Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR. View directions
Contact: Becky Atherton (0113 37 88642) Email:
Link: to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
APPEALS AGAINST REFUSAL OF INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded) Minutes: There were no appeals. |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-
Minutes: There were no exemptions. |
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.) Minutes: There were no late items. |
Declarations of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests. |
Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutes.
Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllrs Gettings, Hussain and Sharpe.
Cllr Illingworth attended as a substitute for Cllr Sharpe. |
Minutes - 17 February 2022 PDF 228 KB To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2022.
Minutes: RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting on 17 February be approved as an accurate record. |
Minutes: The report of the Chief Digital and Information Officer set out the latest annual update on the Council’s 100% Digital Leeds digital inclusion programme.
The report outlined some of the varied ways in which the programme aims to deliver improved outcomes for people in Leeds through digital inclusion. It also highlighted the increased recognition of digital inclusion as an ‘enabler’ to delivering many of the strategic priorities of the Council.
Those in attendance for this item were:
· Jason Tutin (Digital Learning & Development Manager) · Amy Hearn (Digital Inclusion Co-Ordinator)
The Chair introduced the item by reflecting upon the development of the digital inclusion agenda since the Board originally considered the issues via an inquiry in 2015.
He noted the national recognition of the work taking place in Leeds and the role of the Digital Learning & Development Manager in shaping the 100% Digital Leeds programme.
It was noted that in previous years the Board has considered a ‘Smart Cities’ report alongside the 100% Digital Leeds update. Members were advised that this had been postponed due to the ongoing restructure of the Integrated Digital Service and the development of the City’s new Digital Strategy.
The Scrutiny Board requested that an update on the work previously badged as ‘Smart Cities’ be provided to members in the new municipal year.
Jason Tutin informed the Scrutiny Board that the 100% Digital Leeds team is now part of the Integrated Digital Service and will be part of the Digital Change function in IDS following the service restructure.
Jason highlighted a higher prevalence of digital exclusion amongst people who are experiencing broarder social exclusion for a range of reasons including long-term health conditions, poverty, homelessness or disability.
The Board was advised that the 100% Digital team has always taken a ‘furthest first’ approach to digital inclusion, working with partners who support some of the most digitally excluded people in the city.
The Board considered how an individual’s digital inclusion journey changes over time and the solutions may also differ at different stages of their life.
It is estimated that tens of thousands of people in Leeds are likely to be digitally excluded and these figures are expected to rise once the period of the covid-19 pandemic is taken into consideration.
Jason reiterated that the vision for the service is that everyone in Leeds should have equal opportunity to use digital tools, technology and services in the right way for them.
Members discussed the importance of supporting organisations who already have trusted relationships with people who are digitally excluded.
Jason updated members on: · work with residents and staff in Leeds care homes · support for the Older People’s Digital Inclusion Network. · work with Beeston and Middleton Local Care Partnership to develop a local network of Digital Health Hubs. · work funded by the NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group to increase digital inclusion for people with learning disabilities and autism. · work with prisoners to equip people with the digital skills required to find a home and access employment upon release. · Support for ... view the full minutes text for item 70. |
Inquiry Finalisation: Consideration of outstanding matters PDF 440 KB To examine the remaining areas of interest, as identified by members, ahead of the finalisation of the Scrutiny Board’s inquiry into the prevention of deaths and injuries on the road.
Those areas of interest were identified as: - School crossing patrols - Pedestrian Crossing Criteria - School streets
Background information pertaining to each of those areas is appended as detailed below.
Appended Information
Appendix 1: School Crossing Patrol Guidelines (2018)
Appendix 2 A-C: School Crossings Survey
Appendix 3: Traffic Signal Operation Report (February 2021)
Appendix 4: 2019 Scrutiny Report Pedestrian Crossing Review
Appendix 5: Pedestrian Crossing Framework
Appendix 6: School Streets Trial Phase 2 Recommendations Report
Appendix 7: School Streets Trial report appendices
Appendix 8: School Streets Local Plans Additional documents:
Minutes: The Report of the Head of Democratic Services set out the progress to date with the Scrutiny Board’s inquiry into the prevention of death and serious injury on the roads.
It was noted that Board members had identified three areas of outstanding interest following the completion of a draft inquiry report:
- School crossing patrols - Pedestrian Crossing Criteria - School Streets
The following were in attendance for this item:
- Cllr Hayden (Executive Member) - Richard Jackson (Head of Service) - Joel Dodsworth (UTMC Manager) - Lynsey McGarvey (Principal Transport Planner)
It was noted that Nick Hunt (Traffic Engineering Manager) was unable to attend the meeting as anticipated.
Officers were invited to introduce the items relevant to their respective areas.
School Crossing Controls
Richard Jackson outlined the process for assessing applications for school crossing patrols, noting that the Council applies criteria in line with national policy in order to determine where resources will – or will not - be allocated.
He further noted the steps that can be taken to assess physical interventions that may be possible should an application not be successful.
Members of the Board discussed the cost of school crossing patrols, the number of requests over the last year, the number of vacant posts and the steps taken to address long standing challenges with regards to recruitment to these posts.
Members of the Board were informed that schools can now pay for the school crossing patrol service if they do not meet the criteria.
Members discussed the accessibility of information about how to submit a request to the service and details of how schools can pay for the service where an application is not successful.
It was recommended that the service should work more closely with the Influencing Travel Behaviour team to consider ways in which additional support could be provided to schools where an application for a crossing patrol is unsuccessful. It was suggested this should include options for training and education.
Members of the Scrutiny Board discussed the process for replacing patrol officers upon retirement.
The challenge of tackling poor parking around schools was discussed.
Pedestrian Crossing Criteria
Joel Dodsworth confirmed that the process for evaluation of new formal pedestrian crossing requests remains the same as that considered by the Scrutiny Board in 2019 and set out in the appended report in the name of the Director of City Development (appendix 4).
The Scrutiny Board considered the new technology that is being introduced at crossings throughout Leeds, which prioritises pedestrians and provides greater clearance time to better reflect average walking speeds.
It was noted that changes in the technology used at pedestrian crossings, such as near side displays rather than traditional far side displays, is anticipated to promote inclusivity.
Members were advised that in some areas of the city new infrastructure has been put in place but sites will need to be revisited to install additional software.
The Scrutiny Board discussed ways in which dangerous cycling can be addressed, the cost of technology used ... view the full minutes text for item 71. |
Temporary Road Closures: Process, Communication & Engagement PDF 533 KB To receive a report from the Chief Office for Transportation and Highways on the temporary road closure process including associated notifications, communication and engagement.
Appended Items
Appendix 1: Process, Consultation and Engagement Report
Appendix 2: Schedule of key engagement activities
Appendix 3: 16 September 2021 Cllr Robinson original referral
Appendix 4: 16 September 2021 Officer report
Appendix 4 A: 16 September 2021 ELOR planned road closures
Appendix 4 B: 16 September 2021 progress Photographs
Appendix 5: 16 September 2021 Extract from Scrutiny Board minutes
Additional documents:
Minutes: The report of the Chief Officer (Transportation and Highways) outlined the current processes for temporary road closures required in connection with work across the district. The report summarised the engagement and consultation procedures linked to temporary road closures including the enhanced engagement for major projects.
The report and subsequent discussion sought to address concerns raised in September 2021 via a referral to scrutiny in the name of Cllr Matthew Robinson.
The following were in attendance for this item:
- Cllr Helen Hayden (Executive Member) - Cllr Matthew Robinson (Original Referrer) - Gary Bartlett (Chief Officer, Transportation and Highways) - Adrian Hodgson (Traffic Manager) - Oliver Priestley (Head of Engineering and Infrastructure)
Adrian Hodgson introduced the item, noting the concerns raised by Cllr Robinson in September following the temporary closure of Leeds Road in Scholes.
Adrian outlined the current processes associated with temporary closures including legal requirements, engagement and notification processes that go beyond the legal minimum and the enhanced procedures adopted for major projects.
Matter discusses included:
§ The scale of road closures that take place in the city each year. § The responsibilities of utility firms carrying out emergency works and scheduled maintenance. § Engagement with emergency services and the offer to provide training for partners on One.Network. § Training on One.Network for elected members – training has been offered to all 99 councillors and will be offered again in future. Training can also be offered to members of Town and Parish Councils. § The specific engagement procedures followed in the case of major projects. § The actions that have been taken to publicise planned road closures that are taking place to allow work to be carried out safely on the Armley Gyratory. § Arrangements to enable ‘blue light access’ to Armley Gyratory while road closures are in place. § The launch and development of the Leeds: Plan Ahead campaign.
It was confirmed that the Highways team would be happy to engage with any future relaunch of the annual Town and Parish Charter review, subject to the outcome of the ongoing discussions between the Communities Team and their Executive Board member.
Cllr Robinson thanked officers for the detailed report and for considering the issues raised in September in detail. He extended his thanks to the Parish Council, constituent George Hall and former Parish Councillor Howard Bedford for their work in this area.
Officers reiterated that current processes are regarded as robust and go ‘above and beyond’ the legal requirements. However, there remains a commitment to learn lessons from individual closures to inform future work and to assess any specific recommendations for ways the service can further improve its processes in conjunction with the Executive member.
RESOLVED - Members agreed to note the report and endorse the following actions that have been taken: · The offer to provide training to the emergency services on the use of; · Specific action to liaise with West Yorkshire Ambulance Service on the use of for journey route planning; · An additional offer of ... view the full minutes text for item 72. |
To consider the Scrutiny Board’s work schedule for the 2021/22 municipal year and the proposed draft schedule for the 2022/23.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Principal Scrutiny Advisor presented the Work Programme.
RESOLVED – That the provisional dates for 2022/23 be noted.
Chair’s Closing Remarks
The Chair formally noted his thanks to all Board Members for their contributions during 2021/22.
He asked that particular thanks be noted for Cllr Bentley, who will be retiring from the Council in May 2022, and Councillors Goddard and Taylor who both stood down prior to the end of the municipal year.
Congratulations were noted in respect of Cllr Gettings who will be nominated to take on the role of Lord Mayor in 2022/23. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting It is proposed that the next meeting of the Board will take place on Wednesday 15 June at 10.30am. There will be a pre-meeting for board members at 10.15am. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the next meeting of the Scrutiny Board will take place on 15 June at 10.30am. there will be a pre-meeting for Board members at 10.15am. |