Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Governance Services
Link: to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.
Minutes: RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as exempt from publication on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information so designated as follows:-
(A) That Appendix C to the report entitled, ‘Future of Six High Rise and Resident Rehousing - Bailey and BrooklandsTowers, Ramshead Heights, Leafield Towers, Raynville Court and Grange’, referred to in Minute No. 49 be designated as being exempt from publication in accordance with paragraph 10.4(3) of Schedule 12A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 and be considered in private. This is on the grounds that it contains information relating to financial valuations of the land per site to support the options appraisal content (Appendix B to the submitted report). It is designated as being exempt from publication because disclosure would be likely to adversely affect the commercial interests of the Council. It is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information at present; and
(B) That Appendices B and C to the report entitled, ‘Accelerated Property Releases and Disposals’, referred to in Minute No. 58 be designated as being exempt from publication in accordance with paragraph 10.4(3) of Schedule 12A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 and be considered in private. This is on the grounds that these appendices contain information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council including valuation details for the properties included within the submitted report. It is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information at present.
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) Minutes: Late Item of Business – Agenda Item 10 – ‘The Implications of the Network North Government Announcement for Leeds’
With the agreement of the Chair, a late item of business was admitted to the agenda entitled, ‘The Implications of the Network North Government Announcement for Leeds’.
This was due to the fact that the submitted report was in response to the recent Government announcementregarding Network North, and as such the report was not able to be included within the agenda as published on 10th October 2023. However, given the significance of this announcement, it was deemed appropriate for the matter to be brought to the attention of Executive Board at the earliest opportunity. (Agenda Item 10 and Minute No. 53 refers).
Declaration of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: Agenda Item 9 (Transpennine Route Upgrade – Transport and Works Act Order Representation) Both Councillors J Lewis and M Harland drew the Board’s attention to the fact that, in their respective capacities as Ward Councillors, they have both had significant engagement on issues around Peckfield level crossing. However, Councillors Lewis and Harland both respectively confirmed that they were approaching the consideration of this report as part of the Executive Board agenda with an open mind.
Agenda Item 7 (Local Plan Update 1 (Pre-Submission Changes Consultation) Councillor A Lamb drew the Board’s attention to the fact that he attended the recent Development Plan Panel (DPP) meeting that considered the Local Plan Update 1 (Pre-Submission Changes Consultation). However, Councillor Lamb confirmed that he had abstained from voting on this matter at that DPP meeting and was approaching the consideration of this report as part of the Executive Board agenda with an open mind.
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20th September 2023.
Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th September 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment on the future of six high rise blocks within the Councils housing estate. Given that significant investment work is needed to ensure the long term future of the sites, including intrusive and costly strengthening works, an options appraisal has been undertaken, with the report setting out the recommendations arising from that appraisal.
(Please note that Appendix C to the report has been designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 (3))
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report regarding the future of six high rise blocks within the Council’s housing estate. The report noted that as significant investment work would be needed to ensure the long term future of the blocks, including intrusive and costly strengthening works, an options appraisal had been undertaken. The report presented the recommendations arising from that appraisal, which were for all residents to be rehoused, with appropriate support for those who needed it, and for subsequent demolition to clear the sites. The report noted that this would enable the development of new modern housing in the future on the sites, whether by the Council or other parties.
By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key points within the report including the options appraisal work that had taken place and the recommended next steps.
In considering enquiries regarding the potential impact that the proposals may have upon the current demand for social housing and also regarding the potential future use of the sites, it was acknowledged that whilst there may be a short term pressure on demand as a result of the proposal, it was felt that this would be manageable as part of the Council’s wider social housing estate. It was also noted that the ultimate aim of the proposals was to increase the number of social housing units available in Leeds for the longer term and also to deliver a beneficial outcome for the current residents of those blocks. Furthermore, it was noted that the considerable timeframes involved in the delivery of the proposals were with the aim of ensuring that a managed approach was taken, and that liaison with partners on the opportunities regarding the future use of the sites would be ongoing.
In response to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further detail on the consultation and engagement processes which have taken place with residents of the blocks to date.
As part of the discussion, a Member acknowledged that whilst action was needed and that refurbishment of the blocks was not a viable option, they confirmed that they could not support the recommendations without further assurance around the future plans for the sites, or that all residents were supportive of the proposals, and as such, recommended a deferral so that further detail could be obtained. In response, further information was provided on the timeframes involved and the reasons for the proposed actions, with it being reiterated that the intention was to deliver a greater number of social housing units on these sites in the longer term. It was undertaken that further information on such matters could be provided to the Member in question, if required.
Following consideration of appendix C to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That the ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
Local Plan Update 1 (Pre-Submission Changes Consultation) To consider the report of the Director of City Development setting out a range of changes proposed to the Local Plan Update following detailed consideration of consultation responses to the Publication draft policies. The report requests endorsement of the proposed Pre-Submission Draft changes and supporting paragraphs of the Local Plan Update 1 and seeks approval to undertake further public consultation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 46, 21 September 2022, the Director of City Development submitted a report setting out a number of changes proposed to the Local Plan Update following detailed consideration of consultation responses to the publication draft policies. The report requested endorsement of the proposed Pre-Submission Draft changes and supporting paragraphs of the Local Plan Update 1 and sought approval to undertake a further period of public consultation.
The Executive Member introduced the report, providing an overview of the changes proposed and highlighting the key role played by the Plan in the actions being taken in response to the Climate Emergency.
Members extended their thanks to officers for the work which continued to be undertaken in getting the plan to this advanced stage.
A Member raised a concern regarding the proposed changes and how they could dilute the Council’s existing commitments in relation to the Climate Emergency, with it being acknowledged however that at this stage, the Board was being recommended to approve a further consultation exercise where the public could submit their views on such matters.
RESOLVED – (a) That the proposed Pre-Submission Draft changes and supporting paragraphs of the Local Plan Update 1, as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, and as a schedule of changes in Appendix 2 and the Sustainability Appraisal, as set out in Appendix 3, be endorsed;
(b) That 6 weeks consultation of the proposed Pre-Submission Draft changes and supporting paragraphs, as set out in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2, together with supporting technical information (comprising Sustainability Appraisal at Appendix 3, Habitat Regulations Assessment at Appendix 4, Report of Consultation at Appendix 5 and Duty to Co-operate Statement at Appendix 6), be approved, with it being noted that that this will be accompanied by additional draft supporting consultation documentation, including the Council’s evidence base and background papers alongside accessible summary material for consultation purposes;
(c) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with the Executive Member for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, to approve any detailed technical or drafting amendments to the consultation material in advance of public consultation;
(d) That it be noted that the Chief Planning Officer is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions set out above.
(The matters referred to within this minute, given that they were decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, were not eligible for Call In, as Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 5.1.2 states that the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions being made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules) |
Morley Town Deal grants and general project progress To consider the report of the Director of City Development summarising the progress made on the Morley Town Deal since the Morley Town Investment Plan (TIP) was approved in principle by the Government in March 2021, with associated capital funding to invest in projects intended to deliver transformational regeneration of the town. The report outlines six projects which are now moving forward to delivery. The report also outlines general progress on the TIP, and seeks approval of associated recommendations.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 103, 16th December 2020, the Director of City Development submitted a report summarising the progress made on the Morley Town Deal since the Morley Town Investment Plan (TIP) was approved in principle by the Government in March 2021, with associated capital funding to invest in projects intended to deliver transformational regeneration of the town. The report outlined six projects which were now moving forward to delivery and sought the Board’s approval of several associated recommendations.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview on the key points within the report and highlighted the effectiveness of the Board and how it was regarded as an exemplar in terms of Town Deal Boards.
Gerald Jennings, Chair of the Morley Town Deal Board was in attendance to provide Members with an overview of the progress being made by the Board and an update on the most recent key developments. The ongoing work being undertaken to maximise the benefits from the Town Deal funding was highlighted, via initiatives including engagement with the private sector and also through the sourcing of other funding streams, where available. Regarding the Board’s membership, it was noted that work had been successfully undertaken to develop the inclusivity and diversity of the Board. The good working relations between the Board and the Council were reiterated, with it being highlighted that work needed to continue at pace and with purpose in order to deliver the projects within the required timeframe.
Several specific enquiries were raised by a Member on the progress being made in relation to Morley Town Hall and in terms of the associated governance arrangements for the Town Deal Board and its decision making. Assurance was also sought that the projects were delivering the community’s priorities. In response, Members received a detailed update on the Morley Town Hall project, and also received further information on the range and extent of public consultation and engagement which had been undertaken and which was planned moving forward, both for the Town Hall project and the others within the wider programme in order to inform the delivery of those projects.
Members thanked officers for the work that continued in this area.
RESOLVED – (a) That the subsequent Town Investment Plan bid approval by Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, which sets the context for the forward delivery of the capital projects, as outlined within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That approval be given for the Director of City Development to use delegated powers to approve all project capital spend, in consultation with the Executive Member for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, and the Morley Town Deal Board;
(c) That approval be given for the Director of City Development to use delegated powers to authorise entering into appropriate contracts or grant agreements required for delivery of the Heritage Investment Programme, White Rose Innovation Hub and Morley Learning and Skills Centre, in consultation with the Executive Member for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, and the Morley Town Deal ... view the full minutes text for item 51. |
Transpennine Route Upgrade - Transport and Works Act Order Representation To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an overview of the development of the Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU). The report sets out the Council’s response to the Secretary of State for Transport in respect of the Transport and Works Act Order submitted by Network Rail, and which makes specific recommendations to full Council with regard to this.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report providing an overview of the development of the Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU) and which set out the Council’s response to the Secretary of State for Transport in respect of a Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) submitted by Network Rail for the TRU east of Leeds. The report referenced the ‘holding objection’ that had been submitted to the Secretary of State in response to the draft TWAO and noted that whilst the Council recognised and supported in principle the benefits of TRU, it detailed the reasons for the submission of the ‘holding objection’. Further to this, the report also made a recommendation to Full Council to approve the submission of a formal objection to specific elements of the TWAO for the Leeds to Micklefield part of the TRU.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Council’s overall strategic support for the outcomes proposed from the Transpennine Route Upgrade, be noted;
(b) That the contents of the submitted report, be noted; and that the ‘holding objection’ submitted by the Council to the Secretary of State in response to Network Rail's application for a Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) also be noted, together with the justifications for this;
(c) That Full Council be recommended to approve the submission of the formal objection to specific elements of Network Rail's Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) for the Leeds to Micklefield part of the Transpennine Route Upgrade, pursuant to s239 of the Local Government Act 1972;
(d) That Full Council be recommended to delegate the necessary authority to the Director of City Development, to enable the Director to continue negotiations with relevant stakeholders in order to seek to agree the withdrawal of the objection should sufficient agreement on the issues raised be reached, in consultation with the Executive Member for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure;
(e) That approval be given for the resolutions above to be exempted from Call In pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3, Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution on grounds of urgency, as set out within paragraphs 35 - 38 of the submitted report.
(The Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules state that a decision may be declared as being exempt from the Call In process by the decision taker if it is considered that the matter is urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s, or the public’s interests. In line with this, the resolutions contained within this minute were exempted from the Call In process, as per resolution (e) above, and for the reasons as set out within sections 35 - 38 of the submitted report) |
The Implications of the Network North Government Announcement for Leeds To consider the report of the Director of City Development which, following the Government’s recent publication of the Network North document, sets out the Network North proposals for Leeds and considers the interfaces and impact that this may have on existing infrastructure programmes, together with the operation and growth of the city.
(Report to follow)
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report in response to the Government’s recent announcement and publication of the Network North document, which cancelled HS2 Phase 2, HS2 East and theIntegrated Rail Plan study into how to bring HS2 trains to Leeds, and committed to invest £36bn in alternative transport schemes across the country. The report presented the references to Leeds within that document and considered the interfaces and impact that these may have upon existing infrastructure programmes, and also the operation and growth of the city.
With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as detailed in Minute No. 46.
By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key points within it, including an update on the current position following the Government’s Network North announcement on 4th October 2023, and highlighting that whilst the Network North document made reference to Leeds, further detail was required on such matters in order to better understand the implications for the city.
In terms of next steps following this announcement, emphasis was placed upon the importance of ensuring that a collaborative, cross-party approach was taken on such matters and when engaging with Government in order to deliver the strongest case for the city and the wider city-region in securing the required funding moving forward.
The Chief Executive provided an update to the Board regarding the National Infrastructure Commission, which had today launched its second national infrastructure assessment report, in which it had backed the case for major investment into England’s largest regional cities, including Leeds, to improve public transport provision. It was also highlighted that the additional station in Leeds was still deemed to be crucial to the future of the city, and moving forward, emphasis was placed upon the Council’s commitment to working closely with Government on such matters with the aim of delivering those key infrastructure improvements for the benefit of the city and the whole network.
RESOLVED – (a) That the implications of the Department for Transport Network North (document as at Appendix A to the submitted report) Government announcement for Leeds, be noted;
(b) That Government assurance be sought that the rail commitments in the Integrated Rail Plan and Rail Network Enhancements Pipeline will remain commitments apart from HS2 Phase 2; and that the Board’s endorsement be given to the Council writing to Government seeking clarity regarding the proposed Leeds Area Study which incorporated a study into Leeds Station Capacity and which is still required to understand how to accommodate the revised services referenced by Network North, including whether a T-shaped station is required;
(c) That the Board endorse a continued collaborative approach to development and implementation of the detail behind the proposals in the Network North document, the development of a new Leeds Station Integrated Masterplan and Integrated Transport Growth Strategy, which is critical to ensuring that Leeds remains ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
2022/23 Leeds City Council Local Account for Adult Social Care To consider the report of the Interim Director of Adults and Health presenting the 2022/23 Local Account of Adult Social Care for citizens in Leeds.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Interim Director of Adults and Health submitted a report presenting the 2022/23 Local Account of Adult Social Care for citizens in Leeds. The report noted that the Local Account reviewed the performance of the Council in its delivery of social care services and support to the adult population of the city.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member highlighted that this was the first Local Account publication following the pandemic, covering the period April 2022 to March 2023 and which detailed the progress being made, the Council’s priorities moving forward and the challenges that continued to be faced.
The key nature of the Local Account document was highlighted, as it formed part of the suite of documents that the Care Quality Commission would consider when inspecting the Authority against its statutory duties.
In considering the report, a Member highlighted how, in this case, he felt that the representations made to Government regarding the funding of Adult Social Care were beginning to make a positive impact and which illustrated the benefit of a co-ordinated approach on such matters and which could continue to be applied to areas such as the resourcing of Children and Families services.
RESOLVED – That the production and publication of the 2022/23 Leeds City Council Local Account for AdultSocial Care, as detailed within the submitted report and appendices, be agreed. |
Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge – Progress Review To consider the report of the Chief Executive presenting an overview of the Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review report, which outlines the findings of the one-day follow-up visit made by the Peer Challenge team on 11th September 2023.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 111, 8th February 2023, the Chief Executive submitted a report presenting an overview of the Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review report, which outlined the findings of the one-day follow-up visit made by the Peer Challenge team on 11th September 2023. Appended to the report was the full LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review report, and also a document presenting the recommendations of the LGA Peer Challenge, a progress update on those recommendations together with proposed next steps.
In presenting the report, the Leader noted that the proposal was to refer the progress review to the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board for consideration, and in welcoming the progress review, highlighted the importance of receiving and acting upon the outcomes from the external scrutiny of the Council by partners in Local Government.
RESOLVED – (a) That the findings of the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Report, as appended to the submitted report, which followed the Peer Challenge team’s revisit on 11th September 2023, be noted;
(b) That the progress made against the original LGA Peer Challenge recommendations from November 2022, be noted, together with the findings of the peers following their revisit in September 2023;
(c) That the proposed next steps developed in response to the findings of the peers following their revisit in September 2023, as detailed within the submitted report and appendices, be noted;
(d) That the findings of the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review report be referred to the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board’s December 2023 meeting.
Financial Health Monitoring 2023/24 – Month 5 (August) To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services presenting the Council’s projected financial health position as at month 5 of the 2023/24 financial year.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer Financial Services submitted a report presenting the Council’s projected financial health position as at month 5 of the 2023/24 financial year in respect of both the General Fund revenue budget and the Housing Revenue Account
The Board was requested to note the following correction to the submitted report: Regarding the reference on page 1396 of the agenda pack (paragraph 3.11.1 (‘Reserves’) of Appendix A) which read, ‘…£0.8m Leeds Older People’s Forum for delivery of the Age Friendly programme which is funded by Health’. This was to be amended to, ‘…£0.8m Leeds Older People’s Forum for delivery of the Enhance Programme commissioned by Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) and delivered by the Third Sector’.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key points, which included the current forecasting of an overspend of £29.6m for the General Fund as at month 5 of the financial year. The Board was also provided with an update on the work that continued in respect of managing in-year pressures.
Responding to a specific enquiry regarding the refund of transport levy reserves, as one-off funding from WYCA (West Yorkshire combined Authority) to each of the 5 West Yorkshire Local Authorities. In Leeds’ case this was a sum of £17.7m. It was noted that this sum would be returned to the Council’s General Fund. It was also noted that this sum would be factored into future Financial Health Monitoring reports submitted to the Board moving forward.
RESOLVED – (a) That, subject to noting the correction as detailed above, the contents of the submitted report be noted, and that it also be noted that at Month 5 of the 2023/24 financial year the Authority’s General Fund revenue budget is forecasting an overspend of £29.6m for 2023/24 (5.2% of the approved net revenue budget) within a challenging national context, and with it also being noted that a range of actions are being undertaken to achieve a balanced budget position;
(b) That it be noted that at Month 5 of the 2023/24 financial year, the Authority’s Housing Revenue Account is forecasting an overspend of £3.0m for 2023/24 (1.09% of the approved gross expenditure budget);
(c) That it be noted that known inflationary increases, including demand and demographic pressures in Social Care and known impacts of the rising cost of living, including the employer’s 2023/24 NJC pay offer of £1,925 and the JNC pay settlement of 3.5%, have been incorporated into this reported financial position, with it also being noted that these pressures will continue to be reviewed during the year and reported to future Executive Board meetings as more information becomes available. That it also be noted that proposals would need to be identified to absorb any additional pressures;
(d) That it be noted that where an overspend is projected, directorates, including the Housing Revenue Account, are required to present action plans to mitigate their reported pressures and those of the Council’s wider financial challenge where possible, in line with the Revenue ... view the full minutes text for item 56. |
Revenue Savings Proposals for 2024/25 to 2026/27 To consider the report of the Chief Officer Financial Services providing an update on the actions being taken in response to the Council’s estimated revenue budget gap, as detailed in the Medium Term Financial Strategy considered by the Board in September 2023. The report also presents a number of savings proposals - a collective term used in this context to apply to efficiencies, income generation and accounting measures - to contribute towards addressing that budget gap over the three-year period (2024/25 to 2026/27).
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 40, 20th September 2023, the Chief Officer Financial Services submitted a report providing an update on the actions being taken in response to the Council’s estimated revenue budget gap. Specifically, the report presented a number of savings proposals - a collective term used in this context to apply to efficiencies, income generation and accounting measures – to contribute towards addressing that budget gap over the three-year period (2024/25 to 2026/27).
In presenting the report the Executive Member highlighted the unprecedented financial challenges that continued to be faced across the sector and by this Council, and it was within this context that the submitted proposals were being presented to the Board as part of the wider approach being taken to manage such challenges. The Board also noted the Council’s recent issuing of a Section 188 notice, which was a process to instigate collective consultation with the Council’s recognised Trade Unions to avoid, reduce and mitigate the potential risk and consequences of compulsory redundancies.
In considering the report, a Member highlighted the challenge that continued to be faced nationally in terms of the resourcing of services for Children and Families. Whilst the Member highlighted the importance of the Council continuing to take action in this area, it was acknowledged that this was a matter which required a national response and continued communication with Government.
In addition, as part of the consultative process on proposals around managing the financial challenge more generally, emphasis was placed upon the benefit of involving communities and Members across the Council on such matters.
RESOLVED – (a) That the financial position for 2024/25 to 2026/27, as outlined within the submitted report, be noted, with it also being noted that further savings are required to deliver a balanced budget position for 2024/25 and to contribute to closing the projected gaps in the following two years;
(b) That the ‘Business as Usual’ savings put forward, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted, with it also being noted that decisions to give effect to them shall be taken by the relevant Director or Chief Officer in accordance with the Officer Delegation Scheme (Executive functions);
(c) That it be noted that additional savings proposals will be brought to Executive Board for consideration at its meeting on 13th December 2023. |
Accelerated Property Releases and Disposals To consider the report of the Director of City Development which, in considering the Council’s in-year budget position and medium-term financial plan, sets out proposals regarding the potential to accelerate the release of a number of operational properties.
(Please note that Appendices B & C to this report are designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3))
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which, in considering the Council’s in-year budget position and medium-term financial plan, presented proposals regarding the potential to accelerate the release of a number of operational properties in order to deliver in-year additional capital receipts, and also with regard to proposals relating to further work being undertaken around the potential disposal of let out properties, as identified within the report.
Members welcomed the proposals within the submitted report.
Following consideration of appendices B and C to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which were considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That the accelerated release of the properties set out in Table 1 of the submitted report, be agreed, and where identified, agreement also be given for their inclusion within the Capital Receipt Programme for disposal;
(b) That agreement be given for further exploration being undertaken into the disposal of the properties identified in Table 2 of the submitted report;
(c) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director for City Development, to enable the Director, in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources and the Chief Officer Financial Services, to take decisions as to which of the properties identified from the Investment Portfolio in Table 2 of the submitted report should be progressed for marketing; and that subject to the value of the offers received, the final decision to sell be delegated to the Director of City Development in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources;
(d) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director for City Development to enable the Director to agree the terms of the disposals which are agreed as part of the submitted report;
(e) That it be agreed that the receipts as set out in Table 2 of the submitted report be exempted from the Capital Receipt Incentive Scheme.
The Annual Standards Report To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families presenting the Annual Standards Report which provides Executive Board with externally validated outcomes data following the statutory assessments and examinations which took place in 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children and Families submitted a report presenting the Council’s Annual Standards Report which provided an overview of the educational outcomes for Leeds following the statutory assessments and examinations which took place in 2022.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member highlighted that these statutory assessments and examinations were the first to be undertaken post-pandemic which weren’t under teacher assessed grades. In addition, the Executive Member drew the Board’s attention to a number of key progress measures featured within the report and extended thanks to the city’s schools and school staff for the achievements recorded within the report.
Members welcomed the submitted report, with a suggestion that it may be beneficial for Scrutiny to consider the significant detail within it.
RESOLVED – (a) That the performance against headline measures for pupils in Leeds in 2022 when compared with national data, as detailed within the submitted report and appendices, be noted;
(b) That the actions taken by the Local Authority to improve outcomes in Leeds, be noted, together with the planned actions for the coming year.
To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families providing an update on the current position regarding Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), detailing the work which had been done by Leeds in this area and which seeks endorsement for the further work proposed as part of the review process. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children and Families submitted a report providing an update on the current position regarding Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) both locally and nationally. The report noted that in relation to Leeds City Council, a 60% post-pandemic increase in applications for EHCPs had been experienced. Given this, it was noted that a review was being undertaken into the Council’s approach towards EHCPs by external consultants in order to provide independent challenge and insight. The report also provided details of the related work which had been undertaken to date and further proposed as part of the review process.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member highlighted the significant increase in demand for EHCPs which had been experienced post-pandemic both nationally and in Leeds and highlighted the range of reasons why an individual may need an EHCP. The importance of the review process being undertaken by external consultants was emphasised in order to ensure that the process was as effective as possible, and it was noted that the submitted report was the first of two scheduled reports, with this initial report providing detail on the work done to date, emerging findings and opportunities for change. The second report is scheduled to be submitted to the Board in December 2023.
The Board welcomed the submitted report and the priority that was being given to this important area.
A Member highlighted how this process affected many young people and their families in Leeds and emphasised the importance of the Council’s relationships with those key stakeholders. In response, the Director of Children and Families emphasised her absolute commitment to ensuring that improvements were made to the EHCP process and to the experiences and outcomes for young people and their families. The Director highlighted the integral role that key stakeholders, including young people, parents and carers would play in that improvement, alongside the external consultants undertaking the review. Emphasis was also placed upon the clear objectives for the next phase of the process, which included that the Council achieved full legal compliance in its statutory duties; and that moving forward clear performance metrics around timeliness of assessment and issuing of EHCPs were developed together with a robust management framework in order to measure and scrutinise progress in a timely way.
It was noted that the Children and Families Scrutiny Board was also considering these matters in parallel to the review work being undertaken, and that overall, the aim was to ensure that a ‘Leeds approach’ is established in response to the issues being experienced nationally in this area.
RESOLVED – (a) That the prevailing situation nationally in relation to EHCPs, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the work undertaken to date to improve performance in Leeds, be noted;
(c) That the review work instigated, as referenced within the submitted report, be endorsed; that it be noted that the review seeks to highlight areas of opportunity and improvement; and that the key lines of enquiry which the work to date ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
Annual Update on Migration in Leeds To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment which details the key developments and progress on the migration agenda over the last 12 months by Leeds City Council and its statutory and non-statutory partners. The report also highlights the challenges associated with delivering a range of migration programmes to families and individuals across the city.
Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 74, 19th October 2022, the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report which presented the key developments and progress on the migration agenda over the last 12 months by Leeds City Council and its statutory and non-statutory partners. The report also highlighted the challenges associated with delivering a range of migration programmes to families and individuals across the city.
In presenting the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key points within it, including the approach being taken in Leeds in response to national and international developments during the course of the year. Also, the Board noted the approach being taken by the Council in working towards joining the City of Sanctuary Local Authority Network, which followed a related deputation to full Council in September 2023.
Members extended their thanks to a range of Council officers and the third sector partners for the work which continued in this area.
Responding to a specific enquiry, the Board received further information on the actions which were being taken with partners around the promotion of access to employment for migrants and improving their employability.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the submitted annual update report on migration, together with the full overview and insight as presented at Appendix 1, be noted;
(b) That it be noted that the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment is responsible for leading this work through the Council’s Safer Stronger Communities programme;
(c) That it be noted that the Chief Officer for Safer, Stronger Communities is responsible for leading the work of the Leeds Strategic Migration Board which oversees delivery on the strategic, co-ordinated and inclusive approach towards migration in Leeds, and the work of the Council’s migration and resettlement team to provide strategic and operational direction for the city;
(d) That the Council’s approach towards becoming a member of the national Local Authority of Sanctuary Network, be endorsed;
(e) That the issues raised in the submitted report which impact current and future Leeds residents as part of the review of the Best City Ambition, be noted. |