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Chair's Opening Remarks Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the February meeting of the North West (Inner) Area Committee held at Milford Sports Club, Beecroft Street, Leeds 5.
He informed the meeting that Christine Addison had been appointed to the post of Head of City Projects and following a restructuring exercise, Steve Crocker had been appointed to the post of Area Manager for North West and West Leeds.
The Chair, on behalf of the Area Committee, conveyed his thanks to Christine Addison for her valuable contribution to the area.
The Chair also referred to the recent promotion of Richard Coldwell, West Yorkshire Police and as a result David Bugg and Ian Croft had been appointed as North West Inner Area Inspectors. At the request of the Chair, Sergeant Darren Bedford outlined the new policing arrangements from 3rd March 2008.
The Chair, on behalf of the Area Committee, conveyed his thanks to Richard Coldwell for his work in the area.
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct
Minutes: The following personal declarations were reported:-
· Councillor J Monaghan in his capacity as Friends of Hyde Park Picture House (Agenda Item 8) (Minute 82 refers)
· Councillor E Minkin in her capacity as Friends of Hyde Park Picture House (Agenda Item 8) (Minute 82 refers)
· Councillor B P Atha in his capacity as Friends of Hyde Park Picture House (Agenda Item 8) (Minute 82 refers)
· Councillor J Illingworth in his capacity as a cyclist and user of the A660 (Agenda Item 8) (Minute 82 refers)
Open Forum In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair. Minutes: In accordance with paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chair allowed members of the public to make representations or ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.
In summary the following issues were raised at the meeting:-
· Designated Public Places Orders Janet Bailey, Friends of Woodhouse Moor raised her concerns about the Designated Public Places Orders currently in place within the City of Leeds and questioned their validity in relation to the illegal consumption of alcohol.
Following a brief discussion, the Chair agreed to send a letter to the appropriate Scrutiny Board requesting an inquiry into this issue.
· HMO Campaign Dr Richard Tyler, Leeds HMO Lobby raised the following three issues:-
- that Leeds HMO Lobby was pleased that the Area Committee’s initiative to lobby the Government for a change to the legislation on HMOs had been pursued by the Council - sought Ward Member representation at the Councillors Campaign for Balanced Communities in Nottingham on 13th March 2008 - put forward a proposal that the ‘Area Committee requests a meeting to be sought with Iain Wright, Planning Minister and a delegation of local MP’s, Councillors from the NW (Inner) Area Committee, the City’s Chief Planning Officer and community representatives to lobby for a change to the Use Classes Order ’
Following a brief discussion, the Area Committee agreed to the delegation proposal and requested the Chair to write to the Chief Planning Officer on the above lines.
· Alders / BHS Appeal Councillor J Illingworth made reference to the above issue and put forward the following proposal for the Area Committee to consider:-
“That North West (Inner) Area Committee urges the Planning Inspector to have regard to the Council and government policies and to consider first the convenience and safety of pedestrians, then public transport users and cyclists. It was not the policy of either organisation to secure ever increasing numbers of private cars”.
Following discussion, the Area Committee agreed to the above proposal and requested the Chair to write to the Planning Inspector.
· Street Lighting in Hyde Park Sue Buckle, South Headingley Community Organisation commented on the fact that the street lighting replacement scheme had begun to carryout some work in the area and that lights were being moved with no local consultation having taken place. Also that the works were causing a nuisance as old lights were being left propped against walls and pavements were being blocked off.
Following a brief discussion, it was agreed to discuss this matter at the next Streetscene Sub Group.
(Councillor B Jennings joined the meeting at 7.15 pm during discussions on the item relating to Alders/BHS appeal)
Apologies for Absence Minutes: A number of apologies received from members of the public were read out at the meeting.
Minutes of the Previous Meetings PDF 69 KB To receive and approve the minutes of the previous meetings held on 13th December 2007 and 17th January 2008. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED – (a) That the minutes of the meetings held on 13th December 2007 and 17th January 2008 be approved as a correct record. (b) That the update on matters arising from the previous meetings be noted.
Matters Arising from the Minutes Minutes: (a) Forum and Sub Group Update Report (Minute 58 refers) Councillor E Minkin referred to the Area Committee Sub Groups and requested that, in future, a list of forthcoming meeting dates should be included within the committee papers for the benefit of Members of the Committee.
Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management responded and agreed to implement this request.
(b) Quarter Two Well-Being Monitoring Report (Minute 60 refers) Councillor E Minkin informed the meeting that Hawksworth Wood Community Association had still not received their green bin as they had been informed by the Cleansing Section that there was a six week delivery period.
Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management agreed to look into this.
(c) Area Manager’s Report (Minute 63 refers) Sue Buckle, South Headingley Community Association informed the meeting that there would be a residents meeting on 20th February 2008 at Brudenell Primary school to discuss the community space provision at Royal Park Primary School.
(d) Ralph Thoresby High School and Tinshill Recreation Ground (Minute 66 refers) Councillor E Minkin referred to the above issue and sought clarification as to whether resolution (c) had been conveyed to Jean Dent, Director of City Development.
Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management responded and confirmed that correspondence had been sent to the Director of City Development.
Following discussions, Dayle Lynch agreed to email a copy of the response to Members of the Area Committee for their retention.
To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on the Well-being budget. Additional documents:
(f) That a report on city–wide Section 106 monies be submitted to a future Area Committee meeting for consideration. Minutes: Referring to Minute 59 of the meeting held on 13th December 2007, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report on the Well-Being budget.
The following documents were appended to the report for the information/ comment of the meeting:-
(a) Breakdown of revenue spend by theme 2007/08 (Appendix 1 refers) (b) Breakdown of capital spend by theme 2007/08 (Appendix 2 refers)
Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management presented the report and responded to Members’ queries and comments.
Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.
In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the report and appendices be noted. (b) That this Committee notes those ‘in-principle’ decisions totalling £19,000 to fund projects in the financial year 2008/9 as outlined in Section 3.2 of the report. (c) That approval be given to fund those posts or projects to which no formal ongoing commitment had been made as outlined in Section 3.3 of the report. (d) That the revenue projects as detailed in Section 4.1 of the report be dealt with as follows:-
(e) That the capital projects as detailed in Section 5.4.1 of the report be dealt ... view the full minutes text for item 82. |
Forum and Sub Group Update Report PDF 63 KB To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing Members with full minutes and key messages from ward forums and sub groups that have taken place since the last Area Committee. Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the contents of the report and appendices be noted. (b) That this Committee agrees to the request from the Planning Sub Group to give support in asserting the importance of sustainable transport modes, other than the private car.
Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing Members with full minutes and key messages from ward forums and sub groups that have taken place since the last Area Committee meeting.
Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.
In summary, specific reference was made to the following key issues:-
· the excellent work undertaken by North West Area Management in relation to a recent clean up campaign · the service model in relation to the city’s Graffiti Strategy and how it allows for the issue to be tackled effectively
RESOLVED - (a) That the contents of the report and appendices be noted. (b) That this Committee agrees to the request from the Planning Sub Group to give support in asserting the importance of sustainable transport modes, other than the private car.
Area Manager's Report PDF 89 KB To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on the Area Manager’s Report providing Members with information about issues which are not addressed elsewhere on the agenda. Decision: That the contents of the report and the updates provided be noted. Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report from the North West Area Manager providing Members with information about issues which were not addressed elsewhere on the agenda.
The report provided an update on Little London; Headingley Town and District Centre Scheme; Royal Park Primary School; Headingley Primary School;Hyde Park DPPO and Kirkstall District Centre.
The Chair officially welcomed Steve Crocker, the newly appointed Area Manager, to the meeting and invited him to comment on his future aims and priorities facing the North West (Inner) Area Committee.
Jason Singh, North West Area Management presented the report and responded to Members’ queries and comments.
Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report.
In summary, specific reference was made to the following key issues:-
· DPPOs - the need to consult with the Chief Officer (Legal, Licensing and Registration) with regards to the wording contained within DPPO legal notices · Kirkstall District Centre - current developments/opportunities
RESOLVED – That the contents of the report and the updates provided be noted.
Shared Housing Action Plan for 2008 PDF 75 KB To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on the Shared Housing Action Plan for 2008. Additional documents: Decision: That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed.
Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report on the Shared Housing Action Plan for 2008.
Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-
(a) 2008 Shared Housing Action Plan produced by the Shared Housing Group (Appendix 1 refers) (b) A map of the Area of Housing Mix (AoHM) (Appendix 2 refers)
At the request of the Chair, representatives from the Shared Housing Group were invited to comment on the key issues contained in the report.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed.
Housing Strategy Report PDF 134 KB To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods advising Members on the progress in formulating a housing strategy and the timetable for finalising the strategy and an accompanying plan. Decision: (a) That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed. (b) That a report on HMO Licensing be submitted to a future Area Committee meeting for discussion.
Minutes: The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report advising Members on the progress in formulating a housing strategy and the timetable for finalising the strategy and an accompanying plan.
Appended to the report was a copy of a document entitled “Housing Strategy for the Area of Housing Mix (Framework) for the information/ comment of the meeting.
At the request of the Chair, Huw Jones from re’new was invited to highlight the key issues contained in the report.
Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.
In summary, specific reference was made to the following key issues:-
· the need to maintain recreational land for children’s play · the need for a paper on HMO licensing to be prepared for future discussion by the Area Committee · the need to apply for additional powers and to tackle landlords · the need for planning guidance on affordable homes and for the Council to lobby government · the need to focus on discretionary licenses
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed. (b) That a report on HMO licensing be submitted to a future Area Committee for discussion.
(Councillor K Hussain left the meeting at 9.00pm during discussions of the above item)
Revision and Renewal of the 'To Let' Boards code PDF 89 KB To consider a report of the Director of City Development seeking Members comments on the proposed revisions to the To Let’ Boards initiative and the renewal of the ‘Area of Special control’. Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the contents of the report and appendices be noted. (b) That this Committee notes the proposed revisions to the ‘To Let’ Boards Code and the re-application to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) for a further Direction to continue the current initiative. (c) That the comments raised by Members at the Area Committee meeting on the proposed revisions to the ‘To let’ Boards Initiative and the renewal of the ‘Area of special control’ be fed into to the Planning Group for discussion at their meeting on Wednesday 13th February 2008.. Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report seeking Members comments on the proposed revisions to the ‘To Let’ Boards Initiative and the renewal of the ‘Area of Special Control’.
Andrew Crates, Community Planner presented the report and responded to Members’ queries and comments.
Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report.
In summary, specific reference was made to the following key issues:
· that consideration be given to including The Turnways and Laurel Bank Court within the boundaries of the Area of Special Control (this proposal was agreed and acknowledged by the Area Committee) · that consideration be given to including the area between Queen’s Road and Hyde Park Road within the boundaries of the Area of Special Control (this proposal was agreed and acknowledged by the Area Committee) · the need to extend the benefit of the ‘To Let’ boards initiative across a wider area
RESOLVED - (a) That the contents of the report and appendices be noted. (b) That this Committee notes the proposed revisions to the ‘To Let’ Boards Code and the re-application to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) for a further Direction to continue the current initiative. (c) That the comments raised by Members at the Area Committee meeting on the proposed revisions to the ‘To Let’ Boards Initiative and the renewal of the ‘Area of special control’ be fed into to the Planning Group for discussion at their meeting on 13th February 2008.
Date and Time of Next Meeting Thursday 3rd April 2008 at 7.00pm (venue to be confirmed)
Milford Sports Club, Beecroft Street, Leeds 5. Minutes: Thursday 3rd April 2008 at 7.00 pm (venue to be confirmed)
(The meeting concluded at 9.25 pm)