Issue - decisions

Approval to procure a new contract for the provision of postal goods and services.

30/10/2020 - Approval to procure a new contract for the provision of postal goods and services.

The Director Resources and Housing approved the procurement of a short-term contract for the provision of postal goods and services for a period of one year (from 1 February 2021 to 31 January 2022) with a contract value of £800,000. 


The Director Resources and Housing approved the evaluation criteria and methodology outlined in paragraph 3.4.2 of this report, as required under Contract Procedure Rule 3.1.8.


The Director of Resources & Housing approved the request to waive the usual five working day call in period, and noted that the decision will be taken under the Constitution’s Special Urgency provisions, as any delay in taking the decision will have a detrimental impact on the Council’s interests.