Issue - decisions

Authority to procure contractors to deliver External and Internal Communal Painting, including Prior to Painting Repair Works, to Housing Properties

11/11/2022 - Authority to procure contractors to deliver External and Internal Communal Painting, including Prior to Painting Repair Works, to Housing Properties


a)  In accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rule 3.1.7, the Director of Resources approved a procurement strategy based on an estimated annual contract spend of £780,000 to appoint up to 3 contractors via the use of the Efficiency North framework for the delivery of external and internal communal painting works, including prior to painting repair works, to the Council’s housing stock located throughout the city.

b)  The Director of Resources noted that approval to evaluate tenders using the price-quality separated approach in accordance with Contract Procedure Rule 15.2(a) will be sought from the Head of Leeds Building Services as required under Contract Procedure Rule 15.1.

c)  Approval will be given to award the contract for an initial 2-year period, with the option to extend for up to 24 months, with an estimated total contract value of up to £3,120,000.