Agenda, decisions and minutes

East (Inner) Area Committee - Wednesday, 30th January, 2008 6.00 pm

Venue: Wykebeck Day Centre, Wykebeck Valley Road

Contact: Andy Booth 0113 2474356 Anna Turner 0113 John Woolmer 0113 214 3235 

No. Item


Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct



Councillor Pryke declared a personal and prejudicial interest on Item 67, Welbbeing Capital Update and Scheme Proposal due to his position on the management committee of East Leeds Health for All.  He withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and voting on this item.  (Minute no. 67 refers).



Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor Graham Hyde.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


Time - 10 mins



The agenda made reference to the provision contained in the Area Committee Procedure rules for an Open Forum Session at each ordinary meeting of an Area Committee, for members of the public to ask questions or to make representations on  matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  On this occasion, no matters were raised under this item by those members of the public who were in attendance.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2007.



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2007, be confirmed as a correct record.



Matters Arising from the Minutes


Minute no. 54 – North East Divisional Community Safety Partnership

A question was asked as to whether there had been an indication of the frequency of police attendance at Area Committee meetings.  It was reported that there was an indication that there would be police attendance for any relevant items and where Members had requested attendance for specific issues.  It was suggested that a police representative be invited to the next meeting to discuss issues in Burmantofts and Richmond Hill following the changes to policing in the area.



Wellbeing (Revenue) Budget - 2007/08 Outturn and Plans for 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods.


Time 15 Mins – (Executive Function)

Additional documents:




(1)  That the projected spend of Wellbeing (Revenue) Budget available in 2007/08 be noted.


(2)  That approval is given, subject to confirmation of availability of funding,   the pre-allocation of the anticipated Wellbeing Budget for 2008/09 as   set out in section 3.2 so that officers can ensure existing commitments   are continued/met and begin the commissioning process for additional   activities in consultation with local Ward Members as appropriate.


(3)  That approval is given, subject to confirmation of availability of funding   for 2008/09 and agreement of a Job Description, the recruitment of a   temporary Community Facilities Development Officer to work for the   Area Committee, as set out in sections 3.2.4 and 3.2.5.




The report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods presented the Area Committee with a projected outturn for the 2007/08 Wellbeing (Revenue) Budget.  It also sought approval to pre-allocate the anticipated Wellbeing Budget for 2008/09 into known workstream priorities and existing contractual commitments and to employ a temporary officer to develop the new community centre portfolio for the Area Committee.


Members’ attention was drawn to Appendix A of the report which detailed current spending of the Wellbeing (Revenue) Budget.  It was reported that the budget for 2008/09 had been based on an assumption that similar funding would be received and this would allow the continuation of existing commitments.


In brief summary, the following issues were discussed:


  • Costs of monitoring CCTV – not all Cameras were under the Area Committee’s control.  It was reported that some of the cameras that had been commissioned by the Area Committee were now in the third year of a 5 year contract.  A review would be taken before the end of the contract.
  • The role of the Building Family Wealth workers.
  • Neighbourhood Wardens.
  • Consultation and community involvement with the EASEL project – it was felt that there should be increased community participation on the Easel Project.  Members were informed that a report was due to be considered at a future meeting of the Area Committee..




(1)  That the projected spend of Wellbeing (Revenue) Budget available in 2007/08 be noted.


(2)  That subject to confirmation of availability of funding, the pre-allocation   of the anticipated Wellbeing Budget for 2008/09 as set out in section   3.2 so that officers can ensure existing commitments are   continued/met and begin the commissioning process for additional   activities in consultation with local Ward Members as appropriate be   approved.


(3)  That subject to confirmation of availability of funding for 2008/09 and   agreement of a Job Description, the recruitment of a temporary   Community Facilities Development Officer to work for the Area   Committee, as set out in sections 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 be approved.



Wellbeing Capital Update and Scheme Proposal pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods.


Time - 10 Mins – (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


That funding of £3,100 from the Burmantofts and Richmond Hill allocation of Capital Wellbeing to fund the security shutters for East Leeds Health for All be approved.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report t which updated the Area Committee on the capital wellbeing spend in all three wards.  It also sought approval from the Burmantofts and Richmond Hill Capital Wellbeing budget for security roller shutters at the East Leeds Health for All premises on Cromwell Street.


RESOLVED - That funding of £3,100 from the Burmantofts and Richmond Hill allocation of Capital Wellbeing to fund the security shutters for East Leeds Health for All be approved.



Community Centres - Progress on a Local Pricing and Discounts Policy pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods.


Time - 20 Mins – (Executive Function)


Additional documents:




(1)  That the report and findings of the Working Group be noted.


(2)  That the attached pricing and discounts list as a basis for consultation   with existing user groups, local Forums and Council Lettings Unit be   agreed.


(3)  That following the results of consultation, the responsibility to prepare a   final pricing and discounts policy be delegated to the Member Working   Party to be presented top the Area Committee for approval in time for   implementation in October 2008.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which updated the Area Committee on the work undertaken by the Inner East Community Centres Working Party.  It proposed a standard price list for the use of Community Centres and a system of working out discounts for users which the Area Committee considered to give community benefits.


Members attention was brought to the report’s appendices which detailed

A discount pricing matrix, current hire arrangements and a schedule of charges and discounts.  Following concern regarding the complexity of the pricing matrix, it was reported, that at this stage, it was still open to further consultation.


Further issues discussed included the following:


  • Weddings – Concern was expressed over the high charges for wedding parties.  It was reported that these were due to high cleaning and repair costs.  It was suggested that a non refundable deposit could be placed in case of damage or high cleaning costs incurred.
  • The cost of raising invoices – concern was expressed that for some of the smaller charges, it would cost more to raise an invoice than would be collected.
  • Use of facilities by the Youth Service.
  • Use of office space at Community Centres.




(1)  That the report and findings of the Working Group be noted.


(2)  That the attached pricing and discounts list as a basis for consultation   with existing user groups, local Forums and Council Lettings Unit be   agreed.


(3)  That following the results of consultation, the responsibility to prepare a   final pricing and discounts policy be delegated to the Member Working   Party to be presented to the Area Committee for approval in time for   implementation in October 2008.



Community Consultative Forums pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods.


Time - 10 Mins – (Executive Function)


Additional documents:




(1)  That the minutes provided for each Forum meeting be noted.


(2)  That progress at each forum on agreeing co-optee nominations for the   following municipal year be noted.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which provided the Area Committee with the minutes from the last cycle of Community Consultative Forums.  The report also provided an update on elections at Forums to select representatives to be nominated as Co-opted Members on the Area Committee for the 2008/09 Municipal Year.


It was reported that the elections for the Forum representatives to be nominated as Co-opted Members on the Area Committee had been arranged in an attempt to ensure that all Co-opted Member positions on the Area Committee could be confirmed at the first meeting of the next Municipal Year.  Members also discussed the regularity of Forum meetings and the EASEL consultation groups.




(1)  That the minutes provided for each Forum meeting be noted.


(2)  That progress at each forum on agreeing co-optee nominations for the   following Municipal Year be noted.



Date and Time of Next Meeting

Wednesday, 12 March at 6.00 p.m.


Wednesday, 12 March 2008 at 6.00 p.m.