Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Wednesday, 27th July, 2016 1.00 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Governance Services 


No. Item


Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


Additional documents:


There were no declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests made at the meeting, however a comment with regard to interests was made at a later point in the meeting (Minute No. 35 refers).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd June 2016

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd June 2016 be approved as a correct record.


Additional documents:


Investment in new Social, Emotional and Mental Health Specialist Provision for Children and Young People pdf icon PDF 242 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of Children’s Services, the Director of Adult Social Services and the Deputy Chief Executive which presents the case for change in respect of Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) provision - including key statutory duties, the national policy framework and the costs and benefits of the main options for change. In addition, the report provides background information and detail on the proposed construction programme and seeks approval for the relevant injections into the capital programme and related authority to spend.




Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 93, 18th November 2015, the Director of Children’s Services, the Director of Adult Social Services and the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a joint report which presented proposals regarding investment in Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) provision. The report outlined key statutory duties, the national policy framework, together with the costs and benefits of the main options being considered. In addition, the report provided details of the proposed construction programme and sought approval of the relevant injections into the capital programme and related authority to spend.


Members welcomed the investment which was proposed and the fact that such proposals would enable children and young people to remain in the city, rather than having to travel outside of Leeds to receive such provision.


Responding to an enquiry, the Board received assurances around the priority which was being given to ensuring that the proposals would meet the bespoke needs of service users.


In commenting upon the report, Councillor Golton drew the Board’s attention to his role as a school governor, and given the issues that he had experienced with partners delivering a construction programme as part of that role, he sought assurances around ensuring the high quality of the design, together with the monitoring of associated costs. In response, officers provided the Board with the relevant assurances on such matters. 



(a)  That the case for change to SEMH provision, as detailed within the submitted report, be endorsed;


(b)  That the injection of £16,469.2k of Departmental Borrowing into the Capital Programme be approved;


(c)  That the injection of £12,212k of Leeds City Council Borrowing into the Capital Programme be approved;


(d)  That the principle of ring-fencing capital receipts from the sale of Elmete Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD) Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre (SILC), Burley Park Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) and the Meanwood Centre be agreed, subject to a dispensation being granted by the Department for Education for the use of any such receipts;


(e)  That the authority to spend £45m be approved, subject to individual Design and Cost Reports being brought forward at appropriate design freeze stages for approval by the Learning Places Programme Board;


(f)  That it be noted that the Deputy Director for Children’s Services is responsible for the oversight of this programme.



Outcome of consultation to increase learning places at Beecroft Primary School pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services on a proposal to increase learning places at Beecroft Primary School, brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places. The report describes the outcome of consultation regarding proposals and seeks permission to publish a statutory notice in respect of this proposal.


Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report regarding a proposal to increase learning places at Beecroft Primary School, brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places. The report detailed the outcome of the consultation regarding the proposal and which sought permission to publish a statutory notice in respect of such proposals.



(a)  That the publication of a Statutory Notice to permanently expand Beecroft Primary School from a capacity of 210 pupils to 315 pupils with an increase in the admission number from 30 to 45 with effect from September 2017, be approved;


(b)  That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Learning Systems.


Outcome of Statutory Notices to increase learning places at Low Road Primary School and Cottingley Primary Academy pdf icon PDF 144 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services on proposals to increase learning places at Low Road and Cottingley Primary Schools, brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places, and which support the achievement of the Best Council priority to improve educational achievement and close achievement gaps. The report is divided into two parts to describe the outcome of each of the statutory notices and seeks final decisions on each of these proposals.

Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report regarding proposals to increase learning places at Low Road (Community) Primary School and Cottingley Primary Academy, brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places, and which supported the Best Council Plan priority to improve educational achievement and close achievement gaps. The report was divided into two parts in order to describe the outcome of each of the statutory notices and which sought final decisions on each of the proposals.



(a)  That the proposed expansion of Low Road (Community) Primary School from a capacity of 140 pupils to 210 pupils with an increase in the admission number from 20 to 30, with effect from September 2017, be approved;


(b)  That the proposed expansion of Cottingley (Academy sponsor led) Primary Academy from a capacity of 315 pupils to 420 pupils with an increase in the admission number from 45 to 60, with effect from September 2017, be approved;


(c)  That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Sufficiency and Participation Lead.


Outcome of consultation to increase learning places at Hunslet St Mary's Church of England Primary School pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To consider the report of the Director Children’s Services providing details of a proposal to increase learning places at Hunslet St Mary’s Church of England Primary School brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places, and which supports the achievement of the Best Council priorities to improve educational achievement and close achievement gaps. The report seeks permission to publish a statutory notice in respect of this proposal. 


Additional documents:


The Director Children’s Services submitted a report providing details of a proposal to increase learning places at Hunslet St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School which had been brought forward to meet the local authority’s duty to ensure sufficiency of school places, and which supported the Best Council Plan priorities to improve educational achievement and close achievement gaps. The report sought permission to publish a statutory notice in respect of such proposals.



(a)  That the publication of a Statutory Notice to expand Hunslet St Mary’s Church of England Primary School from a capacity of 210 pupils to 315 pupils, with an increase in the admission number from 30 to 45, with effect from September 2017, be approved;


(b)  That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Service Learning Systems.


Regionalisation of Adoption pdf icon PDF 186 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services providing information about the adoption reform proposals contained within the Education and Adoption Act 2016.  The report also outlines the work being undertaken in collaboration with other Local Authorities and Voluntary adoption agencies (VAA’s) throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region to create a new model of service delivery for adoption services. Overall, this report provides the up to date position on the plans for Leeds to transition to the new arrangements.



Additional documents:


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report providing information on the adoption reform proposals contained within the Education and Adoption Act 2016 and which outlined the collaborative work which was being undertaken with other Local Authorities and Voluntary Adoption Agencies in order to develop a new model of delivering adoption services in the Yorkshire and Humber region.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report and paid tribute to all those involved for the significant work which had been undertaken on this initiative to date. In addition, emphasis was placed upon the positive outcomes for children and young people which could be achieved from the collaborative approach being taken.



(a)  That the proposals towards progressing the arrangements for establishing a Regional Adoption Agency and the creation of a West Yorkshire Adoption Agency, be supported and endorsed;


(b)  That agreement be given to the proposition that Leeds City Council becomes the host authority for the agency;


(c)  That the above resolutions be agreed, subject to the satisfactory resolution of the following:

·  The appointment of a joint committee with appropriate membership, terms of reference and rules of procedure;

·  The appointment of a management board including the West Yorkshire local authorities and third sector organisations through a partnership agreement;

·  Proposed delegation of functions from the Joint Committee to the lead officer within the West Yorkshire Adoption Agency with regard to the recruitment and assessment of adopters, adoption panels, family finding and adoption support;

·  The transfer of staff from other Local Authorities into Leeds City Council;

·  The establishment of a budget for the new agency and a funding formula to reflect each Local Authorities contribution to the regional agency budget;

·  Establishment of the commissioning needs of the new agency and the ICT requirements;

·  The creation of an organisational unit within Leeds City Council for the new West Yorkshire Adoption Agency. The lead officer for this will be the Director of Children’s Services and the unit will sit within Children’s Services;

·  Agreement that the Director of Children’s Services will continue to work with the participating authorities in order to progress these matters.


Additional documents:


Empty Homes Strategy: Filling the Void 2016-19 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Housing requesting approval of a further 3 years of activity by the Private Sector Housing service in Holbeck based on the return of empty homes back into occupation.


Additional documents:


The Director of Environment and Housing submitted a report providing an update on the progress made by the Empty Homes Strategy, and which sought approval for the Private Sector Housing Service to undertake a further 3 years of activity in Holbeck, with the aim of returning empty homes back into occupation.


Members welcomed the positive impact of the strategy to date, together with the proposal to continue to target empty homes within Holbeck for a further 3 years. In addition, the Board paid tribute to the work undertaken by the community led housing sector in this area.


Responding to an enquiry as to whether the strategy could be extended to other areas of the city, Members were informed of the criteria which had been used to identify the communities targeted to date, and that further work would be undertaken in due course for Members’ consideration, which could be used when considering the potential of other locations in the future.


RESOLVED – That approval be given for the Private Sector Housing Service to continue to target empty homes within Holbeck for a further 3 years.


Additional documents:


Leeds City Council's Initial Response to the Referendum on the UK's Membership of the European Union pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive which sets out the steps Leeds City Council, working closely with partners, will take to support people, growth, businesses, and key institutions in the city following the EU Referendum.



Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report which presented the steps that Leeds City Council, working closely with partners, were taking in order to support people, growth, businesses, and key institutions across the city following the EU Referendum.


Emphasis was placed upon the vital role of the Council, working with partners across all sectors, in moving Leeds forward following the referendum result. Also highlighted was the strength and resilience that the city had shown in the past and would continue to show in the future. The Board also provided reassurance that all citizens and communities of Leeds, regardless of their nationality, were welcome in the city. It was also acknowledged that whilst there would be uncertainty as a result of the referendum result, such circumstances would also present opportunities for the city and the wider region.


Members highlighted the need for Leeds’ viewpoint to be robustly represented in any post referendum discussions, and it was noted that the Leader had spoken to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and had also written to the Prime Minister on such matters. It was also highlighted that consideration needed to be given to the ways in which it could be ensured that all citizens felt that their viewpoints were listened to and that they did not feel marginalised.


RESOLVED – That the following be approved:-

(a)  That the Chief Officer Economy and Regeneration be requested to identify the impact of the economic uncertainty on major development projects, and measures that could be undertaken by the Council working with the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to de-risk existing schemes, and to bring forward new projects in order to take advantage of the positive exchange rate;


(b)  That the case be made to Government to secure the European Structural Investment Funding (ESIF) which is committed to Leeds City Region over the remainder of the period the UK is a member of the EU, and once the UK leaves the EU, for funding to replace the European Funds earmarked for the city region;


(c)  That the Chief Officer Economy and Regeneration be requested to put in place strengthened Key Account Management mechanisms for supporting businesses, particularly those where there is a potential risk of disinvestment, and key institutions in the city that could be affected by changes in EU funding, and their ability to recruit staff from across the EU;


(d)  That the Chief Officer Economy and Regeneration be requested to set up a standing task force in order to respond to any major disinvestment and redundancies, by providing support for people to find alternative jobs, and seeking to attract investment to sites that become available;


(e)  That the Council continue to promote a tolerant, open and inclusive city, providing information and advice to people on the implications of ‘Brexit’ and reassuring them that they are welcome to live and work in Leeds, whilst also monitoring and seeking to tackle any community tensions;


(f)  That  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Compassionate City with a Strong Economy: Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 179 KB

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive which provides an update on the development of the Council’s medium term financial strategy in the context of the Government’s spending plans; and local service and financial challenges. The report also highlights the scale of the challenge and potential impact.

Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report which presented an approach and timetable for updating the Council’s medium term financial strategy, taking into account the Government’s spending plans together with issues such as increased demand upon Council services and cost pressures. The report highlighted the scale of the challenges faced and the potential impact of such challenges, in advance of a more detailed report being submitted to the Board in September 2016.


In presenting the report, the Leader reiterated the scale of the challenge which was being faced by the Council, highlighted the difficult decisions which continued to be taken to address the challenge and acknowledged the potential implications of such decisions. At the same time, it was emphasised that the Council’s continued commitment for Leeds to be a compassionate city would remain at the heart of such decision making.


In noting that the intention was to present an updated financial strategy to the Board in September in order to inform the Board’s decision on whether or not to accept the 4 year settlement, it was suggested that enquiries be made with the Treasury as to whether a decision on this could be deferred until after the details of the Autumn statement had been announced. In response, it was undertaken that enquiries on this would be made with relevant parties, including the Local Government Association.


Members discussed the ways in which the Council would need to operate differently in the future, and responding to comments made, a Member placed emphasis upon the need for the Council to work with communities in order to enable them, where appropriate, to become further involved in the delivery of service provision.


The Board paid tribute to the valuable work which had been undertaken by the Scrutiny Board (Strategy and Resources) in respect of fees and charges.


In conclusion, it was noted that Board Members would be kept updated on such matters.



(a)  That the medium-term financial challenge and the Government’s proposed four-year funding settlement for those local authorities choosing to accept this offer, be noted. That it also be noted that the Deputy Chief Executive will present an updated medium-term financial strategy at the Board’s September 2016 meeting as part of the decision on whether or not to accept this four-year settlement;


(b)  That the service and policy review work currently underway which is aimed at continuing to deliver the Best Council Plan ambition of tackling poverty and inequalities, whilst at the same time addressing the challenges of increasing demand, reducing resources and the particular pressures on the council’s 2017/18 budget, be noted;


(c)  That the Board’s thanks be expressed to Scrutiny Board (Strategy and Resources) for its work on the issue of fees and charges and that the progress made against the Scrutiny Board’s recommendations, approved by the Executive Board in February 2016, be noted;


(d)  That the potential implications for the Council’s workforce, as set out within the submitted report, together with the indicative timescales presented in Appendix 2, be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.


Leeds Innovation District pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which sets out the potential for developing the concept of an “innovation district” for Leeds, provides background information about innovation districts and to advise how the development of one in Leeds could be beneficial for the city. Finally, the report seeks approval to carry out a range of short and medium term activities in order to develop the concept further.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented the potential for developing the concept of an “innovation district” for Leeds. The report provided background information about innovation districts and detailed how the development of one in Leeds could be beneficial for the city. Finally, the report sought approval to undertake a range of short and medium term activities in order to develop the concept further.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report and the positive outcomes that such a development could bring to the city. Members also welcomed the enabling role which the Council was playing in this initiative.



(a)  That the formation of a partnership between Leeds City Council, University of Leeds, Leeds Beckett University and Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trusts be supported in order to further develop the concept of an innovation district for Leeds;


(b)  That it be agreed that the Director of City Development allocates funding from existing City Development directorate budgets, in order to progress the masterplan, strategy and branding work over the next six to nine months on the basis that the other key partners would contribute;


(c)  That it be agreed, that as part of the masterplanning work: planning policy and the approach to highways and transport are considered and reviewed where necessary;


(d)  That it be agreed that the branding and marketing work is carried out and that an investment proposition is developed.


Transfer of Hurst Bequest to Leeds Art Fund pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development regarding the transfer of the balance of the Hurst bequest to the Leeds Art Fund, subject to agreement being reached between relevant parties and Leeds Art Fund.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the proposed transfer to the Leeds Art Fund of the balance from a bequest received by the Council in 2011 from Mrs. Patricia Hurst, subject to an agreement being reached between all relevant parties.


Responding to a specific enquiry, it was noted that the items which had been purchased to date using the bequest had been with the agreement of Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs Hurst’s niece and focussed on items that were available in the market and augmented Leeds’ existing collections.


Also responding to an individual request that consideration be given to this matter being referred to the relevant Scrutiny Board, it was undertaken that the Member in question be provided with a detailed briefing on the matter. 



(a)  That subject to an appropriate agreement being entered into with the niece of the late Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs Hurst and Leeds Art Fund, the balance of the bequest be transferred to Leeds Art Fund;


(b)  That approval of the terms of the agreement (as referenced in resolution (a)) be delegated to the Chief Officer (Culture and Sport), in consultation with the Chief Officer (Financial Services) and the City Solicitor, with such an agreement addressing, amongst other things, the following issues:

·  the Council being released from any ongoing obligations in respect of the management of the bequest;

·  the use of the bequest by Leeds Art Fund going forward; and

·  the ownership being retained by the Council of the objects which have already been acquired using the bequest.


(c)  That Councillor A Carter be provided with a detailed briefing on this matter.


(The resolutions detailed within this minute were not subject to the Call In process as they were decisions made on behalf of the Council as the trustee of the bequest rather than in pursuance of the Council’s statutory powers). 



Additional documents:


Equality Improvement Priorities Progress Report 2015 - 2016 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) which sets out the annual progress against the Council’s Equality Improvement Priorities for 2015 – 2016. The report also outlines the refreshed Equality Improvement Priority for Adult Social Care and a new priority for Environment and Housing.

Additional documents:


The Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) submitted a report which presented the annual progress achieved against the Council’s Equality Improvement Priorities for the period 2015 – 2016. The report also outlined the refreshed Equality Improvement Priority for Adult Social Care and also a new priority for Environment and Housing.


Members welcomed the content of the progress report and specifically thanked the Council’s Equality Champions for the significant work which they continue to undertake in this area.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report be noted;


(b)  That the Equality Improvement priorities annual report for 2015 – 2016, as appended to the submitted report, be endorsed;


(c)  That the refreshed Equality Improvement Priority for Adult Social Care and the new priority for Environment and Housing be approved.


Additional documents:


Best Council Plan Annual Performance Report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 507 KB

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive presenting a year-end review which looks back on the Council’s performance in delivering each of the six strategic objectives as set out in the 2015/16 Best Council Plan.





Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report which presented the Best Council Plan (BCP) Annual Performance Report for 2015-16 and which reviewed the Council’s performance in delivering each of the six strategic BCP objectives.


Responding to a Member’s comments, it was highlighted that the BCP was an effective way of monitoring the Council’s performance and identifying those areas where the authority was performing well together with those areas where improvement was needed. Also in respect of performance monitoring, it was noted that following the recent Local Government Association Peer Review, it was intended that a report on the review’s findings be submitted to a future Executive Board for Members’ consideration.



(a)  That the draft annual performance report, as appended to the submitted report, be received;


(b)  That the progress made against the 2015/16 Best Council Plan objectives, be noted;


(c)  That it also be noted that further design work will take place and that some of the statistics included may change between this draft and the final design version being published as full-year results are finalised.


Financial Health Monitoring 2016/17 - Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 436 KB

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive setting out the Council’s projected financial health position for 2016/17 at Quarter 1. The report highlights that budget monitoring is a continuous process throughout the year and the report reviews the position of the budget and highlights potential key risks and variations after the first quarter of the year.

Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report presenting the Council’s projected financial health position for 2016/17 as at the conclusion of Quarter 1. In reviewing the current position of the budget, the report also highlighted potential key risks and variations after the first quarter of the year.


RESOLVED – That the projected financial position of the authority be noted.


Capital Programme 2016-2020 Quarter 1 Update pdf icon PDF 206 KB

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive providing an update on the capital programme as at end of June 2016.  The report includes an update of capital resources, progress on spend and a summary of the economic impact of the capital programme.



Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report providing an update on the Council’s capital programme as at end of June 2016. The report included an update of capital resources, progress on spend and a summary of the economic impact of the capital programme.



(a)  That the injection of £0.44m in relation to Capital Receipts to be utilised by Ward Councillors under the Capital Receipts Incentive Scheme (CRIS), as detailed at Appendix C of the submitted report, be approved;


(b)  That the latest position on the General Fund and HRA capital programmes, be noted.


Annual Risk Management Report pdf icon PDF 170 KB

To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive providing an update on the Council’s most significant corporate risks and summarises the arrangements in place to manage them and highlights the further work planned.



Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report providing an update on the Council’s most significant corporate risks and which summarised the arrangements in place to manage them, whilst also highlighting the further associated work planned.


RESOLVED – That the annual risk management report, as detailed within the submitted report, together with theassurances provided on the Council’s most significant corporate risks, be noted.


Growing the Leeds Digital Economy pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the growth of the digital sector in Leeds and the work undertaken by officers to support and promote this sector. The report also seeks approval to devolve powers to build a Tech Hub to the Director of City Development.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the growth of the digital sector in Leeds and the work being undertaken to support and promote this sector. In addition, the report also sought approval to delegate powers to the Director of City Development in order to build a Tech Hub.


In considering the report, the Board received information regarding the ongoing actions being taken to increase the digital skills base in Leeds.


Responding to an enquiry, the Board received a brief update on the achievements in this field to date. In addition, with regard to the specific details around the development of a Tech Hub, it was noted that further work would be undertaken around such proposals and submitted to the Board for consideration in due course. 



(a)  That the Leeds Digital Skills Action Plan be endorsed, together with the  Council’s approach to procuring sector specialists to lead on this, with a view to moving to a model where it is entirely funded by the sector;


(b)  That the success of the Leeds Digital Festival be acknowledged and that support continues to be offered as this becomes an annual event, with continued support also being offered to the Leeds Digital Board and the work it does to promote the sector;


(c)  That the £3.7m grant from Department for Culture, Media and Sport be accepted, and that the injection of the grant into the capital programme be approved;


(d)  That the Chief Officer Economy and Regeneration be requested to work up proposals for a Tech Hub in Leeds, for consideration by Executive Board later in 2016;


(e)  That the Chief Officer Economy and Regeneration be requested, in consultation with the relevant Executive Member, to develop a proposal to support the existing FutureLabs pop up in the short to medium term;


(f)  That the Chief Officer Economy and Regeneration be requested to work up proposals and submit them to Executive Board for supporting the growth of fintech businesses in Leeds, with the aim of developing Leeds as a centre of expertise for cybersecurity, and for Leeds to  become a hub for innovation in Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.


Additional documents:


South Bank Regeneration Framework and Leeds Station pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development presenting details of the South Bank framework, the status of work on the Leeds Station and which seeks approval to undertake comprehensive public consultation on the framework, the next steps on the HS2 Growth Strategy and to develop a reference case design for the Leeds Station.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented details of the South Bank Regeneration Framework, provided an update on the status of work on the Leeds Station and which sought approval to undertake comprehensive public consultation on the framework, the next steps on the HS2 Growth Strategy and also to develop a reference case design for the Leeds Station.


The Board welcomed the submitted report. In addition, Members highlighted the need for the associated consultation exercise to be comprehensive, with due consideration being given to the responses which were received.



(a)  That the ambitions for the South Bank and Leeds Station be supported, and that the Director of City Development be requested:-

(i)  To undertake a three month public consultation exercise on the South Bank Regeneration Framework and associated city centre transport proposals, to commence in August 2016;

(ii)  To develop the HS2 Growth Strategy, as per the proposals contained in paragraph 3.10 of the submitted report, including a delivery and funding plan to deliver proposals contained within the framework;

(iii)  To develop, in partnership with others, a single reference case design for Leeds station, which includes the opportunity to phase improvements and consider how third party funding could help deliver change;


(b)  That the Chief Planning Officer be requested to review the Council’s South Bank Supplementary Planning Document and policy framework relating to taller buildings in the South Bank, with a view to recommending how the framework may facilitate updates or changes to existing policies;


(c)  That an injection of a £575,000 loan from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority into the Council’s Capital Programme be approved, in order to fund the ground remediation to four sites off Bath Road;


(d)  That it be noted that the Director of City Development is responsible for the implementation of such matters, and that it be requested that a further report on these issues be submitted to Executive Board later in 2016.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan - Submission Draft pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which provides an update on the progress of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (AVLAAP) submission draft, seeks agreement to the content of the 10th May 2016 Development Plan Panel report (as detailed at Appendix 1) and recommends to Council that the ‘Submission Draft’ of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan as appended (which includes the Sustainability Appraisal Report and addendum) be submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination.



Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 21, 15th July 2015, the Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the progress of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (AVLAAP) submission draft, which sought agreement to the content of the 10th May 2016 Development Plan Panel report (as detailed at Appendix 1) and which sought approval to recommend to full Council that the ‘Submission Draft’ of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan as appended (which included the Sustainability Appraisal Report and the addendum) be submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination.



(a)  That the contents of the 10th May 2016 Development Plan Panel report, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be agreed.

(The Development Plan Panel report detailed: 1) officer responses to representations to the publication draft Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan consultation; 2) proposed pre-submission changes to the Publication draft AVLAAP and Sustainability Appraisal; and 3) the process of technical and Background Paper amendments to the documents which will support the plan and form the Submission documents for the Planning Inspectorate);


(b)  That it be recommended to full Council that the ‘Submission Draft’ of the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (including the Sustainability Appraisal Report and addendum, as appended to the submitted report), be submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination. (The ‘Submission Draft’ was appended to the submitted report along with a consolidated schedule of pre-submission changes);


(c)  That it be noted that the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan has been prepared by officers within the Plans and Policies Group under the direction of the Head of Strategic Planning, and that following Executive Board and Council approval (should this be given), the plan will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination by an independent Inspector. It also be noted that an Examination in Public could occur as early as December 2016 and will be resourced by officers from within Plans and Policies Group;


(d)  That the process of technical and background paper amendments to the documents, which will support the plan and form the Submission documents for the Planning Inspectorate (as outlined in paragraph 3.5 of the submitted report), be agreed.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


(In accordance with the Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure

Rules, the matters referred to within this minute were not eligible for Call In as the power to Call In decisions does not extend to those decisions made in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, which includes the resolutions above)


Consideration of an Award of Grant Funding to Yorkshire County Cricket Club to contribute towards the Redevelopment of the North-South Stand at Headingley Stadium pdf icon PDF 187 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking approval to the award of grant funding of £4m to Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC), as a financial contribution towards the redevelopment of the North-South stand at Headingley Stadium, for the purpose of securing four World Cup Cricket Matches in 2019 and ensuring the Category A status of the ground leading to the award of a new Staging Agreement for the hosting of International Cricket matches in Yorkshire from 2020 onwards.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to the award of grant funding of £4m to Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC), as a financial contribution towards the redevelopment of the North-South stand at Headingley Stadium, for the purpose of securing four World Cup Cricket Matches in 2019 and ensuring the ‘Category A’ status of the ground leading to the award of a new Staging Agreement for the hosting of International Cricket matches in Yorkshire from 2020 onwards.


In considering the submitted report, Members discussed the importance of Headingley Stadium maintaining ‘Category A’ status and the wide range of benefits it brought to the city and the region. During the discussion, a concern was raised around the principle of the Council providing a grant, rather than a loan to YCCC, whilst also, responding to a further concern, clarification was provided that the proposals detailed within this report were separate from any ongoing planning submissions, and the consideration of this report did not pre-suppose the outcome of any such planning submissions.


Responding to a request, it was highlighted that should the grant be agreed, in addition to the Council retaining a place upon the Board of the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation, further work be undertaken with YCCC with a view to securing further commitment around the provision of associated community and cohesion work being undertaken by YCCC and/or Yorkshire Cricket Foundation.


In conclusion, the clarification provided earlier in the discussion was further reiterated, in that the proposals detailed within this report were separate from any ongoing planning submissions, which would be a matter for the relevant Plans Panels to determine.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the following be approved:-


(i)  The award of a grant of £4 million to Yorkshire County Cricket Club, which will be used exclusively towards the redevelopment of the North-South stand at Headingley Stadium in order to ensure the hosting of four 2019 Cricket World Cup matches and the retention of YCCC ‘Category A’ status and the award of a new staging agreement from 2020-2022; and which will be subject to:-


(ii)  The entry by the Council into a grant agreement with Yorkshire County Cricket Club based on the draft Heads of Terms, as detailed in the appendix to the submitted report;


(iii)The settlement of the final terms of the agreement (as referenced in resolution (ii) above) being delegated to the Director of City Development.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillors A Carter and Golton required it to be recorded that respectively, they both abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)



Whitehall Road / Northern Street Junction Improvement pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To consider  the report of the Director of City Development seeking approval for the detailed design and implementation of a junction improvement scheme at Whitehall Road and Northern Street as indicated in the attached drawing EP/732227/MIS/25 at a cost of £2.61m. The report highlights that these costs will be funded wholly by developer contributions, of which £2.039m is funded by directly related development contributions from three local development sites and the remaining £571,000 is funded from Section 106 contributions.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval of the detailed design and implementation of a junction improvement scheme at Whitehall Road and Northern Street, as indicated in the drawing EP/732227/MIS/25, as appended to the submitted report, at a cost of £2.61m, which would be wholly funded by developer contributions.



(a)  That the junction improvement works, as described in the submitted report, be approved, and that the detailed design and implementation of the scheme, as shown on drawing EP/732227/MIS/25 (as appended to the submitted report), be authorised;


(b)  That authority be given to inject a further £2,103,200 into the Capital Programme (noting that £506,800 is already included within the Capital Programme);


(c)  That authority to incur expenditure of £2,610,000 in order to implement the approved scheme, which will be fully funded from private developer section 106 receipts, be approved;


(d)  That it be noted that all remaining decisions relating to detailed design including the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders and the designation of cycle tracks on the public highway will be reported to the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) using existing powers under the Officer Delegation Scheme (Part 3, Council Constitution) and as sub-delegated by the Director of City Development.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


(Councillor A Carter left the meeting at the conclusion of this item)



Additional documents:


Overview of the Health and Care Sustainability and Transformation Plans pdf icon PDF 417 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of Public Health, the Director of Adult Social Services and the Director of Children’s Services which provides the Board with an overview of the emerging health and care Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP). The report provides the background and context of the Plans and sets out the relationship between the Leeds STP and the West Yorkshire STP. Additionally, the report highlights some of the areas which will be addressed within the Leeds STP which will add further detail to the strategic priorities set out in the recently refreshed Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021.

Additional documents:


The Director of Public Health, the Director of Adult Social Services and the Director of Children’s Services submitted a joint report which presented an overview of the emerging health and care Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP). The report provided the background and context of the Plans and set out the relationship between the Leeds STP and the West Yorkshire STP. Additionally, the report also highlighted some of the areas which would be addressed within the Leeds STP which would add further detail to the strategic priorities, as set out in the recently refreshed Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021.



(a)  That the approach, as described within the submitted report, for the development of the West Yorkshire and Leeds STPs within the nationally prescribed framework, be endorsed;


(b)  That the key areas of focus for the Leeds STP, as described in the submitted report, and how they will contribute towards the delivery of the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Best Council Plan, be noted;


(c)  That it be noted that the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board will continue to provide the strategic lead for the Leeds STP;


(d)  That the key milestones, as outlined within the submitted report, together with the work of the officers from the Leeds and health and care partnership who are leading the development of the West Yorkshire STP and the Leeds STP, be noted;


(e)  That staff and resources from Leeds City Council continue to be made available in order to support and inform the development and implementation of the STP both locally and regionally;


(f)  That a further report be submitted to Executive Board in November 2016 which provides an overview of the proposed key changes and impacts outlined within the West Yorkshire STP and Leeds STP following further development through the summer.


Additional documents:


Working together to improve domestic waste and recycling practices pdf icon PDF 251 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Housing which provides an update on the progress made in developing and implementing the strategy for communications and engagement in relation to waste and recycling. The report also sets out the principles to guide the approach to securing behaviour change, from education through to enforcement action.


Additional documents:


The Director of Environment and Housing submitted a report which provided an update on the progress made in developing and implementing the communications and engagement strategy in relation to waste and recycling, and which set out principles to guide the approach and secure behaviour change.


Responding to a Member’s enquiries, the Board received further information on the wider context as to the reasons why the communications programme was being undertaken, which had the overriding aim of increasing recycling levels across Leeds and promoting good practice around the management of domestic waste, both for the benefit of the city and the environment. 



(a)  That the progress made in delivering a programme of co-ordinated communications, marketing and engagement to provide the information, tools and services to support good waste and recycling habits, be noted;


(b)  That approval be given to the targeted use of enforcement powers for persistent and unreasonable waste and recycling behaviours.






(Scrutiny Support will notify Directors of any items called in by 12.00noon on

Monday, 8th August 2016)