Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Council and Executive Support Team
No. | Item |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.
Minutes: RESOLVED – That the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information so designated as follows:-
(a) Appendix C to the report referred to in Minute No. 211 under the terms of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3) and on the grounds that the detailed heads of terms for the funding for Logic Leeds are included within the appendix. Therefore, this appendix is designated as exempt as it contains information which relates to Muse Developments Ltd. as a business, and its release would prejudice their commercial interests,. As a result, withholding the information detailed within appendix C to the submitted report is considered to outweigh the public interest benefit of its release.
(b) Both Appendix A and Plan 1 to the report referred to in Minute No. 214 under the terms of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3) and on the grounds that risks are identified within the exempt appendix A to the submitted report, which relate to the financial or business affairs of the Council. Disclosure of those risks would be prejudicial to the interests of the Council. In addition, disclosure of the terms set out in appendix A would be prejudicial to the business interests of Hammerson, in so far as they are continuing to negotiate agreements with landowners and tenants. It is therefore considered that the public interest in treating this information as exempt outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.
(c) Appendix B to
the report referred to in Minute No. 217 under the terms of Access
to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3) and on the grounds that it
contains commercially sensitive information on the Council’s
approach to procurement issues (including Project affordability
position) and commercially sensitive information in relation to the
Preferred Bidder. As such, the public benefit of withholding this
information is considered greater than that of allowing public
access to it. |
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) Minutes: There were no late items as such, however, it was noted that Executive Board Members had been provided with copies of the recently published Scrutiny Board (Children and Families) Inquiry Report entitled, ‘External Placements 2012’. This had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting, by way of some background information to agenda item 20, Looked After Children Report (Minute No. 223 referred). |
Declaration of Interests To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct Minutes: Councillor Finnigan declared a personal interest in the agenda item entitled, ‘Little London, Beeston Hill and Holbeck – Pre Financial Close Final Business Case and Section 27 Delegation Request’, due to being a Director of Aire Valley Homes ALMO Board (Minute No. 217 referred).
Councillor Ogilvie declared a personal interest in the agenda item entitled, ‘Aire Valley Leeds Enterprise Zone Local Draft Order 1: Solar Panels’, due to being a member of the Aire Valley Regeneration Board (Minute No. 212 referred).
Councillor R Lewis declared a personal interest in the agenda item entitled, ‘Aire Valley Leeds Enterprise Zone Local Draft Order 1: Solar Panels’, due to being a member of the Aire Valley Regeneration Board (Minute No. 212 referred).
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2012. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2012 be approved as a correct record.
Apprenticeships in Parks and Countryside To consider the report of the Director of City Development highlighting proposals to develop an apprenticeship programme for the Parks and Countryside service. Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report highlighting proposals to develop an apprenticeship programme for the Parks and Countryside service. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
The Board unanimously supported the proposals detailed within the submitted report, and having particularly welcomed the opportunities which were to be provided to Looked After Children as part of the initiative, Members received assurances in respect of how such opportunities would be facilitated.
RESOLVED – That the planned development of an apprenticeship scheme in Parks and Countryside be supported.
Telecare Equipment for the Leeds Telecare Service 2012/2013 To consider the report of the Director of Adult Social Services seeking authority to release capital expenditure of £1,000,000 on Telecare equipment for the Leeds Telecare Service from April 2012 to March 2013, in accordance with financial procedure rules.
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 240, 19th May 2010, the Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report which sought authority to release capital expenditure of £1,000,000 on the provision of Telecare equipment for the Leeds Telecare Service from April 2012 to March 2013, in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
The Board unanimously supported the proposals detailed within the submitted report.
RESOLVED – That the further release of capital expenditure of £1,000,000 for the Leeds Telecare Service from April 2012 to March 2013 be authorised.
Enterprise Zone Update To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the Enterprise Zone in Aire Valley Leeds and detailing for approval, how the zone will operate and the benefits available to companies locating to the zone.
Appendix C to this report is designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 26, 22nd June 2011, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the Enterprise Zone in Aire Valley Leeds and presenting details for approval, on how the zone proposed to operate, whilst outlining the benefits which would be available to those companies locating to the zone. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
Members emphasised the importance of good infrastructure and transport links to and from the Enterprise Zone, received an update on the levels of interest by companies in locating to the zone and welcomed the proposed flood alleviation measures which were detailed within the report. In addition, the Chair highlighted the need for further work to be undertaken in respect of the possibility of upgrading the skills of residents within the locality, in order to ensure that opportunities were accessible to those residing in and around the zone, with further details being provided to the Board in due course.
Following consideration of Appendix C to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That the establishment of the Enterprise Zone in the Aire Valley Leeds, with the benefits and support for companies and jobseekers identified within the submitted report, be approved.
(b) That changes to the Business Rates discretionary relief scheme authorising the delegated officer to approve applications for the discount for businesses located within the enterprise zone, be approved.
(c) That expenditure of £2,500,000 to support the delivery of the spine road to the Logic Leeds site, to be funded from business rates growth raised in the Enterprise Zone, be authorised. (This road will enable public transport links to East Leeds to be improved and enable local people easy access to the job opportunities created in the Enterprise Zone).
(d) That the contract heads of terms, as detailed within exempt appendix C to the submitted report, as the basis upon which the funding will be provided to the developer of the Logic Leeds site, be approved, and that the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development, in respect of the responsibility for finalising the terms of the funding agreement.
(e) That further work be undertaken on the possibility of upgrading the skills of residents within the locality, in order to ensure that opportunities were accessible to those residing in and around the zone, with further details being provided to the Board in due course.
Aire Valley Leeds Enterprise Zone Draft Local Development Order 1: Solar Panels To consider the report of the Director of City Development setting out a draft of a Local Development Order (LDO) proposed to support the Aire Valley Enterprise Zone and Urban Eco Settlement concept by simplifying the planning process in the area. The proposed LDO specifically relates to allowing the installation of solar panels on non-domestic buildings without the need to apply for planning permission.
Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 26, 22nd June 2011, the Director of City Development submitted a report presenting a draft of a Local Development Order (LDO) proposed to support the Aire Valley Enterprise Zone and Urban Eco Settlement concept by simplifying the planning process in the area. The proposed LDO specifically related to allowing the installation of solar panels on non-domestic buildings without the need to apply for planning permission. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
RESOLVED – (a) That the draft of the Aire Valley Leeds Enterprise Zone – Local Development Order 1: Solar Panels, as set out within appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved, and that the Chief Planning Officer submit the draft LDO, together with the statement of reasons, to the Secretary of State.
(b) That subject to the Secretary of State not making a direction under Section 61B(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended, the Aire Valley Leeds Local Development Order (1): Solar Panels be adopted with effect from 1 April 2012.
(The matters referred to within this minute were not eligible for Call In, as any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public interest. This is due to the fact that the Enterprise Zone will commence on 1st April 2012, therefore the timescales for preparing and consulting on LDOs have been very tight and a delay in referring the LDO to the Secretary of State would not allow it to be adopted in time for the start of the Enterprise Zone)
Camera Enforcement of Bus Lanes - Phase 2 To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking approval, in principle, to extend camera enforcement of bus lanes at the remaining bus lane sites across Leeds, in addition to allowing the introduction of cameras on new bus lane schemes.
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report seeking in principle approval to extend the camera enforcement of bus lanes initiative to the remaining bus lane sites across Leeds, in addition to allowing the introduction of cameras on new bus lane schemes. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
Members highlighted the need for the associated road signage to be correct and in line with all relevant regulations, discussed the extent to which there may be an element of discretion in respect of the enforcement, should there be mitigating circumstances and received clarification on the levels of taxi access to bus lanes.
A concern was raised regarding the timing of the proposed extension to the enforcement, given the current economic climate, and also that the initiative should not act as a deterrent to those visiting Leeds or negatively impact upon the city’s economy.
RESOLVED – (a) That the successful introduction of the pilot bus lane enforcement scheme in the city centre, be noted.
(b) That in principle approval be given to extend the camera enforcement of bus lanes to the remaining bus lane sites across Leeds, including the introduction of cameras on new bus lane schemes, based on individual site assessments and at nil cost to the Council.
(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he voted against the decisions referred to within this minute)
Eastgate Quarter - Amendment to Legal Documentation and Commercial Deal To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking approval to revise the terms of the Eastgate Development Agreement with Hammerson, who have requested that the Development Agreement be reviewed and that revised terms are agreed in order to facilitate the delivery of the project.
Both Appendix A and Plan 1 to this report are designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 181, 9th March, 2011, the Director of City Development submitted a report seeking approval to revise the terms of the Eastgate Development Agreement with Hammerson, who have requested that the Development Agreement was reviewed and that the revised terms agreed, in order to facilitate the delivery of the project. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
In introducing the report, the Executive Member for Development and the Economy referred to the correspondence which had been received from the Friends of Kirkgate Market and the Leeds Kirkgate Branch of the National Market Traders’ Federation and acknowledged the points raised in respect of details within the report regarding consultation.
The Board reiterated its support for the Eastgate development project, and emphasised the extra retail offer, together with the significant employment and training opportunities which would be established as a result.
Following consideration of both Appendix A and Plan 1 to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which were considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED - (a) That the contents of the submitted report, together with the current position of the project, be noted. (b) That the Heads of Terms, as set out within the submitted report for the variation of the Development Agreement, be approved. (c) That the Director of City Development and the City Solicitor be authorised to conclude all the documents required to amend the existing Development Agreement in accordance with the submitted report, and that the Director of City Development and the City Solicitor be authorised to agree any further alterations that might be required, in consultation with the Executive Member for Development and the Economy and in accordance with the appropriate schemes of delegation. (The matters referred to within this minute were not eligible for Call In, as under the Council’s Constitution, a decision may be declared as being exempt from Call In if it is considered that any delay in implementing the decision would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public interest. Any delay in completing the legal documentation as soon as practically possible may have an impact on the critical path of approvals which are being sought both from Hammerson and John Lewis Boards in March)
(a) Request from Scrutiny Board (Regeneration) for a Late Submission to DEFRA To consider the report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development requesting that Executive Board make a late submission to Defra following its consultation on proposals to reform the process of registration of land as Town and Village Greens and to introduce Local Green Space Developments based on the submission made by the Open Space Society.
(b) A Response to a Request from Scrutiny Board (Regeneration) for a Late Submission to DEFRA To consider the report of the Director of City Development informing Executive Board of the Council’s response to consultation undertaken by Defra regarding the reforms to the registration of town and village greens; and the issues identified for the Council in relation to the registration and future management of land designated as a town and village green. This report also seeks approval to decline the request of the Scrutiny Board (Regeneration) for the Council to make a late submission to Defra following its consultation on proposals to reform the process of registration of land as Town and Village Greens and to introduce local Green Space Developments based on the submission made by the Open Space Society.
Additional documents:
Minutes: (A) A Request from Scrutiny Board (Regeneration) for a Late Submission to DEFRA on its Consultation to Reform the Process of Registration of Land as Town and Village Greens and to Introduce Local Green Space Developments The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report outlining a request from Scrutiny Board (Regeneration) that Executive Board make a late submission to DEFRA based upon that which had been previously submitted by the Open Space Society, in respect of the consultation exercise undertaken by DEFRA on proposals to reform the process by which land was registered as Town and Village Greens and to introduce Local Green Space designations. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
Councillor J Procter, as Chair of Scrutiny Board (Regeneration), attended the meeting in order to introduce the report on behalf of the Scrutiny Board and to highlight the Board’s key findings.
On behalf of the Board, the Chair thanked the Scrutiny Board for the valuable work which the had undertaken on this matter.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report and the request made by the Scrutiny Board to make a late submission to DEFRA, be noted.
(B) A Response to a Request from Scrutiny Board (Regeneration) for a Late Submission to DEFRA on its Consultation to Reform the Process of Registration of Land as Town and Village Greens and to Introduce Local Green Space Developments The Director of City Development submitted a report informing of the Council’s response to consultation undertaken by DEFRA regarding the reforms to the registration of town and village greens, whilst highlighting the issues identified for the Council in relation to the registration and future management of land designated as a town and village green. In addition, the report sought approval to decline the request of the Scrutiny Board (Regeneration) for the Council to make a late submission to DEFRA, based on the previous submission made by the Open Space Society. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
In responding to a suggestion regarding the possible designation of extra land within Leeds for public parks, via the Local Development Framework, it was requested that further work was undertaken on this matter.
The Board acknowledged and considered a view expressed during the discussion that a more robust submission should be made to DEFRA on behalf of the Council.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Council’s response to consultation undertaken by DEFRA regarding the reforms to the registration of town and village greens be noted. (b) That the issues for the Council in relation to the registration and future management of land designated as a town and village greens be noted. (c) That the request of Scrutiny Board (Regeneration) for the Council to make a late submission to DEFRA based on the submission made by the Open Space Society, following its consultation on proposals to reform the process of registration of land ... view the full minutes text for item 215. |
To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing a response to the deputation to Council on 18th January 2012 by Leeds Climate Action Coalition regarding the impact of the Feed In Tariff review on jobs, fuel poverty and carbon reduction in Leeds.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report responding to the deputation presented to Council on 18th January 2012 by Leeds Climate Action Coalition regarding the impact of the Feed In Tariff review upon jobs, fuel poverty and carbon reduction in Leeds. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
RESOLVED – (a) That the necessary responsibility be delegated to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods in order to oversee the formal response to Phase 2 of the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s consultation on Feed-In Tariffs.
(b) That Executive Board continue to co-ordinate the Council’s low carbon programmes through the Environment Programme Board.
(c) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods in order to engage with the PV market to seek competitive proposals from potential PV installers and to appoint the installer that can deliver best value, which is cost neutral or better, for the Council.
To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods outlining the progress made in respect of the Little London, Beeston Hill and Holbeck PFI housing project and highlighting the outcomes being sought to contribute towards the regeneration of three inner areas of the city.
Appendix B to the report is designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3). Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 55, 27th July 2011, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report outlining the progress made in respect of the Little London, Beeston Hill and Holbeck PFI housing project and highlighting the outcomes which were being sought to contribute towards the regeneration of three inner areas of the city. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
In considering the report, Members welcomed the progress which had been achieved and acknowledged the efforts which had been made by all relevant parties to get the project to its current, advanced position. In addition, Members highlighted the significant number of training and employment opportunities which would be established for the localities and beyond, as a result of the project and emphasised the mixed tenure of housing provision that the project looked to establish in the three communities.
Responding to a Member’s enquiries, officers provided the Board with details regarding the background to the combination of the Little London and the Beeston Hill and Holbeck PFI schemes.
Following consideration of Appendix B to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED - (a) That the progress made in respect of the project, and the intention to let the contract by the end of March 2012 in order to allow a start on site by July 2012, be noted.
(b) That the actions required to be taken to secure all required approvals and to seek final authorisation to let the contract be noted, and in particular, the action taken by the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods to seek revised section 27 Housing Act 1985 consents in support of the Project, be noted and endorsed.
(c) That the financial implications and affordability position, as outlined within exempt Appendix B to the submitted report, be noted.
Reducing Reported Domestic Burglary in Leeds - Update To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods presenting a position statement on the delivery of the city’s multi-agency Burglary Reduction Programme, which commenced in September 2011.
Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report presenting a position statement on the delivery of the city’s multi-agency Burglary Reduction Programme, which commenced in September 2011. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
The Board welcomed the successes which had been achieved by the programme to date in addressing the city’s domestic burglary problem.
RESOLVED - (a) That the success of the programme to date, in addressing the city’s domestic burglary problem, be noted.
(b) That on-going support be provided to promote and help sustain the multi-agency approach which has been adopted across the city.
(c) That an on-going commitment be provided to the targeting of activity in strategic areas of concern for 2012/2013.
(d) That a further report be submitted in Autumn 2012 which provides an update on the progress made and which outlines the forward strategy for the Burglary Reduction Programme.
Report on Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing an update on the work and progress made by Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team since its implementation in April 2011 and highlighting how the collective response to Anti-Social Behaviour across Leeds has improved during 2011/2012.
Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing an update on the work and progress made by Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT) since its implementation in April 2011 and highlighting how the collective response to Anti-Social Behaviour across Leeds had improved during 2011/2012. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
In considering this item, a request was made that the relevant Scrutiny Board not only considered the development of the noise service, but that the Scrutiny Board also considered those aspects within the submitted report relating to Anti-Social Behaviour.
RESOLVED - (a) That the impact of the new Leeds Anti Social Behaviour Team since implementation be noted.
(b) That the transfer of the domestic noise service to Safer Leeds be noted.
(c) That a request be made to the relevant Scrutiny Board to examine in the new Municipal Year the development of the noise service, together with those aspects within the submitted report regarding Anti-Social Behaviour.
Financial Health Monitoring 2011/2012 - Month 10 To consider the report of the Director of Resources setting out the Council’s projected financial health position after 10 months of the financial year.
Minutes: The Director of Resources submitted a report setting out the Council’s projected financial health position after 10 months of the financial year. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
The Board welcomed the positive trend which had been achieved to date, however, the significant impact of the Health Service contribution upon the Council’s current financial position was highlighted.
RESOLVED – (a) That the projected financial position of the authority after ten months of the financial year be noted.
(b) That the next Financial Health Monitoring report be submitted to the May 2012 Executive Board meeting, which will be a draft outturn for the financial year, and that for the 2012/13 Municipal Year, monitoring reports continue to be submitted to each Executive Board meeting.
(a) Assets of Community Value - Legislation and Implications To consider the report of the Director of City Development detailing the provisions dealing with Assets of Community Value in the Localism Act and setting out the resultant requirements and the potential implications for the Council. In addition, the report seeks approval to publish the proposed ‘List of Assets of Community Value’ and also to delegate authority to the Director of City Development to authorise inclusion of community nominations in the list of assets of community value which satisfy the criteria as set out in the Act and those which would fall into the list of land nominated by unsuccessful community nominations.
(b) Community Asset Transfer To consider the report of the Director of City Development setting out the background to community asset transfer and outlining the context in terms of Government policy; the benefits of community asset transfer; the Council’s experience to date, together with any lessons learned. In addition, the report presents a draft policy and assessment framework for consideration by Executive Board for future community asset transfers.
(c) Community Right to Challenge To consider the report of the Director of Resources providing a summary of the requirements arising from the ‘Community Right to Challenge’ provisions of the Localism Act 2011, and providing an opportunity to debate and determine the way that the Council implements the legislation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: (A) Assets of Community Value - Legislation and Implications The Director of City Development submitted a report detailing the provisions to deal with Assets of Community Value in the Localism Act and setting out the resultant requirements and the potential implications for the Council. In addition, the report sought approval to publish the proposed ‘List of Assets of Community Value’ and also to delegate authority to the Director of City Development to authorise inclusion of community nominations in the list of assets of community value which satisfied the criteria, as set out within the Act and those which would fall into the list of land nominated by unsuccessful community nominations. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
In considering both the reports referred to in Minute Nos. 221(A) and 221(B) at the same time, Members emphasised the need to ensure that the process by which communities could acquire assets of community value and the community asset transfer procedure were not too bureaucratic, in order to maximise community accessibility to them. In addition, Members highlighted that there should be an equality of access to, and support with such processes across all communities throughout Leeds. Responding to the comments made, the Chief Executive provided reassurance that an enabling and ‘can do’ approach would be taken by the Council in assisting communities, which would be accompanied by independent advice from organisations such as Leeds Ahead. In addition, it was noted that any successful expressions of interest would need to be able to prove that they were financially viable.
Members highlighted the limited nature of the 6 month window of opportunity that community groups would have to submit their case to acquire assets and facilities of community value and emphasised the need for an element of flexibility on such timescales.
With regard to community asset transfers, Members discussed whether such assets should be transferred on a leasehold or freehold basis, and noted that further consideration could be given to this matter.
In conclusion, officers noted the comments which had been made and highlighted that in respect of the community asset transfer procedure the points made would be taken into consideration as part of the consultation process on the draft policy submitted to the Board. However, it was emphasised that the processes relating to the acquisition of assets of community value had been established by central Government.
RESOLVED - (a) That it be noted that the Localism Act 2011 dealing with Assets of Community Value is expected to come fully into force later this year, once all the Regulations have been made by the Secretary of State, which will have implications for the Council.
(b) That approval be given to the publication of the proposed field list attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, for the published ‘List of Assets of Community Value’ and also the list of land nominated by unsuccessful community nominations.
(c) That authority be delegated to the Director of City Development, ... view the full minutes text for item 221. |
Local Authority Mortgage Scheme To consider the joint report of the Director of Resources and the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods outlining the development of a new product, namely the Local Authority Mortgage Scheme, and its applicability to Leeds. In addition, the report seeks approval to establish the scheme in order to support the housing market in Leeds.
Minutes: The Director of Resources and the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a joint report outlining the development of a new product, namely the Local Authority Mortgage Scheme, and its applicability to Leeds. In addition, the report sought approval to establish the scheme in order to support the housing market in Leeds. In determining this matter, the Board took into consideration all matters contained within the accompanying report.
Members welcomed the proposals which had been made, emphasised the positive and wider impact that every transaction would have on the housing market and underlined that the scheme aimed to help re-balance the market in Leeds.
Responding to a concern raised regarding the 95% levels of mortgage which had been proposed to be offered as part of the scheme, Members were reassured that the initiative was not to encourage reckless lending, but to make loans available to those first time buyers who had been subject to a rigorous financial checking procedure.
In response to an enquiry raised, it was confirmed that it was intended for the scheme to be available across the whole of the Leeds area.
In conclusion, the Chair welcomed the support for the initiative which had been given and requested that a further report was submitted to the Board in due course, providing a review of the scheme and inviting consideration of whether the initiative should continue in the future.
RESOLVED - (a) That the establishment of a Local Authority Mortgage Scheme for Leeds, to be available within the Leeds Metropolitan District area, be approved.
(b) That approval be given to £2,000,000 funded from revenue reserves, being placed with a lender as the maximum limit for the total indemnity to be offered under the scheme.
(c) That approval be given to a maximum loan value under the scheme of £152,000.
(d) That the approval of detailed matters relating to the scheme be delegated to the Director of Resources.
(e) That a further report be submitted to the Board in due course, providing a review of the scheme and inviting consideration of whether the initiative should continue in the future.
Looked After Children (LAC) Report To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services providing an update on the number of looked after children in the city and advising of the key outcomes for children, for whom Members act as a corporate parent. In addition, the report sets out the key initiatives that are being taken forward to reduce the number of looked after children and to ensure that those children looked after by the City of Leeds receive high quality care.
Minutes: The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing an update on the number of looked after children in the city and advising of the key outcomes for children, for whom Members act as a corporate parent. In addition, the report detailed the key initiatives that were being taken forward to reduce the number of looked after children and to ensure that those children looked after by the City of Leeds were in receipt of high quality care.
Copies of the recently published Scrutiny Board (Children and Families) Inquiry Report entitled, ‘External Placements 2012’ had been circulated to Board Members prior to the meeting, by way of some background information.
Members highlighted the need to ensure that more placements were undertaken by in-house carers and less by the Independent Fostering Agency and welcomed the related review which had been undertaken by the Scrutiny Board (Children and Families). In addition, Members emphasised the need to ensure that the communications process with such foster carers was clear and effective. In response to the comments made, the Executive Member for Children’s Services paid tribute to and thanked the Scrutiny Board for all of the work it had undertaken in the past year, which had been very constructive and helpful. The suggestions made regarding the recruitment of in-house foster carers were acknowledged, however it was emphasised that the such recruitment was complex and did not solely relate to financial incentives.
In conclusion, the Executive Member for Children’s Services reassured the Board that Children’s Services would not be complacent in respect of its efforts to continue to improve the levels of service provided to young people.
RESOLVED - (a) That the progress made by Children’s Services in stabilising numbers of looked after children be noted.
(b) That the strategy and key actions being taken by Children’s Services and partners to ‘Turn the Curve’ on the number of looked after children in Leeds be endorsed.
Basic Need 2012: Carr Manor and Roundhay: All Through Schools Revised Costs To consider the report
of the Director of Children’s Services outlining the reasons
behind the increases in costs in relation to both the Carr Manor
and Roundhay projects, identifying the
additional funding, and seeking approval to the increased
expenditure on both projects in order to deliver 90 pupil places in
2012. Minutes: Further to Minute No
107, 12th October 201, the Director of Children’s
Services submitted a report outlining the reasons behind the
increase in costs in relation to both the Carr Manor and
Roundhay projects, identifying the
additional funding, and seeking approval to the increased
expenditure on both projects in order to deliver 90 pupil places in
2012. Responding to Members’ comments and concerns, assurances were received that a more co-ordinated approach would taken between directorates when delivering such developments in the future. It was acknowledged that this matter was not subject to Call In, due to the need to ensure that the accommodation was in place for September 2012, however, it was requested that this matter was referred to the relevant Scrutiny Board, so that the related processes could be reviewed.
In conclusion, the Chair acknowledged the request for the matter to be referred to Scrutiny and in addition, also requested that a report was submitted to a future meeting of Executive Board in order provide details of the lessons which had been learned as a result of this issue and any changes to procedure which had been implemented.
RESOLVED - (a) That £655,000 of secured grant funding be transferred from scheme 14185/000/000 and that additional expenditure of £655,000 in respect of the Carr Manor project be authorised in order to allow the scheme to progress to a formal order to the supplier and to allow 30 places to be delivered for 2012.
(b) That £2,775,000 of secured grant funding be transferred from schemes 14185/000/000 and 16404/000/000 and that additional expenditure of £2,775,000 in respect of the Roundhay project be authorised, in order to allow the scheme to progress to a formal order to the supplier and to allow 60 places to be delivered for 2012.
(c) That the processes relating to this specific case be referred to the relevant Scrutiny Board for review.
(d) That a further report be submitted to a future meeting of Executive Board in order provide details of the lessons which have been learned as a result of this issue and any changes to procedure which have been implemented.
(The matters referred to within this minute were not eligible for Call In, due to the urgency with which the formal order must be placed if the accommodation is to be delivered for 2012)
Impact of Tuition Fee Rises for Leeds To consider the joint report of the Director of Children’s Services and the City Development advising of the potential impacts of tuition fee rises and the wider changes to higher education for Leeds.
Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 155, 5th January 2011, the Director of Children’s Services and the City Development submitted a joint report advising of the potential impacts of tuition fee rises and the wider changes to higher education for Leeds.
The Executive Member for Children’s Services noted that related correspondence had been received from Leeds Student Unions on this matter.
The Board emphasised the vital contribution that students made to the city and considered the universities’ role within local communities. Regarding the impact of tuition fee rises would have upon Leeds, Members acknowledged that it was too early to draw any conclusions and it was therefore requested that a further report was submitted to the Board in due course, both on this matter and also in relation to the closer involvement that universities could have upon local communities.
RESOLVED - (a) That the content of the attached report be noted.
(b) That a further piece of work be commissioned in order to assess the economic impact of tuition fee rises and the wider changes to higher education being implemented post 2012, to be undertaken in 12 months time, with a report being submitted to Executive Board, which also provides further details regarding the involvement of the universities within local communities. |
(Scrutiny Support will notify Directors of any items called in by 12.00 p.m. on 19th March 2012) |