Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Debbie Oldham Email:
Link: to view the meeting
No. | Item |
Chairs Opening Remarks The Chair welcomed everybody to the meeting and paid thanks to Councillor C Gruen as former Chair of the North and East Plans Panel. The Chair, on behalf of the Panel wished Councillor C Gruen all the best in her new role within the Council.
Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)
(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting)
Minutes: There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents.
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public
1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-
Minutes: There were no exempt items.
Late Items
To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)
Minutes: There were no formal late items.
Declaration of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: No declarations were made at the meeting.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Anderson and Flint. Councillor Smith attended as a substitute for Councillor Anderson.
Minutes - 12 May 22 PDF 192 KB To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held Thursday, 12th May 2022.
Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held Thursday, 12th May 2022 be approved as an accurate record.
21/04468/FU - on land at Red Hall Lane, Red Hall, Leeds PDF 19 MB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding residential development of 360 new build dwellings, conversion of offices to form 2 apartments in the Old Farmhouse, refurbishment and extension of Gate House, conversion of outbuildings to form garages, bin and cycle store; and associated works, on land at Red Hall Lane, Red Hall, Leeds.
Minutes: The report of the Chief Officer updated Panel Members on the current full planning application for the residential development of 360 new build dwellings, conversion of offices to form 2 apartments in the Old Farmhouse, refurbishment and extension of Gate House, conversion of outbuildings to form garages, bin, and cycle store: and associated works, on land at Red Hall Lane, Red Hall, Leeds.
It was noted that an earlier pre-application presentation was made to the City Plans Panel on 8th April 22 and appended to the report included a copy of the minutes from that meeting.
Members had attended a site visit and were shown slides and photographs throughout the officer presentation.
The Planning Officer presented the application, providing the following information: · Clarifying correct order of appendices to the report. · The site is located to the north of existing main urban area and spans between the existing Ring Road (A6120) and Wetherby Road (A58). · The former Council horticultural nursery has since been replaced by the temporary East Leeds Orbital Route (ELOR) works depot. It was noted that ELOR is currently under construction. · Site characteristics of the two broad development areas were provided. · The site is owned by the Council and sale will lead to a capital receipt. · There is a separate application relating to the Red Hall House site which is separately owned and not included within the red line. · Detailed layout of housing and design issues – a suggestion has been made by officers to connect the streets instead of having a number of cul-de-sacs. · A conservation issue has been identified by officers with the dwellings to the west of Red Hall House, which is a listed building. The current layout is considered to harm the setting of the Listed Building. Consequently – a suggestion has been made to reconfigure the area to include a landscaped area / greenspace to provide a visual buffer. It was noted that there are a number of design matters to be addressed in the scheme. · Officers provided an overview of the housing mix and explained the proposed mix was not consistent with planning policy. It was explained that the re-consideration of the layout will provide an opportunity to re-visit housing mix. · An overview of house types was provided. · There are various clusters of affordable housing across the site and blocks of flats. · The woodland has been retained and additional tree planting has been proposed across the site, as well as a green buffer to the site’s boundary with ELOR. · There are concerns from residents living on Red Hall Lane that with a possible increase in traffic and road users, the proposed spine road may be used as a ‘rat run’. However, officers noted that parts of the site did not meet accessibility standards. To help address this, it is considered appropriate to design the spine road so that it can accommodate potential public transport penetration in the future. This would necessitate the width of the road being increased. Due to the proximity ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
PREAPP/19/00258 - on land east of Wetherby Road and Coal Road, Whinmoor, Leeds PDF 12 MB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for first phase of the Whinmoor Fields, ‘Northern Quadrant’, East Leeds Extension development comprising 423 dwellings with public open space on land east of Wetherby Road and Coal Road, Whinmoor, Leeds.
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer informed Members of a pre-application for a reserved matters application relating to the first phase of the Whinmoor Fields “Northern Quadrant”, East Leeds Extension development comprising 423 dwellings with public open space on land east of Wetherby Road and Coal Road, Whinmoor, Leeds.
Members had attended a site visit and were shown slides and photographs throughout the officer presentation.
The Planning Officer and representatives from Permission Homes Ltd presented the application, providing the following information: · The outline planning consent was submitted prior to ELOR being pursued by the Council. · There is a proposed two form entry primary school and local centre (including health facilities and retail) to be provided as part of the wider Northern Quadrant development. · The site is located to the north of the existing main urban area and spans between Wetherby Road (A58) to the west, Red Hall Lane, and Skelton Lane to the south and a field boundary east of Coal Road. · There is a public transport route wide enough for buses to pass through with setback houses, a segregated cycleway, footway and tree planting. · A layout of the proposals was provided including a description of bicycle accessibility.
· An overview of public open spaces and green infrastructure included in the proposals was provided. · It was noted that there is 15% provision of Affordable Housing on site with the proposed layout indicating 65 units and providing accessible housing. · Sustainability measures include high levels of insulation and EV charging points proposed. · An overview of the public consultation undertaken online and drop-in exhibitions.
In response to questions from Members, the following was confirmed: · Developer will consider a “gateway feature” at the entrance from the roundabout. · There is parking to the rear of the apartments, and parking spaces have been set to the side of dwellings to reduce on-street parking. Members also raised concerns about refuse collection. · In response to concerns relating to pollution and air quality from ELOR, officers noted that this is subject to conditions attached to the outline planning permission and that the applicant is liaising with consultants on this matter. · The site will be equipped with a local play area that will be fenced, accessible greenspace, cycle ways and footways. Members asked that play equipment is fully inclusive for all children and to consider not fencing in the play area and to be more creative with such considerations. · ELOR is intended to take the bulk of traffic and the closure of Red Hall Lane will be monitored. · Members requested that the applicant do more in terms of creative play spaces, as well as working on landscape proposals. It was confirmed that the applicant will consider community spaces / allotments, as well as places for residents / children to sit. · Measures will be in place in terms of grey water and recycling. · The first phase of the site will use gas boilers and further clarity is required regarding the future ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
21/08380/FU - on land at Railway Street, Saxton Gardens, Leeds, LS9 PDF 3 MB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a development comprising 58 apartments for affordable rent, including communal and ancillary spaces on land at Railway Street, Saxton Gardens, Leeds, LS9.
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out a Position Statement to Panel Members regarding a development comprising 58 apartments for affordable rent, including communal and ancillary spaces on land at Railway Street, Saxton Gardens, Leeds, LS9.
The proposed development includes a five-storey apartment building, parking area, amenity space and landscaping. The building would contain 58 apartments with a split of 28 x 1-bed, 25 x 2-bed and 5 x 3-bed. It was confirmed the scheme is 100% affordable housing with all apartments set at social rent.
Members had attended a site visit and were shown slides and photographs throughout the officer presentation.
The Planning Officer presented the application, providing the following information: · The site lies to the South of Railway Street, on the site former Yorkshire Riders Sport and Social Club and to the west of the site is an Energy Centre. The railway viaduct lies to the north and the Saxton Gardens estate to the south. · The area is expected to see significant growth with several recent planning approvals for large high-rise developments including two apartment buildings ranging from 6 to 22 storeys, one residential development ranging from 15 to 20 storeys and five residential buildings ranging from 12 to 22 storeys. · Members were provided with an overview of the layout of the site and shown photographs of the elevations of the proposals. · It was confirmed that the proposed housing mix overprovides on flats and underprovides on 3 bed dwellings. Although it was noted that the scheme provides 100% affordable housing. · There are also issues in terms of designated green space and the area proposed falling below minimum standards of the Core Strategy. Whilst there is a loss of greenspace, the application proposes improvements to the remaining area of green space and a commuted sum of 11k to be spent on local green space improvements in consultation with residents and ward members. · The private amenity provision is below the recommended quantity set out in the Neighbourhoods for Living Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The current proposal only achieves 14.2% representing a shortfall of 385m2. · Highways have submitted an objection requesting that further pedestrian safety measures are implemented. · General concerns remain outstanding regarding traffic.
Mr Jackson and Ms Chambers attended the meeting and were available for questions from Panel Members. In responding to questions, the following was confirmed: · There are mitigation issues with the height of the building should this exceed 16.5m. it was also mentioned that there are safety issues regarding balconies on higher storeys due to air pollution. Officers to investigate this further. Members raised concern regarding the quality of life for residents in terms of amenity space and suggested there is an opportunity with the proposal being revised to include additional storeys. · In response to a comment regarding the implementation of a roof terrace, it was noted there are issues surrounding the requirements to meet in terms of mitigating carbon emissions. · A Member suggested that ground floor flats with private gardens be predominantly 3-bed flats to ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
PREAPP/21/00406 - Fearnville Leisure Centre and park, Oakwood Lane, LS8 3LF PDF 3 MB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a pre-application for the construction of a replacement Wellbeing Centre building and wider site improvements at Fearnville Leisure Centre and park, Oakwood Lane, LS8 3LF.
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a pre-application presentation to inform Members of the proposals for the construction of a replacement Wellbeing Centre building and wider site improvements at Fearnville Leisure Centre and park, Oakwood Lane, LS8 3LF.
Members were shown slides and photographs throughout the officer presentation.
Officers in attendance presented the application, providing the following information to the Panel: · Highways have raised no objections, further information is required on the transport assessment, travel plan and cycling provision. · An overview of the site history. · The site as existing include facilities that have been run down over time and current proposals include play areas, skate park, BMX track, tennis courts and wider playing fields with biodiversity improvements across the site. · The Wellbeing Centre is placed in the middle of the site. · There are a number of activity stations proposed through the site. · Improved surveillance. · The car park will be extended to account for the increase in capacity and the existing footpath through the site will be retained and enhanced. A separate cycle route will run alongside the footpath to the North. · Creating more prominence from the site area and considerations around signage and making people aware of the facilities onsite. · An overview of the public consultations held, and comments received. · Members were shown a number of photographs of the proposals, including some examples of the play areas, building layout, internal sketches and facilities.
Councillor S Arif attended the meeting and highlighted the positive benefits of the Wellbeing Centre and explained that this will be a much-welcomed proposal for the community that will benefit the whole of East Leeds. Whilst it was welcomed, Councillor Arif urged that transport links and access to the site must be right from different parts of Leeds. Finally, it was acknowledged that some of the highest health inequalities are residents from East Leeds, particularly Inner East areas, and it was noted that this proposal will improve inequalities.
Members comments included: · Fearnville Leisure Centre is one of the oldest sports centres in Leeds and the development will promote a positive outcome for residents in the area. · To include effective functional gym equipment. · Discussion of how anti-social behaviour could be designed out of the site. · Accessibility and transport to the site needs to be thought through. · Important to address existing health inequalities. · Members were generally supportive of the proposals and were keen to see the development go ahead.
The following points were summarised in relation to officers’ questions in the report: Question 1. Do Members consider the proposed siting of the new Wellbeing Centre to be acceptable? Yes.
Question 2. Are Members supportive of the emerging design for the building? Yes.
Question 3. Do Members have any comments on the accessibility arrangements for the site? Members broadly provided general support for the scheme and considered the proposal a good facility for residents and the surrounding communities.
Members unanimously agreed that future considerations relating to this proposal, will be agreed by officers in the future rather than ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the North and East Plans Panel is scheduled for Thursday, 28th July 2022 at 1.30pm.
Minutes: The date and time of the next meeting will be held Thursday, 28th July 2022 at 1.30pm.
(The meeting concluded at 17:00)