Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: John Grieve , Governance Services, Tel (0113) 3788662 Email:
Link: to view the meeting
No. | Item |
Site Visits Site Visits
Members site visits was held in connection with the following: Application 21/08295/FU - Proposed residential development at former Doncaster Monkbridge site, Whitehall Road, Leeds, Preapp/21/00378 – Plot 9 Wellington Place, Whitehall Road, Leeds, Preapp/21/00311 – Proposed mixed use development at land south of Whitehall Road, Leeds and PREAPP/20/00446 -Proposed mixed use development on land south of Sweet Street, Holbeck, Leeds and was attended by the following Councillors: D. Blackburn, C. Campbell, A.Garthwaite, C.Gruen, G.Latty, J.Mckenna, N.Walshaw and E.Nash (for the first 2 sites).
Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents
To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)
(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting)
Minutes: There were no appeals against refusal of inspection of documents.
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-
Minutes: There were no items which required the exclusion of the press or public.
Late Items
To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)
Minutes: There were no late items of business identified.
Declaration of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence (If any) Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To consider and approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25th November 2021 and to note the minutes of the Consultative Meeting of Members of City Plans Panel held on 21st December 2021.
(Copies attached) Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25th November 2021
With reference to Minute No.97 (Application No.20/08521/OT) - Members requested if the following wording could be included within the resolution:
· Greater clarity on possible congestion associated with the junction of the A653 and the A650
The minutes of the Consultative Meeting of Members of City Plans Panel held on 21st December 2021 were submitted for information
(i) That, with the inclusion of the above, the minutes of the meetings held on 25th November 2021 be approved as a true and correct record
(ii) That the minutes of the Consultative Meeting of Members of City Plans Panel held on 21st December 2021 be noted
Matters Arising from the Minutes To consider any matters arising from the minutes. Minutes: There were no issues raised under matters arising. |
To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of an application which seeks planning consent for two residential blocks at 26 and 31 storey's high, with car parking, landscaping and associated facilities to land at former Doncaster Monk Bridge Works, Whitehall Road, Leeds, LS12 1BE
(Report attached) Minutes: The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which sets out detail of an application which sought planning consent for two residential blocks at 26 and 31 storey's high, with car parking, landscaping and associated facilities to land at former Doncaster Monk Bridge Works, Whitehall Road, Leeds, LS12 1BE
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The City Centre Manager addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal which included the following issues:
· Site/ Location/ Context · The site is located approximately 1km to the southwest of Leeds City Centre, within the designated City Centre boundary as defined by the Site Allocations Plan (SAP) and forms part of the wide former Doncaster Monk Bridge Works land, to the north of Whitehall Road and measures 0.38 ha in area. · The site is located to the east of the elevated Leeds – Bradford railway line and west of the River Aire and Leeds – Liverpool Canal. · There is a Grade II listed viaduct to the north which has not been in use since the 1960s. It is in separate ownership but programmed for redevelopment as a public route and park with access points onto it from both the CDL Doncaster Monkbridge Site to the north and MEPC Wellington Place site to the east. · The whole site is identified as being within Flood Zone 2. · The proposal - Planning permission is sought for two residential towers of 26 and 31 storeys comprising a total of 488 apartments (Mixture of 1,2 and 3 bed units arranged around a central core). · The two towers would be linked via a double storey height podium level providing rooftop amenity space for residents at 506sqm. · Parking for 21 cars (all to be Electrical Vehicle Charging Point enabled) and 376 cycles would be located at a ground floor level (418 spaces across the scheme in total with 386 long stay and 32 short stay spaces). Ramped access and egress into the cycle store would be taken from the adjacent north-south axis road between this site and that of the approved Latitude Purple Phase B site to the west. · Connectivity through the site / strong interface with the north south pedestrian route under the viaduct and onwards north towards the CDL Doncaster Monkbridge development. Public realm/ public open space · Land scape proposals including tree lined public realm · Materials – Two distinct sections of brickwork; vertical and horizontal, floor to ceiling windows, 33 balconies and 164 Juliette balconies
The Panel then heard from Andrew Steer, City Island Management who was objecting to the proposals.
Mr Steer said he was representing the views of 404 leaseholders and 711 residents at the City Island development which was only 80m away. He said the Management company had taken a keen interest in this application and had provided constructive feedback, but despite the lengthy consultation none of our views have been taken in account in the final planning application.
Mr Steer said he had 4 primary concerns:
To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Pre-Application Presentation for reserved matters application for Building 9, Wellington Place (Pursuant to outline planning permission 18/07929/OT) to land at Wellington Place, Leeds, LS1 4AP.
(Report attached) Minutes: The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out detail of a pre-application presentation for reserved matters application for Building 9, Wellington Place (Pursuant to outline planning permission 18/07929/OT) to land at Wellington Place, Leeds, LS1 4AP.
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:
· Site / location / context · This site is located to the south-western corner of Wellington Place · This would be the second building proposed as part of the outline scheme for Wellington Place Phase 2, approved in 2019 (ref. 18/07929/OT). · The architectural style was similar in character to the existing completed buildings on Wellington Place, with stone elevations and strong fenestration patterns with vertical emphasis towards the top of the buildings, where the roof slopes are a dominant feature. The scale of the existing buildings vary from 4 to 9 storeys. · The proposal is for a 12 - storey building for office accommodation with retail accommodation on the ground floor. The building is set back at the upper levels · 85 car parking spaces with electric vehicle charging points (Compliant with Policy EN8), cycle parking and car club spaces · Materials – Stone, use of exposed structural columns, glazing and a series of framed winter gardens. Vertical shading panels to reduce solar gain · Expansive public realm with links to Listed Viaduct, useable space in Viaduct Yard · Landscape proposals · Wind assessment carried out · Sustainable measures: net zero carbon operational energy (all electric building) BREEAM outstanding
Members raised the following questions to the developer’s representatives:
· Of the proposed 86 car parking spaces, 10% would have electric vehicle charging points. Is this figure policy compliant
In responding to the issues raised the developer’s representatives said:
· Members were informed that the number of electric vehicle charging points would be compliant with Policy EN8
In offering comments, Members raised the following issues:
· Members were generally supportive of the proposal; the proposed design was good, and Members welcomed the regeneration of the area. · Members considered the development would complement the existing heritage assets · One Member asked if the completed scheme could resemble the images presented in the submitted graphics · Could further clarification be provided on cycle parking, was the demand there · Could a list of proposed tree species / hedges be provided
In offering comments on the officers’ questions in the report:
· Members were supportive of the proposals in respect of design, scale, form and detailing · Members supported the proposed approach to landscaping and pedestrian connectivity · Members were supportive of the proposed approach to climate change and sustainability · Members were agreeable to the formal application proposals being determined as a delegated decision
The Chair thanked the developers for their attendance and presentation suggesting that Members appeared to be generally supportive of the development.
(i) To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation
(ii) That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation
(iii) That the formal ... view the full minutes text for item 110. |
To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Pre-Application Presentation for mixed use development of residential, offices, hotel and Multi Storey car Park (MSCP) with ancillary leisure and retail uses, to Land Off Whitehall Road, Leeds.
(Report attached)
Minutes: The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out detail of a pre-application presentation for mixed use development of residential, offices, hotel and Multi Storey car Park (MSCP) with ancillary leisure and retail uses, to Land Off Whitehall Road, Leeds.
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:
· Site / location / context · The site is currently used as long stay car parks, 423 car parking spaces in total · The site is located to the west of the city and to the south of Whitehall Road. · Office accommodation and residential flats are located to the south west border and eastern boundary with buildings ranging in height from 8 to 11 stories · Pedestrian links are located to the east and west, linking to the riverside and further a footbridge over the River Aire which leads to the Leeds Liverpool Canal towpath. · Existing vehicular access to the site is gained from Riverside Way, an additional access point is located further east along Whitehall Road, which serves Premier Inn and No.1 Whitehall Riverside. · The proposal – Full planning permission would be sought for: one residential building providing up to 532 (Build to Rent) C3 residential units, of 16 and 19 storeys, linked at podium level. Four commercial units (Class E) would be provided at ground floor level to the four corners of the BTR building. The following mix of apartments are proposed: 281x 1 bed flats (53%), 210x 2 bed flats (39%) and 41x 3 bed flats (8%) · A Hybrid planning permission will be sought for the following development: One Multi Storey Car Park providing 478 spaces, one retail/commercial unit (Class E) would be provided at ground floor level one office building (plot 2) use Class E (g)(i) providing approximately 13210sqm of office space and 584sqm of retail space Class E (a or b), measuring 12 storeys + plant. The following development would be included in outline: one hotel building (C1) providing approximately 5300sqm of hotel space and 140sqm of office accommodation Class E (g)(i), measuring 9 storeys + plant, one office building (plot 9) providing approximately 11268 sqm of office accommodation Class E (g)(i), measuring 14 storeys. · The development would also feature new Landscaping, public realm, cycle and pedestrian infrastructure throughout. The landscaping would also incorporate new tree planting along Whitehall Road.
Members raised the following questions to the developer’s representatives:
· Could further consideration be given to the housing mix with fewer 1 bed flats being provided and more 3 bed flats (Minimum 10%) · With respect to the multi storey car park (MSCP), how would long stay commuter parking be prevented · The provision of secure cycle parking, was this compliant with policy · Over 100 semi-mature trees are to be provided, could an indication be given to how large these trees are · The design of the car park refers to “an oil filter”. What is meant by this. · Referring ... view the full minutes text for item 111. |
To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Pre-Application Presentation for a mixed-use development of 1235 residential units, two office blocks, a clubhouse and a retained public house use, street-level commercial units, car parking and landscaped public realm at land at Sweet Street, Marshall Street, Holbeck, Leeds.
(Report attached) Minutes: Prior to discussion of this item Members were made aware that Sweet Street may be a potential route for a Highway corridor to accommodate a Mass Transit system. The developers of the site had been made aware of this potential development.
The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out details of a pre-application presentation for proposed mixed-use development of 1235 residential units, two office blocks, a clubhouse and a retained public house use, street-level commercial units, car parking and landscaped public realm at land at Sweet Street, Marshall Street, Holbeck, Leeds.
Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:
· Site / location / context · Located to the south side of the City Centre, the site is largely cleared and measures a total of 3.05 hectares · The (vacant) former Commercial Pub, (non-designated heritage asset) is located towards the junction of Sweet Street West and Marshall Street and is within the boundary of the Holbeck Conservation Area. · The former Holbeck library, a grade II listed building (at the junction of Marshall Street and Nineveh Road), lie outside the site boundary. To the south and south-west of the railway line and Nineveh Road are the residential communities of Holbeck and Beeston. Employment uses predominate (mainly industrial and warehouse) to the east side of Marshall Street. To the north is the Commercial Pub, listed Temple Works and vacant land. · The proposals sought to create a multi-level development of 1235 residential apartments in blocks, ranging from 10 up to 27 storeys, two office blocks, ranging from 4 to 6 storey’s and 5 to 7 storeys, a 3 storey clubhouse and a 2 storey public house/drinking establishment, set within a landscaped area, with surface and undercroft car parking. · The former Commercial Public House is to be retained and refurbished as a public house/drinking establishment · 74 car parking spaces are proposed for the Build to Rent apartments, 100 spaces are proposed for the Open Market Housing apartments and 105 spaces are proposed for the office accommodation. The parking numbers for the commercial uses are not yet fixed. · Cycle and motorcycle parking would be at levels to comply with local planning policy.
Members raised the following questions to the developer’s representatives:
· Consider changing the names of some streets because it may cause confusion with other similar street names elsewhere in the city. Look to reflect on the history of the area e.g. Mary Gawthorpe, local suffragette · The former Public Library, had any discussions taken place with the owner to bring the building into the development site · What was the intended nature of the proposed community building/club house
In responding to the issues raised the developer’s representatives said:
· The applicant’s representative said the developers were open to name changes possibly using reference points from Holbeck in the past. Suggestions from the local community would be sought through community consultation · The applicant’s representative confirmed ... view the full minutes text for item 112. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting To note that the next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 24th February 2022 at 1.30pm in the Civic Hall, Leeds. Minutes: RESOLVED - To note that the next meeting will take place on Thursday, 24th February 2022 at 1.30pm in the Civic Hall, Leeds.