Issue - decisions

Request to establish a nominations agreement with developer and landlord Preferred Homes Ltd to 100% of the 63 extra care apartments in the Hunslet and Riverside Ward

29/09/2022 - To make three direct contract awards to existing extra care schemes where LCC hold nominations rights, using regulation 32


a)  The Director of Adults and Health approved the direct award of two-year contracts with the option to extend for a further period of up to 12 months in any combination in accordance with Regulation 32(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (Use of the negotiated procedure without prior publication) to:

i.  Methodist Homes Association for the provision of extra care services at Assisi Place. This contract is to commence 1st April 2023 and is for a total value of £1,027,867.16; This includes the value of the available extension, which would be subject to a separate decision at the appropriate time. The value of the initial two-year contract will be £685,244.00

ii.  Methodist Homes Association for the provision of extra care services at Yew Tree and Rosewood Court. This contract is to commence 1st April 2023 and is for a total value of £1,441,208.82, This includes the value of the available extension, which would be subject to a separate decision at the appropriate time. The value of the initial two-year contract will be £960,806.00; and

iii.  Creative Support for the provision of extra care services at Hampton Crescent. This contract is to commence 1st April 2023 and is for a total value of £923,361.00. This includes the value of the available extension, which would be subject to a separate decision at the appropriate time. The value of the initial two-year contract will be £615,574.00.


b)  Officers on behalf of Adults and Health Integrated Commissioning and Procurement and Commercial Services will complete all the actions necessary to ensure these contracts are in place for the 1st April 2023. Commissioning officers with support from the Service and Transformation Team, Legal, Housing Leeds, the Equality Team, Social Work and the Occupational Therapists will continue to finalise work with the goal of bringing all three schemes in line with the Leeds Model of Extra Care and the wider work around home care commissioning.