Issue - decisions

Seeking approval to procure a contract for sub-contractors to deliver Non-Housing (Civic Estate) painting and decorating works

14/07/2020 - (DN461184): Authority to procure in line with CPR 3.1.6 - Contractors to support Leeds Building Services' delivery of painting and decorating works to Civic property

The Director of Resources and Housing approved, in line with Contract Procedure Rule 3.1.6, a competitive tender process to procure and award contracts, with up to four contractors for the delivery of painting and decorating works to Civic Property. Work is to be allocated with requirements sub £20k issued on a ranked allocation basis and any works over £20k will be subject to a mini competition, between the four contractors on the framework. The contract is for a term of four years, with an estimated sum of £700k per annum and a total contract value of £2.8m.