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The Licensing Committee deals with business related to the Taxi & Private Hire Licensing Section, the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005.
Security Notice
As the result of a security review regarding Full Council and Committee meetings, there will be an increased security presence at Leeds Civic Hall.
As a condition of entry to Full Council and Committee meetings in Civic Hall, bag searches and the use of metal detector wands will be taking place. We may also ask visitors to the meeting to remove coats and jackets for searching.
We will also require any banners and signs to be left outside of the viewing gallery / meeting room – there will be a designated place to store these by reception.
Thank you for your understanding.
Support officer: Helen Gray, Committee Services. 0113 3788657
Postal address:
Committee Services
Democratic Services, 1st Floor West
Civic Hall
Phone: 0113 37 88657
Web site: