering service, ensuring our fostered children receive the best possible support.
Transfer of Great Preston Primary School site to the Diocese of Ripon & Leeds PDF 73 KB To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services seeking approval in principle to transfer the land at Great Preston Primary School site to the Diocese of Ripon and Leeds
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report which sought in principle approval to transfer the land at Great Preston Primary School site to the Diocese of Ripon and Leeds.
RESOLVED – (a) That the transfer of Council owned land at the Great Preston Primary School site, as listed within appendix 1 and as set out within the submitted report, be approved.
(b) That the principal of transferring land to the Diocese be approved on the basis set out within the submitted report, in respect of any further schools in the ownership of the Council and which the Diocese call for, and that the final approval of the terms of such disposals be delegated to the Director of City Development.
Future of Cow Close Library PDF 84 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development outlining proposals for the future of library provision in the Cow Close area.
Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 257, 16th May 2012, the Director of City Development submitted a report outlining proposals for the future of library provision in the Cow Close area.
RESOLVED – That the replacement of the current library provision with increased, targeted mobiles, be agreed, and that the decisions on the future of the venue be delegated to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods.
To consider the joint report of the Director of Public Health and the Director of Adult Social Services responding to two of the recommendations arising from the recent Scrutiny Board (Safer and Stronger Communities) Inquiry into Fuel Poverty in Leeds.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Public Health and the Director of Adult Social Services submitted a joint report responding to two of the recommendations arising from the recent Scrutiny Board (Safer and Stronger Communities) Inquiry into Fuel Poverty in Leeds.
Councillor Anderson, as Chair of the Scrutiny Board (Safer and Stronger Communities) attended the meeting and introduced the key issues arising from the Scrutiny Board’s Inquiry into Fuel Poverty.
The Board welcomed the timely piece of work which had been undertaken by the Scrutiny Board on this issue, noted the opportunity for further cross-party working to be undertaken and highlighted that this matter would be picked up by the new Health and Wellbeing Board in due course.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Scrutiny Board (Safer and Stronger Communities) Inquiry report into Fuel Poverty, together with recommendations 1 and 10(i) be welcomed as a valuable contribution towards addressing fuel poverty in Leeds.
(b) That in line with recommendation 1 of the Inquiry report, it be agreed that in the development of the new public health system, fuel poverty be identified as a key priority and used to demonstrate how the Public Health operating arrangements will work in practice.
(c) That in line with recommendation10(i) of the Inquiry report, it be agreed that in developing a simple systematic referral pathway across health and council services, a twin track approach will need to be adopted. This will involve: · a universal multi-agency referral system to be used across the city by frontline staff linked to other key initiatives, or used in targeted neighbourhoods to support customers to access a wide range of preventative services including affordable warmth, and · a specialised referral pathway specifically for the referral of clients with an existing health condition to be used by the health and social care integrated teams.
To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services responding to the deputation presented to Council by the Leeds Local Involvement Network (LINk) on 28th March 2012 regarding the Health and Wellbeing Bill and its impact upon Leeds.
Additional documents: Minutes: A report from the Director of Adult Social Services was submitted providing a response to the deputation presented to Council on the 28th March 2012 by the Leeds Local Involvement Network (LINk) regarding the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and its impact upon Leeds.
The Board noted the contents of the report and highlighted the importance of acknowledging the concerns which had been raised by the public. The Chair thanked the members of the deputation present for their attendance at the meeting.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report, including the response to the deputation by Leeds Local Involvement Network (LINk), be noted.
(b) That it be confirmed that the Board is sufficiently assured that the issues raised in the deputation are being addressed.
Public Health in Leeds City Council - New Responsibilities PDF 137 KB To consider the report of the Director of Public Health on the new responsibilities which will fall within the remit of the Council from April 2013, issues relating to the implementation of the Leeds Public Health Transition Plan and the proposed Operating Model for Public Health in Leeds City Council
Minutes: The Director of Public Health submitted a report providing an update on the new responsibilities in respect of public health which would fall within the remit of the Council from April 2013. In addition, the report provided details on the progress made on, and the issues arising from the implementation of the Leeds Public Health Transition Plan, whilst also seeking endorsement of the proposed Operating Model for Public Health in Leeds City Council
Members highlighted the significant opportunities that the Council’s new duties would present, whilst the Chief Executive emphasised the need for the Council to make its mark on improving the health of the people of Leeds. In addition, the Board noted the expertise of the public health professionals who would be undertaking the new function, whilst Members were updated upon the progress made in respect of Member development and officer training opportunities within the field of public health.
RESOLVED - (a) That the new public health responsibilities coming to the Council after April 2013 as a result of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 be noted.
(b) That the creation of the Office of the Director of Public Health as an additional Central and Corporate function be endorsed, with the Director of Public Health being operationally accountable to the Chief Executive.
(c) That the principles behind the Operating Model of the Office of the Director of Public Health be endorsed and that the necessary authority to progress the transfer of public health functions, staff and resources to the Council be provided.
(d) That progress made on the Leeds Public Health Transition Plan, the issues raised, national milestones and NHS assurance process, be noted.
(e) That it be noted that a further report will be made to Executive Board in the autumn which will set out key priorities and actions to be taken within the Joint Health and Well Being Strategy which will reduce health inequalities and improve health and well being for all citywide and within localities.
The Government's Blue Badge Reform Programme - An Update upon the Impact of Recent Changes PDF 92 KB To consider the joint report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) and the Director of Adult Social Services providing details of the impact of the recent changes brought about by the Government’s national blue badge reform programme, seeking endorsement of the arrangements in place to undertake assessments for blue badges and highlighting the actions being taken to continue to improve the delivery of the scheme in Leeds. Minutes: Further to Minute No. 130, 2nd November 2011, the Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) and the Director of Adult Social Services submitted a joint report providing details of the impact of the recent changes brought about by the Government’s national blue badge reform programme. In addition, the report sought endorsement of the arrangements established to undertake assessments for blue badges, whilst it also highlighted the actions which were being taken to continue to improve the delivery of the scheme in Leeds.
The Executive Member for Adult Social Care thanked all officers who had been involved in the administration of the new arrangements in respect of the blue badge parking scheme, for the considerable work which had been undertaken on this issue.
A Member made specific comments regarding the practicalities of the assessment process, specifically with regard to the assessment centre and the associated form. In response, such comments were acknowledged and the Board was provided with an update on the current position regarding the location of the assessment centre.
RESOLVED – (a) That the progress made in creating and delivering the new Blue Badge scheme in Leeds be noted.
(b) That the assessment arrangements established in Leeds, as detailed within sections 3.2 to 3.6 of the submitted report, be endorsed.
(c) That the actions taken to continue to improve the delivery of the scheme in Leeds, as detailed within sections 3.12 to 3.13 of the submitted report, be noted.
To consider the report of the Director of Director of Adult Social Services seeking authority from the Executive Board to proceed with a procurement exercise in regard to the Residential Quality Governance Framework and associated fees for Older Peoples care homes in Leeds.
Appendices 2 and 3 to this report are designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3). Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 68, 7th September 2011, a report from the Director of Director of Adult Social Services was submitted which sought the necessary authority to proceed with a procurement exercise in regard to the Residential Quality Governance Framework and associated fees for Older Peoples care homes in Leeds.
Members welcomed the cross-party approach which had been taken in respect of this matter, which had led to the proposals detailed within the submitted report.
Following consideration of Appendices 2 and 3 to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That the Board’s agreement be given to the adoption of the quality framework approach and the associated recommended fee structure, as set out within the submitted report, whichfollows on from the work of the Advisory Board and the extensive collaboration to achieve a new business relationship with Independent Sector providers of residential and nursing care for older people. (b) That the Board’s agreement be given to the initiation of a procurement process to commence immediately, and that it be noted that the Director of Social Services will take a delegated decision to award the framework contracts in accordance with the Council’s scheme of delegations, in order to ensure that the recommended quality framework and fee structure can be implemented from the 1st October 2012. (c) That the Board’s agreement be given to the proposal that the recommended new monitoring arrangements are put in place in order to assure the intended improvements in quality. (d) That the Board’s agreement be given to the proposal that the risks and mitigation plans are implemented with regard to the financial risks identified.
To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services seeking the necessary approvals in respect of design proposals for the Harry Booth House Intermediate Care scheme.
Appendix 1 to this report is designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 67, 7th September 2011, a report from the Director of Adult Social Services was submitted which sought approval to the design proposals for the Harry Booth House Intermediate Care scheme, as described within the submitted report. In addition, the report sought approval to the outline scheme design proposals for the proposed refurbishment of Harry Booth House, a related injection into the Capital Programme, together with the necessary authority to spend.
Following consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That the outline scheme design proposals for the proposed refurbishment of Harry Booth House, as described in the submitted report, at an estimated total cost of £2,487,000, be approved.
(b) That an injection of £1,902,000 into existing Capital Scheme No 16493 be authorised, comprising allocated funds of £90,000 from NHSABL, with the balance of £1,812,000 funded via borrowing from the savings identified in the project business case.
(c) That approval be given to the authority to spend £2,487,000 in order to deliver the scheme, including £675,000 from allocated funds from NHSABL included in Capital Scheme No 16493 on the proposed refurbishment of Harry Booth House to create an Intermediate Care Unit.
2011/2012 Year End Performance Report PDF 89 KB To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) presenting a summary of the year-end (quarter four) performance data for 2011-12, which provides an update on progress in delivering the Council Business Plan 2011-15 and City Priority Plan 2011-15.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) submitted a report presenting a summary of the year-end (quarter four) performance data for 2011/2012, which provided an update on progress in delivering the Council Business Plan 2011-2015 and the City Priority Plan 2011-2015.
Members noted that the performance data within the submitted report would be considered in detail by the relevant Scrutiny Boards.
Responding to an enquiry, it was undertaken that the Member in question would be provided with the further information which he had requested in respect of ‘missed bins’.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report, together with the performance issues identified, be noted.
Financial Performance - Outturn Financial Year ended 31st March 2012 PDF 157 KB To consider the report of the Director of resources on the Council’s financial outturn position for 2011/2012 for both revenue and capital and including the Housing Revenue Account
Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report on the Council’s financial outturn position for 2011/2012 for both revenue and capital, and also included details in respect of the Housing Revenue Account. In addition, the report presented information on major variations on the revenue account from the provisional outturn reported to the May 2012 Executive Board and also reported on the final position of Schools and the Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMOs). Finally, the report highlighted the current position regarding other key financial health indicators including Council Tax and National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) collection statistics, sundry income and prompt payments.
The Board thanked officers for all of their efforts which had led to the Council in achieving its current financial position.
A reference was made to the budgets held by individual schools, and highlighted that further consideration needed to be given to this matter.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report be noted.
Localised Council Tax Support Scheme PDF 130 KB To consider the report of the Director of Resources on proposals for a local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2013/14 and seeking approval to carry out public consultation on the proposed scheme Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report which presented a proposal for a local Council Tax Support scheme for 2013/2014. In addition, the report sought approval to undertake a public consultation exercise on the proposed scheme, with the outcomes from the consultation being presented to a future Executive Board along with a recommendation for a local Council Tax Support scheme.
Having noted that the Council was required to adopt a local working age scheme by 31st January 2013, the Board received reassurances regarding the proposed timescales detailed within the submitted report which related to the development and adoption of such a scheme. Further to this, the Board noted that a further report containing the recommendations for the scheme would be submitted to the Board in January 2013, although efforts would be made to submit it to an earlier meeting, if at all possible. Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board noted that other local authorities were in a similar position to Leeds, with respect to timescales.
RESOLVED – (a) That the proposed consultation exercise on the draft Council Tax Scheme, as set out within the submitted report, be approved.
(b) That approval be given to the inclusion within that consultation (detailed at resolution (a) above) of proposals to amend Council Tax discounts and exemptions schemes for empty properties in Leeds.
(c) That a report be submitted to Executive Board no later than January 2013, with a recommendation for the local Council Tax Support scheme from 2013/2014 that has considered the responses from the consultation exercise.
To consider the report of the Director of City Development responding to the duptation presented to Council by the Young People of Haven Chase, Cookridge on 28th March 2012 regarding the provision of a 20MPH speed limit. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of City Development submitted a report which responded to the deputation presented to Council on the 28th March 2012 by the Young People of Haven Chase, Cookridge, regarding the provision of a 20mph speed limit.
RESOLVED – (a) That a letter be written to Ella Craggs thanking her for her excellent presentation on the traffic issues on Haven Chase, Cookridge, and outlining the manner in which we will meet the request contained in her deputation.
(b) That the intention to expand the planned proposal for a 20mph scheme covering the Silk Mill area and Tinshill Pupil Referral Unit be noted, so as to incorporate Haven Chase and nearby streets, which will be progressed as part of the forward programme of priority schemes, to expand the coverage of such priority schemes in areas surrounding schools.
(c) That it be noted that the Council’s Speed Indicator Device (SID) is available for the local community to use in order to raise awareness amongst motorists of traffic speed issues both for Haven Chase and other areas of the city.
(Scrutiny Support will notify Directors of any items called in by 12.00pm on 2nd July 2012) |