
Details of officer decisions relating to planning applications.

Decisions published
Title Ref Date Effective from Call-ins
Amendment to the Constitution ref: 57502D5750212/06/202412/06/2024Not for call-in
Objection Report – Otley Old Road, Bramhope – 40mph Speed Limit ref: 57500D5750012/06/202412/06/2024Not for call-in
Leeds School Calendar - academic year 2025-2026 ref: 57503D5750320/06/202428/06/2024Call-in expired
Capacity for Educational Psychology / SENSAP to meet statutory responsibilities - Additional Provision ref: 57501D5750120/06/202428/06/2024Call-in expired
Changes to Leaders Executive Arrangements ref: 57498D5749811/06/202411/06/2024Not for call-in
Appointments to Committees, Boards & Panels during the period between the Annual Council Meeting (23rd May 2024) and the first Ordinary Meeting of Council (10th July 2024) ref: 57497D5749711/06/202411/06/2024Not for call-in
Railings at Woodhouse Lane car park - Phase 1 ref: 57496D5749611/06/202411/06/2024Not for call-in
Approval for purchase of plant and equipment to support maintenance and service delivery operations within the Climate Energy and Green Spaces service. ref: 57499D5749919/06/202427/06/2024Call-in expired
Re-roofing Works at Aireborough Leisure Centre, The Green, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 9BT ref: 57495D5749510/06/202410/06/2024Not for call-in
Meadow Lane, Holbeck – Deed of Assignment ref: 57494D5749407/06/202407/06/2024Not for call-in
Commercial Transfer Agreement – St Peter’s Church of England Primary School to The Leeds Diocesan Learning Trust ref: 57493D5749306/06/202406/06/2024Not for call-in
Changes to the Council’s Constitution to update Article 6 (Scrutiny Boards) and the Scrutiny Board Procedure Rules. ref: 57492D5749203/06/202403/06/2024Not for call-in
CITY OF LEEDS TREE PRESERVATION ORDER (NO.52) 2023 (CHURCH STREET, BOSTON SPA, WETHERBY LS23 6DW) ref: 57491D5749129/05/202429/05/2024Not for call-in
Tender evaluation report for approval to award the Lotherton Hall adventure playground design and build contract (ref 79856) ref: 57490D5749029/05/202429/05/2024Not for call-in
Use of Affordable Housing Commuted Sums to support delivery of 50 affordable homes at the site of the former Tower Works in the Armley Ward ref: 57488D5748805/06/202413/06/2024Call-in expired
Leeds parks tennis court improvements ref: 57481D5748104/06/202412/06/2024Call-in expired
Installation of new Heating Interface Units to three High Rise Blocks in Ebor Gardens ref: 57470D5747031/05/202408/06/2024Call-in expired
ABCD Community Pathfinder Grant Award and UK Shared Prosperity Fund Report: To seek approval from the Director of Adults and Health to award ABCD Community Pathfinder Grants and UKSPF grants for a combined value of £385,000 ref: 57101D5710106/06/202406/06/2024Not for call-in