
Details of officer decisions relating to planning applications.

Decisions published

15/07/2020 - Write Off of Former Tenants Rent Arrears ref: 52353    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 08/10/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


The Director of Resources and Housing approved the Write off irrecoverable Former Tenants Arrears in the sum of £99,601.14 represented by 99 accounts in relation to the citywide accounts.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jo-Anne Arnett

15/07/2020 - Write Off of Former Tenants Rent Arrears ref: 52354    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 08/10/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


Write Off of Former Tenants Rent Arrears

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jo-Anne Arnett

15/07/2020 - Approval to use Regulation 72 (1) (c) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 to modify the Council’s current contract with XN Leisure Systems Ltd for the support and maintenance of the Leisure Management System ref: 52115    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Chief Officer Culture and Sport:gave approval to use Regulation 72 (1) (c) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 to modify the Council’s current contract with XN Leisure Systems Ltd for the support and maintenance of the Leisure Management System

The contract will be awarded for the the period 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021, with options to vary for further periods up to a maximum of 12 months.

The annual cost for Support & Maintenance of the Leisure Management System for the period 1st October 2020 to 31st August 2021 is £39,242.18.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Steven Baker

15/07/2020 - Approval of Care Plan over £100k ref: 52113    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Deputy Director, Access & Care Delivery approved the contents of a report regarding a care plan in respect of a person with complex care needs, the individual cost of which is £192,169.12 per annum.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable citizen of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live independently in a safe environment.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Shona McFarlane

15/07/2020 - Approval of Care Plan over £100k ref: 52112    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Deputy Director, Access & Care Delivery approved the contents of a report regarding a care plan in respect of a person with complex care needs, the individual cost of which is £144,716.00 per annum.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable citizen of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live independently in a safe environment.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Shona McFarlane

15/07/2020 - Approval of Care Plan over £100k ref: 52111    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Deputy Director, Access & Care Delivery approved the contents of a report regarding a care plan in respect of a person with complex care needs, the individual cost of which is £120,471.00 per annum.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable citizen of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live independently in a safe environment.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Shona McFarlane

15/07/2020 - Approval of Care Plan over £100k ref: 52110    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Deputy Director, Access & Care Delivery approved the contents of a report regarding a care plan in respect of a person with complex care needs, the individual cost of which is £126,007.44 per annum.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable citizen of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live independently in a safe environment.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Shona McFarlane

15/07/2020 - Approval of Care Plan over £100k ref: 52109    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Deputy Director, Access & Care Delivery approved the contents of a report regarding a care plan in respect of a person with complex care needs, the individual cost of which is £122,668.00 per annum.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable citizen of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live independently in a safe environment.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Shona McFarlane

15/07/2020 - Approval of Care Plan over £100k ref: 52108    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Deputy Director, Access & Care Delivery approved the contents of a report regarding a care plan in respect of a person with complex care needs, the individual cost of which is £119,480.92 per annum.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable citizen of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live independently in a safe environment.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Shona McFarlane

15/07/2020 - Cockburn Bulge Early Works Design & Cost Report ref: 52107    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director of Children’s & Families agreed to:

a) Approve the delivery of the Early Works package in order to ensure the additional accommodation associated with the extra 60 pupils is in place for September 2020.

b) Approve authority to incur the expenditure of £388,278 associated with the delivery of the early works package from capital scheme number 33176/BGE/CBN.

c) Note the programme dates identified in section 3.2 of this report, in relation to the implementation of this decision, represents the critical path for project success and must be adhered to where possible.

d) Note that the officer responsible for implementation is the Head of Service Learning Systems in Children’s and Families Directorate.

Wards affected: Beeston and Holbeck;

Lead officer: Adele Robinson

15/07/2020 - Council Housing Growth Programme – Property Buybacks ref: 52106    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director of Resources and Housing:
1. Authorised the required expenditure to enable the programme to progress the property acquisitions detailed in Confidential Appendix A. These acquisitions to be funded from the Council Housing Growth Programme budget, via a combination of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) borrowing and Right to Buy receipts.
2. Noted that Executive Board granted Authority to Spend for the programme on 24th July 2019.
3. Noted that a report is being submitted in parallel to the Director of City Development to request approval to acquire the properties for Housing & Resources so that they can be returned to Council Housing Stock.

Wards affected: Armley; Farnley and Wortley;

Lead officer: Wendy Myers

15/07/2020 - Design Cost Report and Tender Acceptance for the Learning Places programme rebuild & expansion of Benton Park School Capital Scheme Number: 32735 000 000 ref: 52104    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director of Childrens & Families agreed to:

a) Approve the expenditure of £28,500,000, against the provisional £28.5m ‘approval to spend’ budget’ provided at the April 2020 Executive Board, from capital scheme number 32735/000/000 for the redevelopment and expansion of Benton Park School.

b) Sanction the requirement to enter into a contractual agreement with D&B One Co. to deliver the Benton Park re-development. This will take the form of an NEC 3 Option A between the authority and Leeds D&B One Ltd for the sum of £25,351,599.

c) Authorise acceptance of the tender submitted by the LLEP, via BAM Construction Limited, in the sum of £25,351,599, including all contract side design and development fees. Noting that this figure includes the previously approved sum of £1,188,101 for the completion of the necessary ‘Early Works’ package (DDN D50877).

d) Note that the approval sum detailed in point (a) above is inclusive of the following elements; £25,351,599 for the construction contract, £1,850,785 for professional services including the project technical assurance function and NEC 3 Project manager, £621,747 for Highways and Authority works, £343,719 for site decant and mobilisation risk, £60,000 for furniture & equipment to support the expansion, £111,321 for surveys and planning fees, £113,610 for internal services and fees, £47,219 for the performance bond. A client held contingency, commensurate with a project of this value, has been included within the approval figure to address any risks that occur during construction.

e) Note the programme dates identified in section 3.2 of this report, in relation to the implementation of this decision, represents the critical path for project success and must be adhered to where possible.

f) Note that the officer responsible for implementation is the Head of Service Learning Systems.

Wards affected: Guiseley and Rawdon;

Lead officer: Christopher Gosling

23/07/2020 - Procurement of a Ticketing Solution ref: 52114    

To approve the procurement of a 10 year contract with a ticketing & CRM solutions provider to further enhance ability to sell tickets, market and analyse events across the Council.

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from: 31/07/2020


The Chief Officer Culture & Sport, City Development provided approval to commence a procurement exercise to award a contract to a single supplier of a Box Office ticketing solution.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Matthew Sims

23/07/2020 - Approval to procure a contractor to undertake design, build and delivery of District Heating Clusters for high rise housing ref: 52105    

As part of the council’s plans to improve energy efficiency and tackle fuel poverty in our housing high rise blocks, the council plans to create six new district heating clusters to provide low carbon heat to up to 26 housing high rise blocks.

This scheme includes specialist technical design for each cluster; the works onsite including construction of the heat network and pipework and replacement of the existing electric storage heating and hot water systems in residents flats with modern and efficient heating; and the initial operation and maintenance of the clusters for a time limited period prior to long term arrangements being put in place.

This decision is to approve the scheme and the procurement route to appoint a contractor, and to authorise spend.  

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from: 31/07/2020


The Director of Resources and Housing:

a)  Approved this scheme to replace heating and hot water systems in 26 high rise blocks, installing a low carbon district heating network in the form of six clusters; 

b)  Approved the proposed procurement of an external contractor through an OJEU compliant competitive two stage tender process and

c)  Authorised spend of £24m from the capital programme over the financial years of 2020/21 to 2023/2024 for the six clusters capital works.

Wards affected: Armley; Gipton and Harehills; Killingbeck and Seacroft; Little London and Woodhouse;

Lead officer: Paul Rounding

23/07/2020 - A65 Kirkstall Road Wand Orca Trial ref: 52116    

Decision to design and implement a cycle segregation infrastructure scheme involving wand orcas along Kirkstall Road that will increase the protection of the existing cycle provision.

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 15/07/2020

Effective from: 31/07/2020


The Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation);

i)  noted the contents of this report;

ii)  approved the detailed design and implementation of the package of works as detailed in section three of this report.

iii)  gave authority to incur expenditure of £75,000, compromising of £60,000 works cost, £12,000 staff fees and £3,000 legal costs, all to be funded from the LTP Transport Policy Capital Programme; and

iv)  gave authority for the City Solicitor to promote and implement an experimental traffic regulation where necessary as identified through the detailed design process.

Wards affected: Kirkstall; Little London and Woodhouse;

Lead officer: Vicki Franks

22/07/2020 - To modify the existing Leeds Interim Framework Agreement (DN355373) to provide support and accommodation for care leavers and vulnerable young people (16-25 years). ref: 52103    Recommendations Approved

Request approval to invoke Contracts Procedure Rules 10 and 21.6 to modify the end date of the existing Leeds Interim Framework Agreement with providers delivering support and accommodation for care leavers and vulnerable young people (16-25 years). The Leeds Interim Framework Agreement commenced on 19/12/2018 to 31/01/2020 with the opportunity for an extension to 31/07/2020 undertaken, there are no further opportunities to extend.

Children and Families and Adults and Health Commissioning has undertaken a comprehensive housing related support review and the newly commissioned service, Our Way Leeds (OWL), to meet the needs of all Leeds vulnerable young people will commence on 01/07/2020.

The provision under the Public Contract Regulation 72(1) sets out the conditions required to allow the extension or modification of an existing contract can take place without a new procurement procedure.

The requirement for the modification to the Leeds Interim Framework Agreement has been brought about by circumstances which the local authority could not have foreseen, COVID-19, and does not change the overall nature of the framework; to deliver quality placements for our children looked after and care leavers (16-25 years).  The increase in price does not exceed 50% of the value of the original contract

It is probable that COVID-19 will impact potential new placements into the newly commissioned OWL service to deliver support and accommodation for vulnerable young people due to the reduced availability of move on options for those young people currently in service.  In turn, this presents a risk to the local authority in its statutory duty to ensure that children looked after and care leavers are placed in suitable support and accommodation placements.

This modification will be a further interim position and support Leeds City Council to identify placements within the constraints of an agreed contract specification and terms and conditions against which to deliver quality accommodation and support for children and vulnerable young people (16-25 years).

It is expected that this modification to the Leeds Interim Leeds Framework Agreement will be for the period of 8-months from 01/08/2020 to 31/03/2021.

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 14/07/2020

Effective from: 30/07/2020


To modify the existing Leeds Interim Framework Agreement  (DN355373) to support Leeds City Council in its statutory duty to provide support and accommodation for care leavers and vulnerable young people (16-25 years).


To invoke Contracts Procedure Rules 10 and 21.6 to modify the end date of the existing Leeds Interim Framework Agreement with providers delivering support and accommodation for care leavers and vulnerable young people (16-25 years). The Leeds Interim Framework Agreement commenced on 19/12/2018 to 31/01/2020 with the opportunity for an extension to 31/07/2020 undertaken, there are no further opportunities to extend.

This modification to the Leeds Interim Leeds Framework Agreement will be for the period of 8-months from 01/08/2020 to 31/03/2021. It is anticpated that this is likely to be in the region of £1.5m.

The provision under the Public Contract Regulation 72(1) ( c) sets out the conditions required to allow the extension or modification of an existing contract can take place without a new procurement procedure.

The requirement for the modification to the Leeds Interim Framework Agreement has been brought about by circumstances which the local authority could not have foreseen, COVID-19, and does not change the overall nature of the framework; to deliver quality placements for our children looked after and care leavers (16-25 years).  The increase in price does not exceed 50% of the value of the original contract.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Angela Depledge

22/07/2020 - (DN461184): Authority to procure in line with CPR 3.1.6 - Contractors to support Leeds Building Services' delivery of painting and decorating works to Civic property ref: 52102    

To undertake an external procurement in accordance with CPR 3.1.6 to provide contractor resources to support the delivery of Non Housing (Civic Estate) Painting and Decorating works. The contract will be for an initial 4 years. We will be looking to award the contract to up to 7 contractors.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 14/07/2020

Effective from: 30/07/2020


The Director of Resources and Housing approved, in line with Contract Procedure Rule 3.1.6, a competitive tender process to procure and award contracts, with up to four contractors for the delivery of painting and decorating works to Civic Property. Work is to be allocated with requirements sub £20k issued on a ranked allocation basis and any works over £20k will be subject to a mini competition, between the four contractors on the framework. The contract is for a term of four years, with an estimated sum of £700k per annum and a total contract value of £2.8m.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Craig Simpson

10/07/2020 - Local Transport Plan Integrated Programme Bus Hotspots Schemes – Junction improvement to improve bus reliability at Evanston Avenue/Kirkstall Road ref: 52101    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from:


The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):

i) noted the contents of this Report;

ii) subject to consultations with local ward members, approved the proposed detailed design and implementation of the scheme as shown on the associated drawing TM/21/0480/CON/01;

iii) requested the City Solicitor to advertise a Traffic Regulation Order to make Evanston Avenue one way from Cross Evanston Avenue to A65 Kirkstall Road and to advertise a separate Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a loading only bay within this same section and in the event of there being no valid objections, to make and seal the Orders as appropriate; and

iv) gave approval to spend £20,000 on this scheme, to be funded by the LTP Transport Policy Capital Programme (100% Government grant funding).

Wards affected: Kirkstall;

Lead officer: Jonathan Waters

10/07/2020 - Permission to establish a dynamic purchasing system for the Strengthening Families Protecting Children programme and the award of contracts following a further competition process incorporating a waiver of CPR 15.2. ref: 52100    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Programme Director SFPC

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from:


The Programme Director, Strengthening Families Protecting Children agreed to:
• Approve the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System for the Strengthening Families Protecting Children programme that will be used to award contracts through a further competition process as and when required.

• Approve spend of up to £400,000 to be awarded through the Dynamic Purchasing System from 1st September 2020 to 31st March 2024.

The Programme Director, Strengthening Families Protecting Children agreed to:

• Approve the acceptance onto the DPS of all suppliers who successfully pass the Standard Selection Questionnaire (SSQ) and meet the quality threshold in their method statement submission.

• Approve the subsequent award of contracts to those suppliers who are successful in the further tender competitions under the DPS as detailed in this report. The evaluation of tender competitions will be on a 70% quality and 30% price basis requiring a waiver of CPR 15.2.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Kate Sibson

10/07/2020 - Award of contract via waiver of CPR 8.1 and 8.2 to Family Action (PAC-UK) to provide therapeutic adoption support services during the Covid-19 crisis. ref: 52099    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from:


The Head of Service, One Adoption West Yorkshire approved the waiver of CPRs 8.1 and 8.2 to award a contract to Family Action(PAC-UK) to provide therapeutic adoption support services for six months from 11th May 2020 to 31st September 2020 to a value of £94,972, payable in advance.
The decision over-rides decision D50926 previously taken to vary contract reference DN402424, in relation to the following which will now be issued as a separate contract:
£45,156 on standard and enhanced support packages
£45,891 on new child to parent violence courses
£ 1,900 on expanding the telephone advice service

This decision includes an additional £2,025 not covered in the previous decision for Family Action to delivery their Adopteens peer support programme offering weekly support to young people age 13+.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Kate Sibson

09/07/2020 - Suspension of Parking Charges in Otley ref: 52098    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 09/07/2020

Effective from:


Free parking in Otley will help support the town in its economic recovery following lockdown, this is a temporary measure for up to 2 months.

Wards affected: Otley and Yeadon;

Lead officer: Mark Jefford

09/07/2020 - Apprenticeship Provider Contracts 2020-25 ref: 52097    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 09/07/2020

Effective from:


The Chief Officer Employment and Skills agreed to award a 5 year £0 value contracts to the providers listed in confidential appendix 1, commencing on 1st August 2020 and running through to 31st July 2025.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Martyn Long

08/07/2020 - Award a contract under Regulation 32(2)(a) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 Negotiated Procedure without prior publication of a Contract Notice for the provision of Consultancy Services for a Community Cloud IT Build Partner ref: 52095    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Chief Digital & Information Officer approved the award of a contract under Regulation 32(2)(a) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 Negotiated Procedure without prior publication of a Contract Notice to Softcat plc for the provision of Consultancy Services for a Community Cloud IT Build Partner. The contract will commence on the 20th July 2020 unless the parties agree a new commencement and expiry date, but in any event the duration of the contract will be two (2) years with a maximum contract value of £450,000.00

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Philippa Gibbons

08/07/2020 - CityConnect Phase 3: Elland Road – Design Approval and Works Issue ref: 52094    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation:
i) noted and approved the final layout of the Elland Road scheme as shown on the attached drawings (TM-00-472-01-01/02/03/04/05);
ii) gave authority to issue the works to contractor and to construct the scheme as shown; and
iii) noted that the scheme, valued at £2.65M, is to be wholly funded from West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s CityConnect programme as previously approved by Executive Board and by WYCA.

Wards affected: Hunslet and Riverside;

Lead officer: Christopher Way

08/07/2020 - A6120 Fink Hill Junction Improvement Scheme ref: 52093    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation):

i) approved the preliminary scheme layout to enable the Fink Hill \ A6120 Outer Ring Road improvement scheme to progress to Full Business Case and Planning Application accompanied by Environmental Statement;

ii) noted that the detailed design contract will be procured through established frameworks; and

iii) noted that the scheme construction contract will be procured through the established YORCivils 2 Framework, Major Scheme lot. A further report will be submitted seeking approval to spend.

Wards affected: Horsforth;

Lead officer: Mohammed Mahmood

08/07/2020 - Approval of a care plan to the value of £300,000 or over per annum ref: 52092    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £388,464.29.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

08/07/2020 - Approval of a care plan to the value of up to £250,000 per annum ref: 52091    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £174,678.57.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

08/07/2020 - Approval of a care plan to the value of up to £250,000 per annum ref: 52090    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £177,911.43.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

08/07/2020 - Approval of a care plan to the value of £300,000 or over per annum ref: 52089    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £395,555.71.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

08/07/2020 - Approval of a care plan to the value of up to £250,000 per annum ref: 52088    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £247,678.57.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

08/07/2020 - Approval of a care plan to the value of up to £250,000 per annum ref: 52087    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £170,611.43.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

08/07/2020 - Approval of a care plan to the value of up to £250,000 per annum ref: 52086    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £221,607.14.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

08/07/2020 - Approval of a care plan to the value of up to £250,000 per annum ref: 52085    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director, Children & Families agreed the recommendation of a report relating to the placement of a child/young person. The individual costs of the place are £156,167.86.
It is considered in the public interest that information contained in the report is exempt from publication as it relates to a vulnerable child or young person of the City and the actions being taken to enable that person to live in a safe environment.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Stephen Maw

08/07/2020 - Formalise Contracting Arrangements for Bespoke Provision in Leeds ref: 52084    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director of Adults and Health:
a) Supports and gives authority to move from the start-up stage to delivery stage and to start the contract formalisation process with M&M and USS for a Bespoke Provision Pilot for a period of 3 years. The start date will be as soon as the Covid-19 pandemic will make this possible and safe.

The Director of Adults and Health noted that:
b) The Bespoke Provision pilot will report to the Strength Based Social Care Board and The Transforming Care Oversight Board at a minimum of a quarterly basis (using highlight reports and being a standing agenda item), or more frequently where advised by Senior management from Adults and Health and The Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
c) The Service Transformation Team (STT) project manager & senior project support will briefly update Adults and Health Departmental Leadership Team via the STT Dashboard on a monthly basis.
d) The CCG representative in the Bespoke Provision project team will keep CCG members informed and ensure appropriate sign off procedures are followed where needed.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Stephen Bardsley

16/07/2020 - Approval to carry out the Procurement Exercise for a Leisure Management System for Active Leeds ref: 52096    

Approval to carry out a competitive tender exercise for the procurement of a Leisure Management System.


Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 08/07/2020

Effective from: 24/07/2020


The Chief Officer Culture & Sport approved the commencement of a competitive tender exercise in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rule (CPR) 9 for the procurement of a new Leisure Management Solution (LMS) solution.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Steven Baker

24/06/2020 - Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic - Response and Recovery Plan ref: 52082    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


Further to Minute No. 170, 19th May 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report which provided an update on the continued coronavirus (COVID-19) related work across the city being driven by the response and recovery plan, which aimed to mitigate the effects of the outbreak on those in the city, especially the most vulnerable, and prepare for the longer term planning of stages of recovery including local outbreak planning.  The report highlighted how the city’s multi-agency command and control arrangements continued to be used, which had been updated to reflect local outbreak management arrangements for Leeds, and also provided information on the organisational issues which were being faced by the Council arising from the pandemic.


With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as set out in section 10.1 of the submitted report, and as detailed in Minute No. 2.


In introducing the submitted report and providing an update on the current position, the Leader, on behalf of the Board, extended her thanks to all of those involved in the continued delivery of statutory services across the city and also the delivery of those actions which were in response to the pandemic. Linked to this, the key role being played by Local Authorities throughout the pandemic, as highlighted earlier in the meeting was reiterated.


In addition, Members paid tribute to the work being undertaken at a national level by the Chief Executive, Tom Riordan, as part of the Government’s ongoing test and trace programme.


The Board received an update from the Chief Executive on the key aspects of the work which continued to be undertaken in respect of planning for the control and management of any Coronavirus outbreaks, how such work was being co-ordinated at a local and regional level and how this fed into the national strategy, with details also being provided on how the newly established Leeds Outbreak Control Board fitted within existing governance arrangements.


Responding to an enquiry, the Board received further information and assurance on the close liaison which continued to take place with neighbouring Authorities regarding the control and management of localised outbreaks, to facilitate a more regionalised approach, where appropriate.


A Member highlighted the need, moving forward, to build upon the partnership working which had been developed throughout the pandemic, and the importance of looking to harness the effectiveness of local communities working together which had been a key part of the local response. Linked to this, Members highlighted how an effective communications strategy from a national to a local level continued to be fundamental to the successful management of outbreaks as restrictions began to be relaxed, with the role of Ward Councillors in helping to deliver such communications within communities being highlighted.



(a)  That the updated context, the progress being made and the issues being faced as the Council moves through the phases of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, be noted;


(b)  That the submitted report and the comments made in respect of it during the discussion be noted in context with the more detailed report on the financial implications of Coronavirus for the Council, as presented within Minute No. 8;


(c)  That the establishment of the Leeds Outbreak Board and Outbreak Plan to ensure that effective local arrangements are in place and which are linked to national testing and tracing approach, be noted;


(d)  That the continued focus of the collective response on health and wellbeing which recognises the direct health impacts of COVID-19, together with focus upon the emerging social and economic consequences, be noted.

24/06/2020 - Update on 'Thriving': The Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds ref: 52081    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


Further to Minute No. 105, 25 November 2019, the Director of Children and Families submitted a report which provided an update on the work being undertaken towards the outputs and outcomes of each Impact Workstream under the ‘Thriving’ Strategy, provided details of the work being undertaken in response to the effects of COVID-19 in this area, whilst the report also provided details of the associated monitoring and evaluation arrangements for the work streams within the Strategy.


In introducing the report, the Executive Member for Children and Families highlighted how the report had been adapted to incorporate the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic when considering child poverty, together with a summary of current national issues linked to this agenda.


In considering such matters, a Member emphasised the need for all children and young people across the city who were affected by the effects of poverty to be supported, especially given the likely exacerbation of the issue as a result of the pandemic. Linked to this, the importance of continuing to monitor the extent of the impact of the pandemic in respect of child poverty was emphasised, so that appropriate responses to the needs of children and young people could be delivered.


Responding to comments, it was highlighted that all initiatives included within the strategy aimed to ameliorate the impact of poverty for children and young people and following this, Members received updates on, and discussed the approaches taken towards both the Period Poverty initiative and also the Healthy Holidays programme.



(a)  That the strategic framework in place to mitigate the impact of child poverty, together with the work being undertaken by the Council and its partners in the key areas of activity, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the data overview, the current work being undertaken and the reporting updates, as outlined within the submitted report, be noted;


(c)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for the implementation of such matters is the Chief Officer, Partnerships and Health, by December 2022;


(d)  That it be noted that Executive Board has an understanding of the potential impact of COVID-19 on child poverty, with the calls for a national approach towards mitigating the impact of child poverty also being noted.


(During the consideration of this item, under the provisions of Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 3.2.5, in the temporary absence of Councillor Blake, Councillor Lewis assumed the Chair of the meeting. In returning to the meeting, Councillor Blake resumed her position as Chair) 

24/06/2020 - Outcome of statutory notice on a proposal to permanently increase learning places at Allerton Grange School from September 2021 ref: 52079    Recommendations Approved

Outcome of statutory notice on a proposal to permanently increase learning places at Allerton Grange School from September 2021.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 24/06/2020


Further to Minute No.147, 12th February 2020, the Director of Children and Families submitted a report which presented details of a proposal brought forward to meet the Local Authority’s duty to ensure a sufficiency of school places. Specifically, this report described the outcome of a Statutory Notice published under the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and in accordance with the School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 in regard to a proposal to expand secondary school provision at Allerton Grange School and which sought a final decision in respect of this proposal.


Responding to an enquiry, officers undertook to provide Executive Members with information on the timeframe by which Ofsted inspections would resume and also with information regarding the outcomes from inspections which took place immediately prior to the Coronavirus outbreak. 



(a)  That the proposal to permanently expand secondary provision at Allerton Grange School from a capacity of 1200 pupils to 1500 pupils in years 7 to 11, with an increase in the admission number from 240 to 300 and with effect from September 2021, be approved;


(b)  That the recommendation to exempt the decision from the Call In process for the reasons as set out within paragraph 4.5.2 of the submitted report, be approved; 


(c)  That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Learning Systems.


(The Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules state that a decision may be declared as being exempt from the Call In process by the decision taker if it is considered that the matter is urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s, or the public’s interests. In line with this, the resolutions contained within this minute were exempted from the Call In process, as per resolution (b) above, and for the reasons as detailed within sections 4.5.2 of the submitted report)

Wards affected: Roundhay;

Lead officer: Vivienne Buckland

24/06/2020 - Outcome of consultation and request to approve funding to permanently increase learning places at Leeds West Academy from September 2022 ref: 52080    Recommendations Approved

Outcome of consultation and request to approve funding to permanently increase learning places at Leeds West Academy from September 2022.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


The Director of Children and Families submitted a report which presented details of a proposal brought forward to meet the Local Authority’s duty to ensure a sufficiency of school places. Specifically, this report described the outcome of a consultation exercise which had been undertaken regarding a proposal to expand secondary school provision at Leeds West Academy and which sought a decision to fund the delivery of a scheme to create the additional learning places required.



(a)  That the outcome of the consultation process undertaken on the proposal to permanently expand Leeds West Academy from a capacity of 1200 to 1500 students by increasing the admission number in year 7 from 240 to 300, with effect from September 2022, be noted;


(b)  That provisional approval for the authority to spend (ATS) £5.269m to deliver the proposed permanent expansion at Leeds West Academy be granted, with it being noted that early feasibility indicates the final cost is likely to be lower than this amount;


(c)  That it be noted that the implementation of this proposal is subject to funding being agreed based upon the outcome of further detailed design work and planning applications, as indicated at section 4.4 of the submitted report, with it also being noted that this proposal has been brought forward in time for places to be delivered for 2022;


(d)  That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of the Capital budget is the Head of Learning Systems;


(e)  That it be noted that the White Rose Academies Trustees intend to self-deliver the build scheme.

Wards affected: Bramley and Stanningley;

Lead officer: Vivienne Buckland

24/06/2020 - Annual Corporate Risk Management Report ref: 52077    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report that provided an update on the Council’s most significant corporate risks, how they were currently being managed and presenting details on the further activity planned to address such risks during 2020/21.


In introducing the report, the Executive Member for Resources emphasised the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic upon the range of risks which were currently being faced by the Council, as reflected within the submitted report.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further information on the stress test work undertaken regarding the resilience of the Council to maintain its financial position and deliver services under certain circumstances, with it being undertaken that the details of such work could be provided to Board Members as required. 


In addition, further to the discussions in the preceding item, the need for continued dialogue with Government around the possibility of being able to address the Council’s financial position over a longer term and with greater flexibility was reiterated.



(a)  That the contents of the annual risk management report, as submitted, together with the assurances given on the most significant corporate risks, in line with the Council’s Risk Management Policy and the Board’s overarching responsibility for their management, be noted;


(b)  That it be noted that the submitted report will provide a key source of evidence on the Authority’s risk management arrangements contributing towards the Annual Governance Statement to be considered later this year by the Council’s Corporate Governance and Audit Committee.

24/06/2020 - Learning Places Design & Cost Report School Places Delivery September 2020 ref: 52078    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Approve expenditure of in excess of £500k to deliver the works required to provide additional places at Cockburn Academy and Leeds City Academy for September 2020.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


The Director of Children and Families and the Director of City Development submitted a report providing information on the need for additional secondary school places across the city for delivery by September 2020, and which sought approval regarding authority to spend and to incur a total expenditure of £7,595,000 to deliver projects at both Cockburn Academy and Leeds City Academy for September 2020 to address specific demographic growth pressures in those respective areas.


A Member raised concerns relating to the proposals within the submitted report regarding Cockburn Academy, with specific reference to the £6,835,000 capital expenditure proposed for that one school, indicated the potential for the matter to be ‘Called In’ which would require consideration by Scrutiny, and made an enquiry regarding any previous funding which had been provided to the Cockburn Multi Academy Trust.  Responding to the concerns raised, the Board discussed and received further information regarding:-

·  The delayed delivery of the Laurence Calvert Free School and the impact of this upon school places in the area, with Members receiving an update on the current position regarding the continued dialogue taking place with Government in relation to the delivery of this Free School;

·  Further detail was provided on how the proposed expenditure would be used, which included addressing the historical capacity issues at the school and the required adaptation of the current on site infrastructure, whilst also ensuring the delivery of appropriate facilities – with an offer that further detail could be provided to the Member in question, if required;

·  In terms of timescales, it was confirmed that the 60 additional places proposed to be created at Cockburn Academy to address that bulge cohort would remain at the school until those 60 pupils had completed Year 11;

·  Members also discussed the broader issue of appropriate resource being provided to the Local Authority for the delivery of further school places across the city to enable levels of demand to be met, with it being highlighted that further consideration and discussion of such matters would be welcomed.



(a)  That the additional secondary places which are required in order to reduce the amount of children being allocated a school place out of area, be noted;


(b)  That the necessary authority to spend be approved, together with approval also being given to incur expenditure of £6,835,000 from Capital Scheme number 33176/BGE/CBN to deliver the works associated with a 60 place ‘bulge’ at Cockburn Academy for September 2020;


(c)  That the proposal for the freehold transfer of the land identified within the submitted report, which forms part of the former South Leeds Golf Course to Cockburn Multi Academy Trust be approved, to allow the delivery of the sports field provision required as part of the proposals as detailed within paragraph 3.1.4 of the submitted report;


(d)  That the necessary authority to spend be approved, together with approval also being given to incur expenditure of £760,000 from Capital Scheme number 33176/BGE/LCA to deliver the works associated with a 60 place ‘bulge’ at Leeds City Academy which are being delivered by the Local Education Partnership (LEP) for September 2020;


(e)  That the programme dates, as detailed in the submitted report, in relation to the implementation of these resolutions, which represent the critical path for project success and must be adhered to where possible, be noted; 


(f)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Service Learning Systems in the Children’s and Families directorate.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)

Wards affected: Beeston and Holbeck; Headingley and Hyde Park;

Lead officer: Adele Robinson

24/06/2020 - Financial Health Monitoring 2020/21 – Month 1 ref: 52075    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report which presented the projected financial health position of the Authority for 2020/21, as at month 1 of the financial year.


With regard to a Member’s comments regarding the appended action plan which looked to address the pressures upon the ‘Children Looked After’ budget for 2020/21 and the approach being taken to deal with any increased demand for related services which could potentially arise as a consequence of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Board was advised that a detailed set of actions were in place to address such matters and that such information could be shared with Board Members, as required. Also, it was noted that there was a focus upon the transfer of children and young people currently in external placements to foster care wherever possible and appropriate, which was alongside the actions being taken aimed at increasing the recruitment levels of foster carers in Leeds.



(a)  That the projected financial position of the Authority, as at Month 1 of the 2020/21 financial year be noted, and that the projected impact of COVID-19 on that position also be noted;


(b)  That the savings plan, as provided by the Director of Children and Families which identifies initial proposals to address pressures in ‘Children Looked After’ budgets and the reduction in grant funding as announced after the 2020/21 budget had been set, be noted; 


(c)  That in line with principles laid out by Government, it be noted that the Council has continued to charge schools as normal for Council services disrupted by COVID-19, for which they have a regular financial commitment.



24/06/2020 - Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) upon Leeds City Council's 2020/21 Financial Position and Update on the Forecast Budget Position for 2021/22 ref: 52076    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report which provided an update regarding the Council’s financial position in respect of 2020/21 and 2021/22, taking into consideration the current position regarding the financial impact upon the Authority arising from Coronavirus pandemic.


In introducing the report the Executive Member for Resources highlighted the scale of the budget shortfall which was currently forecast, with it being noted that the Council continued to be in dialogue with the Government on such matters, including the need for further support.


In considering the submitted report, the Board discussed a number of key issues, including:-

·  Whilst recognising the support which had been provided by the Government to date, emphasis was placed upon the unprecedented scale of the financial situation being faced by Local Authorities and the need for further support to be provided, with it being noted that a co-ordinated approach was being taken by Local Authorities and the Local Government Association in communicating such concerns to Government;

·  In acknowledging the possibility that a budgetary shortfall may still remain even with the provision of further support from Government, Members discussed the need for further discussion to take place with Government around the possibility of being able to address the Council’s financial position over a longer term and with greater flexibility;

·  Members discussed matters relating to the current level of reserves held by the Council when compared to other Local Authorities; the longstanding budgetary approach which has been taken in Leeds; the Council’s track record in consistently delivering balanced budgets; the nature and size of the economy in the city as a whole and the role which the Council continued to play within that;

·  The key role which has been played by Local Authorities throughout the pandemic was highlighted, and the need for that key role to continue and be appropriately supported by Government, with emphasis also being placed upon the importance of the Council being agile enough to adapt and respond to the evolving needs of local communities and the economy as we progressed through the different stages of the pandemic.



(a)  That the position, as outlined in the submitted report by the Chief Officer (Financial Services) concerning Leeds City Council’s financial position as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, be noted;


(b)  That it be noted that the Government has been written to asking for further financial assistance;


(c)  That it be noted that if further assistance from the Government is not forthcoming or is insufficient to address the scale of the financial overspend as detailed within the submitted report, then an Emergency Budget would be considered by Full Council in the Summer;


(d)  That if the actions that the Council can take on this issue are in the professional opinion of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) insufficient to reduce the Council’s cost base to enable there to be sufficient resources to fund services, then it be noted that a Section 114 report would be issued;


(e)  That the revised estimated budget gap for 2021/22 and the actions being taken to address this position, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(f)  That it be noted that an updated Medium Term Financial Strategy is to be bought to Executive Board in September 2020 which will provide an update on the Council’s financial position covering the period 2021/22 – 2025/26.


24/06/2020 - Treasury Management Outturn Report 2019/20 ref: 52074    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report providing the financial outturn position for the 2019/20 financial year in terms of the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy and operations.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with an update on the Council’s current approach towards borrowing, with it being noted that during this current financially uncertain period, the Council was monitoring the markets with the aim of ensuring that future borrowing achieved best value for the Council.


RESOLVED – That the Treasury Management outturn position for 2019/20, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted, with it also being noted that treasury activity has remained within the Treasury Management Strategy and policy framework.

24/06/2020 - Financial Performance - Outturn Financial Year Ended 31st March 2020 ref: 52073    Recommendations Approved

As part of the Council’s closure of its 2019/20 accounts consideration to be given to the earmarking of reserves for the purposes stated in the report to be received at Executive Board.

Decision Maker: Executive Board

Made at meeting: 24/06/2020 - Executive Board

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 04/07/2020


The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report presenting the financial outturn position for the 2019/20 financial year in terms of both revenue and capital elements, with it also including details regarding the Housing Revenue Account and expenditure on schools.  In addition, the report also highlighted the position in respect of other key financial health indicators including: Council Tax and Business Rates collection statistics; sundry income; reserves and the prompt payment of creditors.


The Executive Member for Resources extended his thanks to Council officers for the work undertaken to achieve the Council’s outturn position for 2019/20, as detailed within the report.



(a)  That the Council’s financial outturn position for 2019/20, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the creation of earmarked reserves, as detailed within paragraph 6.3 of the submitted report, be agreed, with agreement also being given to delegate the release of such reserves to the Chief Officer (Financial Services);


(c)  That it be noted that the Chief Officer (Financial Services) will be responsible for the implementation of these resolutions following the conclusion of the ‘Call In’ period.

Lead officer: Victoria Bradshaw

03/07/2020 - Approval to waive Contract Procedure Rules (CPR’s) 8.1 and 8.2 and award a new contract for Support & Maintenance of Asset Management eXpert ref: 52072    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from:


The Chief Officer Highways and Transportation approved a waiver of CPR’s 8.1 & 8.2 and award a contract to AMX Solutions Ltd for the Support & Maintenance of Asset Management eXpert for the period 1st August 2020 to 31st May 2021, with options to extend for further periods up to a maximum of 24 months.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mark Price

02/07/2020 - Covid-19 - Infection Prevention and Control LCH Service Variation Contract ref: 52071    Recommendations Approved

Due to the global Public Health emergency COVID-19 pandemic approval is sought to immediately implement a Co-Operation agreement variation to strengthen, enhance and increase capacity and capability of the existing Infection Prevention and Control Service under the Modification of Contracts during their term under Regulation 72 (1) (C) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This service is commissioned by Public Health to Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH) and is required to scale up in order to implement and deliver on outbreak management the new COVID-19 NHS Test and Trace programme announced by the Government on the 27th May 2020.


The Government has provided £300m to Local Authorities in England for the Test and Trace programme, Leeds has received a £4,141,249 non-recurrent ring-fenced grant. To increase the capacity of the existing Leeds Infection Control and Prevention service at a cost of approximately £529,200 annually for a period of 2 years with the option to extend by 12 months, the rationale for this time period is due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to have a robust contract with flexibility with the Provider. This will be achieved by formally entering into a co-operation agreement variation with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust to deliver this new vitally important service immediately as the start date announced by the Government was 28th May 2020. This will be reviewed annually.


The existing Infection Prevention and Control Service has the specialist skills, knowledge and expertise to deliver this programme.As requested, please see a case for resource to support local outbreak plans in Leeds.


Leeds has strong local health protection outbreak management arrangements in place which has ensured that we have been able to immediately scale up, on a temporary basis, to respond to COVID-19 in Leeds, working on the principle of building on existing arrangements. The LCH infection prevention service is an integral service in the provision of the local outbreak management response to community settings in Leeds. Whilst the service has responded effectively to this initial surge in demand through temporarily increasing capacity through mutual aid, this urgently needs reviewing to ensure we have a resilient, effective and responsive service that can manage the increased demands on a more sustainable footing. The next phase of responding to the pandemic will include implementing the Test and Trace programme and managing local COVID 19 outbreaks across the city. In order to do this we need to rapidly increase the existing capacity of the LCH infection control service, as directed by the national COVID -19 Test and Trace programme in Leeds.


Additional resource is required to:

  • Increase capacity and capability of existing LCH Infection Prevention Service to ensure there is sufficient capacity to implement the national Track and Trace programme and safely manage outbreaks in Leeds. Additional resource would enable the service to scale up to deliver the following areas as outlined in the ‘test, track and trace local delivery model’:

·  Local outbreak management in complex settings (care homes/ schools / hostels)

·  Direct infection prevention and wider support to complex groups and households

·  Proactive advice & guidance (e.g. schools/ workplaces)

·  Local engagement & intelligence gathering (e.g. VCS/ LA front-line)

·  Local communications

·  Care home testing/ support and contact tracing.


Specific activities required from LCH IPC service will include:


Increased provision of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) training (increased frequency and additional training requirements including PPE, COVID specific topics, new updated evidence) to care homes using innovative ways of ensuring delivery. Monitor and report monthly on numbers training and evaluations.


Increased provision of IPC training to homecare and other community settings such as luncheon clubs using innovative ways of ensuring delivery. Monitor and report monthly on numbers training and evaluations.


Develop and deliver an IPC package for schools and early year’s settings and engaging with existing work across the city. Monitor and report monthly on numbers training and evaluations.


Provide IPC expertise to the management of covid-19 outbreaks, incidents and cases of concern.


Monitor the number of outbreaks providing daily contact to schools, nurseries and care settings and a daily update across the system.


Manage and respond to IPC enquiries relating to Covid-19.


Promote best practice based on evidence across the Leeds Health and social care system.


Provide a 7 day service, Mon – Fri 8am-5pm, Sat, and Sun 9-5.


Ensure the ability to set up IPC services to manage a surge in Covid-19 cases

Retain the ability to test for Covid-19 should it be required.


This is the best value for money option as the skills and local knowledge already existing in this team.  The NHS test and trace programme is a local level programme which will support the residents of Leeds and provide an essential element against the fight against COVID-19 and saving lives.


This request to increase capacity has come as a recommendation from the National Test and Trace programme and from discussions at a Leeds Gold command level, supported by the Association of Directors of Public Health. It is working on the principle of enhancing and boosting existing outbreak management systems and services as agreed regionally. LCH Infection Prevention Service is the only Infection Prevention Service provider for the community in Leeds and has a strong and award winning track record of effective outbreak management in the community, there is no other service operating in Leeds that could provide this service. This service operates in a fragmented and complex health protection system with well-established systems, relationships, local networks and intelligence and is well placed to provide an enhanced service to implement Test and Trace and meet the future demands of responding to the management of COVID-19.


Extending or modifying a contract during its term

The modification of contracts is governed under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 at regulation 72 which permits certain types of modifications. It considers the extent to which a contract may be modified before it should be considered so substantially changed as to necessitate a new procurement. Permissible grounds for modification include a need for additional services due to unforeseen circumstances (subject to 50% maximum increase in initial contract value).  It also requires the consideration of the effect of cumulative variations. Therefore this needs to be considered in taking this decision.


The provisions of Regulation 72 (1) (C) provide an exception to a new procurement “where all of the following conditions are fulfilled:—

(i) the need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen;

(ii) the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract; and

(iii) any increase in price does not exceed 50% of the value of the original contract or framework agreement.”


In relying on this regulation to modify the contract, the Council will be required to send a modification notice to that effect for publication at EU level, in accordance with regulation 51.


Due to the council formally entering into a co-operation agreement with another Public Body namely LCH, the Infection Protection and Control service agreement will continue on a rolling basis with the option to end the agreement by ether party. Since the agreement is a partnership arrangement it is deemed extremely unlikely that the partners will invoke the option and the agreement will continue for countless years to come with the standard performance review procedures being applied by both parties. 






Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision published: 02/07/2020

Effective from: 02/07/2020


The Director of Public Health noted that the Government has provided £300m to Local Authorities in England for the Test and Trace programme, Leeds has received a £4,141,249 non-recurrent ring-fenced grant. To increase the capacity of the existing Leeds Infection Control and Prevention service at a cost of approximately £529,200 annually for a period of 2 years with the option to extend by 12 months, the rationale for this time period is due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to have a robust contract with flexibility with the Provider. This will be achieved by formally entering into a co-operation agreement variation with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust to deliver this new vitally important service immediately as the start date announced by the Government was 28th May 2020. This will be reviewed annually.


Lead officer: Dawn Bailey

01/07/2020 - Planned Maintenance Programme 2020/21 Tender Acceptance: Wetherby High School Capital Scheme Number: 33225/ELE/000 ref: 52070    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families

Decision published: 01/07/2020

Effective from:


The Head of Learning Systems accepted the tender supplied by Leeds LEP in the sum of £264,350.11 to carry out electrical works at Wetherby High School.

Wards affected: Wetherby;

Lead officer: Robert Thirtle

01/07/2020 - Coronavirus – Discount to Markets Traders ref: 52069    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 01/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director of City Development has agreed to implement a range of discounts for Market Traders as set out below with effect from 1st July 2020.
A) The current discount for open market traders be continued until the end of June 2020 only. (It is not expected that the open market will have any traders still unable to trade from 1st July).
B) That a discounted level of 25% be set for each individual trader’s fee or rent (open and indoor market) where they are not in receipt of a greater discount set out in c) and d) below. Full Service Charge will be applied to indoor market traders. This level of discount will apply until 30th September 2020, ie end of quarter 2.
C) That a discounted rent charge of 100% be applied to all personal services businesses ( including barbers, hairdressers, beauty treatments) that are unable to trade until such time as they are allowed to trade in accordance with the Government instructions. These traders will be subject to full service charge recovery. This discount will apply until Government restrictions on personal services including barbers, hairdressers, beauty treatments are relaxed with a long-stop date of 30th September 2020.
D) That a discounted rent charge of 50% be applied to all food to go traders wef 1st July 2020. These traders will be subject to full service charge recovery. This discount will apply until Government restrictions on take-away service only are relaxed with a long-stop date of 30th September 2020.
E) All indoor market arrears built up over the initial three month period remain payable and that traders be asked to clear the arrears. Where traders are unable to do so immediately to enter into payment plans whereby the outstanding debt is repaid with a long-stop position of 31st March 2022. If traders had an existing arrears amount that the payment plan for that be continued on its existing basis.
F) That the above arrangements, be kept under review and if any ‘local lockdown’, ‘2nd spike’ or a pro-longed period of reduced customer confidence occur, that further measures to support traders will be considered.
G) The Head of Markets and the Chief Officer Operations be authorised to discuss with individual traders on a case by case basis issues of hardship with individual traders and that waives of money due to LCC be considered within the scope of the existing arrangements and the scheme of delegation.
H) Where traders’ extenuating individual circumstances prohibit them from trading, even though Government restrictions would allow their tradeline to trade, point g) above will apply and individual discussions will be held.
I) That discounts be applied where traders have complied with reasonable requests to maintain safe social distancing measures in accordance with the Government instructions during the period of the discount being applied.

Wards affected: Hunslet and Riverside; Little London and Woodhouse; Otley and Yeadon; Pudsey;

Lead officer: Phil Evans

01/07/2020 - Sale of Council land at Red Hall ref: 52068    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 01/07/2020

Effective from:


The Director of City Development has approved;
1) the sale of the subject site to the selected Preferred Bidder, the details and terms of which are contained within the confidential appendix;
2) the selection of the Reserve Bidder detailed within the Confidential Appendix.

Wards affected: Cross Gates and Whinmoor;

Lead officer: Ben Smithson

01/07/2020 - Sacred Heart RC Primary School, Eden Way, Leeds, LS4 2TF ref: 52067    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of City Development

Decision published: 01/07/2020

Effective from:


The Chief Officer Asset Management and Regeneration has given approval to the freehold transfer of part of the site noted above to the Diocese of Leeds and to the leasehold transfer of playing field land at the site to the St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy Trust on the terms outlined in the report, together with adoption of a shared use agreement as noted in this report.

Wards affected: Kirkstall;

Lead officer: Darren Wilding

01/07/2020 - Renewing existing taxi and private hire licences – 29 June ref: 52065    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Housing & Environment

Decision published: 01/07/2020

Effective from:


To extend to Sunday 2 August 2020 the licences remaining to be renewed of:
1,950 licences temporarily extended by up to three months to 30 June (for licences expiring between 23 March and 12 June)
c.700 licences expriring ‘naturally’ in late June and early July.

As of Sunday 28 June 2,035 of the licences had been renewed and sent to the licence holders in the post.

However, around 866 licences remain to be renewed. The brief extension will permit the licence holders to work, and the taxi and private hire licensing service to assist the licence holders with renewing their licences.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew White

09/07/2020 - To enter into new contracts for the Supply of Telecare Equipment ref: 52066    

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are unable to undertake a procurement exercise for the Supply of Telecare Equipment commencing 1st September 2020. Since the current contract is a framework agreement we aim to identify the amount quantity and type of equipment purchased from our contracted providers over the last 12 months, so we can continue to purchase similar quantities for the next 12 months until 31st August 2021 under the existing terms and conditions.


The annual expenditure on Tele Care equipment for 2019/20 £850,000.00. 



Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health

Decision published: 01/07/2020

Effective from: 17/07/2020


The Director of Adults and Health :

a)  Approved the use of the current telecare services framework agreement (DN406243) to call-off and directly award new contracts with the contractors listed at Appendix 2, for a period of twelve months.


b)  Approved the proposed timescale for implementation from 1st September 2020. The total value of these contracts will be no greater than £879.6K.


Noted that the Service Delivery Manager - Assisted Living Leeds will be the officer responsible for the implementation.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Liz Ward

08/07/2020 - To procure a Re-roofing and Associated Works Framework to housing stock and associated buildings in place for April 2021 ref: 52029    

Authority is requested to undertake a procurement for a new Re-Roofing and Associated Works Framework to low rise housing stock to commence on 1st April 2021 for 4 years.  The estimated value of Re-roofing and Associated Works housing planned works is £3.5m per annum.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 24/06/2020

Effective from: 16/07/2020


  The Director of Resources and Housing approved the use of an OJEU restricted tender process to undertake a procurement process to establish a framework  of  four  contractors to deliver reroofing works from 1st  April 2021 to 31st March 2025.

  The Director of Resources and Housing noted that annual call-offs for each years work (1st April to 31st March) will be carried out to appoint 2 contractors from the framework each year to carry out the works.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jon Andrews

02/07/2020 - Authority to Procure Report to source a Contractor in connection with priority concrete repair works to various housing high rise blocks ref: 52027    

The Director of Resources and Housing is requested to approve a new procurement for priority concrete repairs to some housing high rise blocks.

6 high rise blocks have been identified for priority repair works to external facades.  A specialist contractor is needed to undertake these works. The contract will also make provision to add in up to 50% additional value of works, should other blocks also need priority action.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 24/06/2020

Effective from: 10/07/2020


The Director of Resources & Housing approved the use of a restricted tender process using Constructionline to undertake a procurement process leading to the appointment of a specialist contractor to carry out priority repair works to external facades of the high rise blocks

Wards affected: Burmantofts and Richmond Hill; (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jon Andrews

01/07/2020 - Seeking approval to procure up to 2 contractors to support LBS' delivery of planned roofing improvement scheme to Housing properties ref: 52025    For Determination

Seeking approval to procure up to 2 contractors to

support LBS with the delivery of planned roofing

improvement scheme to Housing properties in 2020/21.

The contract will be for an initial 12 month period with

the option to extend for a further 6 months. We will be

looking to award the contract to up to 2 contractors. The

total contract value is expected to be between £700k-


Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 23/06/2020

Effective from: 09/07/2020


a)  In accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules 3.1.6, the Director of Resources & Housing approved the use of the non-OJEU restricted procurement process as the procurement route to establish a contract with up to 2 contractors for the delivery of planned roofing improvement works to Housing properties.

b)  The Director of Resources and Housing noted that the tender will be evaluated by price only and the contract is proposed for a term of 6 months, (with an estimated total contract value of £600,000), with the option to extend for a further 6 months period.

Wards affected: Various;

Lead officer: Craig Simpson

01/07/2020 - Procurement for the BITMO Responsive and Planned Repairs, Minor Refurbishment Works and Adaptations Contract ref: 52024    

The Director of Resources and Housing to approve the proposal to undertake a formal procurement for Responsive Repairs, Voids, Minor Refurbishment Works and Adaptations to housing stock, land and buildings managed within the BITMO area. The contract will be for initial 5 year period with the option to extend by a further 5 years. We will be looking to award the contract to 1 contractor.

Decision Maker: Director of Resources

Decision published: 23/06/2020

Effective from: 09/07/2020


a)  The Director of Resources and Housing approved, in line with Contracts Procedure Rule 3.1.6, a competitive tender process to procure a contract for Responsive and Planned Repairs, Minor Refurbishment Works and Adaptations to housing stock, land and buildings managed within the Belle Isle Tenant Management area for the estimated sum of £1,800,000 per annum.

b)  The Director of Resources and Housing noted that it is proposed that the contract start date will be 1st October 2021 and is intended to run for five years until 30th September 2026, with an option to extend for a further 5 x 12 months, so the overall contract value of the procurement exercise will be up to £18m over a maximum of 10 years.

Wards affected: Middleton Park;

Lead officer: Emma Pickford