Issue - decisions

Capital Investment Programme - Housing Revenue Account

15/06/2020 - Capital Investment Programme - Housing Revenue Account

The Director of Resources and Housing:-

1.  Noted the outturn position for the 2019/20 Housing Leeds Refurbishment Programme of £83.61m. The outturn position shows accelerated expenditure of £1.61m against the £82.0m approved in March 2019 for additional schemes brought forward from within the existing overall Housing Leeds programme.

2.  Authorised the accelerated expenditure incurred in 2019/20 of £1.61m brought forward from within the existing overall Housing Leeds programme.

3.  Noted the current Authority to Spend (ATS) approved to date £28.35m on schemes within the existing programme 2020-24 as highlighted in Appendix A.

4.  Authorised the remaining 2020/21 programme expenditure of £49.34m for 2020/21 with a view to accelerating schemes where necessary within the existing Housing Leeds programme, subject to HRA funding being available.

5.  Noted that schemes within the programme of a complex nature will be brought forward for ATS as and when they reach design freeze in the course of the coming year.