Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Debbie Oldham Email:
Link: to view the meeting
No. | Item |
Site Visits Councillors Akhtar, Flint, Midgley, Bithell and Sharpe attended the site visit earlier in the day.
Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)
(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting)
Minutes: There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents. |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public
1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-
Minutes: There were no exempt items. |
Late Items
To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)
Minutes: There were no late items. |
Declaration of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: In relation to Agenda Item 8 – The Southern Quadrant of the East Leeds Extension, Councillor Stephenson informed the Panel that he is a non-Executive Director of an Academy Trust that has an interest in land at the border of the application site. Councillor Stephenson decided to take part in discussion as it was not a pecuniary or other interest and did not have an impact on voting on the application.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received on behalf of Councillor A Lamb. Councillor T Smith attended as a substitute on behalf of Councillor A Lamb.
Minutes - 25th August 2022 PDF 157 KB To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 25th August 2022, for approval as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED – To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 25th August 2022, as a correct record.
The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests consideration for a development comprising 58 apartments for affordable rent, including communal and ancillary spaces on land at Railway Street, Saxton Gardens, Leeds, LS9. Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a development comprising 58 apartments for affordable rent, including communal and ancillary spaces on land at Railway Street, Saxton Gardens, Leeds, LS9. This application was previously considered as a Position Statement at the Panel meeting in June 2022.
Photographs and slides were shown throughout the officer presentation.
The Panel were provided with the following information: · In terms of private amenity space this has been increased and 15.3% of the total gross floor area has now been provided. This is still under the 25% set out in Neighbourhoods for Living but in the context of this scheme it is considered that it offers a reasonable amount of amenity space. · The Housing Mix was a concern for Panel Members originally and the applicant has confirmed the mix will not be altered. It was the opinion of the applicant that there is a strong demand for 1 and 2 bed flats in the locality. The applicant submitted data for the demand for the Richmond Hill area. Housing mix is still underprovided on 3-bed units, but it was to be noted that the policy in this regard is open to be applied flexibly and it was further noted that the minimum target for this development is 11 units. Balanced against this however, the proposal does include 100% affordable units which is considered a positive benefit for the area. · The revised scheme also includes an extension of the footpath on the southside of Railway Street. · Representations include a letter of support received from Leeds Civic Trust and 2 letters of objections received on behalf of residents regarding lack of community facilities and issues with highways. These have been addressed in the Officer Report. No local ward members have submitted an objection.
Mr Mackie, a local resident attended the meeting and informed the Panel of the following: · Mr Mackie has consulted online with approximately 1750 residents regarding the proposals and there are concerns regarding the loss of community amenity space. There is instead a preference for the site to include options for a community club, gym, café, or community meeting room, making better use of the space for the community as a whole. · The Council’s processes for involving members of the public on proposed developments are not adequate and exclude members of the public from commenting on such applications until a late stage. · The financial amount of offset diversity loss does not reflect the true land value. · The local pocket park would be better centrally managed, funded and formed as one, composite project.
In response to questions from Panel Members, Mr Jackson (Applicant) and Mr Corbett (Planning Consultant) provided the following information: · The demand for 3-bed apartments in the area is low, and statistics show that there is a demand for 2-bed and 3-bed houses and maisonettes. Statistics relate solely to the Burmantofts ward. A member acknowledged that the proposed site is situated on the border of 3 wards, and data does not accurately reflect ... view the full minutes text for item 34. |
The report of the Chief Planning Officer presents an Outline Application for up to 925 dwellings including means of primary vehicle access and central Spine Road and associated infrastructure works and a 2.6ha Community Hub facility (provisionally comprising primary school, convenience store and health provision) all on land pertaining to the Southern Quadrant of the East Leeds Extension (part of housing allocation site HG1-288) Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an outline planning application for up to 925 dwellings including means of primary vehicle access and central Spine Road and associated infrastructure works and a 2.6ha Community Hub facility (provisionally comprising primary school, convenience store and health provision) all on land pertaining to the Southern Quadrant of the East Leeds Extension (part of housing allocation site HG1-288).
Some Members had attended a site visit earlier in the day. Photographs and slides were shown throughout the officer presentation.
The Panel were provided with the following information: · An image showing an extract of a policies map in the Development Plan showing East Leeds Extension Housing Allocation. The location of the proposed development is south of Leeds Road and Manston Lane, bounded by ELOR to the east. To the east of ELOR is land designated as the green belt and beyond that is the village of Scholes. The area to the south is the Thorpe Park Employment Allocation. To the west is Crossgates Local Centre and to the north Seacroft Local Centre. · There are 4 Quadrants forming the East Leeds Extension. Red Hall, Whinmoor Fields, Morwick Green and Pendas Beck. · The site is largely fields, with areas of trees along Cock Beck and along the area covered by a Scheduled Monument. The John Smeaton playing pitches also form part of the Housing Allocation and are part of the application site. Further south is a Secondary School (John Smeaton Academy) and John Smeaton Leisure Centre and residential areas to the West. Cock Beck runs along the western boundary and through the middle of the site and sits within a small, wooded area either side. Public rights of way cross the site on a north-south and east-west fashion. Sandleas Way industrial estate exists to the southwest. · The route of the Scheduled Monument curves round from Manston Lane towards ELOR and is retained in an area of greenspace. · John Smeaton playing pitches are owned by LCC and there is a current planning application to re-locate 2 of those pitches to Whinmoor Grange, with the third pitch being retained as part of the primary school development on site. · There are existing Grade II Listed Buildings along Manston Lane, including a dovecote within the application site and Lazencroft Farm beyond the south-eastern boundary of the site. Lazencroft Farm backs on to the development with a slight change in levels. A buffer will be required beyond the land at Lazencroft Farm to create a buffer between it and the proposed development, · Manston Lane has been re-routed to accommodate ELOR. · An overview of local facilities in the area. · Wider connections linking new development to existing links and facilities. · Cock Beck forms the western boundary and runs through the centre of site. The associated flood risk zones were noted. · Pedestrian and cycle links. New pedestrian and cycle connections are required to connect to ELOR, and the Spine Road will be wide enough to accommodate buses. Segregated cycle ways and tree lined verges are ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
The report of the Chief Planning Officer requests consideration for a residential development of eight new dwellings with new access road, associated landscaping and parking, at Former Co-op Car Park, Off Oakwell Mount, Gledhow, Leeds, LS8 4AD. Minutes: Further to the minutes of the meeting held on 28th July 2022, the report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a residential development of eight new dwellings with new access road, associated landscaping, and parking, at Former Co-op Car Park, Off Oakwell Mount, Gledhow, Leeds, LS8 4AD.
This application was heard at the Plans Panel held 28th July 2022 where Panel Members highlighted several issues to be addressed before the application could be supported.
Panel Members were informed of the following information: · A further 4 letters of representation were received from members of the public regarding inadequate public consultation, the reference made to the meeting with the public being inaccurate, the scheme has not changed, the height of houses, the amount of material moved to create the access drive and number 29 bordering onto the access point. · There had been an issue raised about public speaking at the meeting, but due to no new significant material planning considerations being brought forward as part of the scheme since the application was reported to Panel in July 2022, it was agreed with officers and the Chair that in accordance with the council’s Public Speaking Protocol there would be no public speaking this at this Panel. This approach remained consistent with the Protocol and the approach taken in other Panel meetings, in accordance with Chair’s discretion on the matter. · The site is a former car parking area, including the embankment and a strip of land in between 2 properties where access will be located to the development. · The site is located within Oakwood Town Centre and is not in a Conservation Area. The boundary of the Roundhay Conservation Area is located to the northeast and to the east of the site. · The proposal seeks approval for eight semi-detached dwellings set across four blocks. · Each dwelling will have private car parking spaces, some with garages. · Two of the mature trees at the access point are proposed to be removed. · Residents at house No. 29 are concerned over the stability of their house, the impact on the proposed access and amenity. Residents at house No. 31 spoke in favour of the proposals. · An alternative access point off Gledhow Rise cannot be considered due to issues in terms of delivering a road of a suitable design considering the change in levels. It was also noted that to achieve a road of an adoptable standard car parking spaces will need to be removed and the owners of the store were not willing to sell their land. · The applicant carried out meetings with local ward members and residents at No’s. 29 and 31 Oakwell Mount regarding the proposed access point. · Additional trees are proposed to be planted as well as hedging. · Amenity space in some of the rear gardens are limited because of the embankment. · The Nature Conservation Officer has commented that the embankment ‘maybe’ better off being separated from the proposed site with no access. It was acknowledged that this would leave ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting To note the next meeting of North and East Plans Panel will be on Thursday 20th October 2022, at 1.30pm in Civic Hall. Minutes: Note the next scheduled meeting of North and East Plans Panel will be on Thursday 20th October 2022, at 1.30pm in Civic Hall.
(The meeting ended at 16:10)