Venue: Function Room, St George’s Centre, 60 Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3DL
Contact: Harriet Speight 0113 37 89954
No. | Item |
Representatives of Clinical Commissioning Group Dr Gordon Sinclair – Chair of NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group Dr Alistair Walling – Chief Clinical Information Officer, Leeds City and Leeds CCG
Directors of Leeds City Council Dr Ian Cameron – Director of Public Health Cath Roff – Director of Adults and Health Sue Rumbold – Chief Officer, Children and Families
Third Sector Representative Heather Nelson – Forum Central Karen Pearse – Director, Forum Central
Representative of Local Health Watch Organisation Dr John Beal – Chair, Healthwatch Leeds Hannah Davies – Chief Executive, Healthwatch Leeds
Representatives of NHS providers Dr Sara Munro - Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Dr Phil Wood - Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Thea Stein - Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
Representative of Leeds GP Confederation Jim Barwick – Chief Executive of Leeds GP Confederation
Welcome and introductions Minutes: The Chair welcomed all present and brief introductions were made.
The Chair took the opportunity to thank the third sector representative, Heather Nelson, for her contribution to the work of the Board during her time as a Board Member. The new appointment would be confirmed at a future meeting. Heather Nelson reflected on her time as a Board member, and provided Members with an update on her recent role at the joint HWB and Kings Fund event on Managing Digital Change in Health and Care (22nd November 2018).
The Chair also informed the Board that Superintendent Sam Millar would no longer be acting as the Safer Leeds representative on the Board, and that the new appointment would be confirmed at a future meeting.
The Chair also noted the success of the Big Leeds Chat, which took place on 11th October 2018, and provided an update on the preparations and preventative work that have taken place for system resilience over the winter period.
Appeals against refusal of inspection of documents To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)
(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting) Minutes: There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents.
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-
Minutes: There were no exempt items.
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)
Minutes: There were no late items.
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.
Minutes: There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Phil Corrigan, Steve Walker, Julian Hartley, and Councillor Pat Latty. The Chair welcomed substitutes Sue Rumbold, Phil Wood and Councillor Caroline Anderson to the meeting.
Open Forum At the discretion of the Chair, a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Health and Wellbeing Board. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair. Minutes: No matters were raised under the Open Forum.
To approve the minutes of the previous Health and Wellbeing Board meeting held 5th September 2018 as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held 5th September 2018 were agreed as a correct record.
Joint Strategic Assessment Update PDF 238 KB To consider the joint report of the Chief Officer, Health Partnerships, and the Head of Intelligence and Policy, Leeds City Council, that provides an update on the development of the draft Joint Strategic Assessment and emerging headlines around health inequalities.
(Report attached) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer, Health Partnerships, and the Head of Intelligence and Policy, Leeds City Council, submitted a report that provided an update on the development of the draft Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA) and emerging headlines around health inequalities.
The following information was appended to the report:
- The Draft JSA Executive Summary
The following were in attendance:
- Tony Cooke, Chief Officer for Health Partnerships - Simon Foy, Head of Intelligence and Policy, Leeds City Council
The Head of Intelligence and Policy introduced the report and highlighted some of the key messages, which included:
· Links to the Inclusive Growth Strategy and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy; · The development of the Leeds Observatory to become a more user-friendly system; · The significant growth of the younger population in Leeds, particularly in the more deprived areas, and consequently the ongoing challenge of child poverty; · The growth of the private housing sector in deprived areas, with poor quality housing, in comparison to other Core Cities; · The high employment rate in Leeds, however some concern for the number and quality of intermediate and semi-skilled jobs, and the low productivity of the city compared to other Core Cities.
During discussions, the Board considered the following:
· Councillor Mulherin provided some context to the growing population of young people in Leeds and the impact on school places of growth in deprived areas. The Board also heard that the Child Poverty Impact Board (CPIB) had been introduced to focus on six specific work streams, to mitigate the impact of child poverty. · Members were asked to consider the impact of different working arrangements within their organisations as major employers in the city, and despite the benefits, how part-time/flexible working may contribute to in-work poverty and potentially discourage employment. · Concern around the smoking prevalence in deprived areas, and the association with cultural and social norms. Members provided update on new projects in Leeds, and examples from other local authorities, to reduce smoking in public areas. · The potential for Local Care Partnerships (LCPs) to reduce ‘postcode lotteries’ and enable an individualised approach to different areas, particularly deprived areas.
RESOLVED – a) To note the initial findings and structure of the draft report, including linkages to the wider Observatory and existing/planned Health Needs Assessments. b) To note the Board’s comments and suggestions in relation to the Draft JNA.
Councillor Golton left the meeting at 1:30pm during discussion of this item.
Priority 8 - A Stronger Focus on Prevention PDF 626 KB To consider the report of the Director of Public Health presenting an overview of the range of preventative work occurring in Leeds to achieve our ambition, vision and explore how they are working together to address the emerging headlines from the Joint Strategic Assessment.
(Report attached) Minutes: The Director of Public Health submitted a report that presented an overview of the range of preventative work occurring in Leeds to achieve our ambition, vision and explore how they are working together to address the emerging headlines from the Joint Strategic Assessment.
The following were in attendance:
- Deb Lowe, Advanced Health Improvement Specialist, Leeds City Council - Anna Frearson, Chief Officer / Consultant in Public Health, Leeds City Council - Gill Keddie, Active Leeds Development Manager, Leeds City Council - Victoria Eaton, Chief Officer / Consultant in Public Health, Leeds City Council - Catherine Ward, Health Improvement Principal, Leeds City Council
The above attendees introduced the report and highlighted key messages from the three sections of the report, which included:
· Local Government Healthy Weight Declaration. The Board were provided with an overview of the framework of the declaration, along with the 14 commitments and 6 local priorities. Members heard that LCC was one of sixteen organisations who had adopted the Healthy Weight Declaration, and it was now the intention to encourage other organisations to sign up and expand the partnership. · Physical Activity Approach. The Board heard that consultation had begun to inform a new strategy, which has led to the development of ‘physical activity conversations’ to take place in the community and a social movement campaign. · Mental Health Protection Concordat. Members were informed that the work has been informed by a national framework agreed in 2017, and provides an opportunity to challenge and analyse current systems.
During discussions, the Board considered the following:
· The interrelation between issues, and support for engaging organisations across the city to provide direction. There was also a suggestion that all three projects be integrated to form a package that organisations can sign up to. · The importance of preventive measures for children and young people. A request for a child-friendly version of the wheel of health benefits of physical activity, to provide more relatable examples of ill-health. · Better articulating the substantial long term saving for the ‘Leeds Pound’ associated with improving mental health, particularly in relation to numbers of children looked after and the impact of parents with mental health problems. Children and Families representatives offered to contribute further evidence around this. · The stigma and discrimination associated with mental health services, and thus the benefits of programmes that positively impact mental health without being named as ‘mental health programmes’ – such as healthy eating and exercise programmes. · Members emphasised the importance of a whole family approach and were asked to provide feedback on the consultation of the new draft Leeds Young Carers Strategy by 09 January 2019. · The Board heard that a key message from the Big Leeds Chat was people’s desire and need to take responsibility for their own health, but the challenge in doing so due to the variety of other responsibilities e.g. work, childcare etc. · Engaging children and young people at an early age to embed the importance of being physically active and mentally healthy through schools ... view the full minutes text for item 45. |
Leeds Health Protection Board - Annual Report PDF 451 KB To consider the report of the Director of Public Health presenting an overview of the Leeds Health Protection Board’s Annual Report and proposed priorities for 2018-19.
(Report attached) Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Public Health submitted a report that presented an overview of the Leeds Health Protection Board’s Annual Report and proposed priorities for 2018-19.
The following information was appended to the report:
- Headline Health Protection Indicators Annual Report (November 2018)
The following were in attendance:
- Dawn Bailey, Head of Public Health (Health Protection), Leeds City Council - Helen McAuslane, Public Health England
The above attendees introduced the report and highlighted the key messages from the report, which included:
· The development of the Leeds Outbreak Plan, which includes an agreed detailed list of roles and responsibilities for organisations. The plan was tested during the recent outbreak of measles, and reported to be largely successful with a few lessons learned. · A ‘one city’ approach through coordination of various projects in partnership with schools and universities focused on reducing antibiotic resistance.
During discussions, the Board considered the following:
· Some concerns around groups of ‘anti-science’ parents who choose not to vaccinate their children, however Members were assured that this was a very small group in Leeds. Members heard that the largest population of people who have not been vaccinated live in the most deprived areas of the city, and are often new to the city. · Strengthening links between the vaccination project in schools and the ‘Best Start’ strand of the CPIB and Child Poverty Strategy · Strengthening links with the Leeds City Council’s Priority Neighbourhoods. · Members recognised the important role of the third sector for vaccination projects, and were informed that, along with other organisations, Leeds GATE (Gypsy and Traveller Exchange) were engaged in current projects as a group who have a typically low rate of childhood vaccinations. · Some of the health challenges with the migrant population in Leeds, which will be included as part of a future update on the Migrant Health Board.
RESOLVED – To note the Board’s comments and suggestions in relation to the new priorities identified by the Health Protection Board for 2018/20.
For information: Annual refresh of the Future in Mind - Leeds Local Transformation Plan PDF 260 KB To note, for information, receipt of the joint report of the Director of Operational Delivery, NHS Leeds CCG, and the Director of Children and Families, Leeds City Council, introducing the Future in Mind - Leeds Local Transformation Plan annual refresh, which was previously submitted nationally following circulation to members for comments.
(Copy attached)
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received, for information, the joint report of the Director of Operational Delivery, NHS Leeds CCG, and the Director of Children and Families, Leeds City Council, introducing the Future in Mind - Leeds Local Transformation Plan annual refresh, which was previously submitted nationally following circulation to members for comments.
RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report.
For information: BCF Quarter 2 2018/19 Return Performance Monitoring PDF 257 KB To note, for information, receipt of the joint report of the Chief Officer Resources and Strategy, Adults & Health, Leeds City Council and the Director of Operational Delivery, NHS Leeds CCG, introducing the BCF Q2 2018/19 return (incl iBCF), which was previously submitted nationally following circulation to members for comments.
(Copy attached)
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received, for information, a copy of the joint report from the Chief Officer Resources & Strategy, LCC Adults & Health and the Deputy Director of Commissioning, NHS Leeds CCG, detailing the BCF Performance Monitoring return for 2018/19 Quarter 2, which were previously submitted nationally following circulation to members for comment.
RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report.
For information: Leeds Health and Care Quarterly Financial Reporting PDF 520 KB To note, for information, receipt of the report of Leeds Health and Care Partnership Executive Group (PEG) providing an overview of the financial positions of the health & care organisations in Leeds, brought together to provide a single citywide quarterly financial report.
(Copy attached) Minutes: The Board received, for information, a copy of the report of Leeds Health and Care Partnership Executive Group (PEG) which provided an overview of the financial positions of the health & care organisations in Leeds, brought together to provide a single citywide quarterly financial report.
RESOLVED – To note the contents of the report.
For information - Connecting the work of the Leeds Health and Care Partnership PDF 515 KB To note, for information, the report of the Chief Officer, Health Partnerships, presenting overview of the work from the Health and Wellbeing Board workshop on communities (10th October 2018) and Health and Wellbeing Board to Board (22nd November 2018).
(Copy attached) Minutes: The Board received, for information, the report of the Chief Officer, Health Partnerships, presenting overview of the work from the Health and Wellbeing Board workshop on communities (10th October 2018) and Health and Wellbeing Board to Board (22nd November 2018).
RESOLVED - To note the contents of the report.
Any Other Business Minutes: No matters were raised on this occasion.
Date and Time of Next Meeting Thursday 28th February 2019 at 10am Minutes: RESOLVED – To note the date and time of the next meeting as Thursday 28th February 2019 at 10am (with a pre-meeting for Board members at 9:30am)