Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Governance Services
No. | Item |
Substitute Member Additional documents: Minutes: Under the provisions of Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 3.1.6, Councillor B Anderson was invited to attend the meeting on behalf of Councillor A Carter, who had submitted his apologies for absence from the meeting.
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information so designated as follows:-
(a) Appendix 6 to the report entitled, ‘East Leeds Orbital Road: Land Assembly and Financing’, referred to in Minute No. 19 is designated as exempt from publication in accordance with paragraph 10.4(3) of Schedule 12A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular people, and of the Council. It is therefore considered that the release of such information would, or would be likely to prejudice the Council’s commercial interests in relation to potential transactions.
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests made at the meeting.
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19th April 2017 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th April 2017 be approved as a correct record.
Chair's Opening Comments Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed all in attendance to the meeting and reflected upon the number of significant events which had occurred since the previous Board meeting on 19th April 2017, including the General Election.
Specifically however, the Chair made reference to theatrocities which had occurred in London and Manchester in recent weeks, and also to the fire which had recently occurred at Grenfell Tower, London. On behalf of the Board, the Chair extended the Council’s sympathies to all of those who had lost their lives and to all of those who had been affected by those terrible events.
With regard to the fire at Grenfell Tower, the Chair invited the Director of Resources and Housing to provide an update and also reassurance, as to the actions which the Council was taking in light of the Grenfell Tower fire.
The Board noted that checks had been undertaken on the cladding systems used in Leeds, with reassurance being provided that none of the systems used had been comparable to those at Grenfell Tower. It was also noted that as a precautionary measure, further testing would take place on the materials used in the city’s high rise buildings. Reassurance was also provided on the ‘compartmentation’ system used in Leeds which had been established in order to contain fires within high rise buildings. Members also received an update on the installation of sprinkler systems which had occurred in a number of blocks in the city to date, and it was noted that this programme had prioritised those blocks which had been reserved for older residents. In light of the Grenfell Tower fire, emphasis was also placed upon the wish to continue to promote the importance of sprinkler systems in high rise buildings as a key fire safety measure on a national level.
Finally, the importance of the communication and engagement work with tenants was highlighted, and that this programme of engagement would continue.
Members welcomed the update and the reassurance provided, thanked the Executive Member for Communities for the lead which she had taken on such issues, and requested that Members be kept informed of developments in this area, as and when they occurred.
Waste Depot Development PDF 1 MB To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment outlining the current depot provision across the Council and the current operational and financial risks associated with this. The report outlines the work that has been carried out to develop options to mitigate these risks, including the costs, issues and benefits associated with these options and seeks approval for capital funding to deliver a new depot for the use of Waste Management and other council services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report outlining the current depot provision across the Council and the current operational and financial risks associated with this. The report also outlined the work that had been undertaken to develop options in order to mitigate such risks, including the costs, issues and benefits associated with these options, and which sought approval for capital funding in order to deliver a new depot for the use of Waste Management and other Council services.
In response to a Members’ enquiries, the Board received assurances on the proposed development, specifically in respect of the service’s efficiency levels and its impact upon carbon output levels. In addition, with regard to the issue of continuity of service, it was acknowledged that a robust continuity plan would be established as part of this development.
Responding to an enquiry, assurances were provided in terms of keeping Elected Members informed of developments as they occurred in this area.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the injection of £4.01m of unsupported borrowing into the capital programme, in order to fund the development of a new operational depot on Newmarket Approach, be authorised;
(c) That authorisation be given to begin the process to tender for the construction of a new operational depot, on the land off Newmarket Approach behind the Refuse and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF), subject to necessary consultation and Planning permission;
(d) That it be noted that the Chief Officer, Waste Management, will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Additional documents: |
To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families on the outcome of consultation on a proposal to change the age range of Hovingham Primary School from 3-11 years to 2-11 years and seeks permission to publish a statutory notice in respect of this proposal.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children and Families submitted a report regarding the outcome of consultation on a proposal to change the age range of Hovingham Primary School from 3-11 years to 2-11 years, and which sought approval to publish a statutory notice in respect of this proposal.
RESOLVED – (a) That the publication of a Statutory Notice to lower the age limit of Hovingham Primary School from 3 to 2, changing the school’s age range from 3-11 years to 2-11 years, be approved, which would enable the school to deliver free early education entitlement for eligible 2 year olds;
(b) That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Learning Systems.
Learning Places Programme - Capital Programme Update PDF 188 KB To consider the joint report of the Director of Children and Families, the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development presenting an update on the three year strategy for providing sufficient school places in the city, an update on progress of the projects currently forming part of the Learning Places Programme and the SEMH Programme, outlining the revised programme governance arrangements and seeking a number of associated approvals.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 127, 14th December 2016, the Director of Children and Families, the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report presenting an update on the 3 year strategy for providing sufficient school places in the city, on the progress of the projects currently forming part of the Learning Places Programme, outlining the revised programme of governance arrangements and which sought relevant approvals in order to progress the programme.
The Board acknowledged the complexities of the challenges being tackled by the Programme, and in response to an enquiry, Members highlighted the need for the Council to continue to work in a cohesive cross-party manner in order to effectively address such challenges.
Also, the Board received further information on the actions which were being taken with the aim of ensuring that the planning process in this area operated as smoothly as possible, and discussed the process by which proposals were brought forward as part of the Learning Places Programme.
Members also considered the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), and how such monies could potentially be utilised to help address those issues being tackled by the Learning Places Programme, and it was noted that a report regarding CIL was scheduled to be submitted to the July meeting of the Board.
In conclusion, it was undertaken that should any specific Board Members require it, a briefing on such matters could be provided to them.
RESOLVED – (a) That the ‘authority to spend’ on the Learning Places Programme for the three schemes, as detailed in the submitted report, at a total value of £19.3m, be approved; (b) That approval be given for the balance of the programme capital risk fund to be reset from £6.13m to £10.771m, in order to facilitate effective risk management at programme level, with approval also being given on the ‘authority to spend’ on the increase of £4.641m; (c) That approval be given to the revision of the programme governance arrangements, which are proposed to maintain an appropriate level of check and challenge, which include:- · the delegation of the approval of design and cost reports for the schemes which form part of the programme, approved by Executive Board, to the Director of Children & Families, and that these approvals shall be subject to the agreement of the Director of City Development and the Director of Resources & Housing, in consultation with the appropriate Executive Member, and that these reports will be open to scrutiny by Members; and · the delegation of the management and use of the basic need risk capital fund to the Director of Children & Families, and that these decisions shall be subject to the agreement of the Director of City Development and the Director of Resources & Housing, in consultation with the appropriate Executive Member, and that decisions on these matters will be open to scrutiny by Members. (d) That the following be noted:- (i) The good progress made on this challenging programme of work, which is currently valued at £128.651m. |
COMMUNITIES Additional documents: |
Illegal Money Lending Team Progress Report PDF 123 KB To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment which provides an update on the activities of the national Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) within Leeds, together with an updated action plan.
Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 23, 15th July 2015, the Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report which provided an update on the activities of the national Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) within Leeds, together with an updated action plan.
Members welcomed the submitted report, paid tribute to the vital work being undertaken in this area, and highlighted the need to ensure that such good work was communicated as effectively as possible.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report together with the Illegal Money Lending Team Action Plan, as set out within Appendix 1, be noted, and that the Director of Communities and Environment be requested to monitor the progress of the Illegal Money Lending Team against the plan, and prepare a further report in 12 months’ time on the activities of the IMLT within Leeds.
ECONOMY AND CULTURE Additional documents: |
Graduate retention and mobility and its impact on the Leeds economy PDF 164 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development setting out the main findings of recent and current research on graduate mobility to and from Leeds, and to outline Leeds’ response as a city.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented the main findings from recent and current research in respect of graduate mobility to and from Leeds, and which outlined Leeds’ response as a city.
Responding to a Members’ enquiries, the Board received further detail on the actions being taken to engage with graduates in order to identify and understand the issues that were important to them in making a city an attractive place to live and work.
RESOLVED – (a) That the need for more graduates in Leeds to cope with an increasing demand for skilled jobs in the city, be noted;
(b) That the Chief Officer (Economy and Regeneration) be authorised to roll out a programme of initiatives, as outlined in section 3.18 of the submitted report, in order to attract more graduates to the city and to increase retention of graduates from the city’s Universities.
Delivering Social Value through Employment and Skills Obligations PDF 933 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development which provides summary information on the employment and skills obligations delivered through the Council’s procurement and planning activity from September 2012 to March 2017. The report also highlights learning from the implementation of employment and skills obligations and the review work undertaken by the More Jobs, Better Jobs Partnership; changes in policy and legislation; the economy and target industries; and the need for refinements to the process to ensure that resources are deployed efficiently to maximise benefits for local residents and businesses. Additionally, the report recommends a revised approach towards targeting opportunities for priority groups of disadvantaged individuals rather than the broader targeting of spatial communities.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided a summary of the employment and skills obligations which had been delivered through the Council’s procurement and planning activity from September 2012 to March 2017. The report also highlighted the learning which had taken place from the implementation of the employment and skills obligations and the review work which had been undertaken by the ‘More Jobs, Better Jobs’ Partnership. Additionally, the report recommended a revised approach towards the targeting of opportunities for priority groups.
Members welcomed the contents of the submitted report, specifically the proposal to revise the existing approach in order to target priority groups. Responding to an enquiry, the Board received further information on how associated data was collected and monitored, with it also being highlighted that a key aspect of the new approach was to make it as streamlined as possible for participating businesses.
RESOLVED – (a) That the success of the approach achieved to date in delivering social value via the application of employment and skills planning obligations and through contracts, be noted;
(b) That the proposed revised approach towards targeting the priority groups, as set out within paragraph 3.6.2 of the submitted report be agreed, which will aim to ensure that this approach continues to deliver Council policy objectives for inclusive growth;
(c) That it be noted that the officer responsible for the further development of the revised approach and its implementation is the Head of Employment Access and Growth.
RESOURCES AND STRATEGY Additional documents: |
Treasury Management Outturn Report 2016/17 PDF 333 KB To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) which provides a final update on Treasury Management Strategy and operations in 2016/17.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report which provided a final update on Treasury Management Strategy and operations for 2016/17.
RESOLVED – That the Treasury Management outturn position for 2016/17 be noted, together with the fact that treasury activity has remained within the treasury management strategy and policy framework.
Financial Performance - Outturn Financial year ended 31st March 2017 PDF 3 MB To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services, on the Council’s financial outturn position for 2016/17 for both revenue and capital. The report also includes the Housing Revenue Account and spending on schools. The current position regarding other key financial health indicators is also highlighted - including Council Tax and Business Rates collection statistics, sundry income, reserves and the prompt payment of creditors.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report presenting the Council’s financial outturn position for 2016/17 for both revenue and capital, and which also included details in respect of the Housing Revenue Account and spending on schools. The report also highlighted the position regarding other key financial health indicators including Council Tax and Business Rates collection statistics, sundry income, reserves and the prompt payment of creditors.
Members discussed the Council’s final outturn position at the close of the 2016/17 financial year, considered the individual outturn position of several directorates, and discussed the proposed use of surpluses, as detailed within the submitted report.
RESOLVED – (a) That the outturn position for 2016/17 be noted, and that approval be given to the creation of earmarked reserves, as detailed in paragraphs 3.5 and 5.5 of the submitted report, and that authority to release such reserves be delegated to the Chief Officer (Financial Services).
(b) That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Financial Services) will be responsible for the implementation of such actions, following the conclusion of the ‘call in’ period.
Financial Health Monitoring 2017/18 - Month 2 (May 2017) PDF 33 KB To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services, on the Council’s projected financial health position for 2017/18 at month 2. Budget Monitoring is a continuous process throughout the year, and this report reviews the position of the budget and highlights potential key risks and variations after the first two months of the year.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report presenting the Council’s projected financial health position for 2017/18, as at month 2. The report reviewed the position of the budget and highlighted any potential key risks and variations after the first two months of the financial year.
The Board highlighted the importance of the transparent approach which was being taken towards the presentation of budgetary information, and discussed how the presentation of such information could help to identify where specific budgetary pressures existed.
RESOLVED – (a) That the projected financial position of the authority, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the injection of £14.702m of additional Better Care funding into the Adults and Health 2017/18 revenue budget, be approved, with the proposals in respect of the use of the grant being submitted to a forthcoming Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board, and subsequently reported to a future Executive Board. With it also being noted that the Director of Adults and Health has the responsibility for the implementation of the decision;
(c) That the injection of £1.636m of Flexible Homelessness Grant into the Resources and Housing 2017/18 revenue budget, be approved, with it being noted that the Director of Resources and Housing is responsible for implementing decisions as to the use of the grant.
To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services seeking approval to implement the locally administered West Yorkshire discretionary discount scheme. In addition, the report also seeks approval of the implementation of the two national rate relief schemes, as introduced by Government.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report which sought approval to implement the proposed locally administered West Yorkshire discretionary discount scheme, which had been designed in liaison with the other West Yorkshire authorities. In addition, the report also sought approval to implement two national rate relief schemes, which had been introduced by Government.
RESOLVED – (a) That the proposed locally administered West Yorkshire business rate discount scheme, which is intended to provide targeted support to businesses affected by the 2017 business rates revaluation, be approved;
(b) That approval be given to the use of any remaining government funds in order to support large businesses, to be considered on a case by case basis;
(c) That formal approval be given to the implementation of the two national business rate relief schemes, as announced by Government, namely: support for small businesses losing Small Business Rate Relief and a £1,000 business rate discount for public houses with a rateable value of up to £100,000;
(d) That following approval of the local and national schemes (as detailed in the resolutions above), the intention to implement the three schemes at the earliest opportunity be noted, together with the fact that reliefs awarded will be backdated to 1st April 2017;
(e) That it be noted that implementation of the local and national schemes will be undertaken by the Business Rates Manager.
Leeds Cycling Starts Here (CSH) Strategy PDF 50 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the progress made in the development of cycling in the city and which seeks endorsement of the Leeds Cycling Starts Here Strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the progress made with regard to the promotion of cycling in the city, and which presented for the Board’s endorsement the Leeds ‘Cycling Starts Here’ Strategy.
In acknowledging the progress which had been made in recent years in Leeds with regard to cycling, Members discussed the role of the proposed strategy and how it would be used as a starting point to make further progress in this area. The Board acknowledged the multifaceted nature of cycling and how this would need to be reflected by the strategy, and discussed the role to be played by Scrutiny in the Strategy’s development.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contribution of partners and stakeholders towards the production of the Leeds ‘Cycling Starts Here’ Strategy, be noted;
(b) That the findings of the consultation process, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(c) That the Leeds ‘Cycling Starts Here’ Strategy be endorsed;
(d) That the progress made on the Strategy and related matters be reported to Scrutiny Board annually;
(e) That future updates on the ‘Cycling Starts Here’ Strategy be presented to Executive Board, as necessary;
(f) That it be noted that the Chief Officers for Highways & Transportation and Culture & Sport will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.
Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme PDF 118 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking authority to spend a total of up to £15.31m from the DfT funding for scheme and package development and overall programme management costs for 2017/18. A breakdown of the costs is detailed within the report. Also, the report sets out the next steps for delivering the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought ‘authority to spend’ a total of up to £15.31m from the £173.5m funding which the Department for Transport had agreed in April 2017 for the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme. Additionally, the report detailed the next steps for the delivery of the Programme.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information regarding when the proposed programme of works would need to be delivered by, together with further detail on the proposed new rail stations, and the current position with regard to Network Rail funding. The Board also noted that discussions were ongoing with bus companies, with Members highlighting the need for all residents of Leeds to benefit from improvements to bus transport, and not just those users of specific bus companies.
Responding to Members’ comments regarding investment in different modes of transport, it was highlighted that the public transport network needed to become as seamless as possible, in order to ensure that the public benefit was maximised from the investment being made.
The Board discussed the cross-party working group, noted the comments made during the discussion, and reaffirmed the importance of cross-party working in this area.
Regarding the Council debate on public transport which had been scheduled for 17th May 2017, but had been subsequently cancelled following the Prime Minister’s announcement to hold a General Election, it was highlighted that a comprehensive discussion on such matters was still a priority, and that further work and discussion on the scheduling of this would be undertaken.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Government approval of £173.5m funding towards public transport improvements in Leeds, together with the content of the related correspondence, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That approval be given to inject the Department for Transport grant of up to £173.5m towards public transport improvements in Leeds, as set out within the contents of the approval letter (as appended to the submitted report), subject to the finalisation of a grant agreement with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) in accordance with their assurance framework and those elements of the programme to be delivered directly by WYCA;
(c) That expenditure of up to £15.31m from the £173.5m Government funding be approved in order to progress the Leeds Public Transport Improvement Programme, subject to finalising those elements to be directly delivered by WYCA;
(d) That it be noted that officers will return to Executive Board in due course in order to seek approval to carry out detail design and construction on schemes as they are developed;
(e) That negotiations with bus operators, developers and partners continue in order to leverage significant additional financial investments to support the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme;
(f) That the necessary authority be provided in order to enter into a Grant Agreement with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority for the expenditure of monies;
(g) That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) is responsible for the delivery of ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking approvals regarding ‘Authority to Spend’ in respect of existing Capital Schemes for the purposes of undertaking highways and public realm improvement works at the junction of Clay Pit Lane and Woodhouse Lane. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to carry out a major junction improvement at the Claypit Lane/Woodhouse Lane junction, and sought approval for the necessary ‘Authority to Spend’, in order to facilitate such improvements.
RESOLVED – (a) That ‘authority to spend’ £2.526m from existing Capital Scheme Nos. 32214 and 16256 for the proposed highway and public realm improvement works at the junction of Clay Pit Lane and Woodhouse Lane, as detailed within the submitted report, be approved;
(b) That the actions required to implement the decision, together with the proposed timescale to progress the project, as detailed in paragraph 3.1 and 3.2 of the submitted report, be noted;
(c) That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.
East Leeds Orbital Road - Land Assembly and Financing PDF 83 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development setting out the work undertaken to date in order to assemble land to facilitate the delivery of the East Leeds Orbital Road and which requests Executive Board approval to make a Compulsory Purchase Order and a Side Roads Order and also to approve the financing package for the scheme.
(Please Note: Appendix 6 of this report is designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to information Procedure Rule 10.4(3)) Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 149, 8th February 2017, the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval for the Council to make a Compulsory Purchase Order and related Side Roads Order in order to assemble the land necessary for the construction and adoption of the East Leeds Orbital Road (ELOR). The report also sought agreement to a financing package for the ELOR scheme, and presented an update on the work undertaken on this project to date.
In considering the report, further to the Wards highlighted within the submitted report, it was highlighted that Alwoodley Ward would also be affected by the initiative, specifically the advanced junctions work.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, it was confirmed that although there was no provision for a bus lane on the East Leeds Orbital Road itself, there were a number of public transport improvements proposed to be undertaken as part of the overall East Leeds Extension programme.
Following consideration of Appendix 6 to the submitted report designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That the Director of City Development be authorised to make the Leeds City Council (East Leeds Orbital Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2017 ("the CPO") under sections 239, 240, 246, 249, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980, the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and all other enabling powers, as per the details set out in paragraphs 3.5 – 3.8 of the submitted report, and the plan at Appendix 3 (subject to any final amendments the Director of City Development considers necessary);
(b) That the Director of City Development be authorised to make the Leeds City Council (A6120 (East Leeds Orbital Road Classified Road) Side Roads and Other Works) Order 2017 ("the SRO") under sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980 and all other enabling powers, as per the details set out in paragraphs 3.5 – 3.8 of the submitted report and the plan at Appendix 4, (subject to any final amendments the Director of City Development considers necessary);
(c) That the Director of City Development be authorised to take all necessary steps to proceed with, and secure confirmation of the CPO and SRO, including the service of all requisite notices on affected parties in connection with the making, confirmation and implementation of the CPO and SRO and making of agreements and undertakings with landowners and other affected parties necessary in order to secure removal of any objections made to the CPO and SRO (where such agreements and undertakings are appropriate), and subject to the confirmation of the CPO, the making of one or more general vesting declarations under the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 or the service of Notice to Treat and Notice of Entry under the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, and if necessary presenting the Council’s case at any public inquiry or other proceedings;
City Centre Vehicle Access Management Scheme PDF 36 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking an injection into the 2017/18 Capital Programme and related authority to progress the detailed design and implementation of an automated vehicle access system to manage and control vehicular access within the pedestrianised core of Leeds City Centre. The report also sought authority to progress the more detailed investigation and option appraisal for four measures at four other locations in the City Centre where access by vehicles is prohibited or restricted. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought authority to progress the detailed design and implementation of an automated vehicle access system to manage and control vehicular access within the pedestrianised core of Leeds city centre, together with an injection of £1,400,000 into the 2017/18 Capital Programme necessary to develop the scheme. In addition, the report also sought authority to progress the more detailed investigation and option appraisal for four measures at four other locations in the city centre where access by vehicles is prohibited or restricted.
RESOLVED – (a) That the injection and expenditure of £1,400,000 into the 2017/18 Capital Budget be approved.
(b) That the detailed design and implementation of an automated vehicle access system to control vehicle access within the central pedestrianised core of Leeds city centre, be authorised.
(c) That the detailed evaluation of a manually operated access control system at four other key locations within the city centre, as identified in section 3.4.6 of the submitted report, where vehicle access is restricted, be authorised.
(d) That approval be given for the invitation of tenders, and that subject to the tender sums being within the tendered budget, agreement be given to approve and authorise the award of the Contract to undertake the construction of the scheme;
(e) That the Director of City Development be instructed to expedite the implementation of all reasonable measures in the most timely manner as possible, and that the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development in order to approve, consult and implement such measures as should be identified at the four key locations identified in section 3.4.6 of the submitted report;
(f) That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation) will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.
Approval for the Construction of a Flood Alleviation Scheme at Westfield, Allerton Bywater PDF 33 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the flooding issues within the Westfield area in Allerton Bywater where residential properties are at risk from flows surcharging from the culvert upstream. The report also seeks approval to the implementation of the Westfield Flood Alleviation Scheme and authority to incur expenditure on the proposed works. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the flooding issues which existed within the Westfield area in Allerton Bywater, with the report also seeking approval to implement the Westfield Flood Alleviation Scheme, and to give authority to incur expenditure on the proposed works.
In considering the submitted report, assurances were provided that the proposed scheme would not create negative impact in other areas, either upstream or downstream of this site.
RESOLVED – (a) That the implementation of Westfield Flood Alleviation scheme at Westfield , as shown within Appendix A to the submitted report (on drawing FRM/253271/001 rev B), be approved;
(b) That authority be given to incur expenditure of £472,000 on the Westfield Flood Alleviation scheme, funded by Leeds City Council Capital resources (£177,000) and Environment Agency grant (£295,000);
(c) That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation) will be responsible for the delivery of the scheme.
Street Lighting Energy Saving Programme PDF 180 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development which provides an update on the progress made with regard to street lighting energy saving, explores options for further energy saving measures and seeks approval to undertake public consultation on further measures.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented an update on the progress made with regard to street lighting energy saving, which explored options for further energy saving measures, and which sought approval to undertake public consultation on further energy saving measures.
In considering the submitted report, a Board Member highlighted his objection to the Street Lighting Energy Saving Programme, and in acknowledging the comments made, Members discussed the effect of the programme to date and the proposal to undertake public consultation regarding options for further energy saving measures.
With regard to the public consultation exercise which was proposed, it was suggested that a view from West Yorkshire Police and/or Safer Leeds regarding the street lighting energy saving programme could potentially be incorporated into such consultation.
RESOLVED – (a) That the progress of the selective part-night street lighting contribution towards energy savings, be noted;
(b) That the proposal to undertake public consultation in order to explore options for further energy saving measures, be approved;
(c) That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.
(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)
HEALTH, WELLBEING AND ADULTS Additional documents: |
Leeds Commitment to Carers PDF 157 KB To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health presenting the Leeds Commitment to Carers, and also seeking approval for Leeds City Council to sign up to the commitment, with a request for each directorate to complete their own commitment and action plan.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which presented the ‘Leeds Commitment to Carers’, and which invited Leeds City Council to sign up to the commitment, requesting that each directorate undertook to complete its own commitment and action plan.
Further to the introduction provided by the Executive Member for ‘Health, Wellbeing and Adults’, Val Hewison, Chief Executive of the ‘Carers Leeds’ organisation was in attendance and provided the Board with an update and further information on the crucial role played by the many carers throughout the city, the range of support which needed to be provided to carers and the partnership and multi-agency approach which needed to be taken in order to do this.
Members welcomed the information provided, confirmed the Board’s support for the Council to sign up to the ‘Leeds Commitment to Carers’, and requested that a further report be submitted to a future Board meeting which detailed the actions being taken by each directorate in response to the ‘Commitment’.
RESOLVED – (a) That each directorate of Leeds City Council be requested to consider their contribution towards making Leeds the best city for carers, and for each directorate to complete a ‘Leeds Commitment to Carers’ action plan.
(b) That approval be given for Leeds City Council as an organisation to sign up to the ‘Leeds Commitment to Carers’.
(c) That a further report be submitted to a future meeting of the Board which details the actions being taken by each directorate in response to the Council signing up to the ‘Leeds Commitment to Carers’.
Adult Social Care Use of Resources Peer Challenge September 2016 PDF 148 KB To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health which shares the results from the recent LGA peer challenge of the Adult Social Care Directorate’s use of resources. The report outlines the actions being taken as a consequence of the review. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which presented the results from the recent Local Government Association (LGA) peer challenge of the Adult Social Care directorate’s use of resources. In addition, the report outlined the actions being taken in response to the review.
Members welcomed the contents of the submitted report, with specific reference being made to the actions that the directorate was taking in response to the key messages arising from the review.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report be noted. |