Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Governance Services
No. | Item |
Substitute Member Additional documents: Minutes: Under the provisions of Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 3.1.6, Councillor A Lamb was invited to attend the meeting on behalf of Councillor Andrew Carter, who had submitted his apologies for absence from the meeting. |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as exempt from publication on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information so designated as follows:-
(a) That Appendix D to the report entitled, ‘Approval for the Submission of the Otley Flood Alleviation Scheme Outline Business Case to the Environment Agency, and Submission of the Planning Application’, referred to in Minute No. 18 be designated as exempt from publication in accordance with paragraph 10.4(3) of Schedule 12A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that the information within the appendix relates to the financial and/or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information), and it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the content of Appendix D as being exempt from publication outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, as disclosing the cost estimate may affect the Council’s ability to secure the best financial outcome through competition.
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) Additional documents: Minutes: There were no formal late items of business, however, prior to the meeting, Board Members had been provided with the following, to be taken into consideration as part of the Board’s deliberations on relevant matters:-
· A set of corrections which related to the covering report and Appendix 2 of Agenda Item 17 entitled, ‘Leeds Local Plan: Adoption of the Site Allocations Plan’ together with updated versions of the relevant table and plans (Minute No. 19 refers); · Reformatted versions of the respective Appendix 2 to the appended business case for both items 18: ‘Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Harehills’ and item 19: ‘Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Beeston’, with it being noted the data in the both appendix remained as originally published and circulated, with the information simply being re-provided in a sharper/clearer format for the benefit of the reader (Minute Nos. 20 and 21 refer); · Correspondence which had been received from a member of the public concerning both items 18: ‘Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Harehills’ and item 19: ‘Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Beeston’ (Minute Nos. 20 and 21 refer). |
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.
Additional documents: Minutes: Although no Disclosable Pecuniary Interests were declared at the meeting, in relation to agenda item 8 (Outcome of Consultation to Increase Learning Places at Micklefield Church of England Primary School) Councillor J Lewis drew the Board’s attention to his position as a governor of Micklefield Church of England Primary School. (Minute No. 9 refers).
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 17th April 2019 and 16th May 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meetings held on 17th April and 16th May 2019 be approved as a correct record. |
Chair's Opening Remarks Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed Councillor Venner to her first meeting of the Board, following her recent appointment as Executive Member for ‘Children and Families’.
The Chair also highlighted that as agreed by the Executive in April, and following the Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency, all Executive Board reports on this agenda and moving forward make reference to the Climate Emergency. |
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Additional documents: |
Annual Report of the One Adoption West Yorkshire PDF 31 KB To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families which presents the One Adoption Annual Report and the updated statement of purpose for One Adoption West Yorkshire.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Children and Families submitted a report which, as required, presented the One Adoption West Yorkshire (OAWY) Annual Report covering the period April 2018 to March 2019, together with an updated Statement of Purpose.
Noting the recommendation in the submitted report which proposed that future annual reports be submitted to the West Yorkshire Joint Committee (WYJC) for the regional adoption agency, assurances were sought regarding how the Council would continue to have an oversight of this area. In response, the Board was assured that reports, including the annual report, would be submitted to the Corporate Parenting Board for consideration and that the Executive Member for Children and Families would Chair the WYJC.
In addition, it was suggested that related future reports to Executive Board could potentially signpost Board Members to future versions of the annual report.
RESOLVED – (a) That the annual report of One Adoption West Yorkshire (OAWY), as detailed at Appendix A to the submitted report, be received and noted, as required by the National Minimum Standards for Adoption 2014, pursuant to the Care Standards Act 2000, which is to enable the Executive Board to monitor the management and outcomes of the service so that they may be satisfied that the agency is effective and is achieving good outcomes for children and/or services users; and also to satisfy themselves that the agency is complying with the conditions of registration;
(b) That the updated Statement of Purpose for OAWY, as appended to the submitted report, be noted, with it also being noted that the Statement of Purpose is required as part of the national minimum standards provisions, in order to enable the relevant services to be provided and which also enables the Executive to agree any changes to the Statement of Purpose on an annual basis;
(c) That it be agreed that future annual reports for this service be submitted to the West Yorkshire Joint Committee for the regional adoption agency, as it is deemed a more appropriate forum for such documents to be received, given that this is a regional service.
Fostering Service Annual Report PDF 190 KB To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families on the work undertaken by the fostering service between April 2018 and March 2019. The report updates the Board on activity in relation to the recruitment and retention of foster carers and developments within the service.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children and Families submitted a report regarding the work undertaken by the fostering service between April 2018 and March 2019, and which provided an update on the actions which were being taken in relation to the recruitment and retention of foster carers, and also on the developments within the service.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further information on the actions being taken to reduce the number of children looked after who were living in placements provided by independent and private providers, together with further context on the challenges faced in this area. Also, it was highlighted that the welfare of the children and young people in such matters was the Authority’s priority.
Responding to a Member’s request, officers undertook to provide further relevant financial detail in such reports in future, if it was felt that that would be beneficial to Members.
In conclusion, on behalf of the Board, the Chair extended her thanks to foster carers for the vital role which they played across the city.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report and appendices be received and noted, with the Board continuing to support the work of the fostering service in achieving the best possible outcomes for children looked after and also the ongoing work to recruit and retain high quality carers within the service.
To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families setting out details of a proposal brought forward to meet the Local Authority’s duty to ensure a sufficiency of school places. Specifically, this report notes the outcome of the representation period following publication of a Statutory Notice regarding a proposal to permanently expand primary provision at Micklefield Church of England Primary School and seeks a final decision in that respect.
Additional documents: Minutes: Further to Minute No. 194, 17th April 2019, the Director of Children and Families submitted a report which set out details of a proposal brought forward to meet the Local Authority’s duty to ensure a sufficiency of school places. Specifically, this report detailed the outcomes arising from the period of representation following the publication of a Statutory Notice regarding a proposal to permanently expand primary provision at Micklefield Church of England Primary School, with the report seeking a final decision on such proposals.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information regarding the work which continued to take place in order to manage any bulge cohorts in terms of secondary education provision.
RESOLVED – (a) That approval be given to the proposal to permanently expand primary provision at Micklefield Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School from a capacity of 140 pupils to 210 pupils, with an increase in the admission number from 20 to 30, with effect from September 2021;
(b) That provisional approval be granted for the ‘Authority to Spend’ of £2.298m in order to deliver the proposed permanent expansion at Micklefield Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School;
(c) That it be noted that the proposed expansion of the primary provision is subject to feasibility and planning permission, as indicated at paragraph 4.4.1 of the submitted report, with it also being noted that the proposal has been brought forward in time for places to be delivered for 2021;
(d) That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Learning Systems. |
Leeds Business Improvement District Renewal Ballot (2020 - 2025) PDF 248 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development that sets out the proposal for supporting the renewal of the Business Improvement District for Leeds City Centre, for a second term. The purpose is to enable Executive Board to give due consideration to the recommendations in the report and to affirm the Council’s support for a City Centre BID for 2020 – 2025. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented a proposal for the Board to support the renewal of the Business Improvement District (BID) for Leeds City Centre, for a second term (2020 – 2025).
RESOLVED – (a) That approval be given to the renewal ballot of LeedsBID in accordance with the role of the Local Authority, as set out in the BID Regulations 2004, and that confirmation be provided that the Council is satisfied that the renewal proposals do not conflict with existing Council Policy;
(b) That the draft renewal Business Plan, as appended to the submitted report, be noted, with it also being noted that the completed business plan will be presented to Executive Board for Council support in September 2019, at which point Leeds City Council will determine its voting intention in the pending ballot;
(c) That approval be given to the Baseline Services Agreement and the Operating Agreement, as appended to the submitted report, which provides a commitment to maintain provision of quality services in the BID area;
(d) That the arrangements for the Council to operate the renewal ballot, as detailed within the submitted report, be approved;
(e) That the stages and timescales required to implement the related decisions on this matter, as outlined within the submitted report and the above resolutions, be noted, with it also being noted that the Head of City Centre Management will be responsible for the implementation of such matters.
RESOURCES Additional documents: |
Treasury Management Outturn Report 2018/19 PDF 256 KB To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services presenting a final update on the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy and operations in 2018/19. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer, Financial Services, submitted a report presenting a final update on the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy and operations for the period 2018/19.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with a detailed update regarding: the Council’s current debt position; the approach taken in terms of managing debt between the short term and long term and the factors which were taken into consideration on such matters; the review work being undertaken on the Council’s Capital Programme and an update on the current position and the approach being taken in respect of the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP). Linked to this, it was noted that a report regarding the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy was scheduled to be submitted to the Board in July.
RESOLVED – That the Treasury Management outturn position for 2018/19, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted, together with the fact that treasury activity has remained within the treasury management strategy and policy framework. |
Financial Performance - Outturn financial year ended 31st March 2019 PDF 633 KB To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services, which provides the Council’s final outturn position for the financial year 2018/19, and which seeks consideration of any related actions. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer, Financial Services submitted a report which provided the Council’s final outturn position for the financial year 2018/19, and which sought consideration of any related actions.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry regarding a proposal to utilise part of the provisional 2018/19 surplus from the Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool to support the West Yorkshire Combined Authority ‘China/India Desk’, the Board received further detail on the work of that project and its aims, in terms of providing benefit and inward investment for the region. Also, the Board noted that in order for the pool to utilise such funds, it needed to be allocated to activities promoting economic growth and development.
Also, responding to an enquiry, the Board received further information and context regarding the reserves which were currently held within the Adults and Health directorate.
Finally, responding to the Chair’s comments and ahead of the forthcoming Local Government Association conference, support was provided for a cross-party approach to be taken in continuing to raise concerns around the lack of certainty being provided by Government in respect of the future financing of Local Government.
RESOLVED – (a) That the outturn position for 2018/19, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted, and that the creation of earmarked reserves as detailed in paragraph 5.3 of the same report, be agreed, with the release of such reserves being delegated to the Chief Officer Financial Services;
(b) That the use of the projected surplus from the 2018/2019 Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool to forward fund the projects which are detailed in paragraph 2.9 of the submitted report, be approved, with it being noted that these projects were initially agreed by the Leaders of the Member Authorities of this Pool following its disbanding on the 31st March 2019;
(c) That it be noted that the Chief Officer Financial Services will be responsible for the implementation of the above resolutions following the conclusion of the ‘Call In’ period.
Annual Corporate Risk Management Report PDF 188 KB To consider the report of the Director of Resources and Housing providing an update on the council’s most significant corporate risks and the arrangements both in place and further activity planned during 2019/20 to manage them.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report which provided an update on the Council’s most significant corporate risks and the arrangements in place, together with the further activity planned during 2019/20, to manage them.
RESOLVED – That the annual Risk Management report as submitted, together with the assurances provided on the Council’s most significant corporate risks, be noted, in line with the authority’s Risk Management Policy and the Board’s overarching responsibility for their management. |
New Procurement Strategy 2019 - 2024 PDF 63 KB To consider the report of the Director of Resources and Housing that seeks approval for the adoption of the Council’s New Procurement Strategy.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report which sought approval to adopt the Council’s New Procurement Strategy, as appended to the submitted report, following a period of consultation, with the report highlighting that the new strategy looked to retain value for money and good governance as the foundation stones of procurement.
Members welcomed the proposed strategy.
In considering the report, a Member suggested that consideration be given to the values which embodied the proposed new strategy being used by the Council in its role as a landlord of commercial properties.
Responding to a further enquiry regarding the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as detailed at appendix 3 to the submitted report, it was noted that the intention was to submit an annual report regarding procurement to the Board, and that after the strategy had been operational for a year, further baseline figures were intended to be introduced into the KPIs in order to monitor performance.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report and appendices, be noted;
(b) That approval be given for the adoption of the New Procurement Strategy, as appended to the submitted report;
(c) That it be noted that the officer(s) responsible for implementing the adoption of the new strategy in accordance with paragraph 3.8.9 of the submitted report are: the Head of Commercial (Legal) and the Procurement Manager (both Procurement and Commercial Services). |
Improving Air Quality in the City (Clean Air Zone Update) PDF 84 KB To consider the joint report of the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development which provides an update following the Government’s approval of Leeds Final Business Case and confirms the final funding position and spending conditions related to the Clean Air Funding awarded in January 2019. The report also details why clarifications and amendments for certain elements of the Charging Order are being considered, presents the longer term approach to establishing future emissions standards for the taxi and private hire trade, provides a progress report on both the implementation of the CAZ and the distribution of funding to impacted businesses and informs of a delay to the ‘go-live’ date.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report which provided an update following the Government’s approval of the Final Business Case for the Leeds Clean Air Charging Zone and confirmation of the final funding position and spending conditions related to the Clean Air Funding awarded in January 2019. The report also detailed why clarifications and amendments for certain elements of the Charging Order were being considered, presented the longer term approach to establishing future emissions standards for the taxi and private hire trade and provided a progress report on the implementation of the Clean Air Zone (CAZ), highlighting the delay to the CAZ ‘go live’ date.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry regarding the delay to the CAZ ‘go live’ date, the Board received further information on the nature of the delay, which it was noted had been caused by a delay in the development of the required digital services by Central Government. It was also noted that the Council would continue to liaise with Government on this, in order to emphasise the importance of having the digital infrastructure in place at the earliest opportunity.
RESOLVED – (a) That the funding conditions of the Clean Air Fund, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted and approved;
(b) That the commencement of a statutory public consultation process on the specific points, as detailed within the submitted report, be approved;
(c) That the change to the ‘market capacity’ take action date for the HGV sector only to 31st October 2019, be approved;
(d) That the progress which has been made to date on the implementation of the CAZ by the Council, together with the actions taken regarding the distribution of associated funding, be noted;
(e) That the delay to the ‘go-live’ date, be noted. |
Councillor Mulherin Additional documents: Minutes: Prior to introducing the reports within her portfolio, the Chair welcomed Councillor Mulherin, as the new Executive Member for ‘Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development’. |
To consider the report of the Director of City Development that provides an update on the progress of significant schemes during 2019/20 and outlines the next steps for delivering implementation of improvements to the A61 North Bus Priority Corridor scheme and improvements to the A65 signals. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an update on the progress being made on the delivery of the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme’s (LPTIP) significant schemes during 2019/20 and outlined the next steps for delivering the implementation of improvements to the A61 North Bus Priority Corridor scheme and improvements to the A65 signals.
Responding to a Member’s concerns, officers highlighted that although significant consultations had taken place on the submitted proposals, discussions with local Ward Members were seen as continuing conversations and that should Ward Councillors have any issues, then they could be raised with relevant officers as part of the ongoing dialogue.
As part of the Board’s discussions, it was highlighted that a condition of the projects funded via the LPTIP, was that such projects were required to be substantially completed by the end of March 2021, which precluded this programme from undertaking more complex, or larger scale projects with long lead in times for delivery, but that further, separate funding would continue to be sought to help develop the transport infrastructure across the city.
Members also discussed the significant role of the bus providers and the part they played in the provision of public transport across the city, the need to continue to liaise with bus companies to ensure that the best deal was achieved for Leeds, with Members also discussing the issue of devolution and the potential impact that further local control could have in this area.
The Board also discussed the key role which needed to be played by an effective public transport service in helping to address the Climate Emergency; emphasised the need to ensure that an ambitious approach was taken in this area; discussed the options being considered to further develop park and ride facilities; and highlighted the need to ensure that projects being brought forward as part of the programme did not have unintended consequences, such as greater levels of commuter parking on residential streets.
RESOLVED – (a) That the progress made since April 2016 in developing proposals for the relevant projects benefiting from LPTIP funding, together with the subsequent public consultation responses received, be noted;
(b) That approval be given for the remaining expenditure of £5.5 million from the existing LPTIP fund which will be used to carry out detailed design and construction of the improvements to the A61 North Bus Priority Corridor, with approval also being given for an injection of £45,039 from S106 Developer Contributions;
(c) That approval be given for the expenditure of up to £5 million from the existing LPTIP fund which will be used to contribute to the East Leeds Orbital Road (ELOR) project, to carry out the detailed design and construction of the King Lane to Stonegate Road section of the A61N Bus Priority Corridor;
(d) That approval be given for the expenditure of up to £1 million from the existing LPTIP fund which will be used to carry out detailed design and the construction of the A65 signals, with approval also ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
Delivering the East of Otley Relief Road and Housing Allocation PDF 106 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the progress made on bringing forward the East of Otley development since the report of September 2017, and requesting approval to a number of matters that will formalise the Council’s role in this work and enable critical infrastructure and planning activities to move forward. Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 63, 20th September 2017, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the progress which had been made on bringing forward the East of Otley development, and which sought approval to a number of matters which would formalise the Council’s role in this work and enable critical infrastructure and planning activities to progress.
RESOLVED – (a) That the positive progress which has been made in this area, be noted, with the Board reconfirming the Council’s commitment to bringing forward the East of Otley mixed use site;
(b) That the Director of City Development’s approval for the Council to enter into a funding agreement with Homes England for a Housing Infrastructure Fund grant of £6.318m, on the basis set out at paragraph 3.1.10 of the submitted report, be noted; with it also being noted that the approved injection of this sum into the Capital Programme along with contractual arrangements of the funding will be the responsibility of the Head of Regeneration;
(c) That agreement be given for the Council to take a leading role on the delivery of the East of Otley Relief Road project, and that agreement also be given for the Chief Highways and Transportation Officer, in consultation with the Executive Member for ‘Climate Change, Transport and Sustainability’ to undertake the actions as set out at paragraphs 3.2.7 and 3.2.8 of the submitted report to enable its delivery;
(d) That the principle of the Council making a financial contribution towards the East of Otley Relief Road, be approved, with the contingent delivery risks, as outlined in paragraph 3.3.5 of the submitted report being noted;
(e) That the revised Heads of Terms relating to the disposal of the Council’s land within the East of Otley allocation, be approved, and that approval also be given for the Council to enter into an Agreement with developers to facilitate the delivery of the East of Otley Relief Road project, as set out at paragraph 3.3.7 of the submitted report; with it being noted that the Head of Land & Property will be responsible for agreeing the associated detailed terms of the disposal and the related agreement;
(f) That the intention to undertake consultation on a Development Brief for the East of Otley site, as set out at paragraph 3.5.1 of the submitted report, be noted; that approval be given for this to include the potential inclusion of Council-owned land at the former Ing’s Tip and north of Cambridge Way, and that it be noted that the Head of Strategic Planning will be responsible for delivery of the brief.
Leeds Local Plan - Adoption of the Site Allocations Plan PDF 114 KB To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer which invites Executive Board to recommend to full Council that the Council notes the Inspector’s final Report on the Submission Draft 2017 Site Allocations Plan (SAP) and accepts the Inspector’s Main Modifications and adopts the Plan (subject to any further non material additional modifications being made in advance of consideration by Council).
(Appendix 2 is provided as a stand alone document)
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 143, 14th January 2019, the Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which invited Executive Board to recommend to full Council that: the Council note the Inspector’s final report on the Submission Draft 2017 Site Allocations Plan (SAP), accepts the Inspector’s Main Modifications and adopts the Site Allocations Plan (subject to any further non-material additional modifications being made in advance of consideration by Council).
It was noted that following the despatch of the agenda papers, and prior to the meeting, Board Members had received a note detailing several corrections which related to the Executive Board covering report and Appendix 2, together with updated versions of the relevant table and plans, which were to be taken into consideration by Members as part of the Board’s deliberations on the matter.
Responding to Members’ comments and concerns, the Board discussed and received further information regarding: · How the SAP, as submitted, with inclusion of the Inspector’s recommended Main Modifications, had been deemed as being ‘sound’ by the Inspector; · Members welcomed that the adoption of the SAP would enable a 5 year land supply to be confirmed and a plan-led approach to be taken, moving forward; · The time which had taken to get to the current position, and the implications of that timescale; · The current housing requirement figures, and how that level of requirement was being reviewed as part of the ongoing and separate Core Strategy Selective Review process, and how a review of the SAP would be required following the adoption of the CSSR; · Members discussed the reasons why issues had been experienced regarding levels of development on brownfield land in recent years, with it being highlighted that the Authority continued to liaise with Government on this issue, and with a request being made that further opportunity to consider this matter be sought; · Members discussed the proportion of brownfield and green belt sites detailed in the submitted plan which had been allocated for housing; · Members discussed the associated infrastructure provision needed to facilitate the housing requirement moving forward, and the need for any future developments to be sustainable.
On behalf of the Board, the Chair extended her thanks to officers and all who had engaged in the process to date, for getting the Plan to this advanced stage.
RESOLVED – That subject to the incorporation of the ‘corrections’, as submitted to Board Members prior to the meeting for their consideration, full Council be recommended to:-
(i) Note the Inspectors’ final Report of the Leeds Site Allocations Plan and accept the Main Modifications of the Inspectors’, as detailed in their Report (June 2019) presented at Appendix 1 to the submitted Executive Board report; (ii) Adopt the draft Site Allocations Plan (version for Adoption), as detailed at Appendix 2 to the submitted report,with effect from 10th July 2019, pursuant to Section 23 of the Planningand Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended); (iii) Note the deletion of saved Unitary Development Plan policies, that will be superseded by the Plan (as set ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
COMMUNITIES Additional documents: |
Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation - Harehills PDF 83 KB To consider the report of the Director of Resources and Housing seeking approval of the business case for selective licensing in Harehills and to designate the area outlined on the map at Appendix 1 of the business case as a selective licensing area, with effect from the 6th January 2020.
(Appendix 2 (Business Case document and appendices) are provided as a stand alone document) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report which presented for the Board's consideration the appended business case regarding the proposal for selective licensing designation in Harehills, and the proposed designation of the area outlined on the map at Appendix 1 of the business case as a selective licensing area, with effect from the 6th January 2020.
It was noted that following the despatch of the agenda papers and prior to the meeting, correspondence which had been received from a member of the public concerning both items 18: ‘Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Harehills’ and item 19: ‘Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Beeston’, had been circulated to Executive Board Members for their consideration as part of the Board’s deliberations on this matter.
It was also noted that following the despatch of the agenda papers, and prior to the meeting, Board Members had received a reformatted version of Appendix 2 to the appended business case, with it being noted that the data in the appendix remained as originally published and circulated, with the information simply being re-provided in a sharper/clearer format for the benefit of the reader.
In presenting the report, the Director of Resources and Housing drew Members’ attention to the legal criteria for designating an area as set out in the report, and the information in the business case demonstrating that these criteria were met.
Also, Members received information on what the scheme would entail and were also provided with the outcomes from the significant consultation processes which had been undertaken. It was noted that overall the residents, and private rented tenants in Harehills who had responded were in favour of the introduction of selective licensing, whilst the vast majority of landlords and all of the managing agents who had responded were against the proposal.
In considering the submitted report and the potential implications of introducing the proposed designation, Members’ attention was drawn to the landlords’ concerns. The Board was informed that these were covered in detail in the accompanying business case. One of the principal concerns was the costs of the scheme, in particular the proposed licence fee, and the impact on rent levels if the costs of the scheme were passed on to tenants. With regard to the licence fee, it was noted that this could only be used to administer the scheme, and that the proposed licence fee of £825 equated to around £3 per week across the 5 years to which it will apply. With regard to rent levels, it was highlighted that these were influenced by the Local Housing Allowance, which was likely to restrict rent increases.
Members discussed the benefits of the scheme for landlords and the incentives for them, with it being noted that there was a discount to the licence fee for landlords who were members of the ‘Leeds Rental Standard’ scheme, that landlord investment in their properties would benefit the area and potentially increase the value of their property and that in implementing ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Business Care for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation - Beeston PDF 87 KB To consider the report of the Director of Resources and Housing which seeks approval of the business case for selective licensing designation in Beeston and to designate the area outlined on the map at Appendix 1 of the business case as a selective licensing area, with effect from the 6th January 2020.
(Appendix 2 (Business Case document and appendices) are provided as a stand alone document)
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report which presented for the Board's consideration the appended business case regarding the proposal for selective licensing designation in Beeston, and the proposed designation of the area outlined on the map at Appendix 1 of the business case as a selective licensing area, with effect from the 6th January 2020.
It was noted that following the despatch of the agenda papers and prior to the meeting, correspondence which had been received from a member of the public concerning both items 18: ‘Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Harehills’ and item 19: ‘Business Case for Proposed Selective Licensing Designation: Beeston’, had been circulated to Executive Board Members for their consideration as part of the Board’s deliberations on this matter. During the consideration of this report, Members’ attention was drawn to such correspondence which focussed upon the consultation process undertaken in Beeston.
It was also noted that following the despatch of the agenda papers and prior to the meeting, Board Members had received a reformatted version of Appendix 2 to the appended business case, with it being noted that the data in the appendix remained as originally published and circulated, with the information simply being re-provided in a sharper/clearer format for the benefit of the reader.
In presenting the report, the Director of Resources and Housing drew Members’ attention to the legal criteria for designating an area as set out in the report, and the information in the business case demonstrating that these criteria were met.
Also, Members received information on the outcomes on the significant consultation processes which had been undertaken, and it was explained that the consultation exercise did not represent a vote on the proposal, but rather formed one piece of evidence which the Board was asked to consider. It was noted that overall the response to the residents’ consultation was against the proposal, with 92% of online responses being against the proposal. However, officers explained that there remained concerns about the validity of some of the online responses received following validation of the feedback and when compared to the paper responses received. It was noted that such concerns were not explainable by the correspondence which had been received.
In conclusion, Executive Board Members were asked to take such matters into consideration when weighing up all of the evidence available to them.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report and the business case for Beeston, as appended to that cover report, be noted;
(b) That the business case for selective licensing designation in Beeston, as appended to the cover report, be approved;
(c) That approval be given to designate the area shown on the business case map as detailed at Appendix 1 of the submitted business case document (appended to the covering report) as a selective licensing area with effect from 6th January 2020;
(d) That it be noted that the Director of Housing and Resources is responsible for implementation of those resolutions detailed above.
Council Housing Growth Programme Update PDF 85 KB To consider the report of the Director of Resources and Housing which provides an update on the progress of the Council Housing Growth Programme, sets out proposals for the delivery of further new Council housing across the city and presents the proposed rent setting approach for the Council Housing New Build Programme.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report which provided an update on the progress of the Council Housing Growth Programme, set out proposals for the delivery of further new Council housing across the city and presented the proposed rent setting approach for the Council Housing New Build Programme.
Members welcomed the speed at which the Council had acted in this area, following the lifting of the cap on Council borrowing to deliver new homes via the Housing Revenue Account.
The Board welcomed the establishment of a Local Housing Company, with Members noting the benefits and flexibility that the formation of the company would bring. In response to a Member’s enquiry, it was highlighted that the delivery of affordable housing via this model need to not be wholly focussed upon the city centre, however, the number of appropriate sites as designated via the Site Allocations Plan in the city centre was highlighted.
Regarding the expansion of the property acquisition programme, Members were advised that a report on this was scheduled to be submitted to the Board in July.
Members highlighted the need to work with local communities on such matters in order to ensure that the Council housing provision established by this programme looked to meet the bespoke needs of each area.
RESOLVED – (a) That the progress made to date on delivering the Council Housing Growth Programme, be noted;
(b) That the additional sites, as listed in Table 2 of the submitted report, for the delivery of new build Council housing, be noted;
(c) That the proposed investment, as outlined in Table 5 of the submitted report, be approved, with approval also being given to inject the balance of funding £17.5m into the programme for the delivery of c.176 new build Council houses as part of the Council Housing Growth Programme (with it being noted that £16.1m was injected as part of the February 2019 capital programme), and that support be provided for any funding bids to optimise the funding mix for each scheme;
(d) That the application of the proposed rent setting principles and the approach to future Council housing new build developments, as set out in the submitted report, be approved, and that decisions on rent setting for each individual housing scheme be delegated to the Director of Resources and Housing;
(e) That it be noted that a report will be submitted to Executive Board in July 2019 on the Property Buyback/Repurchase Programme. |
Review of Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team PDF 130 KB To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment that sets out proposals to redesign the Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT), with the aim being to establish a more sustainable service through which officers are increasingly able to focus upon early intervention and work with communities in order to prevent anti-social behaviour. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report which set out proposals to redesign the Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT), with the aim of establishing a more sustainable service through which officers were increasingly able to focus upon early intervention and work with communities in order to prevent anti-social behaviour.
Members welcomed the proposals and highlighted the role which had been played by the Environment, Housing and Communities Scrutiny Board in the review exercise.
Responding to an enquiry, assurance was provided that resources would continue to support outer areas, but in addition, the new model would aim to integrate further with wider service provision in order to maximise the benefits for all.
Also, assurance was provided that when anti-social behaviour was reported, the team would respond to it in accordance with agreed procedures and protocols, irrespective of whether it occurred on Council land or elsewhere.
RESOLVED – That the priorities, as outlined in the submitted report be noted, and that the implementation of the service changes, as set out in paragraphs 3.7 – 3.20 of the submitted report, be endorsed. |
INCLUSIVE GROWTH AND CULTURE Additional documents: |
Grant to Leeds Culture Trust (Leeds 2023) PDF 43 KB To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the progress being made in respect of the Leeds 2023 initiative and which looks to delegate to officers the authority to enter into a grant agreement with Leeds Culture Trust in order to deliver a programme of activity. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the progress being made in respect of the ‘Leeds 2023’ initiative and which looked to delegate to officers the authority to enter into a grant agreement with Leeds Culture Trust in order to deliver a programme of activity.
RESOLVED – (a) That the overall progress made in this area be noted, together with the further progress being made on establishing Leeds Culture Trust;
(b) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Chief Officer, Culture and Sport to enable the Chief Officer to enter into the final grant agreement in line with the draft, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, with variations being made subject to consultation with the Leader of the Council. |
To consider the report of the Director of City Development which provides details of flooding issues in the Otley area, requests authority to submit the Outline Business Case & Planning Application as detailed, requests authority to incur required expenditure and which highlights the current funding shortfall and seeks support for additional funding to be sought.
(Please note that Appendix D to this report is designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3)) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented details of flooding issues in the Otley area, requested authority to submit the Outline Business Case and Planning Application as detailed, requested authority to incur the required expenditure, highlighted the current funding shortfall and requested support for additional funding to be sought.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, assurance was provided that all such schemes must fully take into account and mitigate against any impact upon communities downstream.
Also, regarding a Member’s comment about the lack of engagement from the Environment Agency which local Ward Members had experienced regarding issues in their local area, officers undertook to take this specific matter up with the Environment Agency on the Members’ behalf.
Following consideration of Appendix D to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That approval be given to inject the remaining £1,509,000 of available Government Grant funding into the scheme;
(b) That approval be given to inject £1,328,000 of Central Contingencies to underwrite the currently identified funding gap on the scheme, in order to ensure the delivery of the scheme;
(c) That approval be given to submit the Outline Business Case, as detailed at exempt Appendix D to the submitted report, to the Environment Agency;
(d) That approval be given to submit the associated Planning Application;
(e) That approval be given to incur additional expenditure of £260,000, to support the Outline Business Case submission and planning application in order to enable the scheme to progress in line with the programme;
(f) That approval be given to incur expenditure, following the approval of the Outline Business Case, of £399,000 to develop the detailed design of Otley Flood Alleviation Scheme in order to enable the scheme to progress in line with the programme;
(g) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development to enable the Director to make the necessary authority to spend (ATS) approvals for the full scheme, subject to agreement with the Executive Member for Environment and Active Lifestyles. |
The Arnold and Marjorie Ziff Tropical World Development PDF 873 KB To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment that outlines a proposal to develop an indoor play facility at the Arnold and Marjorie Ziff Tropical World following on from other developments that have taken place to this important regional attraction in recent years. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report which outlined a proposal to develop an indoor play facility at the Arnold and Marjorie Ziff Tropical World following other developments which have been undertaken at the attraction in recent years.
RESOLVED – (a) That approval be given to the in principle development of an indoor play facility at the Arnold and Marjorie Ziff Tropical World, with approval also being given to an injection of £2.0m capital, funded through prudential borrowing;
(b) That approval be given to incur necessary expenditure to undertake a full feasibility design;
(c) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of Communities and Environment to enable the Director to make the necessary authority to spend approvals for the full scheme, subject to consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and Active Lifestyles;
(d) That it be noted that the Chief Officer, Parks and Countryside will be responsible for the implementation of this project, with an anticipated opening in Easter 2020. |
HEALTH, WELLBEING AND ADULTS Additional documents: |
To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health that provides an update on recent Ward Member conversations on health and care, reflecting the increasing importance of Community Committees as forums for discussion of health and care and the development of Local Care Partnerships as a basis for improving population health. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which provided an update on recent Ward Member conversations on health and care, reflecting the increased importance of Community Committees as local forums for discussion on this issue and which highlighted the development of Local Care Partnerships (LCPs) as a basis for improving population health.
In considering the report, Members emphasised the need for the arrangements to ensure that robust cross-boundary partnerships were achieved to ensure seamless service provision, wherever possible.
Also, Members discussed how Elected Members fitted into the new LCP structure and highlighted the enabling role which they needed to play to help ensure that this approach looked to best meet the bespoke needs of each local community.
The Board discussed the relationship between Community Committees and LCPs. Regarding the geographical boundaries of the two, officers were asked to pick up any specific issues raised regarding Member representation on those LCPs which fell outside of the appointing Community Committee boundary.
Finally, a suggestion was made that it may be beneficial, especially for newly elected Councillors, for a Member seminar to be scheduled in order to further raise awareness on this agenda.
RESOLVED – (a) That the progress made regarding Ward Member conversations on health and care to date, be noted and that the continuation of this approach, led by the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board, be supported;
(b) That the actions being taken to further develop Member involvement with Local Care Partnerships, through Community Committees, be noted, together with the relevant governance implications, as outlined in the submitted report;
(c) That it be noted that the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board will continue to provide strategic leadership for the Leeds Health and Care Plan, with it also being noted that as part of the Plan’s refresh, engagement with Community Committees will continue. |
To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health that provides an update on the work of the Visible Project – improving health and wellbeing outcomes with adult survivors of child sexual abuse which is based within the Women’s Counselling and Therapy Service (WCTS). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which provided an update on the work of the ‘Visible Project’, an initiative based within the Women’s Counselling and Therapy Service (WCTS) which looked to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for adult survivors of child sexual abuse.
The Board welcomed to the meeting: Sinead Cregan, Commissioning Programme Leader, who had been chair of the Strategic Steering Group for the project, and Tessa Denham, Chief Executive of the Women’s Counselling and Therapy Service.
Members welcomed the valuable work which had been undertaken to establish the Visible Project and extended their thanks to all those who had been involved.
The Board wholeheartedly supported the adoption of the policy statement and sought further information on how Members could further promote this initiative in their local Wards.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Visible Policy statement and briefing, as appended to the submitted report, be adopted, with the Board providing a commitment to the statement’s implementation;
(b) That agreement be given for the Director of Adults and Health in conjunction with the Chief Officer for Human Resources to establish a ‘task and finish’ group to implement the Visible Policy Statement across the Council. |