
Details of officer decisions relating to planning applications.

Decisions published

30/11/2018 - Requirement to commence procurement under Crown Commercial Services Framework RM1045 Network Services to seek a supplier to provide data services for 79 Leeds Schools. ref: 48171    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 30/11/2018

Effective from:


The Chief Digital and Information Officer agreed to provide authority to commence a procurement under Crown Commercial Services Framework RM1045 Network Services for the provision of network services for 79 Leeds schools.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Byrom

07/12/2018 - Direct Award under CCS Framework RM1045 Multi-Lot (4,5 and 6) for the Provision of Mobile Voice & Data and Fixed Line Telephony ref: 48170    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

The Chief Digital and Information Officer is recommended to approve the use of Crown Commercial Services Technology Products Framework (RM1045) via a Direct Award to provide a route to provide Mobile Voice and Data Services and Fixed Line Telephony with Virgin Media Business Ltd for a period of 36 months.

Sign the contract by the end of the calendar year to achieve further revenue savings for the council.


Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 29/11/2018

Effective from: 15/12/2018


The Chief Digital Information Officer took a decision to award a contract to Virgin Media Business Ltd for the provision of Mobile Voice and Data and Fixed Line Telephony via the Crown Commercial Services RM1045 Framework under a Multi-Lot service offering comprising of Lots 4, 5 and 6.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Stephanie Gledhill

27/11/2018 - To award a contract to undertake qualitative research for the project ‘Place-based data and mitigating local impacts of migration. ref: 48169    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 27/11/2018

Effective from:


The Chief Officer (Communities) agreed to approve the decision to award the contract to undertake the qualitative research for the project ‘Place-based data and mitigating local impacts of migration’ to the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). Several bids were submitted for this contract. IPPR achieved the highest scores in the desktop evaluation and subsequent interviews, being awarded scores well above the required minimum threshold. The contract will commence on 10.12.2018 and end on 31.03.2020.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Kate James

27/11/2018 - Council Housing Growth Programme: Appointment of a Stage 1 DSA (Design Services Agreement) Contractor as part of a two stage procurement to deliver new build Council Housing at Meynell Approach, Holbeck. ref: 48168    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 27/11/2018

Effective from:


The Director of Resources and Housing approved the decision to enter into the written Stage 1 Design Services Agreement (DSA) to the sum of £76,594 with United Living (North) Limited and the continuation of the two stage tender process to further develop the scheme.
Appendix 1, 2 and 3 to this report has been marked as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rules 10.4 (3) on the basis that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) which, if disclosed to the public, would, or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of that person or of the Council. The information is exempt if and for so long as in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. In this case the report author considers that it is in the public interest to maintain the exemption

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Laura Whitehead

26/11/2018 - Write Off of Former Tenants Rent Arrears ref: 48167    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from:


The Director of Resources and Housing agreed to approve the Write off irrecoverable Former Tenants Arrears in the sum of £98,271.64 represented by 79 accounts in relation to the citywide accounts.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jo-Anne Arnett

26/11/2018 - Creation of two Carnival and Events Posts in Parks and Countryside ref: 48166    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from:


The Chief Officer Parks and Countryside approved the creation of new posts in the Parks and Countryside service to focus on event planning and delivery for the Leeds West Indian Carnival and Black Music Festival.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Kinnaird

21/11/2018 - Improving Air Quality within the City ref: 48165    Recommendations Approved

To make the Charging Order under the Transport Act 2000 and submit to the Secretary of State for Approval alongside the Full Business Case to enable the implementation of the Clean Air Zone in January 2020.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


Further to Minute No. 77, 17th October 2018, the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report providing details of the proposed Leeds Clean Air Zone Charging Order, with the recommendation that the Board formally make the ‘Order’. In addition, the report provided detail of the proposed road signage which was to be erected within Leeds for the Clean Air Zone and also provided an update on the progress made with the camera procurement.


Prior to the meeting, Board Members were in receipt of a revised paragraph 6 within Annex 4 of Appendix A to the submitted report, which Members considered at the meeting as a replacement to the version originally submitted.


Members received an update on the funding proposals for the overall programme, with it being noted that correspondence had recently been received from Government indicating that further evidence may be required in respect of the potential sums sought for Leeds’ Clean Air Fund.


The Board noted that the Leader had responded to Government on such matters, and given the unprecedented nature of the initiative, Members were advised that Government would be approached with the aim of agreeing a level of flexibility and contingency in the funding arrangements, with it also being noted that officers were scheduled to meet with Civil Servants next week.


Councillor A Carter highlighted that although he would continue to provide his support when the Council was approaching Government on such matters, he was abstaining from voting on the decisions being taken at today’s meeting, due to concerns he had, with specific reference being made to the viability of retro fitting vehicles. In response to this concern, it was noted that representations would continue to be made to Government on the actions that needed to be taken nationally to ensure the delivery of a practical retro fit offer.



(a)  That approval be given to make the Leeds Clean Air Zone Charging Order, under the provisions of the Transport Act 2000, as detailed at Appendix A to the submitted report, including the revised paragraph 6 within Annex 4 to the Order document (Appendix A) as circulated, to take effect on 6th January 2020;


(b)  That approval be given to submit the Charging Order to the Secretary of State for comment alongside the Full Business Case;


(c)  That it be noted that the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development will be responsible for the implementation of the Leeds Clean Air Zone Charging Order, subject to the Secretary of State’s formal approval of the Full Business Case and their comment upon the Charging Order;


(d)  That it be noted that the Director of City Development will be permitted to make any non-material amendments to the Leeds Clean Air Charging Zone prior to the implementation date of January 2020, in accordance with the existing delegation relating to Highways and Transportation.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute, however, he did clarify that he would continue to provide his support when the Council was approaching Government on related matters)

Lead officer: Polly Cook

21/11/2018 - Channel 4 and TV and Film Sector Growth in Leeds and Leeds City Region ref: 48159    Recommendations Approved

Following Channel 4’s announcement to relocate their Headquarters to Leeds, to seek formal agreement of Executive Board to proposals to support the growth of the Film and TV sector and to implement proposals that support Channel 4’s announced move to Leeds.


Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of City Development submitted a report presenting the steps which were proposed to support the growth of the film and TV sector in the city. Whilst on the back of Channel 4’s recent decision to locate a new National Headquarters in Leeds, the report also presented proposals which sought to realise the potential of the sector in the city.


The Board welcomed the submitted report, highlighted the phenomenal response to Channel 4’s decision which continued to be received and emphasised the significant opportunities which were arising for the city, the city region and the north of England as a result of the successful bid.


In considering the report, the Chair, on behalf of the Board, paid tribute and extended her thanks to the significant efforts of all who had contributed towards the successful bid, with the Chair highlighting the leading role played by the Chief Executive throughout this process.


Emphasis was placed upon the strength of the collaborative partnership approach which had been taken throughout the process, how it could be used as a catalyst for the further growth of the creative sectors in the area, and how the positivity and momentum from this achievement could be utilised to contribute towards a range of projects, such as ‘Leeds 2023’.


Following the consideration of Appendices 1 and 2 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which were considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the decision of Channel 4 to locate its National Headquarters in Leeds be welcomed, and that the economic benefits which this will bring to the city and city region, be noted;


(b)  That the Board’s formal agreement be given to the Council, along with West Yorkshire Combined Authority, entering into arrangements with Channel 4, as per the proposals set out in exempt appendix 1 to the submitted report;


(c)  That city wide engagement be undertaken with partners in the TV and Film sector in order to shape proposals that facilitate the growth of the sector and existing businesses in the city;


(d)  That agreement be given for the Council to take steps to facilitate the expansion of the TV, Film and production capacity in the city, as per the proposals contained within exempt appendix 2 of the submitted report;


(e)  That agreement be given for the Chief Executive to chair a partnership board with Channel 4, West Yorkshire Combined Authority and other partners in order to oversee the initiatives and proposals, as set out in exempt appendix 1 to the submitted report;


(f)  That the Director of City Development be requested to prepare a more detailed report for consideration at a future Executive Board meeting which includes updates on the matters contained within the submitted report.


Lead officer: Lee Arnell

21/11/2018 - Treasury Management Strategy Update 2018/19 ref: 48163    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report providing an update on the Council’s current position of the 2018/19 Treasury Management strategy.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information on the Council’s current borrowing strategy, and the recent approach which had been taken towards longer term borrowing.


RESOLVED – That the update on the Treasury Management borrowing and investment strategy for 2018/19, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted.


21/11/2018 - Financial Health Monitoring 2018/19 - Month 6 ref: 48162    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Chief Officer, Financial Services submitted a report providing an update on the Council’s projected financial health position for 2018/19, as at month 6 of the financial year.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry regarding the budgetary pressure within the Children and Families directorate regarding the Council’s increased contribution towards the One Adoption West Yorkshire Partnership, it was noted that this was a consequence of a national in-year increase in inter-agency placement fees. Further to this, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with a further briefing on such matters.


Also in response to a Member’s enquiry regarding the budgetary pressure within the Communities and Environment directorate and the ongoing review of route efficiencies within the refuse service, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with a further briefing on such matters.



(a)  That the projected financial position of the Authority as at month 6 of the financial year, be noted; 


(b)  That Directors be requested to identify and implement appropriate measures so that a balanced budget position can be delivered.


21/11/2018 - Capital Programme Quarter 2 Update: 2018 - 2022 ref: 48164    Recommendations Approved

Authorise the expenditure of £0.5m towards the new supply affordable housing on the 24 unit scheme being developed at Headley Chase.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report providing an update on the current position of the Council’s Capital Programme as at Quarter 2 of 2018/19. The report sought some specific approvals in relation to funding injections together with a related ‘authority to spend’.



(a)  That the latest position, as at quarter 2 on the General Fund and HRA Capital programmes, be noted;


(b)  That the net increase in the General Fund and HRA Capital Programme 2018-2022 of £109.3m since the Capital Programme update in February 2018, be noted; with it also being noted that these injections and movements are listed in Appendix D to the submitted report, and that £13.574m of schemes require injection approval, as part of the submitted report;


(c)  That it be noted that the borrowing required to fund the Capital Programme in 2018-19 has reduced by £13.8m since the Capital Programme setting in February 2018; with it also being noted that the Capital Programme remains affordable within the approved debt budget for 2018-19, and that further work is underway through regular Capital Programme reviews to ensure that future debt costs are maintained within the overall Medium Term Financial Strategy;


(d)  That the following £13.574m worth of injections into the Capital Programme, as detailed below and as set out in Appendix D of the submitted report, be approved:-

·  £3.402m affordable Housing commuted sums;

·  £2.550m Killingbeck Meadows flood alleviation grant;

·  £2.000m Section 278 housing developments;

·  £0.753m SEND special provision grant;

·  £0.735m A65 Leeds Bradford airport link route grant;

·  £0.669m adaptations to private sector additional 18/19 grant;

·  £0.516m Royal Park Greenspace Enhancements Section 106;

·  £0.500m of additional loan funding towards the new supply of affordable housing on the 24 unit scheme being developed at Headley Chase;

·  £0.490m Kirkgate Market short stay car park;

·  £0.300m fuel poverty fund;

·  £0.300m Silk Mill Drive demolition Insurance receipt;

·  £0.284m capital receipts incentive scheme (CRIS), as detailed at Appendix E to the submitted report;

·  £1.075m remaining 8 smaller schemes, as listed in Appendix D to the submitted report.


(e)  That it be noted that the decision to inject funding, as detailed at resolution (d) (above) will be implemented by the Chief Officer - Financial Services;


(f)  That the expenditure of £0.500m towards new supply affordable housing on the 24 unit scheme being developed at Headley Chase, be authorised.

Lead officer: Bhupinder Chana

21/11/2018 - Changing the Workplace - Completion of Phase 1 ref: 48161    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


Further to Minute No. 173, 20th April 2016, the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report on the completion of Phase 1 of the ‘Changing the Workplace’ programme. Also, the report provided an updated savings estimate from Phase 1.


Members welcomed the achievements of the initiative to date and the proposal to continue the project in order to realise further asset efficiencies, where appropriate.



(a)  That the successful delivery of Phase 1 of the ‘Changing the Workplace’ programme, be noted;


(b)  That it be noted that Phase 1 of the ‘Changing the Workplace’ programme is now complete and that the 2016 refresh of the 2012 Phase 1 business case now indicates total Net Present Value savings of £27m;


(c)  That a further Capital Programme saving of £9m, be noted;


(d)  That the continued transition of staff onto ‘Changing the Workplace’ principles be supported, with the scoping of a further phase of the programme to realise further asset efficiencies also being supported.

21/11/2018 - Rugby League World Cup 2021 ref: 48160    Recommendations Approved

To update Executive Board on the original bid made to Rugby League World Cup 2021 and the work of the Council and partners at the candidate stage.  Executive Board will also be asked to agree to the Council entering into a hosting agreement with RLWC2021 Ltd. and providing revenue support towards the hosting fee.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided an outline of the benefits of Leeds hosting games, teams and training camps for the Rugby League World Cup 2021. Also, the report looked to confirm the basis of the Leeds bid and sought approval for the Council to enter into a host city agreement on behalf of the city and its partners.


Following the consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the original bid made to RLWC2021 on the 31st July 2018, be noted;


(b)  That the work of the Council and its partners at the Candidate stage of the process, be noted;


(c)  That the value of the ‘in kind’ support offered by stakeholders and the Council, be noted;


(d)  That the contents of exempt Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be noted;


(e)  That agreement be given to the City Council entering into a hosting agreement with RLWC2021 Ltd.;


(f)  That agreement be given to the Council providing revenue support of a maximum of £150,000 towards the hosting fee;


(g)  That agreement be given for the Chief Officer Culture and Sport to enter into the hosting agreement, by using delegated powers;


(h)  That it be agreed that the Chief Officer Culture and Sport is responsible for the implementation of such matters.


Lead officer: Mark Allman

21/11/2018 - Community Asset Transfer of Yeadon Town Hall to Yeadon Town Hall Community Interest Company ref: 48157    Recommendations Approved

To approve the Community Asset Transfer of Yeadon Town Hall to Yeadon Town Hall Community Interest Company by way of a 50 year full repairing and insuring lease for nil premium and peppercorn rental.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of City Development and the Director of Communities and Environment submitted a joint report which sought approval for the community asset transfer of Yeadon Town Hall to Yeadon Town Hall Community Interest Company (CIC) by way of a 50 year lease at nil consideration and peppercorn rental.


Responding to a Member’s request, assurance was provided that Guiseley and Rawdon Ward Councillors would continue to be briefed as appropriate on the proposals, with specific reference to the war memorial and related memorial plaques which affected that Ward.


Also responding to a Member’s enquiry, assurance was provided that when Community Asset Transfers were being considered, a consistent approach was taken by the Council with the aim of ensuring that the most beneficial outcome for the local community was secured.



(a)  That a 50 year full repairing and insuring lease for Yeadon Town Hall to Yeadon Town Hall Community Interest Company for nil premium and a peppercorn rental, be approved;


(b)  That it be noted that the Director of City Development is responsible for negotiating and agreeing final terms and granting the lease, subject to dealing with any issues relating to the trust that may arise;


(c)  That it be noted that the lease is conditional on the Yeadon Town Hall CIC changing its status to become a CIC limited by guarantee; with the Council having representation on the CIC’s board, and with the board representation being agreed in accordance with the Council’s Appointments to Outside Bodies Procedure Rules.


Wards affected: Otley and Yeadon;

Lead officer: Neil Charlesworth

21/11/2018 - Design and Cost Report for the Development and Enhancement of Green Space at Royal Park Road ref: 48158    Recommendations Approved

A decision on plans to develop a new green space at a cost of £517k on the site of the former Royal Park School.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


Further to Minute No. 31, 13th July 2013, the Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report providing an update on plans to develop a new greenspace on the site of the former Royal Park School which aimed to both integrate with the adjoining pre-existing green space and also provide an enhanced holistic area for community use.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report.



(a)  That the principle of developing the site detailed within the submitted report as a community green space which is to be integrated and developed into the existing parkland, be supported;


(b)  That the design principle and features, as set out in the submitted report, as the foundation for developing the site and planning determination, be endorsed;


(c)  That the injection of £516.6k from S106 into capital scheme 33028/000/000 which would be towards the development of the former Royal Park school site as a community park and the creation of an integrated, holistic community green space, be authorised; with it being noted that the allocation of S106 in line with available funds within relevant schemes is already delegated to the Chief Officer Parks and Countryside;


(d)  That authority to spend £516.6k from capital scheme 33028/000/000 to implement elements which are included in the masterplan, be approved, subject to the outcome of the planning submission for the scheme;


(e)  That the principle of developing the site in a phased approach, based on the masterplan design proposal outlined in the submitted report, be supported; and that proposals to pursue funding applications to add value to the capital investment, as set out in the submitted report, be endorsed;


(f)  That subject to ongoing consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and Active Lifestyles and the Deputy Executive Member, responsibility for implementing the scheme be deferred and delegated to the Chief Officer Parks and Countryside, in line with the project’s programme, as set out at paragraph 3.14 of the submitted report.


Wards affected: Headingley and Hyde Park; Little London and Woodhouse;

Lead officer: Tony Stringwell

21/11/2018 - Affordable Housing Commuted Sums - The Delivery of Mixed Communities ref: 48155    Recommendations Approved

Executive Board will be requested to support the Council’s intention to submit a Housing Infrastructure Fund bid to unlock the development of new homes in the city, agree the proposed approach to the deployment of commuted sums and approve the authority to spend of £4.9m of Affordable Housing Commuted Sums towards the Council New Build Scheme at Meynell Approach.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


Further to Minute No. 70, 21st September 2016, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an overview of affordable housing commuted sums available to the Council and which sought approval for the investment of this funding into a range of new supply affordable housing schemes, primarily focussing upon the city centre and its fringe areas in order to support the provision of mixed communities.


Regarding the proposed development at Meynell Approach, Members noted that it was being used as a pilot for Modern Methods of Construction. As such, responding to a Member’s enquiry, officers undertook to monitor the progress of this development and would take into consideration any potential benefits that this alternative method of construction may be able to provide for future developments. In response, the Member in question requested that he be kept updated on the performance of this alternative construction method.



(a)  That the Council’s intention to submit a Housing Infrastructure Fund bid which will support and unlock the development of new homes in the city centre, as set out at paras 3.1 – 3.6 of the submitted report, be noted and supported;


(b)  That the proposed approach towards the deployment of commuted sums, as set out at paragraphs 3.10 – 3.20 of the submitted report be agreed, and should any revisions be required, the necessary authority  be delegated to the Director of City Development to enable the Director to determine these, in consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning;


(c)  That it be noted that further work is underway with developers to establish opportunities for the delivery of additional affordable housing on sites across the city centre using funding available to the Council;


(d)  That the intention that the Council enters into a Collaboration Agreement with the owner of the former Hobby Horse Public House at Lovell Park Hill, as a means of securing delivery of affordable homes and the regeneration of a derelict site, as set out in paragraph 3.14 of the submitted report, be noted;


(e)  That the injection of £3.402m Affordable Housing Commuted Sums, be approved and that ‘authority to spend’ of £4.86m, be granted, which will be funded by the £3.402m Affordable Housing Commuted Sums and £1.458m from the Right to Buy Replacement Programme, towards the Council New Build scheme at Meynell Approach.


Lead officer: Sarah May

21/11/2018 - Council Housing Growth Programme - Delivery of New Build Social Housing ref: 48156    Recommendations Approved

This decision seeks permission to invest in new social housing as part of the Council Housing Growth Programme.


Affected wards are: Gipton & Harehills, Armley, Killingbeck & Seacroft, Temple Newsam, Adel & Wharfedale, Farnley & Wortley, Beeston & Holbeck.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report providing an update on the Council Housing New Build Programme, and which set out proposals for the delivery of further new Council housing across the city.


In discussing the role of Housing Companies, it was noted that the Council would consider the establishment of Housing Companies, or other delivery vehicles in the future, if it was felt that they were an appropriate method of delivering Council housing provision at that time.


Responding to an enquiry, Members were advised that should the full allocation of the Homes England Grant not to be received, then further Right to Buy receipts could be utilised, and with this in mind, Members’ attention was drawn to the fact that the report sought the Board’s approval to delegate the decision regarding the final funding mix for each scheme to the Director of Resources and Housing in order to provide a degree of flexibility.


A Member commented upon the sole use of Council owned land for the proposed developments within the report and highlighted the need to ensure the delivery of mixed communities across the city in the future. In response, it was noted that Council owned sites had been identified in this instance in order to swiftly evidence the deliverability of the proposals, given that this was in response to a time limited bid framework from Government. However, it was noted that following the abolition of the HRA borrowing cap, in future a city wide search for appropriate sites would be undertaken, within the parameters of appropriate land values which were in line with social and affordable rents.



(a)  That the scope of the Council’s new housing scheme proposals be approved, and that the use of the sites included in Table 1 of the submitted report for the delivery of new general needs Council housing for social rent, also be approved; and that any decisions on disposal of Council land / acquisition of private land to facilitate these schemes be delegated to the Director of City Development;


(b)  That the proposed investment in delivery of new social housing as part of the Council Housing Growth Programme, be approved, with support being provided for any bids for funding which are required;


(c)  That the decision regarding the final funding mix for each housing  scheme taken forward  be delegated to the Director of Resources and Housing;


(d)  That the necessary authority to procure and award contract for each housing scheme be delegated to the Director of Resources and Housing;


(e)  That the position in relation to capital receipts arising from the inclusion of the identified sites in the programme, be noted;


(f)  That a further report regarding progress being made with the delivery of the programme be submitted to Executive Board in 2019.


Wards affected: Adel and Wharfedale; Armley; Beeston and Holbeck; Farnley and Wortley; Gipton and Harehills; Killingbeck and Seacroft; Temple Newsam;

Lead officer: Mark Denton

21/11/2018 - Leeds City Region Connectivity Strategy and Connecting Leeds Update ref: 48154    Recommendations Approved

For Executive Board to agree that officers continue to work in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to develop the Leeds City Region Connectivity Strategy, to endorse establishing a Member Working Group to oversee the Strategy and the commencement of a conversation with the public.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of City Development submitted a report providing a summary of the update presented to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) at November’s Transport Committee on the Leeds City Region Connectivity Strategy. The report focused upon the implications of this piece of work for the city, outlining the work undertaken to date, and the forthcoming engagement on the strategy.


Members welcomed the approach being taken in respect of the strategy.


Responding to a Member’s comment regarding the extent of the vision detailed within the submitted report and the need for that to include communities to the north, north east and north west of the city, the Board was provided with further information on the future proposals for those areas and how such proposals would look to complement and strengthen existing infrastructure. Members also received further information on the continued engagement with relevant authorities on the development of such proposals.


Also, the Board noted a request that as part of the development of the HS2 line into the city, consideration be given to those communities affected by such a significant construction, to ensure that any impact on those communities was minimised wherever possible.



(a)  That the update on the work undertaken to date by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to progress the Leeds City Region Connectivity Strategy, as reported to the Combined Authority Transport Committee, be noted;


(b)  That officers be requested to continue to work in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to drive forward the Leeds City Region Connectivity Strategy in order to deliver appropriate solutions for the city;


(c)  That endorsement be given to the establishment of a Member working group to oversee the connectivity and mass transit strategy;


(d)  That the commencement of a conversation with the public and stakeholders around the role of mass transit, as a part of the solution to the economic and transport challenges facing West Yorkshire, be endorsed;


(e)  That agreement be given the Chief Officer for Highways and Transportation to update the Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy and submit it for consideration to Executive Board in summer 2019.


Lead officer: Paul Foster

21/11/2018 - Design and Cost report for Temple Works, Holbeck, South Bank ref: 48150    Recommendations Approved

Executive Board will be asked to approve the principles that support the restoration of Temple Works.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to the principles and a package of support by which the Council can work with Commercial Estates Group to support restoration proposals to bring the Grade I listed Temple Works in Holbeck, South Bank back into use. The report also sought approval of a related injection into the capital programme together with ‘authority to spend’ in order to facilitate urgent interim weather proofing to protect the building from ongoing water ingress before the onset of winter.


Following the consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)  That approval be given for the Council to work with CEG to agree proposals for the longer term restoration of Temple Works;


(b)  That approval be given to the policy principles, as set out at section 5 of the submitted report, as a basis by which the Council will support a restoration of Temple Works, including if necessary the principle of acquiring adjoining land by way of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) (subject to an indemnity agreement being entered into);


(c)  That approval be given to the injection of £100,000 into the Capital Programme 33020 for the provision of grant support for urgent weather proofing works at Temple Works, and that the necessary authority to spend these sums be delegated to the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning;


(d)  That approval be given for the Director of City Development, in accordance with the terms as set out in exempt appendix 1 to the submitted report, to produce and negotiate:-

(i)  legal agreements with CEG for the disposal of Council assets at Bath Road, Sweet Street and Leodis Court and where necessary, develops a vacant possession strategy for these assets;

(ii)  a grant agreement with CEG setting out the terms by which the Council will provide a restoration grant to help to restore Temple Works;

(iii)  a contribution of up to £560,000 from existing S106 contributions for public realm enhancements to Marshall Street which could include new public open space at the front of Temple Works;

(iv)  a CPO indemnity agreement with CEG.


(e)  That the Director of City Development be requested to submit a further report to Executive Board, providing an update on progress and seeking approval to:-

(i)  enter into legal agreements once negotiated and finalised;

(ii)  make a Compulsory Purchase Order if necessary to facilitate the land assembly required to deliver CEG’s scheme on the basis that any land proposed for a CPO would link to a restoration of Temple Works.


(f)  That the intention that CEG will be able to apply for a further grant contribution of up to £650k to fund stabilisation works at Temple Works, be noted, and that such an application would be funded by future land receipts and be subject to Council approval and further due diligence;


(g)  That approval be given for the Council’s land at Bath Road, Leodis Court and Sweet Street to be appropriated for the purposes of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, so as to facilitate CEG’s proposals and the proper planning of the area.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)



Wards affected: Beeston and Holbeck;

Lead officer: Lee Arnell

21/11/2018 - Outer Ring Road Cycle Superhighway Design and Cost Report ref: 48153    Recommendations Approved

Leeds City Council was successful in securing £3.2m funding from the National Productivity Investment Fund to provide a segregated cycle track on the Outer Ring Road between the Alwoodley Shopping Centre and the A58 at Wellington Hill.  The decision will give the approval needed for the DfT grant to be injected into the Capital Programme and thereby enable the construction of the cycle track.  It will also approve the outline design of the facility.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


Further to Minute No. 150, 8th February 2017, the Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval for proposals regarding the Outer Ring Road Cycle Superhighway and which requested authority to progress delivery of the Phase 1 scheme at a total estimated cost of £3,200 000 to be funded entirely through the Department for Transport’s (DfT) National Productivity Investment Fund grant.


Responding to an enquiry, the Board was advised that the Council would be liable to cover any scheme overspend, however, Members were also provided with further information on the actions which were being taken to mitigate any risks.


Also in response to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further information on the current provision of cycling facilities and cycle networks in south Leeds, together with the plans in place to develop further cycle schemes in the south of the city.



(a)  That the design and cost to implement the cycle superhighway along the Outer Ring Road between the new ELOR junction at Red Hall and King Lane (as set out in Section 3 of the submitted report and as shown on the drawing number 2018CAP01/LCC/WHT/XX/DR/CH/MI_01 in Appendix 1) be approved; and that authority to incur expenditure of £3,200,000, to be wholly funded from the DfT National Productivity Investment Fund grant, as Phase 1 of the Outer Ring Road cycle superhighway, also be approved;


(b)  That approval be granted for the invitation of tenders for works, as set out in paragraph 6.11 of the submitted report, and subject to the tender sums being within the tendered budget, approval and authorisation be given for the award of the Contract to undertake the construction of the scheme;


(c)  That with reference to the powers contained in Section 66(4) of the Highways Act 1980, approval be given for the relevant lengths of footway shown on the drawing 2018CAP01/LCC/WHT/XX/DR/CH/MI_01 as proposed cycle tracks (detailed within Appendix 1 to the submitted report), to be removed, and that following the removal of the footways, cycle tracks be constructed under the powers contained under the provisions of section 65(1) of the Highways Act 1980 for shared joint use by pedal cyclists and pedestrians;


(d)  That approval be given to delegate the necessary authority to promote cycle track orders, should they be required, with delegated authority being provided to the Director of City Development who would receive reports for progressing any specific cycle track orders from the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation), with such orders being progressed under the relevant powers in sections 115E, 115F and 115K of the Highways Act 1980 and other related legislation as appropriate;


(e)  That the necessary authority be provided to the Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) to enable the Chief Officer to receive reports concerning all Traffic Regulation Orders as required, necessary for, and related to the purposes of the scheme, and to also ensure the scheme’s progression.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he voted against the decisions referred to within this minute)


Wards affected: Alwoodley; Cross Gates and Whinmoor; Harewood; Moortown; Roundhay;

Lead officer: Kasia Speakman

21/11/2018 - The Great Jobs Agenda ref: 48149    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of City Development and the Director of Resources and Housing submitted a joint report assessing how the current and planned work of the Council supported and complimented that of the ‘Great Jobs Agenda’ and which recommended that the Board endorsed the campaign and continued to align activity where appropriate.


A Member raised comments regarding the rates of pay for those undertaking services commissioned by the Council and in respect of the pay rates of those companies using Council owned premises. In response, it was highlighted that although the Council was not a regulatory body for pay levels, it was undertaking a range of actions to lead by example, such as the Council’s payment of the Living Wage Foundation’s minimum pay rate, the work being undertaken by the Council as part of its role in the Local Economic Partnership and Business Improvement District, together with engagement being undertaken with trade unions.



(a)  That the aims of the ‘Great Jobs Agenda’ be endorsed, together with endorsement being given to continue to seek to meet the related standards, as detailed within the submitted report, in order to provide better jobs that offer a living wage and good working conditions;


(b)  That the aligned strategies and place based programmes currently being progressed under the Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy, be noted, together with the Leeds Talent and Skills Plan, with the aim of engaging with a wider range of employers to provide great jobs;


(c)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for all employment issues within the Council, including engagement with the trade unions is the Chief Officer Human Resources; and that the officers responsible for the aligned intervention to support wide employer engagement on the those issues detailed within the submitted report are the Chief Officer Economic Development and the Chief Officer Employment and Skills.



21/11/2018 - Otley Civic Centre, Cross Green, Otley, LS21 1HD - Future ownership ref: 48151    Recommendations Approved

Consideration of the offers and development proposals received for Otley Civic Centre, alternative uses to which it could be put, and to approve a recommendation to dispose.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented the options available to the Council regarding the future of Otley Civic Centre, the public consultation relating to its future, and the Council’s possible involvement in the expansion of Otley Courthouse, which could provide more performance and community space in Otley.


A Member raised concerns regarding the proposals and as such made a request that the matter be referred to the next available meeting of the relevant Scrutiny Board to enable further detailed consideration to be undertaken on issues including: the views of local Ward Councillors and local residents, and also the extensive work which has been undertaken by the Council on such matters over a significant period of time.


Members made reference to correspondence on this issue which had been received from a local resident. In addition, it was noted that correspondence had also been received from a local Ward Councillor regarding North Parade, in that the local Councillor had requested that the full plan of North Parade be agreed before reserving land for Otley Court House and its use for affordable housing.


Following the consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the proposals detailed within the submitted report be referred to the next available meeting of the relevant Scrutiny Board for consideration;


(b)  That should the Scrutiny Board be supportive of the proposals detailed within the submitted report, then the following be agreed:-

(i)  That the interest in Otley Civic Centre and the options available to the Council relating to the future of the property, be noted;

(ii)  That the disposal of Otley Civic Centre on the terms as recommended in exempt appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved; and that the approval of any variation to the final terms be delegated to the Director of City Development in consultation with the Executive Members for Regeneration, Transport and Planning;

(iii)  That the Otley Courthouse emerging expansion proposals be noted; that agreement be given for part of the Council’s North Parade Depot to be reserved for the expansion of the Courthouse; and that the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development, to enable the Director to enter into negotiations with the Courthouse in order to agree appropriate terms, which will include public access; OR


(c)  That should the Scrutiny Board not be supportive of the proposals detailed within the submitted report, then the matter be re-submitted to Executive Board together with the Scrutiny Board’s observations, as part of an updated report for Member’s consideration.


(During the consideration of this item, Councillor Blake drew the Board’s attention to the fact that she was a former member Otley Town Council)


Wards affected: Otley and Yeadon;

Lead officer: Edward Rowland

21/11/2018 - Provision of Specialist Accommodation for Working Age Adults on land at Queensway, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7RD ref: 48152    Recommendations Approved

Sale of land for the development of independent living accommodation for adults with learning difficulties in accordance with the Council’s Best Council Plan priorities of improving housing, health and wellbeing and creating safe strong communities.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of City Development and the Director of Adults and Health submitted a joint report on a proposal to sell surplus Council owned land to enable the building of specialist residential accommodation for working age adults with learning and physical disabilities in support of the ‘Ordinary Lives’ project, as established by the Adults and Health directorate.


Following the consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the sale of the subject land to the recommended purchaser as identified within exempt appendix 1 to the submitted report, at a less than best purchase price, in order to build specialist residential accommodation for working age adults with learning and physical disabilities, be approved;


(b)  That approval be given for the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning, to progress with the disposal of the subject land;


(c)  That approval be given for the necessary authority to be delegated to the Director of City Development in order to enable the Director to approve any subsequent amendments to the terms of the disposal under the scheme of officer delegation, in consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning.



Wards affected: Guiseley and Rawdon;

Lead officer: Edward Rowland

21/11/2018 - Thriving: A Child Poverty Strategy ref: 48148    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of Children and Families submitted a report which proposed a new, innovative way of working, incorporating research based intelligence with policies and projects to assess the most effective low cost, high impact solutions to improve the lives of children and young people in poverty.


Responding to a Member’s comments, the Board received assurances that there was an urgency in the approach being taken to address the issue of child poverty in Leeds, with Members being provided with details of the actions currently being taken and those which were planned for the future.


Further details were also provided on how the impact of the actions would be monitored and measured, with it being noted that in line with this, a ‘plan on a page’ document for the strategy was intended to be submitted to a future meeting of the Board for Members’ consideration.


With regard to the role of academic research, it was highlighted that such research was informing the actions being taken to ensure that the effectiveness of any interventions was maximised, with it also being noted that the findings of such research would help to continue to build a base of data around the extent and impact of child poverty nationally, and specifically in Leeds.


Specifically regarding the issue of period poverty, it was noted that a dedicated report on this matter was scheduled to be submitted to the Board in December 2018.



(a)  That the approach towards developing ‘Thriving: A Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds’, be approved;


(b)  That having reflected upon the barriers faced by children who live in poverty,  the approach towards the development of the child poverty work across Leeds, including the work being undertaken with children, young people, families and communities in order to eradicate these barriers, be endorsed;


(c)  That it be noted that the Director of Children and Families is responsible for the implementation of such matters.





21/11/2018 - Support for Care Leavers ref: 48147    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 21/11/2018 - Executive Board

Decision published: 26/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of Children and Families submitted a report which provided an update on the local and national ambitions to improve the lives of Care Leavers. The report also sought support for the ongoing work which was being undertaken with the aim of improving support for Leeds’ Care Leavers.


Members welcomed the submitted report, with reference being made to the support being provided to Care Leavers in response to the roll out of Universal Credit, the partnership approach which was needed to maximise the effectiveness of the support package and the ambition in Leeds to not only meet but exceed the new statutory requirements for Care Leavers.



(a)  That the strong track record of Leeds’ support within our offer to care leavers, be noted, and that the direction and intentions to engage wider partners, services and stake holders in enhancing these services, including a whole Council commitment to improving outcomes for Care Leavers, be supported;


(b)  That the Board’s supports for the Council’s ambition to not only deliver the new national standards, but to go further to support Leeds’ Care Leavers as long as they need that support, be confirmed;


(c)  That a ‘Whole Council’ commitment for Care Leavers, with a clear and specific commitment from each directorate setting out how they will work to promote better outcomes for care leavers and support the shared principle of collective responsibility when answering ‘would this be good enough for my child’, be supported;


(d)  That the Care Leavers Offer, as detailed within the submitted report, be approved;


(e)  That it be noted that the Head of Service for Children Looked After is responsible for the implementation of such matters.




23/11/2018 - Replacement parts and machinery plant and equipment– Waiver of Contracts Procedure Rule 9.1 and 9.2 High Value Procurement. ref: 48146    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 23/11/2018

Effective from:


The Chief Officer for Parks and Countryside approved the requests:

- to use the authority set out in Contract Procedure Rule (CPR) 1.3 to waive Contracts Procedure Rule No 9.1 and 9.2 – High Value Procurement – to enter into a contract for the procurement of specialist machinery, plant and equipment as set out within the report.

- to give the authority to spend no more than £170k in total from existing resources in the capital programme on the procurement of specialist machinery, plant and equipment with the companies set out within the report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Joanne Clough

23/11/2018 - Approval of a care plan to the value of up to £250,000 per annum ref: 48145    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 23/11/2018

Effective from:


The Deputy Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £157,976.00.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

23/11/2018 - Approval of a care plan to the value of up to £250,000 per annum ref: 48144    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 23/11/2018

Effective from:


The Deputy Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £223,600.00.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

22/11/2018 - Council Housing Growth Programme: Commissioning of a Utility Service Survey and Early Commencement of Utility Re-direction and Disconnection Works and Enablement Works on the Beeches (Gipton) and Nevilles (Osmondthorpe) Sites. ref: 48143    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 22/11/2018

Effective from:


The Director of Resources and Housing approved the requests for the Housing Growth team to:
a) commission a Utility Services Survey and associated re-direction and disconnection works
b) commence a package of enabling works on the Beeches and Nevilles sites in November 2018
c) enter into an early works agreement with Willmott Partnership Homes Limited for Utility Services Survey, re-direction and disconnection works, and enablement works. The contract period will be for a period of approximately 4 months and the overall value will be £670,000.

Wards affected: Gipton and Harehills; Temple Newsam;

Lead officer: Christopher Wagner

22/11/2018 - Request to waive Contracts’ Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 in order to enter into a contract with Grandparents Plus for a period of 18 months at a value of £78000 ref: 48142    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 22/11/2018

Effective from:


The Head of One Adoption West Yorkshire approved the waiver of Contracts’ Procedure Rules 8.1 & 8.2 (intermediate value procurement) in order to enter into a 18 month contract with Grandparents Plus.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Carmel Kent

20/11/2018 - Approval of a care plan to the value of £300,000 or over per annum ref: 48141    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 20/11/2018

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £335,140.00.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

20/11/2018 - Authority to award the supply of vehicles from the vehicle framework contract ref: 48140    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 20/11/2018

Effective from:


Director of Resources and Housing agreed to
• Approve the award of the contract for the provision of up to 8 high roof vans across four specifications to the value of £111,496.30 to Peugeot Motor Company PLC,
• Approve the award of the contract for the provision of 2 x 3.5t standard tippers to the value of £39,539.56 to Peugeot Motor Company PLC,
• Approve the award of the contract for the provision of 5 x 3.5t Luton vans to the value of £113,123.30 to Peugeot Motor Company PLC, and
• Approve the award of the contract for the provision of a 3.5t standard dropside tipper to the value of £18,249.78 to Peugeot Motor Company PLC.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Terry Pycroft

20/11/2018 - Headrow Money Line loan ref: 48139    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 20/11/2018

Effective from:


The Director of Communities and Environment agreed the decision to approve a £245k loan to enable the Community Development Finance Institution - Headrow Money Line (HML) - to continue to provide loans to those unable to access more affordable forms of borrowing.
Appendix A to this report has been marked as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rules 10.4 (3) on the basis that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) which, if disclosed to the public, would, or would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of that person or of the Council. The information is exempt if and for so long as in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. In this case the report author considers that it is in the public interest to maintain the exemption

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Roberts

19/11/2018 - CIPFA Apprenticeships procurement waiver ref: 48138    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 19/11/2018

Effective from:


The Chief Officer Financial services agreed to approve the awarding of a contract to CIPFA Education and Training Centre (CTEC) for the delivery of level 7 accountancy apprenticeships for 4 Trainee Professional Accountants, 2 to start the course in February 2019 and 2 to start February 2020

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Steven Neill

26/11/2018 - Call off from the Windows and Doors framework for contractors to undertake 2019/20 housing planned works ref: 48130    

Authority is requested to call off from the housing Windows and Doors framework agreement, in line with the council’s Contracts Procedure Rules 3.1.6, in order to carry out a competition exercise to select and subsequently appoint two contractors to undertake such works in 2019/20.  These works are part of the housing capital programme.

The current estimated value of Windows and Doors housing planned works in 2019/20 is approximately £2m. 

The Windows and Doors framework was procured during 2017, and contains four contractors. These contractors are used for works that are not able to be delivered in house. Annual contracts for works are placed from this following a selection procedure involving price competition. 

Contract awards will be the subject of a Significant Operational Decision.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 16/11/2018

Effective from: 04/12/2018


The  Director of Resources and Housing approves the call off from the Windows and Doors framework agreement for approximately £2.15m for the financial year 2019/20 (framework year 2) for housing planned works, leading to the resulting allocation of work and annual contracts in line with the selection procedure.


These works are part of the housing capital programme, and the call-off is in line with the council’s Contracts Procedure Rules 3.1.6. It will involve a competition exercise between the four framework contractors to select and subsequently appoint an expected two contractors to undertake works in 2019/20.  The selection procedure involves price competition.

Following internal consultation Leeds Building Services as internal service provider will manage the works, using external contractors under the existing bespoke framework agreement. The Windows and Doors framework was procured during 2017.

The decision on contractor selection leading to contract awards will be a resulting Significant Operational Decision

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jon Andrews

26/11/2018 - Call off from the Re-Roofing and Associated Works framework for contractors to undertake 2019/20 housing planned works ref: 48129    

Authority is requested to call off from the housing Re-Roofing and Associated Works framework agreement, in line with the council’s Contracts Procedure Rules 3.1.6, in order to carry out a competition exercise to select and subsequently appoint two contractors to undertake such works in 2019/20.  These works are part of the housing capital programme.

The current estimated value of Re-Roofing and Associated Works housing planned works in 2019/20 is £2.5m, including those works that will be undertaken by Leeds Building Services as internal service provider. 

The Re-Roofing and Associated Works framework was procured during 2017, and contains four contractors. These contractors are used for works that are not able to be delivered in house. Annual contracts for works are placed from this following a selection procedure involving price competition. 

Contract awards will be the subject of a Significant Operational Decision.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 16/11/2018

Effective from: 04/12/2018


The  Director of Resources and Housing approves the call off from the Re-roofing and Associated Works framework agreement for approximately £4m for the financial year 2019/20 (framework year 2) for housing planned works, leading to the resulting allocation of work and annual contracts in line with the selection procedure.


These works are part of the housing capital programme, and the call-off is in line with the council’s Contracts Procedure Rules 3.1.6. It will involve a competition exercise between the four framework contractors to select and subsequently appoint an expected two contractors to undertake works in 2019/20.  The selection procedure involves price competition.

Following internal consultation Leeds Building Services as internal service provider will manage the works as well as undertake some works directly, with approximately £4m to be delivered by external contractors under the existing bespoke framework agreement. The Re-roofing and Associated Works framework was procured during 2017. 


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jon Andrews

26/11/2018 - Commissioning of a new White Rose Framework Residential Contract Arrangement on behalf of Yorkshire and Humber regional partners. ref: 48135    

To approve the commissioning and procurement of a new contract agreement which will replace the current White Rose Looked After Children Residential Framework. This is a framework in which Leeds is the procurement lead on behalf of 14 local authorities that make up the White Rose Consortium. The contract will replace the current arrangement which is an interim contract that was started in August 2017 and has a maximum length of 2 years including an extension. The intended start date of the new contract is August 2019.

It will enable Local Authorities to make placements as required through invoicing by providers to the placements invoicing team in line with submitted prices at the point of joining the framework, but there is no commitment to any expenditure. It also enables us to monitor the quality of these services through contract management and meet the sufficiency needs of both Leeds and our partners by effective market management and promotion of working together to improve service delivery.

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 16/11/2018

Effective from: 04/12/2018


The Deputy Director of Children and Families approved the procurement of the White Rose Children Looked After Residential Contract Agreement.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Pat Michael

26/11/2018 - Waiver of CPR9 to call-off from the CCS framework for Purchasing Cards and approval to procure new contract. ref: 48137    

The waiver of Contract Procedure Rules CPR9.1 and 9.2 to make a further direct award of contract to Lloyds Banking Group PLC for one year on the same terms and conditions as the current contract. After which to approve the procurement of a new purchasing card contract in accordance with CPR3.1.8 in a mini competition process utilising the updated Crown Commercial Services Framework.


Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 16/11/2018

Effective from: 04/12/2018


The Chief Officer of Shared Services approved the waiver of Contract Procedure Rules CPR9.1 and 9.2 to make a further direct award of a contract to Lloyds Banking Group PLC for 16 months and 18 days on the same terms and conditions as the current contract.  This will cover the period 1st April 2019 to 18th August 2020 after which the intention is to procure a new purchasing card contract in a mini competition process utilising the updated Crown Commercial Service’s Framework Contract.  The Chief Officer of Shared Service also approved the procurement of a new purchasing card contract in accordance with CPR3.1.8.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tony Newbould

23/11/2018 - Adult Operational Services - Service Review ref: 48128    Recommendations Approved

The current Adult Operational Service consists of 6 teams, undertaking a variety of functions in relation to Clients’ finances and maximising income collection through client contribution.

A review has been undertaken and it has identified that additional resources are required to seek a permanent solution to

·  Current delays and backlogs of work

·  Work areas struggling with current areas of work

·  Address service planning issues

·  Address clarity of roles that have not been reviewed in 10 years, and

·  Provide opportunities to develop and administer improvements in income collection potential.

It is anticipated that an additional 11 FTE’s are required at a total annual cost of £418k.

It is anticipated that the above cost of £418k can be met by a variety of sources

·  Better Care Fund - £100k pa for 2018/19 & 2019/20

·  Additional income from CCG’s for DP Audit work - £32k pa (bid submitted)

·  Release of revenue reserves £100k pa for 2018/19 & 2019/20

·  Additional income generated from increased resources and ability to undertake a more proactive approach to income generation – income targets to be increased by £200k pa

It is also anticipated that the team when fully resourced will be fundamental to the department’s additional income collection target of £7m by 2022/23.


Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 15/11/2018

Effective from: 01/12/2018


The Director of Adults and Health approved the recommendation for additional resources of 11 FTE’s within the Adult Operational Service at an annual cost of £397k plus one off additional costs of £11k for laptops (in 18/19). It is anticipated that these costs can be met by a variety of sources and are critical to improving the Council’s income collection performance in relation to Adult Social Care client contribution.


The Senior Finance Manager will implement this decision directly after it has been taken, subject to the necessary clearance process being completed.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Cheryl Ward

22/11/2018 - Approval to Tender the Highways and Transportation Consultancy Contracts ref: 48123    Recommendations Approved

Approval to Tender the Highways and Transportation Consultancy Contracts.

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 14/11/2018

Effective from: 30/11/2018


The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):

i)  noted the content of this report;

ii)  authorised the development of a procurement model and strategy based on the content of this report and prepare the associated tender documentation;

iii)  endorsed any necessary market engagement prior to formal tender; and

iv)  authorised the procurement of the recommended contracts through the OJEU procedure.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Russell

21/11/2018 - Leeds Dynamic Signing Phase 3 2018 ref: 48116    

Approval for the upgrade of existing stock and further development of Variable Message Signs.  

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 13/11/2018

Effective from: 29/11/2018


The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):

i)  gave approval to the purchase of Variable Message Signs at a total scheme cost of £250,000 to provide for new installations and to replace existing obsolete installations; and

ii)  gave authority to incur expenditure of £232,000 works costs and £18,000 staff costs, to be funded from the LTP Transport Policy Capital Programme.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Richard Tallant

20/11/2018 - Approval to vary onto and extend the White Rose Framework Agreement for the supply of the provision and education to young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on behalf of Yorkshire and Humber regional partners and to award ref: 48111    

Approval is sought to extend and refresh the regional Framework Agreement for the supply of the provision and education to young people with special educational needs and disabilities and to award to new providers following the refresh process as detailed below.

This Framework Agreement was awarded on 01/04/2017 to 31/03/2019 with the option for a refresh on a 12 monthly basis for existing providers to re-submit their base costs attributable to their provision of service and to permit the introduction of new providers to the Framework Agreement for a period of 12-months.

The Framework Agreement also includes the option to extend for a further 2 periods of 12 months on the same terms and conditions as the existing agreement.

Approval is therefore being sought to refresh and extend the agreement for a twelve month period from 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020.

This Framework Agreement enables Local Authorities to make placements as required but there is no commitment to any expenditure.

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 12/11/2018

Effective from: 28/11/2018


The Director of Children and Families agreed to vary and extend the regional Framework Agreement White Rose Independent Education or Education and Care Placements for Children with Special Education Needs and Disability; and

to award the framework agreement for the supply of the provision and education to young people with special educational needs and disabilities to new providers, following the refresh process.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Pat Michael

20/11/2018 - Award of Contract: DN288807 Corporate Telematics ref: 45073    For Determination

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 21/12/2017

Effective from: 20/11/2018


. The Director of Resources and Housing agreed to approve the request to award a contract to Masternaut to the value of £226,000 per year (suppliers actual bid price, £452,000 over the life of the 2 year contract) through the YPO framework for corporate telematics for 2 years from Autumn 2017 with the option to extend a further 2 years.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Michael Judge