Agenda item

Morley Town Deal grants and general project progress

To consider the report of the Director of City Development summarising the progress made on the Morley Town Deal since the Morley Town Investment Plan (TIP) was approved in principle by the Government in March 2021, with associated capital funding to invest in projects intended to deliver transformational regeneration of the town. The report outlines six projects which are now moving forward to delivery. The report also outlines general progress on the TIP, and seeks approval of associated recommendations.





Further to Minute No. 103, 16th December 2020, the Director of City Development submitted a report summarising the progress made on the Morley Town Deal since the Morley Town Investment Plan (TIP) was approved in principle by the Government in March 2021, with associated capital funding to invest in projects intended to deliver transformational regeneration of the town. The report outlined six projects which were now moving forward to delivery and sought the Board’s approval of several associated recommendations.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview on the key points within the report and highlighted the effectiveness of the Board and how it was regarded as an exemplar in terms of Town Deal Boards.


Gerald Jennings, Chair of the Morley Town Deal Board was in attendance to provide Members with an overview of the progress being made by the Board and an update on the most recent key developments. The ongoing work being undertaken to maximise the benefits from the Town Deal funding was highlighted, via initiatives including engagement with the private sector and also through the sourcing of other funding streams, where available. Regarding the Board’s membership, it was noted that work had been successfully undertaken to develop the inclusivity and diversity of the Board. The good working relations between the Board and the Council were reiterated, with it being highlighted that work needed to continue at pace and with purpose in order to deliver the projects within the required timeframe.


Several specific enquiries were raised by a Member on the progress being made in relation to Morley Town Hall and in terms of the associated governance arrangements for the Town Deal Board and its decision making. Assurance was also sought that the projects were delivering the community’s priorities. In response, Members received a detailed update on the Morley Town Hall project, and also received further information on the range and extent of public consultation and engagement which had been undertaken and which was planned moving forward, both for the Town Hall project and the others within the wider programme in order to inform the delivery of those projects.


Members thanked officers for the work that continued in this area.



(a)  That the subsequent Town Investment Plan bid approval by Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, which sets the context for the forward delivery of the capital projects, as outlined within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That approval be given for the Director of City Development to use delegated powers to approve all project capital spend, in consultation with the Executive Member for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, and the Morley Town Deal Board;


(c)  That approval be given for the Director of City Development to use delegated powers to authorise entering into appropriate contracts or grant agreements required for delivery of the Heritage Investment Programme, White Rose Innovation Hub and Morley Learning and Skills Centre, in consultation with the Executive Member for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, and the Morley Town Deal Board.


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