Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: (a) The Lord Mayor welcomed members to this meeting of Full Council and reminded those present that the meeting was to be streamed live.
(b) The Lord Mayor informed Council that the meeting would be adjourned for a short break at an appropriate time in the afternoon. (c ) The Lord Mayor congratulated all those recipients from Leeds or who work and volunteer in Leeds and who had been recognised in His Majesty The King’s 2023 Birthday Honours List. The Lord Mayor offered their warmest congratulations on the receipt of the award. (d) The Lord Mayor informed Council that Leeds City Council had been granted the 2023 Gold Award by the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme in recognition of its support for the armed forces community.
(e) The Lord Mayor on behalf of Council, congratulated Councillor Ryan Stephenson on the safe arrival of baby Toby who was born on 6 June and reported that both mother and baby were doing well and in good health. (f) The Lord Mayor informed Council of the recent death of Honorary Alderman Moira Dunn. Council stood in silent tribute.
Minutes of the last Meeting To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 24th May 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Stephenson and
RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 24th May 2023 be approved.
Declaration of Interest To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interests.
Communications To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor, the Leader, Members of the Executive Board or the Chief Executive consider appropriate. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive informed Council that a response to a Council resolution in March on Energy Costs had been received from Andrew Bowie MP, Minister for Nuclear and Networks, Department for Energy Security & Net Zero and Amanda Solloway MP, Minister for Energy Consumers & Affordabillty.
The responses had previously been circulated to all Members of Council.
Deputations To receive deputations in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10. Additional documents: Minutes: One deputation, Colostomy UK was admitted to the meeting and addressed Council, and it was
RESOLVED – That the subject matter in respect of the deputation be referred to the Director of Adults and Health and the Director of Strategy and Resources for consideration in consultation with the relevant Executive Member(s).
Procedural Motion Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Farley and
RESOLVED - That Council Procedure Rules 2.2 (order of business) , 3.2 (30 minute for questions) and 11.4(a) (oral answers to questions) be suspended to allow Questions to the Mayor of West Yorkshire (to include an introduction from the Mayor followed by 1 hour for Members questions) and to allow responses to questions to be in writing after the meeting in accordance with CPR 11.6. |
Questions to the Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin the Mayor of West Yorkshire to attend the Council meeting and take questions on the Mayors areas of responsibility in relation to Leeds. Additional documents: Minutes: Q1 Councillor Foster to the Mayor:-
Does the Mayor think passenger satisfaction with bus services in my ward of Ardsley & Robin Hood has increased or decreased in the time she's been responsible for public transport in Leeds?
Q2 Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Mayor
Can the Mayor please clarify which areas of West Yorkshire greenbelt land she and her Labour Council Leader colleagues on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority would be happy to release to fulfil the Shadow Chancellor’s desire to drive growth in the economy through enabling property developers to access previously protected sites, relaxing planning regulations, and imposing mandatory house building targets from Whitehall? The Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate) replied.
Q3 Councillor Burke to the Mayor
Please can the Mayor outline the steps she is taking to undo the damage of Conservative Government cuts to Policing in order to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, something that residents in my ward of Middleton Park are concerned about?
Q4 Councillor Newton to the Mayor
Councils in West Yorkshire will only accept waste from their own tax payers, meaning some have to travel many miles to recycle and the strain of that causes some to fly tip. However, Leeds City Council already has an arrangement with Bradford Council to allow its residents to access the household waste site at Otley. As Mayor, will you intervene to look to strengthen your environmental ambitions by getting other councils to allow similar arrangements. For example, so that Morley residents can access the Nab Lane Site at Birstall in Kirklees, rather than having to drive all the way to Pudsey.
Q5 Councillor Stables to the Mayor
Mayor Brabin, as you may know Wetherby Ward is indicated to be getting improved bus services on the current WYCA Transport Strategy. I would like to know when we will be getting these much needed improvements to the bus service?
Q6 Councillor Dixon to the Mayor
How will the West Yorkshire Mayor regain public trust in the Police so as to ensure people’s confidence when reporting incidents in the future?
Q7 Councillor Thomson to the Mayor- Can the Mayor please provide an update on the state of buses in Leeds and what she is doing to help passengers traveling on them, including passengers from my own ward of Guiseley and Rawdon?
Can the Mayor please provide an update on the state of buses in Leeds and what she is doing to help passengers traveling on them, including passengers from my own ward of Guiseley and Rawdon?
Q8 Councillor N Buckley to the Mayor
Would the Mayor please update Council on tree planting initiatives as part of her pledge to “Tackle the climate emergency and protect our environment”?
Q9 Councillor Golton to the Mayor
Can the Mayor tell us how, instead of improving bus services, her West Yorkshire Enhanced Bus Partnership managed to deliver the longest continuous period of industrial dispute in the bus industry in recent times, and a bus service network that is smaller, with poorer frequency and ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
Recommendations of Executive Board - Children and Young People's Plan To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families setting out recommendations from the Executive Board on 15 March 2023 to Full Council to adopt the refreshed Children and Young People’s Plan 2023 to 2028. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of Children and Families recommending adoption of the Children and Young People’s Plan was moved by Councillor Venner, seconded by Councillor Pryor and
RESOLVED - That the refreshed Children and Young People’s Pan 2023 to 2028 be adopted.
At the conclusion of this item Council had a brief adjournment 15:16 to 15:26. |
Report on Appointments To consider the report of the City Solicitor on appointments. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Farley and
RESOLVED – That the report of the City Solicitor on appointments be approved, namely;
1 To note the following appointments to the various West Yorkshire Combined Authority Committees and change of appointment to the West Yorkshire Pension Fund Joint Advisory Group · Cllr Brookes and Cllr Wilson to the WYCA Transport Scrutiny Committee · Cllr Dowson and Cllr Wray to the WYCA Corporate Scrutiny Committee · Cllr Almass to the WYCA Economy Scrutiny Committee · Cllr Bromley to replace Cllr Martin on the West Yorkshire Pension Fund Joint Advisory. To note the following appointments to Committees, Boards or Panels · Councillor Khan to replace Cllr McKenna on Scrutiny Board Environment, Housing and Communities. · Councillor S Lay to be appointed to fill a vacancy as a Liberal Democrat Group substitute on the Health & Wellbeing Board. To approve the following appointments to Committees, Boards or Panels
· Councillor Flynn to no longer be appointed to the Licensing Committee and this be a Conservative Group vacancy.
Report on Scrutiny Annual Report To consider the report of the Head of Democratic Services presenting to Council the Scrutiny Annual Report for 2022/23 providing an overview of the work undertaken by the Council’s five Scrutiny Boards during the 2022/23 municipal year. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Coupar, seconded by Councillor Venner and
RESOLVED – That the report of the Head of Democratic Services presenting the Scrutiny Boards Annual Report for 2022/23 be noted.
To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. Additional documents: Minutes: Council suspended Council Procedure Rules in order that all questions would receive a written answer: -
Q1 Councillor Lamb to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure):-
Q2 Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure):-
Q3 Councillor Flint to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-
Q4 Councillor Newton to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space):-
Q5 Councillor Scopes to the Executive Member (Children’s Social Care and Health Partnership):-
Q6 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure):-
Q7 Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-
Q8 Councillor Jenkins to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Public Health and Active Lifestyles):-
Q9 Councillor Carlisle to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-
Q10 Councillor Heselwood to the Executive Member (Housing).
Q11 Councillor C Anderson to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Public Health and Active Lifestyles):-
Q12 Councillor Hamilton to the Executive Member (Resources).
Q13 Councillor Stables to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space):-
Q14 Councillor Burke to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-
Q15 Councillor B Anderson to the Leader of Council.
Q16 Councillor Dowson to the Executive Member (Communities).
Q17 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space):-
Q18 Councillor Dye to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space):-
Q19 Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Communities).
Q20 Councillor Maloney to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure).
Q21 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space):-
Q22 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure).
Q23 Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Housing).
Q24 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space):-
Q25 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure).
Q26 Councillor C Anderson to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure).
Q27 Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Communities).
Q28 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space):-
Q29 Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure).
Q30 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space):-
Q31 Councillor C Anderson to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Public Health and Active Lifestyles):-
Q32 Councillor Firth to the Executive Member (Sustainable Development & Infrastructure).
Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Executive Board To receive the minutes in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i). Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Flint that the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
Council Procedure Rule 4, providing for the winding up of business, was applied prior to all notified comments on the minutes having been debated.
At the conclusion of this item Council adjourned from 16.53 to 17.18. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Lamb) - Planning Portal This Council regrets the administration’s decision to stop publishing public comments on planning applications on the Council’s website. Council believes this will reduce openness and transparency in the planning process, making it less visible and accessible to the people of Leeds.
Council views this trial, introduced at short notice and without full consultation, as typical of an administration that too often acts without proper regard for the people of Leeds, and which seems to view consultation as a box-ticking exercise rather than a genuine opportunity to listen and engage.
This Council calls for an immediate end to the trial and for comments to appear on the planning portal once again. Council further calls for a report to be brought to Executive Board setting out a renewed approach to all council consultations, one that genuinely listens and responds to the views of Leeds residents, and places openness and transparency at the heart of the process.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lamb, seconded by Councillor Amanda Carter that this Council regrets the administration’s decision to stop publishing public comments on planning applications on the Council’s website. Council believes this will reduce openness and transparency in the planning process, making it less visible and accessible to the people of Leeds.
Council views this trial, introduced at short notice and without full consultation, as typical of an administration that too often acts without proper regard for the people of Leeds, and which seems to view consultation as a box-ticking exercise rather than a genuine opportunity to listen and engage.
This Council calls for an immediate end to the trial and for comments to appear on the planning portal once again. Council further calls for a report to be brought to Executive Board setting out a renewed approach to all council consultations, one that genuinely listens and responds to the views of Leeds residents, and places openness and transparency at the heart of the process.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Carlisle, seconded by Councillor Stables
After “Council” in the first sentence insert the following: “recognises the double impact of ongoing cuts from central government, and also loss of revenue due to the economic downturn, upon its financial stability and operational capacity. However, Council”
Delete all after “without full consultation,” in the second paragraph and replace with: “as typifying a steady social and political drift – not particular to Leeds – which treats consultation as a box-ticking exercise, rather than a genuine opportunity to listen and engage; Council believes that Leeds can and should do better, and buck that trend.”
The amended White Paper would thus read:
“This Council recognises the double impact of ongoing cuts from central government, and also loss of revenue due to the economic downturn, upon its financial stability and operational capacity. However, Council regrets the administration’s decision to stop publishing public comments on planning applications on the Council’s website. Council believes this will reduce openness and transparency in the planning process, making it less visible and accessible to the people of Leeds.
Council views this trial, introduced at short notice and without full consultation, as typifying a steady social and political drift – not particular to Leeds – which treats consultation as a box-ticking exercise, rather than a genuine opportunity to listen and engage; Council believes that Leeds can and should do better, and buck that trend.
This Council calls for an immediate end to the trial and for comments to appear on the planning portal once again. Council further calls for a report to be brought to Executive Board setting out a renewed approach to all council consultations, one that genuinely listens and responds to the views of Leeds residents, and places openness and transparency at the heart of the process.”
A second amendment was moved by Councillor Hayden, seconded by Councillor Brooks
Delete all and replace with:
“This Council notes the decision to stop publishing 3rd party public representations on Public ... view the full minutes text for item 28. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Golton) - Parks This Council recognises the significant role that community parks play in the health & wellbeing and cultural life of communities across Leeds. It welcomes the commitment in the Leeds Parks and Greenspaces Strategy 2022-32 to invest in active travel and ‘access for all’ both within and without local greenspaces to maximise usage.
The Council further welcomes the contribution made by the Mayor of West Yorkshire in commissioning a report on the safety of women and girls in parks which was published this year.
However, this Council is concerned that current capacity and resource levels within the Parks Service are at risk of seriously impeding progress on achieving the priorities spelled out in the reports mentioned. Furthermore, the current cumulative neglect of green spaces in Leeds is actually worsening the safety and accessibility of park users and deterring many residents from using public open spaces.
Council therefore calls for:
· The promised greenspace accessibility audit process to be published this year · A women and girls safety audit for Leeds parks to be published in parallel to the above · A commitment to completing the 65 community park ‘plans on a page’ within 2 years · A commitment that public consultation on such plans will not be limited to the online Commonplace platform · Local parks and greenspace access and safety partnerships to be developed through Community Committees, in partnership with the Police and NHS · A commitment to investigate the devolution of parks and grounds maintenance budgets to Community Committee level.”
Additional documents:
Minutes: tIt was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Chapman that this Council recognises the significant role that community parks play in the health & wellbeing and cultural life of communities across Leeds. It welcomes the commitment in the Leeds Parks and Greenspaces Strategy 2022-32 to invest in active travel and ‘access for all’ both within and without local greenspaces to maximise usage.
The Council further welcomes the contribution made by the Mayor of West Yorkshire in commissioning a report on the safety of women and girls in parks which was published this year.
However, this Council is concerned that current capacity and resource levels within the Parks Service are at risk of seriously impeding progress on achieving the priorities spelled out in the reports mentioned. Furthermore, the current cumulative neglect of green spaces in Leeds is actually worsening the safety and accessibility of park users and deterring many residents from using public open spaces.
Council therefore calls for:
· The promised greenspace accessibility audit process to be published this year · A women and girls safety audit for Leeds parks to be published in parallel to the above · A commitment to completing the 65 community park ‘plans on a page’ within 2 years · A commitment that public consultation on such plans will not be limited to the online Commonplace platform · Local parks and greenspace access and safety partnerships to be developed through Community Committees, in partnership with the Police and NHS · A commitment to investigate the devolution of parks and grounds maintenance budgets to Community Committee level.”
An amendment was moved by Councillor Harrington, seconded by Councillor Amanda Carter
In the second paragraph delete all after “This Council further welcomes” and replace with:
“national and local efforts to tackle violence against women and girls, including the government’s commitment to a range of actions to protect women and girls against harm, and setting clear expectations about how the threat should be tackled by police forces.”
Insert new paragraph after “...deterring many residents from using public open spaces”:
“Council is also concerned at the increase in anti-social behaviour in parks across the city, causing costly damage and preventing the public from enjoying our green spaces. Council is further concerned at the number of unauthorised Traveller encampments in parks and green spaces which have caused damage and disruption to local communities.”
Add the following at the end of the fifth bullet point:
“, with a focus on combatting anti-social behaviour”
Add a seventh bullet point:
“A commitment to do more to protect and secure our parks and green spaces and prevent unauthorised encampments.”
Motion would read as follows:
“This Council recognises the significant role that community parks play in the health & wellbeing and cultural life of communities across Leeds. It welcomes the commitment in the Leeds Parks and Greenspaces Strategy 2022-32 to invest in active travel and ‘access for all’ both within and without local greenspaces to maximise usage.
“The Council further welcomes national and local efforts to tackle violence against women and ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Arif) - NHS This Council wishes the NHS a happy 75th birthday and thanks the city’s NHS workers for their dedicated service to the people of Leeds.
However, Council is gravely concerned by the damage inflicted on the NHS by the Conservative Government, including longer waiting times in A&E, for GP appointments, for Specialist Clinical Care or Surgery appointments, for Ambulances response times; and the failure to address the growing Mental Health crisis.
Council is resolute in its support for NHS workers in Leeds and recognises the additional pressures and strains placed on them by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Cost-of-Living Crisis, and the Conservative Government’s complete failure to resolve ongoing industrial action.
Council is equally concerned by the wider damage 13 years of Conservative Government has caused to health inequalities. Council therefore welcomes Leeds City Council’s work locally alongside Professor Sir Michael Marmot and his team at the Institute of Health Equity, on a Marmot City approach to improving the health of the poorest in Leeds the fastest.
Council believes urgent Government action is needed to ensure Leeds residents receive the first class, timely NHS care they need and deserve. Council therefore calls for the Government to take immediate steps to constructively engage with representatives of the NHS workforce to mend the Government’s relationship with NHS workers and end the industrial action. Council notes the Government’s current plan does nothing to help people currently waiting for treatment, so Council further calls on the Government to immediately increase investment in NHS staff and services to get waiting times down for people who need treatment and care now.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Prior to discussion on the Motion Councillor Lay, seconded by Councillor Hart Brooke sought leave of Council under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 13.2(d) and 14.10 to withdraw the amendment in his name.
Leave of Council was granted.
Councillor Arif also sought leave of Council under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 14.9(a) to alter the wording of the motion in her name by inserting the words “and dental” after “mental health” but before “crisis” in the second paragraph (shown in bold in the motion).
Leave of Council was granted.
It was moved by Councillor Arif, seconded by Councillor Lay that this Council wishes the NHS a happy 75th birthday and thanks the city’s NHS workers for their dedicated service to the people of Leeds.
However, Council is gravely concerned by the damage inflicted on the NHS by the Conservative Government, including longer waiting times in A&E, for GP appointments, for Specialist Clinical Care or Surgery appointments, for Ambulances response times; and the failure to address the growing Mental Health and dental crisis.
Council is resolute in its support for NHS workers in Leeds and recognises the additional pressures and strains placed on them by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Cost-of-Living Crisis, and the Conservative Government’s complete failure to resolve ongoing industrial action.
Council is equally concerned by the wider damage 13 years of Conservative Government has caused to health inequalities. Council therefore welcomes Leeds City Council’s work locally alongside Professor Sir Michael Marmot and his team at the Institute of Health Equity, on a Marmot City approach to improving the health of the poorest in Leeds the fastest.
Council believes urgent Government action is needed to ensure Leeds residents receive the first class, timely NHS care they need and deserve. Council therefore calls for the Government to take immediate steps to constructively engage with representatives of the NHS workforce to mend the Government’s relationship with NHS workers and end the industrial action. Council notes the Government’s current plan does nothing to help people currently waiting for treatment, so Council further calls on the Government to immediately increase investment in NHS staff and services to get waiting times down for people who need treatment and care now.”
An amendment was moved by Councillor Caroline Anderson, seconded by Councillor N Buckley
Delete all after "This Council" and replace with:
“welcomes the 75th anniversary of the formation of the NHS and thanks NHS Leeds staff and partners for their service to the people of Leeds.
“Council notes that the NHS is in receipt of more money than ever before in its history with a budget of £152.6 billion in 2022/23.
“Council remains concerned that despite this record investment into the NHS, including more NHS staff than ever before, outcomes for patients are falling. Council acknowledges the impact the global pandemic has had on international healthcare systems, causing a backlog of appointments and operations including 14% fewer emergency admissions, 14% fewer outpatient appointments and 11% fewer elective and maternity admissions ... view the full minutes text for item 30. |