Details of officer decisions relating to planning applications.
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 22/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer (Highways and
Transportation) was requested to:
a) Note the contents of this report and the objections detailed in
Appendix A.
b) Consider and taking into account the comments made, overrule the
objections received to Leeds City Council (Traffic Regulation)
(Waiting Restriction) (No.10) (Experimental) Order 2022.
c) Request the City Solicitor to write to the objectors informing
them of the decision taken and to then make and seal the above
Wards affected: Adel and Wharfedale;
Lead officer: Jonathan Waters
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 20/11/2023
Effective from:
A Key Decision (D55289) was taken in May 2022
to accept the DWPs Household Support Fund at that time, along with
any further extensions of funding for the Household Support
A Significant Operational Decision (D56508) was taken in June 2023
Council and democracy ( setting out how Leeds City
Council will allocate £14,197,296 funding from the Department
for Work and Pensions (DWP) Household Support Fund between 1st
April 2023 and 31st March 2024. This decision outlined the proposed
distribution of the HSF across the city to support vulnerable
households, aiming to ensure residents most in need receive support
directly and based on the experience of running three previous
rounds of the fund.
This decision outlines the detail of the intended Winter Projects
included within Significant Operational Decision (D56508),
allocating Household Support Fund 4 funding for winter pressures to
enable the Council to address emerging and specific pressures that
the winter will bring.
The Chief Officer Community Hubs, Welfare and Business Support has
agreed the proposed levels of expenditure for Winter Projects to be
spent by 31st March 2024 as follows:
1. £198,500 to be paid under a Grant Agreement to Voluntary
Action - Leeds comprising £100,600 from Household Support
Fund 4 and £97,900 from the West Yorkshire Mayoral Fund to to
convene a network of small and medium sized third sector and faith
organisations to provide Welcome Spaces during the winter of
2023/24. Welcome Spaces operate as open access community venues
providing free or pay as you feel refreshments and opportunities
for social connection in a warm and welcoming environment.
2. £80,000 to be paid to Care & Repair (Leeds) Limited to
undertake a Heating on Prescription Project as commissioned by
Public Health and in line with a priority area of work, namely
addressing fuel poverty for those in clinical need.
3. £4000 to be paid to West Yorkshire Fire Service to enable
the purchase and distribution of Winter Warmth Packs to those
deemed in need during a Fire Service Safe & Well Visit,
offering immediate, tangible relief pending referral for more
comprehensive support to address issues of fuel poverty and/or
property maintenance.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Sarah Duffy
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 20/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer Transformation and
Partnerships approved the Direct Award of a contract to
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PWC), under the ESPO Consultancy 664_21
Framework (lot 4c) agreement, for service redesign and delivery
consultancy work related to a review of Education Health and Care
Plan (EHCP) processes with a value of £493,000 ex VAT for the
period 20th November 2023 until 5th April 2024.
Wards affected: Various;
Lead officer: Sandra Pentelow
Decision Maker: Chief Planning Officer
Decision published: 20/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Planning Officer has agreed that the
above Tree Preservation Order will be confirmed as per the report
of the City Solicitor (Corporate Governance).
This function is sub-delegated to the Deputy Chief Planning Officer
or Head of Planning Services under the Chief Planning
Officer’s Sub-delegation Scheme (Hedgerows and Trees).
a) Having carefully considered the issue raised by the tree owner,
on balance it is considered that the Tree Preservation Order is
warranted on the grounds of amenity and expediency.
b) That the Order be confirmed, as originally served.
Wards affected: Roundhay;
Lead officer: Thomas Readman
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 16/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer, Environmental Services gave
approval to utilising a 12 month extension option, from 1st
December 2023 until 30th November 2024 in order to extend the
contract with 3GS UK Limited for the provision of the City Centre
Environmental Enforcement contract DN550208
The contract has an estimated annual value of £200,000 for
the contractor who will pay a proportion of each ticket value to
the Council. Based on previous years figures this averages out at
between £30,000 and £40,000 income per annum.
Wards affected: Various;
Lead officer: Mick Johnson
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 16/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer Civic Enterprise Leeds
approved the appointment of
Your Property Services (Leeds Ltd) and ICD Energy Metering Ltd for
electrical domestic periodic testing starting 20th November 2023
for an initial period of 6 months until 19th May 2024 with no
option to extend with estimated expenditure of
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Craig Simpson
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 16/11/2023
Effective from:
The Director of Strategy and Resources has
approved award of contract to the following suppliers for the IDS
Resource Augmentation Framework:
Lot 1: Digital Engineering and Integration - Fujitsu -
Lot 2: Digital Solutions and Automation - Fujitsu
Lot 3: Digital Transformation Consultancy - Fujitsu -
Lot 4: Digital Experience and Design - Fujitsu - TPX Impact
Lot 5: IT Operations & Support Services - No awards being
The multi-year framework contract for resource augmentation within
the Integrated Digital Service will run to the end of November 2026
with the option for a further 12-month extension.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Claire Grundy
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 16/11/2023
Effective from: 16/11/2023
The decision has been taken to Novate the current contract for the Support & Maintenance of the 365 Response passenger transport solution - from 365 Response to Allocate Software Limited as per Contract Procedure Rule 21.1.1. This novation is to take effect from 13th December 2023 and has a nil financial value..
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: James Ward
The Director of Resources is requested to approve the competitive tender procurement activity to establish a framework for the supply and installation of Modular Ramps for Leeds City Council Public Sector Adaptations. We are seeking to appoint up to 2 contractors on the framework for an initial contract term of three years, with an optional 12-month extension period. The anticipated annual contract value is £550,000. Therefore, the total contract value including the extension period is £2.2 million.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 16/11/2023
Effective from: 02/12/2023
The Director of Strategy and Resources approved an open procurement procedure to seek to appoint 1 contractor for works scheme for the supply and installation of modular ramps for the Council, the contract will be for an initial period of 2 years with the option to extend for a further 2 x 12 months. The estimated total value including the potential contract extensions available is approximately £2,200,000.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Craig Simpson
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 15/11/2023
Effective from:
The Head of Asset Management has declared 47
Karnac Road surplus to Council requirements and to its sale on the
open market by way of public auction.
Wards affected: Gipton and Harehills;
Lead officer: Peter Toothill
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 15/11/2023
Effective from:
The Deputy Director, Social Care agreed to
award a new contract to formalise the implied contract and ensure
service continuity for this Children’s Rights and Advocacy
contract from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024, with the option to extend
for 1 x 12 months period, for this service in line with Contracts
Procedure Rules 9.5, relevant and current law.
This contract continues to provide good outcomes for children and
young people and value for money; the annual price of the contract
,£223,909.00, was fixed for the term of the contract
This first period will run from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024.
The annual price of the new contract will also remain fixed at
£223,909.00 for this period.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Santi Franceschino
Approval to tender the Noise Insulation contract in advance of the current contract’s expiration on the 5th February 2024.
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 15/11/2023
Effective from: 01/12/2023
The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) has approved the request to tender of the Noise Insulation Contract in advance of the current contract expiring on the 5th February 2024.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Megan Chamberlain
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 14/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer (Highways &
Transportation) was requested to:
a) Note the contents of this report;
b) Approve the continuation of motorcycle access to bus lanes on
the A65 as a permanent measure.
c) Consider and overrule the objections that have been received in
the course of advertising the Leeds City Council (TRAFFIC
LANES (WITH FLOW) Experimental Traffic Order (“the
d) Instruct the City Solicitor to make, seal and advertise the ETRO
in accordance with the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders
(Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 Approve making the
Experimental Traffic Order permanent.
e) Note the inclusion in Government’s ‘Plan for
Drivers’ of a purported commitment to hold a consultation on
making motorcycle access to bus lanes the default position across
the country.
f) Note that a decision on further roll out of motorcycle access to
bus lanes in Leeds, will likely be best taken in conjunction with
the Combined Authority as the Transport Authority, and by regard to
the commitment in ‘Plan for Drivers’, if it
g) Note the results of the trial will be reported back to the West
Yorkshire Combined Authority.
h) Request the relevant engineer to write to the objectors
informing them of the Chief Officer’s (Highways and
Transportation) decision.
Wards affected: Kirkstall; Little London and Woodhouse;
Lead officer: Vivian Elby
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 14/11/2023
Effective from: 14/11/2023
The Chief Officer for Environmental Services
approved the award of a 12 month contract extension to IPL Plastics
(UK) Ltd. under contract 60180 240lt Plastic Wheeled Bin Supply
Contract, Call Off from ESPO Framework 860-22 Refuse and Recycling
Products (including wheeled bins). The extension will run from 1st
December 2023 until 30th November 2024 and has an approximate value
of £470K.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Tracey Jones
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 14/11/2023
Effective from: 14/11/2023
The Chief Officer Asset Management &
Regeneration has approved the award a contract for disposal of
assets following the outcome of the Procurement with the YORtender
reference 79564; this is to be to Cushman & Wakefield Debenham
Tie Leung Limited for a period from 10th November 2023 to the
conclusion of any asset sale. The final contract value will be
dependent on any realised asset sale price, please see attached
confidential appendix for further details.
Wards affected: Hunslet and Riverside; Little London and Woodhouse;
Lead officer: Mary Stockton
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 14/11/2023
Effective from: 14/11/2023
The Chief Asset Management and Regeneration
Officer has:
a) Approved the placing of early orders with statutory utilities
providers for the diversions of existing utilities and the
installation of new utility services at the Hough Top Court site in
order to secure infrastructure timescales, to the value of
£438,567.80 inclusive of contractors management fees as set
out by the Scape Framework and LCC contingency.
Wards affected: Pudsey;
Lead officer: Liam Brook
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 13/11/2023
Effective from:
Following Executive Board delegation on 18th
October 2023 to the Director of City Development to approve all
project capital spend for the Morley Town Deal and to authorise
entering into appropriate contracts or grant agreements required
for delivery of the Heritage Investment Programme, and the
injection of £1,787,206 into the capital programme (capital
code 33393/MHI/000) for the Heritage Investment Fund project, the
Director of City Development:
1. Approved the launch of the Heritage Investment Fund subsidy
scheme and noted that details of the Subsidy Control assessment for
the scheme will be published on the BEIS subsidy database within
three months of the approval date.
2. Approved the initial phase of the Fund to focus on a specific
geographic area of Morley, outlined in the accompanying report to
this notice. Noted that a 12-month review takes place to assess the
take-up of the scheme and consider changes to scheme
3. Noted that future decisions on individual grants for shopfronts
are approved by the Chief Officer for Asset Management and
Regeneration, and are considered by the Heritage Grants Board,
chaired by the Chief Planning Officer, in line with similar
heritage grants schemes.
4. Noted future decisions on spend within the flexible fund of
£275,000 will be considered by Morley Programme Board and
approved by the Director of City Development.
Wards affected: Morley North; Morley South;
Lead officer: Liam Riley
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Resources
Decision published: 10/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer Civic Enterprise Leeds
approved the variation of end dates of the framework agreement
DN449248 Supply of Liquid Fuels with Certas Energy UK Ltd for two
months from 30th November 2023 to 31st January 2024 in line with
Regulation 72 (1)(e) of the Public Contracts Regulation (2015) with
an estimated value of £666,670 under the same terms and
conditions and rates.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Mandy Snaith
Decision Maker: Director of City Development
Decision published: 10/11/2023
Effective from:
In respect of Buchanan Order Management, the
Chief Officer, Highways and Transportation was recommended to
approve the waiver of the following Contracts Procedure
a) Contracts Procedure Rules No 8.1 and 8.2 – Intermediate
Value Procurements.
b) Approve the award of a contract to Buchanan Order Management and
Buchanan Computing Ltd in the sum of £61,120 (excluding VAT)
for specialist Traffic Regulation Order services associated with a
move to Map Based Orders. The contract would commence in November
2023 and be completed 2 months later.
c) To endorse an extension of the current Parkmap contract and for
the additional procurement of the necessary Map Based
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Gary Pritchard
A report will be presented to the Director of Children & Families requesting authority to procure a contractual provider for the delivery of the national adopter recruitment campaign by calling off the Crown Commercial Service framework for the period of 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2027.
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 10/11/2023
Effective from: 28/11/2023
The Director of Children and Families gave permission to undertake a competitive tender to procure a contract via the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Campaign Solutions 2 (RM6125) Framework to deliver the Adoption National Recruitment campaign on behalf of Adoption England, the National Adoption team. For a period of 1 year from 01/04/2024 – 31/03/2025 with options to up to extend for 24 months in any combination and will be a value of £450,000 per annum with a maximum total value of £1,350,000 including extension. The length of this contract will be dependent on an appropriate level of funding being received from the DfE following from April 2025.
The Director of Children and Families gave approval to waive Contract Procedure Rule 15.2 (C) to allow a combined price/quality spilt approach with an 70% quality / 30% price split.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Sarah Johal
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 09/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer Housing has noted the
contents of the report and approved the extension to the current
contract DN480073 as allowed under the contract, for an additional
12 months (1 x 12 months) for the period of 1st April 2024 to 31st
March 2025 to the following:
Lot 1 – Leeds Building Services (LBS) will manage 1
contractor, McHale Contracts & Plant Environmental LLP (MCP) to
undertake the unlicenced work where LBS do not have the capacity to
undertake this works themselves and the licenced works which LBS
are unable to complete. LBS will provide asbestos removal services
which do not require a licence where they are able to do so. The
value of this work is in the region of £2,000,000 per
Lot 2 – Housing Leeds will continue to manage 1 contractor,
Rhodar Limited (Rhodar) to undertake all asbestos removal works
arising from the housing capital programme. The value of this works
is estimated to be in the region of £300,000 per annum.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Richard Glossop
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 09/11/2023
Effective from:
The Director of Children and Families agreed
to :
a) Note the content of the report and support the development and
implementation of the Hold my Hand project to extend the work of
the Futures team as part of the ICB funded Integrated Trauma
Informed Practice Resource
b) Approve the creation of additional 2 FTE Futures’
Practitioner (graded PO3) and 1FTE Specialist Support Worker
(graded SO1).
c) Note the transfer of the 1 vacant FTE of Outcomes Co-ordinator
(Futures) Post to the Early help structure.
Wards affected: Various;
Lead officer: Emma Ross
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 09/11/2023
Effective from:
Following the evaluation of a Quality/Price
Separated competitive tender, the Chief Officer, Climate, Energy
and Green Spaces gave approval to :
• award five separate NEC3 Engineering and Construction
contracts to deliver Fire Stopping and Passive Fire Protection
Works (Civic Estate) to the following contractors:
1. Open View Security Solutions Ltd
2. Aspect Building Solutions Ltd
3. CLC Contractors Ltd
4. Walter West Builders Ltd
5. Nidd Vale Construction Ltd
The estimated value of the contract is £2m with works being
completed in 2023-24 and 2024-25. There will be an option to extend
the contract for two further periods of 12 months each.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Michael Flegg
Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families
Decision published: 09/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer, Resources & Strategy
approved an educational placement at St John’s Catholic
School at a cost of £165,600.
Placement at this young person’s current setting and other
specialist settings have been considered and due to the
environmental requirements and specialist staffing required to meet
this young person’s special educational needs (SEN), they
require a specialist placement. The authority has a statutory duty
to make provision for this child who has an Education, Health and
Care (EHC) Plan.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained
in the business case is exempt from publication as it relates to a
vulnerable child or young person within the City and the actions
taken are to enable that person to receive their statutory
entitlement to a minimum of 25 hours of education.
Lead officer: Kate Dawson
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 08/11/2023
Effective from:
The Chief Officer Climate, Energy & Green
Spaces has approved the table of revised charges as shown in
Appendix A for Temple Newsam and Tropical World on 1st December
2023 and Lotherton Hall on 8th January 2024.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Michael Kinnaird
Brief Description |
The approval to go out to tender and award contract for the supply, maintenance, and repair of overhead tracking hoists in private properties and the maintenance and repair of mobile hoists and stand aids, specialised bathing equipment in L.A Residential and Day Care establishments. The current contract expires on 30th November 2023. |
Impact On Wards |
N/A |
Financial and procurement implications |
There is an existing contract in place. The expenditure on the current 5-year contract is £1,547,228. This includes expenditure from all departments in the Council who use this framework. It is expected that the new contract value will be based on the current expenditure. |
Partnership working |
N/A |
Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health
Decision published: 01/11/2023
Effective from: 17/11/2023
The Interim Director of Adults and Health approved the authority to procure a new contract for the supply of overhead tracking hoists and the repair, service, and maintenance distinct items of equipment for daily living. The contract will commence on 1st December 2023 for a duration of five years. Implementation discussions will take place with the suppliers once the contract is awarded. The proposed timescale for implementation is December 2023. The Service Delivery Manager- Assisted Living Leeds will be the officer responsible for the implementation in conjunction with officers from the Procurement and Commercial Services.
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Katie Cunningham
Seeking approval to direct appoint a contractor via Procurement for Housing framework provider to support Housing Leeds in reducing number of void properties for a 12 month period with the option to extend for a further 12 months.
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment
Decision published: 01/11/2023
Effective from: 17/11/2023
The Chief Officer Housing gave approval, under Contract Procedure Rule 3.1.7 to directly award a new contract to City West Works Limited T/A Liberty Gas Group using the Procurement for Housing (PFH) Responsive Repairs and Voids Property Services, Lot 2 – Void Property Refurbishment framework. The contract is proposed to start 20th November 2023 for 12 months with the provision to extend for a further 12 months. The estimated expenditure for the initial 12 months would be £750,000.00 with the total value, including the 1 x 12 month extension being £1,500,000..
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Adam Crampton