The Director of Communities, Housing & Environment gave approval to :
a) In accordance with CPR 3.1.7, undertaking a procurement exercise to appoint a contractor via a mini-competition procedure using Lot 6 of the Heating, Renewables, and Electrical from the Fusion 21 Framework. The scheme of works is proposed to start in November 2024 with view to be completed by 30th June 2025. The estimated construction value of the works is £1.68 million.
b) Grant authority to spend £1.68 million to deliver these works.
c) Approve the injection of £826,400 of grant funding from the HNES to the Housing Revenue Account in order to aid the procurement of a contractor to undertake the works outlined in this report.
d) Note that approval to evaluate tenders using the quality-price separated approach in accordance with CPR 15.2(a) will be sought as required under CPR 15.1.