Issue - decisions

Transforming Cities Fund (Carbon Mitigation Measures Fund) Leeds Public Bike Hire Scheme

07/09/2023 - Transforming Cities Fund (Carbon Mitigation Measures Fund) Leeds Public Bike Hire Scheme

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) was requested to:

1. Approve commencement of the TRO process required for the additional fasttrack sites added to phase 1.1a, noting that future elements of phase 1 will require a separate TRO. Fasttrack sites are listed below.

2. Give authority to request the City Solicitor to advertise any Traffic Regulation Orders (Parking Places Order, Waiting Restriction Order or Experimental Order) as required to address/ resolve the problems identified for each site, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders as advertised.

3. Note that delivery of the docks to meet the 15th September launch date will not give sufficient time for making of the orders and delivery of signing and lining to support the TRO’s. This will follow on.