Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: (a) The Lord Mayor welcomed members to this meeting of Full Council and also any members of the public who were joining the meeting and reminded those present that the meeting was to be streamed live.
(b) The Lord Mayor reminded Council that the Leeds Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration event would be taking place on Sunday at 2pm at the City Varieties theatre and he had invited the Director of the Auschwitz Foundation to attend and speak at the event.
(c ) The Lord Mayor congratulated Councillor Al Garthwaite on her nomination as Lord Mayor Elect for the 2023-24 Municipal Year.
(d) The Lord Mayor congratulated all those recipients from Leeds or who work and volunteer in Leeds and who had been recognised in His Majesty The King’s 2023 New Year Honours List. The Lord Mayor informed Council that he had written to them all to offer his warmest congratulations on this well deserved award.
(e ) The Lord Mayor thanked all of the officers involved with the arrangements for the recent Freemen meeting and members from each group for their excellent speeches at the meeting.
(f) The Lord Mayor informed Council that he had agreed for the inclusion of 2 late items at the meeting which were not available when the agenda was despatched; minutes of the Council meeting held on the 11th January 2023 and a report on the Community Committee Chair appointment for the Inner North West Community Committee.
(g) The Lord Mayor informed Council that he would adjourn the meeting for a comfort break at approximately 3pm. |
Minutes of the last Meeting PDF 384 KB To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16th November 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lennox, seconded by Councillor Cohen and
RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meetings held on 16 November 2022 and 11th January 2023 be approved.
Declaration of Interest To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interests.
Communications To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor, the Leader, Members of the Executive Board or the Chief Executive consider appropriate. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive informed Council that responses to Council resolutions had been received from the Department of Education and Rebecca Pow MP, Minister for Environmental Quality and Resilience, the responses had been circulated to all Members of Council. |
Deputations To receive deputations in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10. Additional documents: Minutes: Four deputations were admitted to the meeting and addressed Council, as follows:-
1) ACORN Leeds
2) Rainbow Junktion
3) ReSisters
4) Roundhay Skatepark Project
RESOLVED – That the subject matter in respect of deputation 1 and 4 be referred to the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment for consideration in consultation with the relevant Executive Member, that the subject matter in respect of deputation 2 be referred to the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment & Director of Adults & Health for consideration in consultation with the relevant Executive Members, that the subject matter in respect of deputation 3 be referred to the Director of Adults & Health for consideration in consultation with the relevant Executive Member.
To consider the report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory presenting recommendations from the Licensing Committee in respect of the Statement of Licensing Policy. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory presenting to Council the Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2027 following a review and public consultationwas moved by Councillor Gibson and seconded by Councillor Scopes
RESOLVED – That the Statement of Licensing Policy 2023-2027 be adopted as the Council’s statement of principles under Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003.
Report of the Calculation of the Council Tax and Business Rates Tax Bases for 2023/24 PDF 890 KB To consider the report of the Chief Officer – Financial Services seeking agreement to the 2023/24 council tax bases for Leeds and the parish/town councils set out in the report and providing indicative business rates shares for 2023/24 and to request Council to give delegated authority to the Chief Officer – Financial Services to finalise the shares and to submit them in the National Non-Domestic Rates 1 Return 2023/24 on or before the 31st January 2023.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Chief Officer - Financial Services seeking Council approval to the 2023/24 council tax bases for Leeds and the parish/town councils set out in the report and providing indicative business rates shares for 2023/24 and requesting Council to give delegated authority to the Chief Officer – Financial Services to finalise the shares and to submit them in the National Non-Domestic Rates 1 Return 2023-24 on or before 31st January 2023 was moved by Councillor Coupar, seconded by Councillor Lennox and
a) To agree that, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by the Council as its council tax base for the year 2023/24 shall be 239,337.8 for Leeds, as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report , and for each parish as detailed in Appendix 2; b) To note the indicative business rates shares set out in Appendix 3, and delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Financial Services to make detailed calculations and to submit the final figures to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on or before the 31st January 2023.
Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel PDF 332 KB To consider the report of the Head of Democratic Services presenting to Council the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) following a meeting on 8th November 2022 setting out their conclusions and recommendations. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Coupar, seconded by Councillor Lewis and
RESOLVED – That the report of the Head of Democratic Services presenting to Council the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel be received and the recommendations set out agreed, namely;
· An uplift in Basic Allowance of the equivalent of 4.04% backdated to 1st October 2022. · That there be no uplift in Special Responsibility Allowances at this time. · Where applicable, individual Members cease the current 3% reduction in Special Responsibility Allowances, with that being applicable from no earlier than 1st October 2022. · All Allowances, contained in Schedule two of the Members’ Allowances Scheme be uplifted as per the NJC pay award from 1st October 2022. · From 1st April 2023, the uplift in Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances be applied on a financial year basis rather than from the 1st of October each year. · That the Independent Remuneration Panel be asked to consider the outcome of the NJC local government pay settlement for 2023/24 with a view to recommending an uplift in Members’ Allowances for 2023/24. · That a longer-term indexation formula be reviewed by the Panel when they next meet to consider the uplift for 2023/24.
Report on Appointments PDF 415 KB To consider the report of the City Solicitor on appointments. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lennox, seconded by Councillor Flint that the report of the City Solicitor on appointments and the additional recommendations on the order paper be noted and approved as follows;
· That the appointment of Cllr Izaak Wilson to replace Councillor Cunningham as the Transport Engagement Lead on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Committee be noted. · That Councillor Maloney replace Councillor Cunningham on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Committee. · That Councillor Eleanor Thomson replace Councillor Cunningham on Scrutiny Board (Environment, Housing and Communities). · That Corrina Lawrence, Chief Executive of Feel Good Factor be appointed to replace Pat McGeever as representative of the third sector on the Leeds Health & Wellbeing Board. · That Councillor McKenna fill a vacancy on the South & West Plans Panel.
Late Item - Appointment of the Chair of the Inner North West Community Committee PDF 395 KB Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lennox seconded by Councillor Flint that in accordance with Community Committee Procedure Rules that the appointment of the Chair of the Inner North WestCommunity Committee be determined by those Members of the Community Committee present at the Council meeting.
The 2 nominees were Councillor Howley and Councillor Wilson.
Upon being put to the vote those Members listed to vote in respect of the appointment of the Chair for the Inner North West Community Committee;
RESOLVED – That Councillor Wilson be appointed Chair of the Inner North West Community Committee.
Report on the Annual Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee PDF 406 KB To consider the report of the Director of Resources introducing the Annual Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee, which demonstrates the work of the committee undertaken throughout the 2021/22 municipal year.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Hayden, seconded by Councillor Dye and
RESOLVED – That the Annual report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee be received and noted.
During consideration of this item Council adjourned from 15.00 to 15.10. |
Executive Questions PDF 469 KB To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. Additional documents: Minutes: Q1 Councillor Wadsworth to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-
Would the Executive Member please update Council with the current policy on vehicle obstruction in relation to refuse vehicles?
The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.
Q2 Councillor Howley to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-
Would the Executive Member for Environment and Housing please tell us how many damp and mould cases in Council owned housing are outstanding, where these are in the city, and the age of these cases?
The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.
Q3 Councillor Dowson to the Leader Of Council:-
Please could the Leader of Council provide an update on the Government’s Fair Funding Review and the impact for Leeds City Council?
The Leader Of Council replied.
Q4 Councillor Dobson to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education):-
In light of the cost-of-living crisis and the Administration again looking to increase Council Tax at next month’s budget does the Executive Board Member with responsibility for Economy, Culture and Education agree with me that Leeds 2023 is an expensive, ill-conceived vanity project?
The Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education) replied.
Q5 Councillor Renshaw to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-
Please could the Executive Member for Housing & Environment provide an update on the work of the Serious Environmental Crime Team in tackling fly-tipping in the city.
The Executive Member (Environment and Housing) replied.
At the conclusion of question time, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-
Q6 Councillor Richards to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing):-
Q7 Councillor Chapman to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate):-
Q8 Councillor Jenkins to the Executive Member (Adult and Children’s Social Care & Health Partnerships):-
Q9 Councillor Hutchison to the Executive Member (Adult and Children’s Social Care & Health Partnerships):-
Q10 Councillor Burke to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q11 Councillor Smith to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q12 Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q13 Councillor Marshall-Katung to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).
Q14 Councillor Carlisle to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Q15 Councillor Khan to the Executive Member (Communities).
Q16 Councillor Buckley to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Q17 Councillor Chapman to the Executive Member (Adult and Children’s Social Care & Health Partnerships).
Q18 Councillor Dixon to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).
Q19 Councillor C Anderson to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).
Q20 Councillor Hart-Brooke to the Executive Member (Economy, Culture and Education).
Q21 Councillor Blackburn to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).
Q22 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Infrastructure and Climate).
Q23 Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Environment and Housing).
Q24 Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Public Health & Active Lifestyles).
Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Executive Board PDF 242 KB To receive the minutes in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i). Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Lennox that the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
Council Procedure Rule 4, providing for the winding up of business, was applied prior to all notified comments on the minutes having been debated.
At the conclusion of this item Council adjourned from 16.15 to 16.42. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter) - Site Allocations Plan PDF 184 KB This Council welcomes the Inspector’s proposed further Main Modifications to the Site Allocations Plan Remittal, which would delete the employment site at Barrowby Lane, Manston and see it remain as Green Belt Land.
Council believes that this outcome, if confirmed following the consultation period, would represent a vindication for opposition groups and members of the public who repeatedly argued that Barrowby Lane should remain in the Green Belt. This followed the successful High Court challenge that resulted in 37 Green Belt sites (including Barrowby Lane) being remitted for independent examination.
Council regrets that this administration did not take the opportunity at an earlier stage to listen to public feedback on the SAP proposals and retain this site as Green Belt land, despite this feedback being overwhelmingly in opposition to the Council’s position.
Council calls on this administration to ensure it undertakes thorough engagement and consultation throughout all future updates to the Site Allocations Plan, and that it listens and acts appropriately on the feedback it receives.
Additional documents:
Minutes: In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12.4(b), Councillor Barry Anderson moved the motion in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor Smith that this Council welcomes the Inspector’s proposed further Main Modifications to the Site Allocations Plan Remittal, which would delete the employment site at Barrowby Lane, Manston and see it remain as Green Belt Land.
Council believes that this outcome, if confirmed following the consultation period, would represent a vindication for opposition groups and members of the public who repeatedly argued that Barrowby Lane should remain in the Green Belt. This followed the successful High Court challenge that resulted in 37 Green Belt sites (including Barrowby Lane) being remitted for independent examination.
Council regrets that this administration did not take the opportunity at an earlier stage to listen to public feedback on the SAP proposals and retain this site as Green Belt land, despite this feedback being overwhelmingly in opposition to the Council’s position.
Council calls on this administration to ensure it undertakes thorough engagement and consultation throughout all future updates to the Site Allocations Plan, and that it listens and acts appropriately on the feedback it receives.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Firth, seconded by Councillor Alderson
Insert the following line after “in opposition to the Council’s position”:
“At time of writing a petition calling for the site to remain in the Green Belt had attracted more than 1,400 signatures.”
Motion would read:
This Council welcomes the Inspector’s proposed further Main Modifications to the Site Allocations Plan Remittal, which would delete the employment site at Barrowby Lane, Manston and see it remain as Green Belt Land.
Council believes that this outcome, if confirmed following the consultation period, would represent a vindication for opposition groups and members of the public who repeatedly argued that Barrowby Lane should remain in the Green Belt. This followed the successful High Court challenge that resulted in 37 Green Belt sites (including Barrowby Lane) being remitted for independent examination.
Council regrets that this administration did not take the opportunity at an earlier stage to listen to public feedback on the SAP proposals and retain this site as Green Belt land, despite this feedback being overwhelmingly in opposition to the Council’s position. At time of writing a petition calling for the site to remain in the Green Belt had attracted more than 1,400 signatures.
Council calls on this administration to ensure it undertakes thorough engagement and consultation throughout all future updates to the Site Allocations Plan, and that it listens and acts appropriately on the feedback it receives.
A second amendment was moved by Councillor Hayden, seconded by Councillor Gruen;
Delete all and replace with:
“This Council acknowledges the Inspector’s proposed further Main Modifications to the Site Allocations Plan Remittal, which would delete the employment site at Barrowby Lane, Manston and see it remain as Green Belt Land.
Whilst this was not the submitted proposal made by Council, Council welcomes the end of this Site Allocation Plan process, helping to prevent ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Forsaith) - Community Municipal Bonds PDF 190 KB Council notes that Leeds City Council declared a Climate Emergency in March 2019 by a majority vote, resolving to work to make Leeds carbon neutral by 2030.
Council further notes that that there are now just 7 years left until this 2030 target date.
In passing the Motion, the Council resolved not only to declare a climate emergency, but to sign up to a science-based carbon reduction target consistent with achieving the Paris Agreement of no more than 1.5°C global temperature increase.
Council understands that any planetary warming above 1.5°C will result in an increasingly unliveable world, with food production and water supplies threatened whilst populations and communities have to withstand increasingly extreme weather events such as those we have experienced in Leeds over the last few years.
Council recognises the work of the Leeds Climate Change Citizens’ Jury in 2019 and notes their recommendation to explore a variety of funding sources, including a Local Government Green Bond.
The Community Municipal Bonds (CMB) model provides for the issuing of local green bonds to channel local savings into local projects with low risk and a modest return to investors. They provide an opportunity for those residents who have the means to invest in projects that enable others locally to help tackle the climate emergency. In this way they are also investing in the green economy of the future.
Council believes that offering local savers and other ethical investors a way to support the City’s journey to carbon neutrality would mobilise community engagement in the process of change, attracting significant sums for named projects whilst offering security and a modest rate of interest.
Council acknowledges the successful bids for national government funding for schemes that address the climate emergency, but recognises that much more funding will be needed, especially at a time of significant financial challenges for Councils.
Council therefore calls for a report to be brought to Executive Board within 6-months detailing the different options for issuing Leeds Climate Bonds and the most appropriate option for their adoption.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Forsaith, seconded by Councillor Carlisle that Council notes that Leeds City Council declared a Climate Emergency in March 2019 by a majority vote, resolving to work to make Leeds carbon neutral by 2030.
Council further notes that that there are now just 7 years left until this 2030 target date.
In passing the Motion, the Council resolved not only to declare a climate emergency, but to sign up to a science-based carbon reduction target consistent with achieving the Paris Agreement of no more than 1.5°C global temperature increase.
Council understands that any planetary warming above 1.5°C will result in an increasingly unliveable world, with food production and water supplies threatened whilst populations and communities have to withstand increasingly extreme weather events such as those we have experienced in Leeds over the last few years.
Council recognises the work of the Leeds Climate Change Citizens’ Jury in 2019 and notes their recommendation to explore a variety of funding sources, including a Local Government Green Bond.
The Community Municipal Bonds (CMB) model provides for the issuing of local green bonds to channel local savings into local projects with low risk and a modest return to investors. They provide an opportunity for those residents who have the means to invest in projects that enable others locally to help tackle the climate emergency. In this way they are also investing in the green economy of the future.
Council believes that offering local savers and other ethical investors a way to support the City’s journey to carbon neutrality would mobilise community engagement in the process of change, attracting significant sums for named projects whilst offering security and a modest rate of interest.
Council acknowledges the successful bids for national government funding for schemes that address the climate emergency, but recognises that much more funding will be needed, especially at a time of significant financial challenges for Councils.
Council therefore calls for a report to be brought to Executive Board within 6-months detailing the different options for issuing Leeds Climate Bonds and the most appropriate option for their adoption.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Buckley, seconded by Councillor Richards
At the beginning of Paragraph 5, add:
“Council acknowledges the work of Leeds’ Climate Emergency Advisory Committee on this agenda.”
Motion would read:
Council notes that Leeds City Council declared a Climate Emergency in March 2019 by a majority vote, resolving to work to make Leeds carbon neutral by 2030.
Council further notes that that there are now just 7 years left until this 2030 target date.
In passing the Motion, the Council resolved not only to declare a climate emergency, but to sign up to a science-based carbon reduction target consistent with achieving the Paris Agreement of no more than 1.5°C global temperature increase.
Council understands that any planetary warming above 1.5°C will result in an increasingly unliveable world, with food production and water supplies threatened whilst populations and communities have to withstand increasingly extreme weather events such as those ... view the full minutes text for item 76. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Lewis) - Public Services PDF 90 KB This Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools. Council believes the current Government has no mandate to impose further cuts to public spending on these vital services and therefore calls upon the Prime Minister to call a General Election as soon as possible.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Coupar that this Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools. Council believes the current Government has no mandate to impose further cuts to public spending on these vital services and therefore calls upon the Prime Minister to call a General Election as soon as possible.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Blackburn, seconded by Councillor Cunningham
Add “This Council also believes legislative changes are needed to enable our nation to deal with Climate Change.” after the first sentence.
Add “need a new mandate to deliver on climate change, therefore council” after “vital services and” in the second sentence.
The amended white paper will read:-
This Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools. This Council also believes legislative changes are needed to enable our nation to deal with Climate Change. Council believes the current Government has no mandate to impose further cuts to public spending on these vital services and need a new mandate to deliver on climate change, therefore council calls upon the Prime Minister to call a General Election as soon as possible.
A second amendment was moved by Councillor Cohen, seconded by Councillor Stephenson
Insert the words “a minimum level of” before “public services” in the first line.
Delete all after “and Schools” in the first line, and replace with:
“Council calls on the administration in Leeds to urgently undertake a more comprehensive consultation on their own budget proposals, as they would have a direct impact on Leeds residents, and further calls on the administration to take responsibility for their own spending decisions and delivery of services in vital areas such as refuse collection, housing, and highways.”
Motion would read:
“This Council believes the people of Leeds deserve a minimum level of public services they can rely on, including local council services, the NHS, Police, Fire and Rescue, and Schools.
“Council calls on the administration in Leeds to urgently undertake a more comprehensive consultation on their own budget proposals, as they would have a direct impact on Leeds residents, and further calls on the administration to take responsibility for their own spending decisions and delivery of services in vital areas such as refuse collection, housing, and highways.”
A third amendment was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Campbell
For the first sentence, delete all after “they can rely on” and replace with “whoever is elected to deliver them.”
The amended white paper will read:-
This Council believes the people of Leeds deserve public services they can rely on whoever is elected to deliver them.
The amendments in the name of Councillor Blackburn, Councillor Cohen and Councillor Golton were declared lost and upon being put to the vote it was
RESOLVED – That this Council believes the people of Leeds deserve ... view the full minutes text for item 77. |