Issue - decisions

Request permission to procure a contract to deliver the National Adopter Recruitment Campaign

10/11/2023 - Permission to procure a contract to deliver the National Adopter Recruitment Campaign

The Director of Children and Families gave permission to undertake a competitive tender to procure a contract via the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Campaign Solutions 2 (RM6125)  Framework to deliver the Adoption National Recruitment campaign on behalf of Adoption England, the National Adoption team. For a period of 1 year from 01/04/2024 – 31/03/2025 with options to up to extend for 24 months in any combination and will be a value of £450,000 per annum with a maximum total value of £1,350,000 including extension. The length of this contract will be dependent on an appropriate level of funding being received from the DfE following from April 2025.

The Director of Children and Families gave approval to waive Contract Procedure Rule 15.2 (C)  to allow a combined price/quality spilt approach with an 70% quality / 30% price split.